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Cosmic Girl: Looking For Trouble: superhero series for young adults - Book Two

Page 12

by R S J Gregory

  “What the hell?” Mitchell says and turns to me in disgust.

  “I assume this is Miguel Garcia?” Paul says and points to the slumped body on the couch.

  “So, this is the map?” Stuart says and steps carefully over the pools of blood and twists the map so he can read it.

  I rise up off the tiled floor and hover over and look at the map as well. New York, Chicago and the Mid-West are definitely circled in red marker.

  Wait no, not the Mid-West.


  What the hell is in Kentucky?

  Then I see two red lines linking New York and Kentucky.

  Where the lines converge, one word is written.

  “Gold?” I say as I read it.

  “Ambitious, isn’t he?” Stuart says.

  “I don’t think he’s coming back here, guys.” Mitchell says from the doorway.

  Beth and Paul step carefully over the pools of blood and check the map with us.

  “Why is Chicago circled? We don’t have any gold, do we?” Beth asks.

  Stuart shrugs as he checks the map again. I hover over to the discarded books lying on the floor near the bookcase. I kneel down and check the spines.

  They’re all in Spanish, but one that lies open shows some photos of gold being melted down, then some more photos of the gold as coins. I pick up another book, but then a new sound reaches my ears. A whirling sound, followed by another.


  “Guys?” Ryan shouts from outside.

  I fly to the door and look over Ryan’s shoulder. Three helicopters, armed to the teeth, are approaching fast.

  “Time to go!” I shout. “Hustle?” I say and wave Pamela over. She thinks for a minute, shrugs and walks over. “Take Georgia, Beth and Stuart. Go.” I say.

  Pamela nods and grabs hold of Georgia and Stuart by the arm. Beth jumps on to Pamela’s back.

  “Ouch.” Pamela says and frowns. “Hold on, and don’t let go.” She calls out, then vanishes in a burst of dark light. I hear the roar of machine gun fire, and my head explodes in pain and I hear the ringing in my ears.

  “GET OUT!” I scream.

  I quickly grab Ryan and fly to the side as bullets start tearing into the masonry, sending chunks of concrete and tiles flying like shrapnel. Paul races out of the hacienda with his hands raised in front of him, then Mitchell races out and stops near me. There’s a burst of dark light and Pamela reappears. She shakes her head and looks around.

  “You two, come on.” Pamela says to Ryan and Paul.

  As soon as they are in arms reach, Pamela grabs them and vanishes in a burst of dark light. More gunfire heads our way as the gunships drift to the right and train their weapons at us. Mitchell steps in front of me and shields me with his body. I can hear the metallic clangs as bullets slam into his back. He grunts and closes his eyes. I wrap my arms around his waist.

  “Hold on.” I tell him and launch us into the air.

  As I fly us both upwards, I look down past our feet. Two rockets strike the roof where we had just stood. They explode with a thunderous boom, and chunks of masonry fly up along with a huge ball of flame. I accelerate upwards until we’re several thousand feet up, then look for the sun. The now orange globe is setting behind some grassy hills to our left, so I bank left and fly north.

  “Where do you think he’ll strike next?” Mitchell asks warily as I rocket through the sky, still climbing.

  I remember Georgia’s vision. Devlin was pointing at New York.

  “I think he’s going to New York next.” I say into his left ear as I hold on to him.

  “We’d better tell the Feds.” Mitchell says and then groans and rubs his back with his right hand, while he clings to me with his left hand. “Damn, that hurt.”

  “Welcome to the club.” I say, and kiss his cheek.

  “Umm, what’s that?” Mitchell says and points over my shoulder.

  I spin in the air and catch the glint of something metallic in the air a few miles behind us. Then a second, then a third.

  Oh, crap. I turn around and take off like a bullet.

  “Count to three, then hold your breath.” I shout out over the roar of the wind in our ears.

  I pick up speed and hear the first sonic boom, then I get the advanced warning in my head. I instinctively swerve to the left and push myself to go faster. I hear the second sonic boom, then the third, then finally a fourth. My eyes are watering, but the tears freeze instantly.

  There’s no sound. No wind, no warning, and no sound of my breathing anymore, just the sound of my heartbeat racing in my temples and the power coursing through me. I feel tingly all over, and euphoric as the adrenaline kicks into high gear.

  I feel a rush, and want to laugh my head off, but I can’t breathe at this speed. I just have to hold my breath and wait until it’s safe again. I’m so lost in the moment that I lose track of time. I blink and slow down.

  I eventually stop after a few more seconds and shake my head. My head is spinning, and I take some deep breaths.

  “Oh my god.” Mitchell mumbles as he rests his head on my shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  He pulls away and his face looks pale. There’s a thin layer of ice covering his skin, which cracks when he eventually smiles.

  “That was intense.” He says, breathless, and rubs some of the ice from my eyes.

  “Where are we?” I ask and look down, but all I see are green fields and some wide rivers running through the land like great branches from a watery tree.

