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Relics and Runes Anthology

Page 55

by Heather Marie Adkins

  “No, I will do it, thank you.”


  “For the pleasure of your company.”

  “Ah, then…you’re welcome! I must admit, however, that I have never had such a fine meal in the company of such a fine man.” I pulled my hand back to my lap and Rock released his touch.

  “Do you have somewhere to go, or do you need shelter?”

  “I have instructions, but I do need shelter. Is there an enclave or cluster of rocks, perhaps a cave, nearby?”

  “A cave? Why no and if there was, I wouldn’t dream of leaving you there! I have friends in the village that will provide for your needs. They are friends of the Crown and will protect you until you have reached your destiny.”

  “Met my destiny, is more the like…” I said under my breath.

  “A young, unescorted girl is an invitation to ravage, for some. I will not be complicit it that destiny. I will leave you safely in the hands of my friends where I know you will be safe.”

  “What gives you leave to assume that I cannot take care of myself? I have so far! Have I not?”

  “Yes, of course, you have. And you have done it so well. Let’s see…alone, naked, friendless, found sleeping on the beach and starving. Yes, I should say, you have done a mighty fine job.”

  “I would not think it healthy to challenge me, Rock, not after you have been so generous.”

  “Yes, right you are again, little Verité, right you are. It is disingenuous of me to revoke my hospitality in such a way. I wish to help you, not mock you. I am really amazed at your resilience, at least all that I have seen.”

  “Thank you, Rock. That’s much better. Believe me, I am quite capable.”

  “Here, please hold that while I mount. I take it you’ve ridden before, among all your many talents?”

  “Ah, no…but how hard can it be? Mere mortals can do it.” I took the pouch and held it for him as he got on the horse.

  The beast was eying me. The whites of his eyes were stark against the black pupils, keen on me. It made him appear wild and prepared to rear up at any time. I took my own eyes off him when he stomped his front hoof. My eyes flashed back when he snorted and shook his mane, rocking on his haunches in warning. I took one half step forward and shot my breath into his flared nostrils to silence him into submission. He dropped his eyes and head in acknowledgement of my superiority.

  “Because you are not properly attired, you will ride in front of me to the left side. I will pull you up. Hand me the pouch so I can secure it to my saddle. Thank you. You seem to have a way with the horses. He has quieted nicely in your presence. I’ll teach to ride someday soon, if you will allow me to.”

  “We’ll see what the coming days deliver and whether an opportunity presents itself.”

  “So curious are you. Have you always been so…so…”

  “Proud? Independent? Insolent?”

  “Yes, those will do quite nicely to describe you well, I suspect, since it is you who put them forth.”

  I laughed as he dropped an arm for me to grab in order to lift me atop the horse. His forearm was sinewy and rippled with lean muscle where a leather strip was tied keenly above his elbow. I slipped my hand into his palm while the grip of a vise closed around my delicate fingers. He swung me atop the horse’s forward flanks and plopped me into place comfortably nestled between his thighs.

  My immediate response was quite naturally to wiggle myself in deeper, warmer, safer.

  I could think of little else and my heart raced in cadence with the horse’s breath. Clearly, we were both excited, given the circumstances and company. Both my legs hung to the left of the horse’s long neck. I felt his heart connect with me through my bottom, where my thighs met and we touched. His massive strength was intoxicating and garnered my respect. He was a majestic chestnut thoroughbred. I felt regal atop him, the strong arms of a stranger on either side of my torso, shielding my body upright. The length of fabric at the hem flared back as we lurched forward into a gallop.

  It was almost as exhilarating as flying!


