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Desirable CEO

Page 7

by Andrew Davis

  I walked to the door and opened it and Lucinda trapped me in a tight hug. She released me and I greeted her. "Good evening Lucinda." I said with a smile.

  "Good evening Linda." She said and I stepped aside to let them in.

  "How are you doing Franklin." I asked.

  "Getting younger day by day."He said sarcastically maPotter all of us laugh.

  "I am sure." I replied playing along. "And how are you boys?" I asked the five boys, sorry men standing behind their father. "We all good Aunt Linda." Anthony said.

  "So where is everyone?" Lucinda asked.

  "Anabiah and Evelyn are in their room, Harry and Helen is in the gym." I replied.

  "Helen's here?" Sebastian asked.

  "Of course she is here, Sebastian. Sometimes I wonder if you are really the CEO of a company." Lucinda said to her son in a 'Duh' tone.

  "It's alright Lucinda." I said.

  "Franklin, why don't you and the boys go and see Harry and Helen, while Linda and I will be in the kitchen." Lucinda said to her husband. "Sure." He replied.

  "The gym is down that hall the third door on the right, you can't miss it." I said pointing to the hallway.

  "Thanks Linda, come on boys." Franklin said and walked down the hall with the boys trailing behind him. No matter how old theey are they still listen to their parents.

  When we got to the gym, dad and I decided to train first then do fencing and I agreed. After about an hour and a half of training and dad showing me some new techniques of self defense and mastering others, we finally started fencing.

  Training always put my mind at ease. When I want to let off steam or just relax I would either, practice my self defense or just boxing or fencing. I really enjoy it.

  We are at Aunt Linda and Uncle Harry's home in Manhattan and now we are currently walPotter to the gym where Uncle Harry and Helen are supposed to be.

  We came to a glass double door which is the entrance to the gym, we walked in and I scanned the room in search of Helen and my eyes landed on two people who were fencing in the centre of the gym. There was a person who were was a little bigger built than the other but you can tell that he is older by his movements, the other guy I must say has some sharp reflexes and is really good. My brothers and I watched the younger guy in awe, while my father just grinned knowingly. About a couple minutes later the younger guy beat the older one. The younger guy took off his helmet and revealed to be a she and spoke in victory with a voice that I know to well, my father aproached the two.

  After an hour about fencing and seeing as dad was getting tired, I took it as my chance and beat him. "Ha, I told you dad, I never lose!" I yelled in victory at my father who had his famous smirk on his face.

  "I must say, you have gotten better." A voice said behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Uncle Franklin who had a smirk on his face.

  "Uncle Franklin, what can I say. The student becomes the master." I said with a smirk. "She has, from the amatuer little girl to the master. Remember when we first taught her, Frank" My father said looPotter at his best friend.

  "She got into trouble, because she kicked a boy for calling her names." Uncle Franklin said laughing and my father joining him.

  "Huh?" I said in confusion.

  "Don't you remember Helen? When I should take you to the gym and Franklin and I will teach you how to fight." My father asked. I frowned trying to remember.

  "Don't worry it was a long time ago and that was before I moved from the city."Uncle Franklin said. "How about we test your skills with someone around your age?" Uncle Franklin asked with a challenging gleam in his blue eyes.

  "Who do you have in mind?" I asked with a smirk. I never back out of a challenge and I love a good challenge.

  "William."He said and looked at William who was just staring at us dumbfounded.

  "I accept." I said. Even though he still irritates me with his presence, I wouldn't mind kicPotter his butt in fencing.

  "Dad, I can't do that. Weren't you the one who taught us to never fight or hit a girl." He said glaring at his father. "Come on William, I promise it won't hurt when you lose." I said challenging him.

  "Oh it's on!"He said with a devilish look on his face.

  He walked up to me and whispered."I'm the one who is going to win, my baby doll"

  "In your dreams, and stop calling me that." I felt my blood boil at that endearment, I was warning him nicely to stop before I blow up. Good thing we are fencing I need to let of some steam. He got dressed in his outfit and about 5 minutes later we started, my dad and Uncle Franklin was cheering for me while his brothers were just staring at us or more like me with shock on their faces. I guess they weren't expecting me to be involved in activities like this.