  “Let’s take a look.” Mitchell says, and so I pitch forward and aim for the green stuff. I feel Mitchell’s grip on me tighten as we plummet towards the ground. I see his eyes are shut tight too, and I can’t help but let a chuckle out. I level off at a few hundred feet and then fly over a river and scan the ground for anywhere that’s not too swampy.

  I see a park with some benches and picnic area, so I swoop down and land on the soft grass. I shake off the rest of the ice that’s coated me and remove my Chinese lucky cat backpack. I fish out my cell phone and check our location. It takes at least five minutes for the GPS to find us.

  “We’re not far from Nashville.” I tell Mitchell as he shrugs out of his brown leather jacket.

  “You hungry?” He asks as he raises his jacket up. It’s riddled with large holes and is scorched in places.

  “I don’t think we should go anywhere with you looking like the Terminator.” I chuckle. “Let’s go back to my place. Dad’s probably freaking out.” I suggest and do a few simple stretches.

  It’s almost nine O’clock when I close the front door behind me. I hear some footsteps, then Dad comes into the hall.

  “There you are. Thank god.” He says and gives me a hug. He steps back and notices Mitchell’s bullet riddled clothing.

  “What the hell happened? Are you okay?” Dad says and puts his hand on Mitchell’s shoulder.

  “I’m okay, Richard. A bit battered and bruised, but I’ll live.” Mitchell replies with a shrug.

  “We could do with something to eat.” I say and drop my dirty backpack by the stairs.

  “And something to drink.” Mitchell adds, and rubs his back as he heads towards the kitchen.

  “Sure. I’ll make you guys a sandwich.” Dad says and follows us into the kitchen.

  I grab a couple of Cherry Cokes from the refrigerator and sit down at the table and hand one to Mitchell.

  “So, where did you go?” Dad asks as he begins getting things from the refrigerator.

  “Guatemala.” Mitchell says before I can stop him.

  “What the hell were you doing there?” Dad says as he spins around, spraying me with mustard.

  “We traced Devlin there.” I say and give Mitchell a disapproving look.

  “And?” Dad says and continues making our sandwiches.

  “He was gone. But we have a pretty good idea where he’s going.” I say and take another grateful sip of my Cherry Coke. “That reminds me.” I say and then
go into the hallway to get my backpack. I bring it into the kitchen and grab my cell phone. I dial Agent Forest’s number. After several rings her voice mail picks up.

  “Hi, it’s you-know-who. Can you call me when you get this?” I say and then hang up.

  Dad places a plate of sandwiches on the table in front of us, and we both dive in. Pastrami, pickle and mustard. Yum. We both eat three and I leave the last one for Mitchell. I finish the last of my Cherry Coke and yawn.

  “I better get going, Britney.” Mitchell says and gets up.

  “You can’t go home looking like that. You’ll give your parents a fright.” Dad says. “I’m sure I’ve got some old clothes you can have. Come on, son.” Dad says and leads Mitchell upstairs. I stay seated at the table for a few minutes before my cell phone starts ringing.

  “Hello?” I say while yawning.

  “I said subtle, Cosmic Girl.” Agent Forest greets me.

  “Not my fault if they’re trigger happy morons.” I say and rub my eyes.

  “Devlin?” She asks.

  “Gone. He killed that Miguel dude as well. It was a mess.” I say.

  “Damn it.” Agent Forest mutters.

  “His next targets are New York, Chicago and some place in Kentucky. Seems he’s taken an interest in gold, now.” I say.

  “I’ll spread the word. Thank you, Cosmic Girl.”

  “How are you gonna stop him? This guy is nuts, and very powerful.”

  “We’ll think of something. We always do. Take care.” Then she hung up.

  I have a bad feeling about this.

  I close my cell phone and place it on the table, then I think about Bill, and decide to give him a call. He picks up after a few short rings.

  “Oh, hello C.G.” Bill says in his usual no-nonsense voice.

  “Hi, Bill. I thought I better give you the heads up….” I say, but he cuts me off in mid flow.

  “It’s okay. We intercepted your call to Agent Forest. New York and Fort Knox, huh? What makes you think he’s after gold?”

  “We saw a map in Miguel Garcia’s blood splattered hacienda.” I reply testily. I hate the fact that they seem to know everything. So is my phone tapped?

  “Okay. I’ll ensure that the relevant people are informed.” Bill says calmly.

  “Informed? You have to warn people. Nothing is going to stop this guy. Don’t you get it? Bullets, Tasers, Gas. Nothing will work on this guy. You have got to figure out how to take him down. You can’t hold him.” I say quickly.

  “Are you saying we need to kill him?” Bill asks me calmly.

  Oh, man. How can I say yes to that?

  “I don’t know.” I say in frustration. “He just needs to be stopped before he kills anymore people. He’s becoming a monster.”

  “We know how to deal with monsters, Miss Brookes. Have no fear. We asked you to find him, and you have. You have our thanks. Now leave the rest to us.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing.” I say before hanging up.

  I hear their footsteps on the stairs, then Mitchell materializes in the kitchen doorway dressed in one of Dad’s old white shirts and green corduroys. He still has his black running shoes on, though. I smirk.

  “It was the only thing that would fit.” Mitchell says and frowns.