  In the Village

  We rode, slowing into a small enclave of homes, shops, service fronts, a park in the center anchored by a beautiful fountain that sprayed water into the air and carried the cooling mist to my blushing cheeks. We passed a huge old church with tall spires that reached the clouds beneath which were artful round windows of ornamental colors, jeweled by the sun and sparkling with cabochons that were ruby, emerald and sapphire. The heavily laden carved front doors were hung by wrought iron hinges that looked a little like spearheads announcing to the righteous their will was protected by rite of passage into the hallowed apostolic center. Before the arched doors were widespread steps that arched so that they could be mounted from all directions yet lead into only one entrance. There were rails of ornate wrought iron placed sparingly up the steps to the door to assist the sick or feeble with entrance into the sacred shelter.

  The majesty was imposing. I was tempted to beg stopping, that I might wander at will through the church, but I was neither dressed nor in possession of my own time to do so.

  Everyone that saw us, smiled and bowed their heads, I suppose in deference to Rock who was certainly of royal lineage. He tipped his feathered cap in response to their acknowledgement.

  “So, it would seem you are a highly-respected person of some repute in this village, Rock.”

  “Yes, it does appear that way. I was born and raised nearby and have found many a friendly comrade in the village. Many of the people that live here have provided some sort of service to our family, and the children, over the decades. You will discover them to be fine, honest, forthright people, proud in their lineage, kind in their treatment of others and loyal to a near fault.”

  “You make that sound like a bad thing to be and I would argue it is not.”

  “I am beginning to think you would argue at the drop of my hat, Verité.” I felt the heat of his breath on my neck as he laughed. He seemed to find that keenly amusing and I was glad he could not witness the involuntary curls at the corners of my mouth.

  To my delight, we circled the massive church only to stop at the rear by the storm shelter doors.

  “Stay there and I will help you down when I am off.”

  Already halfway to the ground and in motion, I landed barefooted with a slight thump, my palms stopping on my knees. I turned to look up at Rock and smiled.

  “You mean like this?” And I laughed.

  “Yes, just like that!” And he laughed too. But then added, “What are these welt-like lumps or bumps on your back? Are you injured? Pardon me, I do not mean to pry.”

  “But pry you did anyway. And yet you censure my impudence.”

  “I am truly sorry, Verité. It is none of my business. I only thought if you were injured…”

  “Thank you, Rock. Perhaps that was a measure too harsh. They are not injuries. Let’s just say they are a mark of my birth and leave it at that, shall we?”

  “Yes…yes, of course, Verité. As long as you aren’t hurt.”

  “Thank you. I am not. Why are we here, Rock?”

  “It is a long story, and one you will have to come to trust me with, but I have many friends here that support the true throne. They will provide you with shelter, food, and garments for as long as you need. In the meantime, I will try to find a more comfortable place for you to take up residence that suits your needs more keenly.”

  “And why would you do that, Rock? I am capable of caring for my own needs. Besides, you know nothing about me, why I am here, what I need or what I will be doing if I stay.”

  “Yes, Verité. All that is true, but I trust that you will tell me in due time as you see fit and as your confidence in my sponsorship improves. Believe me, I seek only your comfort, nothing more in your friendship.”

  “Am I not attractive enough, Rock, to suit your pleasures?”

  “Verité! How you confound me! You are beautiful, so very pleasing to the eye. You
r…attributes are enchanting. I am trying to maintain decorum here, to honor your presence. What would you have me say, girl?”

  At that, I rose to my tippy-toes and gave my new friend Rock a quick kiss. I laughed when his eyes near popped out of his head.

  “Verité! What was that for?”

  “Thank you, Rock. I appreciate all that you are doing for me, I really do. I don’t mean to be difficult. You make me feel safe in your presence and well, in a way…sort of…cherished. My dispatch would have been much more difficult for me had I not met you on the beach.”

  “I do not believe I will ever understand women…” And he touched my elbow to guide me into the rear entrance of the church rectory.

  The moment we entered the hall, the blast of cool, ancient air struck my face and woke my bones. A shiver scurried down my spine and stopped at my core, causing me to tremble. I stopped abruptly. I know these odors. Centuries of history are hidden in the layers of cool drafts that hit me one after the other. They all carried a story uniquely their own.