  I must admit William is pretty good but still no match for me, about 10 minutes later I finally beat him.

  "I guess the idea of winning will forever be in your dreams!" I said sweetly with a victorious grin. He just stared at me darkly.

  "This is so not over."He muttered but I heard him clear. "Oh but darling, I think it is." I said faPotter a british accent and smirked at him. I continued when he just stayed silent

  "Aww sweetie, why you gone so quiet?...Oh my, did I just hurt your huge ego." I couldn't help but prick his ego. He just scoffed and playfull glared at me. "Okay, okay, I am done." I said holding my hands up in silent surrender.

  "Wow! You are really good, Helen!" Anthony said walPotter up to me.

  "Thanks, I had really good teachers." I said and glanced at my dad and Uncle Franklin. "Stop with the flattery, scamp." My dad laughed and Uncle Franklin joined in.

  "I think you just damaged William."Sebastian said in a low voice maPotter Eric and Dylan laugh. "I heard that!" William glared at his little brother while walPotter to where we were standing. "Well it's true!" Sebastian justified.

  "No one ever had the guts to challenge '

  "The fact of getting beaten by a girl, must have hurt your already huge ego." I said and when just shot me a death glare.

  "Okay, enough of the bragging. Your mother must have dinner ready." My father said, maPotter us turn and look at him. "Yeah, lets go I'm hungry." Eric said rubbing his stomach.

  "You are forever hungry." Dylan, his twin said maPotter all of us laugh.

  "Don't judge!" He glared at us before walPotter out of the gym and us following.

  We walked to the dinning room, where my mother, Aunt Luncinda and sisters were already seated and we took our seats.

  "We were about to send a search party for your'll" Anabiah said sarcastically.

  "There was no need, princess." Sebastian said flashing her a heart stopping smile, maPotter her blush at being called 'princess'.

  "Sebastian!" Anthony said hitting his arm.

  "What? She is a princess, also Evelyn. They like the baby sisters I never had." He said maPotter both of them blush. "You maPotter them blush!" William said trying to hold in his laughter but failing miserably. "Okay, okay, can we like eat now?" Eric said. "Of course. We don't want the food to get cold now, do we?" My dad said.

  We ate and talked and laughed when Sebastian started joPotter around. After we finished eating, we all went to the family room, where we sat and talked for while.

  "Okay, everyone settle down." Aunt Luncinda said maPotter everyone stop talPotter and look at her. "Lucinda and I have arranged for all of us to go to the water park after tomorrow which is a Sunday." My mother started.

  "It would be fun and since Anabiah and Evelyn wanted to go, we decided to take both families and go all together." Aunt Lucinda said.

  "Don't worry, we know that your'll are not worPotter on Sunday, so we have already arranged it." My mother said. "Sounds good to me, how about you guys?" Dylan said looPotter at his brothers.

  "Sure." Sebastian said

  "Why not." Anthony continued.

  "So it's settle we will all meet here tomorrow night and we can leave from here in the morning."My father said. "Splendid idea." Uncle Franklin said with a
wide grin on his face.

  So it was settled, we all are going to the water park on Sunday...

  Chapter 15: The Shopping Trip

  After saying goodbye to my parents and Uncle Franklin and Aunt Lucinda and the boys, I went back to my apartment.

  I took a relaxing shower and changed into my pajamas and laid on my bed, going through my emails. I arranged to go shopping tomorrow and pick up my dress for the charity event in the afternoon. I switched off my tablet and got under the covers and soon fell into a deep sleep. I woke up early this morning and did my morning routine before going to the kitchen to have some breakfast.

  "Good morning Miss Helen."My housekeeper Jesse greeted. "Good morning Jesse." I said and sat on one of the island chairs. Jesse placed an omelete on my plate and filled my glass with coffee.

  I silently ate my breakfast while Jesse tidied up the kitchen. Once I was done with my breakfast I called Sam to come pick me up and take me to 5th avenue. I would have driven myself but its a Saturday and I don't feel like driving and Sam always helps me with shopping as in carrying the shopping bags. Sometimes I get my bodyguards to also help.

