Arrow's Hell

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Arrow's Hell Page 19

by Chantal Fernando

  “Arrow,” I whimper.

  He slides his hand down, gently stroking me with his thick finger, sliding it inside me, then playing with my clit.

  “I wanted you to move in with me, Anna,” he rasps into my ear. “I wanted you with me, so don’t try and hold that against me.”

  He grips my hips, bends me over the sink, and slides into me with one smooth thrust. I curse as he slaps my ass, then moan as he moves in and out, hitting all the right spots.

  “You’re mine, Anna,” he says, sliding out of me. “I don’t care how fuckin’ angry you get at me, how mouthy you get. I love your sass, your attitude. It gets me hard every fuckin’ time.”

  He thrusts again, harder this time. “This pussy is mine, and no one else will ever get a taste of it now.”

  He grabs my hair and pulls my head back, then bends over and captures my mouth in a fierce, possessive kiss. I love it when he gets rough with me, when he lets his passion for me take over. I kiss him greedily, taking everything he offers and demanding more. He bites on my bottom lip before letting my hair go.

  We come together, both of us loudly.

  Arrow eases out of me gently, and places sweet kisses on my lower back, on both of my dimples.

  “Let me fill a bath for you. You can read in there and drink wine,” he says, giving me a gentle look. My heart warms. I was telling him the other day that that was one of my favorite things to do. My legs wobble a little, so he carries me in his arms, letting me sit on his lap and hold on to him while he fills up the tub, then he places me down in the warm water.

  “Thanks, Arrow,” I tell him. “Are you going to join me?”

  He smirks. “We both know there’s no way I can fit in that tub.”

  I look over at him. He is a big man, tall, broad, and packed with muscle.

  “I could sit on your lap,” I tell him.

  He grins then. “Okay, darlin’, if that’s what you want.”

  “I do,” I reply.

  “Let me get us some drinks,” he says, kissing me on top of my head, then leaving the room.

  I relax into the tub, closing my eyes and enjoying myself. Arrow returns with a glass of red wine for me and an ice-cold beer for himself. He undresses and I scoot forward so he can slide in behind me. I sit between his legs, his knees sticking out of the water, my head leaning back on his warm chest.

  “Did you hurt that man?” I ask, my eyes still closed.

  He stiffens, but replies. “Yes.”

  His hands cup my breasts, not asking for anything, just enjoying touching me.

  “Does that upset you?” he asks when I stay silent.

  “I just don’t want you to go back to jail,” I admit.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he says. “Why would I when I have everything I want right in my arms?”

  He squeezes my breasts to emphasize the everything.

  I smile at that.

  Arrow picks up the wineglass and brings it to my lips. The rich merlot slides down my parched throat, the taste flooding my tongue.

  “Where did you get wine from?” I ask him.

  “I sent Blade to the store to buy it today.”

  I smirk. “You couldn’t go yourself?”

  “I would have,” he says. “But Sin needed me to do something for him.”

  I don’t bother to ask him what that was.


  “Yes, Anna.”

  “I believe you promised me multiple orgasms,” I say with a grin.

  His body shakes as he laughs. “I believe I did, and don’t you worry, I always make good on my promises.”

  “I was counting on that,” I say.

  “I’ve been dying for a taste of your pussy all day, Anna. Trust me, as soon as we get out of here I’m going to lie you back on the bed with your legs in the air and feast.”

  My cheeks redden. “Fuck, you have a dirty mouth.”

  He kisses my shoulder. “You love it.”

  I love you, I think.

  “Maybe we should get out now,” I say, imagining what Arrow spoke of in my head.

  He chuckles deeply and bites gently on my neck. “I think you’re right. I’m suddenly famished.”

  I gulp.

  He makes good on his word.

  Three times.


  THE next morning, I walked in on something I never wanted to see.

  Like an idiot, I’d come into Tracker’s room with a smile on my face and a plate full of food. What I’d come across was a very naked Tracker and Allie dressed in a nurse’s costume, on her knees with his cock in her mouth.

  In my shock, I placed the food down on the side table and ran.