  I was overcome by emotion and began to tear up.

  “Verité, what is it? Are you fearful? Don’t be, please, you are safe here.”

  “Yes, yes, I know. I am overawed by the history, majesty, and the ancient struggles these walls represent. Many a refugee has taken shelter here and I know their story. So many an expatriate has sought safe-harbor and shelter here under the same stained-glass windows filtering the light that falls now upon my face. It is a monumental responsibility of magnificent proportion. Forgive me.”

  “No, there is nothing to forgive. You are right. This majesty was built on dreams and blood and treasure. These walls support and represent the will of the people and the dreams, the struggles, the sacrifices of thousands. It is right and proper that you honor the dignity sought and spent here.”

  An Older rounded the corner clad in long robes and satin ribbons. He wore beads around his neck to which a cross was tethered and upon which a man hung, knees bent and head fallen to the side. The very moment I saw him, I collapsed to my knees and lowered my head to the floor, murmuring a sonnet in prayer.

  “Oh, my child, please rise. You needn’t kneel in my presence. I am but an old priest in service to my flock. Rise and let me look upon you. Welcome to Dagmarmuth Chantry.”

  I dared not look up at the Older but felt his spindly, knotted fingers slide under my arms to help me back up to my feet.

  “I am not worthy, padre. I am not worthy to share the same air as thee.”

  “Daughter, it is I that am not worthy. I live my life in service to you. Now, come…sit. Are you chilled, little one? Do you need a robe or blanket?”

  “Please, Your Kindness.”

  “I will return shortly. Majesty, please sit with her and calm her. She must believe she is in a safe haven.”

  “Yes, Pere Father.”

  I peeked under my brow at the departing robed Older and turned to Rock.

  “Rock, I don’t belong here. It is heresy! This is sacred ground. I shouldn’t be here among the Hallowed.”

  “All God’s children belong here, whenever they need or want to be here. The parish doors are always open to those in need of asylum. Surely, you can see that you are among those He seeks to help?”

  “That’s just it, I am not one of God’s children…I am not worthy.”

  “Don’t be silly, Verité. All God’s creatures are welcome in His house of worship. And you don’t even have to be religious or of one religious conviction over another. That is what a church is—a sanctuary for all. You are part of the ‘all’, aren’t you?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, I…”

  The Older came back and wrapped the blanket over my shoulders and I shivered at the nearness of him.

  “Yes, I am part of all creatures, for sure. Rock, you’re not going to leave me here, are you?”

  “Well, I am going to leave you with Pere Father and he is going to get you situated. I must leave. You remember my father is waiting for me to return. I will come back as soon as I can. Pere Father will tell me where he has placed you to be safe.”

  “Why can’t I just come with you. I promise I’ll be no trouble, I wouldn’t eat much, and I will be as quiet as a newly hatched dragonette. Not a peep, I swear!”

  “Please, shhh…Verité, don’t swear here. And, that just struck me…what a curious thing to say.”

  “Oh, I do beg the Olders pardon. It wasn’t actually a swear.” I tripped myself up and I was quick to want a diversion.

  “Are dragons particularly quiet when they hatch?” He laughed heartily and threw his head back. His neck was thick with muscles that slid into his strong shoulders.

  “It has been a family phrase favored by my grandmother for as long as I can remember. Who knows how she came by it!”

  “Ah, family traditions… I know too well.”

  “Sire, how is your great father these days?” Asked the gentle Older in the long heavy robe.

  “Pere Father, he is still failing. But he is strong and holds on from day to day, I think sometimes by sheer will. It is his wish to see out the year so that he can step down and crown my twin brother as Sovereign Monarch. I dread he will not see that wish come true if Carmontoff has his way. Carmontoff has all the palace sentinels in his favor, I fear. He has them believing that my father is not of sound mind and that my older brother is not much better. He is drafting a proposal to the Ministry Elders that rule be transferred to himself since father is on his apparent deathbed and my brother is not yet of age.”