  I walked out the apartment after telling Jesse that I will be heading out. I went to the elevator and pressed for the lobby. The doors opened and I walked towards the awaiting car and Sam with a smile on his face.

  "Good morning Miss Helen. Is Miss Selene coming as well?" He asked with a smile as he opened the door. "Not today Sam, she is busy at work." I replied and slid into the leather interior of the car. "Okay, Miss Helen." He said and closed the door and got into the driver's seat.

  He started the car and we were off to "

  I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not realise that we had arrived. I got out of the car and put on my favourite pair of armani sunglasses. I wore a pair of lightish, darkish jeans and a white flowy top with a black leather jacket and converse. I let my hair which was about 5 inches below my shoulder to be wavy.

  Wearing this outfit and my sunglasses hardly anyone will recognise me especially the paparazzi, I don't need to get bombarded with cameras and questions. I just want to get my shopping done in a nice, quiet way.

  Sam and I was walPotter, when someone bumped into me.

  "Watch where you going, you fucPotter jerk." I cussed the man. He chuckled then replied.

  "You sure are feisty, huh Helen." He said in a voice that was really familiar. I looked up and my eyes met a pair of clear blue eyes that was staring at me with amusement in their depts. "Do you walk with your eyes open or closed." I asked in an exasperated tone.

  "Open" He replied, not releasing his gaze.

  "You sure? Because I think you walk with them closed" I said raising an eyebrow at him. "I'm pretty sure, babydoll." He said with a smirk.

  "Stop calling me that!" I said glaring at him deadly.

  "Sorry, but it suits you." He said holding his hands up in surrender.


  "So what you doing here?" he asked.

  "Shopping" I said in a '

  'Care if we join you?" He asked, only then I noticed his brothers standing behind him. I was so caught up in being angry with William, that I didn't notice them. "You want to join me in shopping?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, we can spend a little time with you, Helen." Dylan said resting his elbow on William's shoulder. "If your'll think so." I muttered. "So is that a yes." he asked. "Yes" I said.

  We walked into one of the shops to buy my formalwear and by formalwear I mean like suits, skirts, blouses and blazers, basically clothes appropriate for the office. "Good day and how may I help you?" A sales assisstant greeted with a fake smile, she had a stuck up attitude and had that this-is-a-rich-people's-store-so-you-don't-belong-here look. She glanced behind me at the boys. Her eyes nearly pop out when she saw them.

  "I need a whole new wardrobe of formalwear as in skirts, blazers, pieces like that." I said and took off my sunglasses. The expression on her face was priceless.

  "M-Miss Potter! U-um w-w-we were not expecting you." She stammered. I simply gave her a fake smile and replied.

  "Yes, it was an unplanned shopping trip, so am I going to make some purchases or should I take my business elsewhere."

  "N-no Miss Potter, r-right this way." She said and led the way to a private room. I heard Sebastian chuckle. After she took my measurements and left to get my clothes, I stepped down from the little platform and walked to the room ajoining to the room I was in. William, Anthony, Sebastian, Eric and Dylan were sitting on the couches drinPotter champange which I assume the manager gave them.

  "Helen, I didn't know you could be so mean." Dylan said with a smirk.

  "That was only half of the devil." Sebastian said sarcastically.

  "Keep that mouth running Sebastian, and your mouth will not be the only one running." I said darkly. "Huh?" He had a confused look on his face. I sighed frustatedly and explained.

  "You will be running from me because I'm going to casterate you." I said dangerously sweet. "You see what I mean! She wants to deprive me of ever having kids." He said in an accusing tone. "Not like you will ever get married." I said.

  "Who said I won't ever get married?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

  "Dude, "you" said that you won't get married and that '

  "So, that makes me right." I said with a smirk. Sebastian glared at me.

  "Anyway, enough about Sebastian and how he will never get married. How long are you going to take, Helen?" William asked.

  "Hey, your'll the ones who wanted to come and 'spend time' with me." I said putting air quotes over the spend time. "Well it's true... But can we like do something more fun?" Anthony pouted.

  "Like what?" I asked tilting my head and raising an eyebrow.

  "How about we can help you choose your clothes?" Eric said while wiggling his eyebrows.