  Now I am hiding in my room, feeling both disappointed in Tracker and sorry for myself for having seen something I can’t forget.

  “Why are you hiding in here?” Arrow asks when he gets back from wherever the hell he goes for the club.

  “I saw Allie choking on something.”

  “What?” he asks. “Is she okay?”

  “It was Tracker’s cock, so yes, I assume she’s okay, but I’m not. I’m scarred for life and I’ll never look at her or a nurse’s outfit the same.”

  Arrow stares at me a moment, then bursts out laughing.

  “How is this funny?” I ask, tapping my toes on the floor in impatience. “And Tracker said he didn’t want Allie anymore, he really wants Lana.”

  Arrow sobers. “Stay out of it, Anna.”

  I say nothing.

  Arrow takes that as me planning to start something—he already knows me too well. “I’m serious. It’s not anyone’s business except Tracker’s. He doesn’t need to feel judged here. He’s free to do as he pleases.”

  “I’m not going to say anything,” I say, knowing the disapproval on my face speaks for itself.

  “That’s right, you aren’t,” he says pointedly. “I thought we could go for a ride¸ get some lunch.”

  I stand up. “I’d like that. Can we go out the back way?”

  He laughs harder. “Babe, stop acting like a prude. Going by the things we did last night, I know you aren’t one.”

  My lips tighten. “It’s not about that. I’m embarrassed that I walked in on them! Now I have to look them in the eye. Well, Tracker at least; fuck Allie.”

  He smirks. “You’ll live. Not that I like you seeing any other man naked, but come on, you should see your face.”

  I square my shoulders. “Ha-ha, very funny. Now let’s get out of here.”

  He reaches out and takes my hand, then brings it to his lips, kissing my knuckles.

  My heart flutters.

  “I’m not fuckin’ eating sushi today though,” he says, grinning at me. “I want a steak.”

  “Fine, I suppose I could go for a steak.”

  We walk out hand in hand to his bike. I’m putting my helmet on when Vinnie runs over to Arrow and tells him something in a low tone so I can’t hear.

  “Fuck!” Arrow yells, then looks to me. “Anna, I’m going to have to take a rain check, darlin’.”

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, stepping closer to him.

  “Everything will be fine. I’ll see you tonight. Only leave the clubhouse with an escort—I’m not asking, Anna, I’m telling.”

  He kisses me quickly, then gets on his bike and rides away.

  I’m still standing there when Tracker walks up to me. “Get a nice show?”

  I cringe, closing my eyes for a second. “I’m so sorry, Tracker. Impressive body though.”

  And it really is. The man looks like Adonis, all smooth skin and sculpted muscles.

  Shame he is Tracker.

  I see him smile. “Why you standing out here looking like someone kicked your puppy?”

  “Arrow had to go somewhere, it seemed urgent. I hope everything is okay.”

  It’s hard to just ignore the fact that things happen, but I’m not able to know what they are, or help out in any way. I just need to wait and hope that nothing goes wr
ong, that Arrow comes home every night.

  Tracker quickly slides his phone out from his jean pocket and presses some buttons. “Fuck, yeah. I have to go too. Sin needs me. Go inside, Anna.”

  And just like that, I’m dismissed a second time within ten minutes.

  I head back inside to look for a new lunch date, but no one’s around except the prospects. Faye has her own house and is only around sometimes. The rest of the permanent couples all have their own places as well. The only people who live here full-time are Arrow, Vinnie, Rake, Tracker, Allie, and the three prospects who come and go, although it isn’t uncommon for members of other chapters to drop by, or for Rake to bring home a harem of women who don’t want to leave. I’m about to give in and just make myself a sandwich when Lana calls me.

  “Hey,” I say, leaning the phone between my shoulder and ear.

  “Hey, you busy? I thought we could go out and have some lunch.”

  I smile. “I’ll come pick you up in ten.”

  “Pick me up in what?” she asks, sounding confused.

  “One of the guys will bring me in the four-wheel drive.”

  “Oh, okay. See you soon then.”

  We both hang up, and I go in search of a prospect.