  “How do you come by this information, young sire?”

  “I cannot divulge my sources, Pere Father, but believe me when I say, I have sources that are still loyal to the Crown and my father.”

  “If you are sure and constant in the divulgences, then I am as well. What are your plans now, sire?”

  “I know not just yet, Grand Pere. But I cannot delay much longer. My father is deteriorating quickly and I fear he may die before our plans are laid and set. And because my brother and I are under twenty-five years of age, Carmontoff will become the All Guardian. If that happens, my brother and I, no doubt, will never be seen or heard from again. Our own deaths will be most imminent, leaving Carmontoff Guardian Sovereign defacto. Everything will be lost then and irreversible. Have you spoken with the Lords of the Dark? Are they still willing and of heart to fight against a Carmontoff coup?”

  “They will fight to the death for the life of your father. Perhaps you should consider a taster for your honored father’s meals, if he is taking any food. Is he eating?”

  “He is taking some nourishment, Pere Father, but little that is put before him by any but myself or his man. That is why I fish for him daily and bring cheese and breads from the village. I know then that he is receiving the pure nourishment from the ocean he has loved and the parish subjects he has protected all his reign.”

  “This is good news you bring, my son. We will be at the ready to defend your royal house and your father’s legacy at your word. And your brother? Is he in step?”

  “My brother seems to believe Carmontoff. He is drinking from the pool of lies of Carmontoff. But then, he is a very persuasive man. He did not become first at court because he followed other’s leads. He creates and then fills a vacuum. I fear he is creating a vacuum with my father’s demise and our disappearance. We may have to surprise my brother to insure his succession, in the event my father fails and expires before all is ready.”

  “Perhaps, you, my son, should consider taking the throne yourself.”

  “Impossible, Pere Father. Bruwyn may be my twin brother, but he is the elder even though only by ten minutes and next in line for the throne. It is his birthright and mine to see that he assumes his rightful due. To do otherwise is treason and will set the Gods against my favor. You of all people know how perilous a notion that is to even consider.”

  “Yes, I do. Your will is our bidding. We will be with you at a moment’s notice, sire.”

  I am
sure the lips that earlier kissed this man weighted my jaw as my mouth hung in disbelief as I listened to these two men discuss treason. I had no idea with whom I had been flirting and sparring. This man was of royal blood and in a dire set of circumstances. The future of their lineage hung in the balance of these black secret negotiations amongst traitors.

  My trepidation eased as I realized that my intention was unfolding before me.

  A strength of purpose filled my heart.

  It was here that I was sent. It is here that I will claim my destiny.

  The words of my father echoed throughout my mind and body as he cast me from the pod.

  “I am an Older now, my dear. You are my son, my daughter and our future. Go, my daughter. Claim your Rock and return to your home victorious with the spoils of your conquest.”

  Nothing could be more clear to me now.

  Rock was my destiny.

  I would die helping him, if I had to, or live in his embrace forever in victory.

  It was written.


  Black Heart Shadows

  I considered Rock’s eyes, and the serious nature of the conversation shaded my brow. I was fearful for his safety. I did not want to let him leave without me. How could I help if I wasn’t by his side? How could I protect him if he was elsewhere? It seemed imperative that I convince him to take me along.

  “I’ll come with you, Rock. I cannot stay here, in safety, while you face a battle alone.”

  “That is not necessary, not yet, Verité. I need you to stay here, with Pere Father. You must rest and regain your strength. In the event there is a battle, I need to know that you are safe. I cannot be worried about you and fight fearlessly at the same time.”

  “You would worry about me? We’ve only just met, shared some cheese and wine. Why would you do that?”

  “For the same reason you would stand by my side to fight my battles. I can’t explain it and I doubt you could either. What I do know is that I need to know you are in a safe haven, one that will defend your life, while I try to save my father and brother from certain death.”


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