  "Your'll want to help me choose clothes? As if I would ask for any of your'll opinions." I said and gave them are-your'll-crazy-or-just-stupid looks.

  "Um, we are guys." Anthony said gesturing towards himself and his brothers as in we-are-like-here way. "We can help you with seeing which is best on you."He continued.

  I groaned internally and said."Fine! Your'll are so irritating!" I said in an exasperated tone, they just shrugged and that made me more angry.

  "How about this one, Miss Potter?" the sales assisstant said.

  "It looks good but it's kinda bunchy around your waist." William pointed out which earned a glare from me. "I don't recall her asPotter you, unless you changed your name to '

  "Should I get the other one." She asked.

  "No this one is fine but I want something in black." I said and she scurried off to find something in black.

  "The next time I hear another comment from you William, I swear you are going to need help from God."I stared deadly at him and he gulped.

  "I didn't know that when shopping with you, Helen, that we will be getting death threats." Anthony said sarcastically.

  "Haha, very funny Anthony, I can't stop laughing." I said sarcastically.

  Before he could open his mouth, the sales assisstant came back. I smiled in victory knowing that I got the last say. I tried on the three piece suit that she brought me and I have to admit it, I like this one. My thoughts were interupted by William's deep, husky voice that could melt away any women or even men's heart, they all had voices like that but William's was a little better than the rest of them. It's not like I am saying that I like him or anything it just an observation.

  "It suits you perfectly." He said with a huge grin.

  "It does" Anthony chimned in.

  "That would be all, I would like to pay now." I said and the lady hurried off to cash in my choices.

  I finished changing back into my clothes and went to the counter to pay. After maPotter my purchases and the boys gladly taPotter my bags we were off. "Are we done yet?" Dylan asked.

  "That was just formalwear, we still have to go for casual, then shoes." I smirked when they groaned.r />
  We reached Bergdof goodman, my favourite shop to get my denim jeans, tops, high heels and sneakers. I walked into the store and the sales assisstant came and greeted us, I took off my sunglasses and greeted her back and with her expression she was clearly not expexting me.

  "Miss Potter, we were not expecting your arrival. Please wait here while I call the manager." She said politely but you could see her nervousness in her eyes and facial expression. "Okay." I said and she was off. About a minute later the manager came with a smile on his face. "Miss Potter, How are you doing? I hear that you are looPotter for a whole new wardrobe?" He asked. "I am doing good and yes." I said.

  "Please follow me this way."He said and led the way. As we were walPotter William nudged me. "I see you are very well-known." He whispered.

  "More known than you." I smirked at him and he just scoffed. Before he could get back at me, we reached a private room with a platform and mirrors infront of it.

  "Would you please step on the platform so we can take your measurements, Miss Potter?" The manager asked.

  "Okay." I said and stepped on the platform.

  They took my measurements and minutes later, hangers of jeans, dresses, tops, jackets and other stuff were brought back. I picked the ones I liked and chosed most of it. Then we were onto shoes. "What type or types of shoes are you looPotter for Miss Potter?" The manager asked. "High heels, boots and sneakers." I said.

  "All good types Miss Potter, might I ask what brand?" He asked again.

  "Jimmy Choo, Christian Louboutin, Converse, Vans and the latest shoes any brand as long it is either heels, boots or sneakers." I said. "Very good choices, Miss Potter." He said and left.

  "Damn, Helen why do you need so much of clothes and shoes?!" Sebastian groaned. "I do not know, why do you need to have so much of women?" I countered.

  "Because I can" He said.

  "So why do I need so much of clothes and shoes, is because I can." I smirked at him.

  "Can we go home now?" Anthony asked pouting.

  "Not yet, I just need to make one more stop to pick up my dress." I said and they sighed.

  We walked to the boutique a little further down from bergdof goodman. We entered the shop and I walked to.the counter and the lady behind it greeted. "Good day, how may I help you?" She asked with a sweet smile, she must have been in her mid forties. "Yes I came to pick up my dress under Helen Potter." I said. "Oh Miss Potter, you are looPotter more beautiful than the last time you came." The kind lady said. "Thank you, Eleana." I said. "Oh is this your boyfriend?" She asked, looPotter at William, who was standing by my side.


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