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Relics and Runes Anthology

Page 91

by Heather Marie Adkins

  “They were inside this forest. Wesley has looked for them. Where else would they be? It’s been a week now.”

  “I will do my best to help but I am not a police officer.”

  “Then find one,” Arianna says.

  Abigal slams the front door. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “The husbands are missing. Those new people. Where are the six people that went missing during the full moon? Why did Jacob only come back?” She lingers on that. “Jacob.”

  “I don’t like these changes in you.”

  “Continue reading your newspaper while I hold the community together. Can’t even lift a finger to help me with our daughter.”

  She leaves the house.

  Abigal knocks on the Dogton’s front door. Darma answers. “Abigal.”

  “Is Jacob here?”

  She calls for her son. He pops up instantly. “Abigal wants to talk to you.”


  “Sure.” Abigal walks into the dining room.

  “Jacob, you are the only one to come back out of the seven people who went missing during the full moon. Where did you go?”

  “I can’t remember.”

  “What happened?”

  “I can’t remember.”

  “What were you doing before you went missing?” He is about to answer. “If you say that you can’t remember, I am going to slap you.”

  “I was heading towards the bridge.”

  “Why were you out? You should have been inside the cave with the other underage children.”

  “I snuck away before they put us in there. We were in a group.”

  “You defied the cycle?”

  “I was curious if I could.”

  The new moon comes and goes.

  Wesley had watched all night for seven days. No one left their home. He walks to the bridge with the grey notebook in his hand. He sees Abbey leaning against the railing. “Hey, Abbey. What do you remember about the cave when you were in there?”

  “Who are you?”

  “Wesley. We met already. We’ve talked a few times.”

  “Sorry, but I never met you. I know everyone here, but I do not know you.”

  Abbey passes Jacob as she leaves the bridge. Wesley stares over the railing.

  “Hey, kid, how was the cave?”

  “Do you know who I am?”

  Jacob dips into his pants pocket, brings out sunflower seeds. Offers some to Wesley. When Wesley declines, he eats them all. “How I see it is, you shouldn’t be treading on my territory, Wesley.”

  Wesley steps away. “I knew it. I knew that you were familiar to me.”

  “Shh… it’ll be our secret.”

  “But how did you come here?”

  “Did you enjoy my cave?”

  “Please don’t hurt Andrea.”

  “Hurt her? Why would I?”

  Wesley backs away. Jacob is on him. Scratches at his back. Wesley cringes and falls to his knees. Jacob eases off him. His eyes are black. A shadow looms over him. The shadow takes over scratching Wesley.

  Trumpets in the distance.

  Jacob sighs and leaps away into the forest.

  Wesley gets to his feet. He feels around to his back. Blood is on his hand.

  Wesley returns to the bridge later and takes Andrea down to the river. Andrea is captivated by hummingbirds flitting across the water. She jumps to reach one. Falls instantly into the water.

  “Andrea!” He jumps in. Swims madly to reach her. She has gone under. He dives under. He may be a kid but he’s got some strength. He finds Andrea and grabs her by her shirt. To the surface they go. He pulls her onto the grass. Both cough up water.

  She lays her face down onto the grass. “Pretty.”

  “You nearly drowned. I shouldn’t have brought you here. I was trying to prove that I was going insane. He can’t be here.”

  She cries. He ignores her blubbering as he tries to carry her out of the forest. As he emerges with her, they are greeted by Abigal.

  “Did you two have an accident?”

  “You could say that.”

  “Is the little girl okay?”

  “You don’t recognize us?”

  Abigal inspects them. “You’re the new people. I’m Abigal Martin.”

  “I need to get her home.”


  Abigal walks up and down the road to the gates. She looks at Gordon’s house. Faint memories come back.


  “What happened to Gordon?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe he is out.”

  “He’s been gone for weeks. Why am I the one that has to greet everyone each morning and ask about their day?”

  “I don’t know. Mom, we need to get back home. The next cycle begins tonight.”


  Wesley is in a heated argument with his parents. “I am telling you they can’t remember a damn thing.”

  “Don’t swear,” Arianna says.

  “Maybe you misheard her,” Thomas says.

  “What have you two done?”

  “Nothing,” Arianna says.

  “Right. I guess I have to take care of everything, as always. Some leaders you are.”

  Wesley is out of the house before either one of them can say another thing.

  Wesley sees Mark heading for the beach. “Mark.”

  Mark turns around, comes down the dune. “Hey.”

  “Do you remember me?”

  “You’re the new kid. Don’t know your name. I’m Mark. But I guess you know that already.”

  “Wesley. I’m Wesley.”

  “Hey, Wesley.”

  “Are you and Abbey dating now?”

  “What?” He blushes. Runs his hand through his hair. “No.”

  “But you’ve been intimate.”

  “I wish. I like Abbey.”

  Wesley can’t believe it. No one remembers him. “Have you seen Jacob?”

  “Yeah. He’s waiting for me over the dune.”

  “Can I come with you?”