  * * *

  “Do you think women prefer alpha males? Or cute, geeky men?” Lana asks me after a bite of pizza.

  “Why have you been asking these weirder-than-usual questions?” I ask.

  She shrugs, looking down at her plate. “Just curious.”

  “Alpha males, definitely.”

  She rolls her eyes. “We know that’s you.”

  I cough. “Ahem. Tracker.”

  She flashes me a sheepish smile. “He’s charming. Sue me.”

  “What happened to Dash?” I ask. I’d hoped they would hit it off.

  “We’ve spoken a few times but haven’t met up. He’s great, but he’s not Tracker.”

  That’s probably a good thing.

  “I don’t know what to tell you, Lana. Tracker is my friend, but Allie is still there at the clubhouse with him. I guess you need to decide for yourself and know that I’ll always have your back, no matter what you choose. Or who.”

  “Do you think he’s still sleeping with Allie?” she asks, frowning.

  Fuck my life.

  She gasps. “You cringed, I saw it! That means he is.”


  She holds her little hand up. “Say no more, Anna, say no more.”

  Thank goodness for that.

  I open my mouth to speak when someone takes the seat next to me.

  “Hey,” Talon says, swiping my plate and taking a bite of my food.

  I stare at him with my mouth hanging open.

  “Ummm, Anna?”

  I look at Lana and clear my throat. “Lana, this is Talon, my kidnapper. Talon, this is Lana, my best friend. Keep staring at her like that and I’ll stick my fork in your eye.”

  Talon smiles. “Nice to meet you, Lana.”

  Lana doesn’t look so thrilled. “You’re the one who kidnapped her?”

  “Well, Ranger actually did the kidnapping, if you want to get technical. I was just—”

  “My babysitter,” I interject.

  He nods. “Right. We had some good times, didn’t we, Anna?”

  I don’t bother to comment. “May I ask what you’re doing here?”

  He shrugs and leans back, his arm casually hanging on the back of the chair. “Was walking by and saw you, wanted to say hello.”

  Blade walks in then and sees Talon. His face turns to stone. Before I can even blink, he has his phone to his ear. Probably calling Arrow.

  “Arrow is going to be pissed, Talon: you need to get out of here.”

  He gives me a weird look. “Do you love him, Anna?”

  I swallow. “Why would you ask me that?”

  “It’s important.”

  “It’s also none of your business,” I snap, wondering what the hell his game is.

  He’s quiet for a few seconds before he speaks. “I need to talk to Arrow.”

  “So you’re using me again to get the club’s attention? This whole me-being-used-as-a-pawn thing is really getting old.”

  He sighs and crooks his head from side to side. “You’re a lot more than that, Anna, trust me.”

  “More nonanswers. Just what I fuckin’ need.”

  He arches an eyebrow. “Quite a mouth on you.”

  Blade sits down opposite Talon and glances around. “What do you want? Leave the women out of it.”

  “I’m not going to hurt the women,” he says, glancing sideways at me. “I want a word with Arrow.”

  “Why?” Blade asks.

  “That’s between me and Arrow,” Talon fires back.

  “He’ll be here,” Blade says, his eyes on me. “And he won’t be happy you involved Anna.”

  “I’m not a threat to Anna.”

  Lana gives me a wide-eyed look. “Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to date a biker after all.”

  “Smart move,” I mutter.

  Talon flashes a charming smile at her. “Oh, come on now, we’re not all that bad.”

  Lana purses her lips. “Right.”

  Talon sighs. “I miss the old days where women were afraid of me.”

  I grin at that. “I’m sure they still will be, just find ones who aren’t badass like Lana and me.”

  He messes my hair. “You are kind of badass, aren’t you?”

  “Get your fuckin’ hands off her,” Blade grits out, his face going red.

  Oh, dear.

  I can see this escalating fast.

  Blade’s phone rings, and he looks to Talon. “He’s out front.”

  Talon looks down at me, a sad expression flashing on his face. “Take care, Anna.”

  My brows furrow. What am I missing here? Something is going on, but I haven’t the slightest idea what it could be.