  I get up and saunter over to him. “You look…..fine.” I say while trying not to laugh.

  He bends down and kisses me gently on the lips. “I’d better go. See you tomorrow?” He says and pulls away.

  “Sleep well.” I say and walk him to the door.

  I wait at the door and watch as he strolls along the paved sidewalk, before he vanishes in a green and white blur. I sigh and close the door. Then head upstairs.

  “Goodnight, Dad.” I call out as the tiredness washes over me.

  “Goodnight, Pumpkin.”


  The next day in school, and we’re all feeling a bit stiff and sore. While other kids in my art class are painting flowers, or buildings, I find myself painting Devlin murdering people. Plenty of red paint is already covering my canvas before I even realize what I’m doing. It’s too late now, so I go with it. I finish it with some yellow paint for the gold bricks.

  “Yikes.” Ryan says as he sees my handiwork.

  Mr. Brown, our new art teacher wanders around the class checking our progress. “Hello, Miss Brookes.” He says as he stops behind me.

  “Can you see me after class?” He says before moving on to Stuart’s canvas.

  Oh, great.

  When the bell goes, and people are heading to the lockers, I find myself walking solemnly to the Principal’s office. As I pass happy, carefree faces, I’m still thinking about the lives Devlin has destroyed. Such a terrible waste of life, and there’s the people he has endowed with powers, including yours truly.

  He may not have killed us, but he certainly has changed our lives forever.

  How can one man cause so much devastation, without any regrets? The last time I was face to face with him, he actually had the nerve to expect a thank you.

  Did he think he was God?

  “Ah, hello again, Miss Brookes.” I hear the Principal say before I realize that I’m already outside his office with my raised hand to knock. The door is open and Mr. Meyer is looking at me with a concerned look on his tired looking face.

  “Hello, sir.” I grumble and lower my arm.

  “Please, come in.” Mr. Meyer says warmly and heads back into his office.

  I follow wordlessly and accept the chair offered to me near his desk. I sigh and look down at my hands. My nails are dirty. There’s some dark brown stuff under them. Oh, god. I hope it’s not blood.

  “Is there anything you want to tell me?” Mr. Meyer asks softly as he leans casually against his window.

  “Hmm?” I say and look up at him briefly. “What’s wrong?” I say, feeling a little confused.

  “How can I put this? You don’t seem quite yourself.”

  Well, that’s true. I haven’t been myself since Devlin entered my life.

  “Is there a problem?” I ask and raise my hands to check my nails again. I sniff them warily.

  “Your behavior over the last week has been, troubling.”

  “Have I done something wrong?” I ask and give him my full attention. Well, as much as I can give.

  “Have you?” He asks simply.

  “Huh?” Stop talking in riddles and give it to me straight. I’m tired.

  “Your friends seem concerned about you. People in your class are saying that you’ve been talking to yourself, and seem to, how did they put it? Have major issues.” He says and does the finger quotes on the last bit.

  “I’ve been talking to myself?” I ask.

  When did that happen? You could knock me over with a Krispy Kreme.

  “Apparently.” He says and walks over and crouches down in front of me. “Do you need counselling?” He asks gently.

  I’m sure my expression is saying, what the hell?

  “You’ve been through a lot, Miss Brookes. It’s okay to ask for help.”

  “I agree with that part.” I say and sigh. “This counsellor? He wouldn’t breathe a word about our talk?” I ask cautiously.

  “Of course not. It would be strictly between you and him.”

  “Him?” I ask and raise an eyebrow.

  “Mr. Crowe. Would you like me to arrange a meeting?”

  “Sure. Why not.” I shrug and look at my fingernails again. I hope we’ve got something to get this stuff out.

  “Good. I’m glad.” He says and stands up. “Well, have a lovely weekend, and I’ll see you on Monday.”

  It’s Friday? Oh, right. Cool. “Thanks, sir.” I mumble, then get up and leave.

  “Have you been naughty?” I hear a boy’s voice snigger as I leave the Principal’s office.

  I look for the source, and find Ryan leaning against the wall by the Principal’s assistant’s desk.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Have you?” I ask.
/>   “That depends on your definition of naughty.” Ryan replies and grins.

  “What did you do?” I ask.

  “Hey, it’s a science class. They encourage you to burn stuff.”

  I shake my head as I leave. Mitchell’s waiting for me in the parking lot. He hurries over when I emerge.

  “You okay?” He asks as he walks in step with me.

  “Can I answer that in a few years?” I reply dryly.

  We walk in silence for a block before he looks down at me and clears his throat. “Mom’s making pot roast tonight. You wanna join us?”

  Mmm, pot roast. “Will you have roasties?” I ask.

  “Of course.” He chuckles. “So, will you come?”

  “Sure. That sounds real nice.”

  “Seven, on the dot. Okay?” Mitchell says, and I grin and rise up from the sidewalk and kiss him on the cheek.

  Mitchell looks around quickly. “Be careful. Someone could have seen you.”

  Another thing to worry about. Great. Can I ever just be myself? I drop to the sidewalk and sigh.

  “See you later.” I say, then take off like a rocket, directly up, and aim for the silvery clouds drifting overhead.


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