  “I guess. Yeah, come on. But you better be quick. You kids have to get inside that cave before the moon comes out.”

  A few people are gathered by the shore.

  “About time,” Jacob says. Then he sees Wesley. “Well, hello there.” His sly smile goes unnoticed by the others.

  “I thought I’d see what is happening over here. You are close to my house.”

  “You don’t own the beach. I’m glad that you are here.” Jacob arranges everyone into a circle. “I’m afraid you can’t be part of the circle, Wesley. But you can watch. I want you to watch.”

  Wesley stands next to Jacob. “I want to keep my eyes on you.”

  Jacob laughs. “Indeed.” He joins the circle but is clearly the leader. “Okay. Now, who wants to be the sacrifice this time?” Hands shoot up. “Eagerness is always appreciated. Mark.”


  Jacob looks over his shoulder. “Be quiet, Wesley.” He looks at Mark. “Come to me, Mark.”

  Mark breaks from the circle and stands in the middle of everyone.

  “Your sacrifice is brave. You understand why your sacrifice is necessary?”

  “Yes. Someone broke the rules. Someone has to pay the price.”

  “Yes. Someone did break the rules.” Jacob looks over at Wesley. “We are lucky, my friends. We have the reason for this sacrifice right here with us. Sadly we cannot punish or kill him. But he will have to watch his new friend die.”

  Wesley steps into the middle of the circle. “Maybe I will reveal your true identity to these people. Let them know that you are the reason for the cycles affecting people.”

  “Go ahead. None of them are going to believe you. Really, Wesley, from our last encounter, I would have thought you’d learn by now that I cannot be stopped.”

  “Why don’t you take off that child’s skin and show them and me your true face?”

  Jacob steps out of the circle but fills his space with Mark. “What will you give me
if I spare him?”

  “Are you seriously making a deal with me?”


  Wesley backs up until the ocean touches his feet.

  “Don’t be afraid. Now, you offer me something and I will let Mark live.”

  “I don’t have anything.”

  “Oh, you have something that I want very much.”

  Wesley shoves him. “She’s just a little girl.”

  “She won’t be little forever. Promise me Andrea when she is eighteen. That’s a ripe age for humans.”

  A wave crashes and forces Wesley into the grasp of Jacob. “I will not give Andrea to you.”

  “That’s my deal. Give me Andrea and this boy will live.”

  “Will you stop this curse? Will you set these people free?”

  “I can’t. Before you say more, let me explain. I can’t stop the cycle where it is. It must go through an entire month. Right now it’s the first quarter phase. The right side of the road must go through their cycle. And then the full moon will come. And it ends with the last quarter. If you promise me Andrea, I will end the cycle curse on that last moon. As you have discovered, the new moon resets everything. Their memories are wiped.”

  Why did he have to say that? Wesley can’t do it. He can’t condemn his best friend to slavery. It turns his stomach to even consider it. “What will you do to her?”

  “Why, I am going to take her home. Do we have a deal?”

  The shadow that Wesley saw before, looms over Jacob again.

  “You have a deal.” He extends his hand. He and Jacob shake on it.

  “That gives you fourteen wonderful years with Andrea before she is mine forever. I wish your parents were as accommodating as you are.”

  Jacob whistles. It’s unlike any human whistle. It has an ethereal quality to it. Mark and the others break the circle and stand around looking at each other confused. Jacob and the shadow walk down the beach.

  “Jacob?” Mark says. Then Mark sees Wesley. “Wesley. What you doing here?”

  Wesley is on the verge of tears. He just condemned his best friend to a life that she knows nothing of right now. Fourteen years will go by and he will carry this secret agreement around his neck. How will he ever tell her? Can he ever tell her? “I have to find a way to break this agreement before her eighteenth birthday?”

  “Whose eighteenth birthday?” Mark asks.

  “I have broken the curse for you. But you will have to continue until the last phase. After that you are free.”

  Wesley watches from his bedroom window. Mark has spread the good news. Everyone is outside cheering and running in circles. His one good deed does not outweigh the bad one though.

  As night comes and the first quarter moon rises, Wesley notices people emerge from the homes on the right side and start trimming their bushes into unique shapes. Someone sets up a canvas and easel and starts painting on their front yard.

  A yellow light shines inside the forest. “What have I done?”

  He just hopes the weeks go by fast. He may not be able to save Andrea in the long run but right now he can try to save as many people of Coral Gardens as possible.


  Full moon.

  Wesley ventures out of his house. He walks down to the end of the road and checks the gates.

  “Hey,” Abigal says. She stops to stretch. “How are you?”

  Where he is happy that she remembers him, he wonders what will happen when the curse is finally over. He can’t reveal Jacob’s true identity. They’d never believe him. “I am fine.”

  “It’s going to be a rough last week of the full moon. I mean the full moon will still be around but the curse that has been attached to these cycles will be over. We never know who is going to hurt or kill someone. It just comes over us—this desire to hurt. Don’t trust any of us come tonight.” She runs off.