  “Both of you stay here,” Blade says, following Talon outside.

  “Holy shit,” Lana mumbles.

  I slide my plate back from Talon’s side and take a bite of my salad.

  “How can you eat at a time like this?” Lana whisper-yells.

  I put my fork down. “What do you want to do?”

  She stands up, grabbing her handbag. “Let’s go and see what’s going on.”

  I follow her to the front window, where she sticks her face against the glass.

  People in the café start to stare.

  “Seriously, Lana?”

  She turns her head around. “What? All I can see is Talon and Arrow standing next to their bikes, talking.”

  I grab her hand and we walk outside.

  I see Arrow shaking his head, and Talon reaching into his pocket and pulling out some papers. Arrow glances at them, then slams them against Talon’s chest. Arrow looks down at the ground, while Talon’s lips keep moving, obviously telling him something.

  What the hell is going on?

  I look at Lana, who looks even more confused than I, then back at Arrow in time to see him punch Talon square in the face. I try to run to him, but Blade appears and holds me back. Talon doesn’t hit Arrow back, but for some reason he looks . . . almost pleased?

  Arrow notices us standing there, and storms over, not even looking at me.

  “Get them home,” he demands to Blade. “Now.”

  Then he walks back to his bike, gets on it, and rides away.

  Talon watches him leave, then does the same.

  “Come on,” Blade says, herding us into the car.

  We drop Lana off first, then drive back to the clubhouse.

  I sit on our bed, and wait for Arrow to come home and explain.


  IT’S midnight when the sound of the door opening wakes me. I turn on a light, watching as Arrow steps into the room, sitting down on the bed to take off his shoes.

  “Hey, where were you?” I ask him.



��Not tonight, Anna,” he finally says, stripping down and sliding into the sheets. He reaches for me, and I go to him. He wraps me in his arms, but something doesn’t feel right.

  Something has changed.

  He turns my head to him roughly and kisses me almost desperately.

  “I need you, Anna,” he says huskily, his hands wandering down my back. “Give yourself to me.”

  I kiss him back, wrapping my legs around his trim waist and running my hands through his hair.

  “You have me,” I tell him, moving back to pull off my T-shirt. He quickly takes advantage, leaning forward and licking my breasts one at a time. He bites down gently, while his hands try to remove my sleep shorts.

  “Off,” he growls. “Take them off.”

  I quickly remove my shorts and sit there before him.

  “Beautiful,” he whispers. “And all mine.”

  Our lips are once again joined as he lifts me to straddle his waist. When he pulls me up farther so I’m sitting on his face, I feel a little self-conscious. When he starts to lick me, making moaning noises of enjoyment, I relax, turned on to the point of no inhibitions. I look down at his face, unable to look away as he tastes me, his heavy-lidded eyes watching me back, making me even hotter. I can only imagine how I look, hands gripping the headboard, straddling his face—spread out for him so he can please me as he wishes. His hands roam, squeezing my behind and pulling me down onto him. My own fingers reach for my breasts, pinching my nipples as I feel myself about to explode.

  “I’m going to come, Arrow,” I moan, my head thrown back in pleasure. “Fuck!”

  My thighs tremble as my orgasm hits me. I squeeze my eyes shut, lost in the pleasure.

  Arrow sucks on my clit, prolonging my release. My fingers dig into my thighs until the final wave hits me.

  I pant a little, look down at Arrow, and slide off him. “Shit.”

  He sits up and wipes his mouth. I take him in from head to toe, seeing his rock-hard cock and knowing that it needed attention. I slide down his body so I’m in between his legs and take him into my mouth with no preamble. His hands tangle in my hair, gently urging me on as he sits forward and watches me. I stare up at him, taking him in as much I can, and then sliding back down.

  He curses and slides out of my mouth.

  “Stay like that,” he demands, coming around me from behind. Holding my hips, he enters me quickly, fucking me like he owns me. His pace quickens, and I know he’s almost ready to come. He pulls out and turns me over, sliding back in. “Want to see your face when I come.”


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