  Wesley walks into Gordon’s house. There is interest to be had. Gordon’s collection of things has their own stories to tell. He runs his hand over the dining table. Voices come. Gordon and Elaine talking about happier times. He runs his hand along the coffee table in the living room. Gordon and Elaine’s voices come again. Talking about wanting to have children. He runs his hand over the couch. Gordon and Elaine’s voices of passion. He quickly takes his hand off the couch. He walks upstairs. Checks out the three bedrooms. He runs his hand over Gordon’s clothes. Gordon’s voice comes through with pain and suffering. He runs his hand over Elaine’s clothes. Her voice comes through with relief. He leaves the room. Walks downstairs. Sits down on a chair in the living room.

  “I wish you were here to see the end of it.”

  Gordon’s voice comes through clearly and intensely. “I knew you’d break us free.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t do it before you died.”

  “You had to pay a hefty price for this, didn’t you?”

  “How do you know?”

  “I know that look. Also, I am dead. We dead see and hear things we don’t want to.”

  Wesley runs his hand over the chair. “All I did was give up the one person that means the most to me.”

  “Any way of keeping her and still breaking the curse?”

  “I’m afraid that the person responsible for this curse is not the type that makes deals to benefit you.”

  “The Devil.”

  Wesley gets up. Runs his hand over the chair. “No. This man is much worse. Goodbye, Gordon.”

  “Goodbye, Wesley.”

  Wesley walks out of the house. As he is walking away, he hears crashing and crunching. The house is falling apart. The roof caves in, crushing the entire house.

  “Goodbye, Gordon.

  Abbey lays down on Mark’s bed. He lays down next to her. “He really said that we were intimate?”

  “You don’t remember?”

  “I do. Sort of.”

  “Want me to remind you?” She giggles as he kisses her neck.

  His bedroom door opens and his mother is standing there.


  “Not in this house. At least not until next week.” She closes the door.

  “I don’t know how he brought back our memories. We never remember anything after the last quarter cycle.”

  “The new moon comes after that. It must refresh our memories. Like a complete mind sweep.”

  “But Wesley brought them back.”

  Mark runs his finger up and down her arm. “Jacob is different. Since he went missing and then came back. I say we kill him tonight.”

  “Mark, we don’t have to abide by the cycle’s rules anymore.”

  “We have to until the last cycle.”

  “Ugh, okay. Let’s kill Jacob.”

  A devilish smile comes across Mark’s face. “And I have the perfect way to kill him.”

  She is suddenly really into the idea. She paws at his face and then kisses him hard.

  Thomas smacks Wesley across the face. Arianna goes to her son’s side. “You gave her to him? What is going through your brain?”

  “It will end this curse. And where have you been?”

  “I’ve been making sure that we still have a home to go home to. We made a promise to our friends that their daughter would be protected.”

  “Where have you been, Father?”

  “You have too much passion for freeing these people who don’t matter. They have nothing to do with our lives.”

  “That’s not true and you know it. I did what you couldn’t do.”

  “You just made it easier for him to open the damn doorway.”

  Wesley wipes down his face where he was struck, as if wiping away the red mark and the pain. “If you had succeeded in killing him, we’d not be having this conversation now.”

  Thomas makes like he is about to strike him again. “If you had kept your nose clean and just accepted our agreement with Michael and Melanie, we never would have had to leave home.”

  “This is my fault?”

  “No, your father is just being nonsensical

  Wesley shoves his mother away. “You can’t keep playing with our lives like they don’t matter. We are not toys.”

  “Start acting your age. Don’t try and play in the adult league.”

  “I hate you.”

  “Thomas, that’s enough. Arguing is getting us nowhere.”

  “He’s acting just like he did before. I am done with this disappointment.”

  Wesley doesn’t know how to react. He can’t remember what he did exactly that his father would say these things. But he knows what he must do now.

  Wesley sits outside Andrea’s house. He can’t face her.

  Melanie sits down next to him. “He will forgive you.”

  “I’ve done it again. Messed up everything.”

  “You can’t help it. You don’t like seeing people suffer.”

  He lays his head down on her lap. She strokes his hair.

  As the full moon comes out, Wesley walks outside his house. He wants to witness it. Two figures run down the right side of the road, chasing a third figure.


  He looks up. Andrea is hanging half out of her window. “Get down and close the window.”

  Andrea comes out of her house.

  “Go back inside.”


  A dark figure is running towards them. Wesley gets in front of Andrea.

  “Help me!” Jacob is all bloody.

  Andrea screams.

  “Help me. If you don’t, the boy will die. I am merely borrowing Jacob’s body.”

  “You are sick.”

  “That is true. Would you expect anything else from me?”

  Abbey and Mark run up. “Wesley, go inside,” Abbey says.

  “Wesley, you better help me.”

  Abbey and Mark lick their lips in suspense. They raise their knives.

  Jacob sucks in a deep breath.

  Mark plunges his knife into Jacob’s stomach. Abbey plunges her knife into Jacob’s throat. Jacob falls backwards. Abbey and Mark jump up and down. A shadow leaves Jacob’s body. Only Wesley can see it.


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