Desirable CEO

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Desirable CEO Page 8

by Andrew Davis

  "No, he is just a family friend and those are his brothers." I said bluntly and gestured towards Anthony, Sebastian, Eric and Dylan who were standing behind us.

  "Sorry for my mistake... Ah the dress I almost forgot, you made a lovely choice Miss Potter, it will look beautiful on you." Eleana said and led the way to the dressing room with us following behind her. When we got to the dressing room, William, Anthony, Sebastian, Eric and Dylan sat on the couches and in front of them was a little platform and mirrors. I went into the changing rooms and changed into the dress, when I came out and stepped onto the platform to see how I look, and the dress fitted me perfectly and most importantly, I was comfortable in it. It was a simple but beautiful one shoulder black floor length dress with the one sleeve filled with sparkly worPotters on it and also at the waist.

  "Miss Potter, you absolutely stunning!" Eleanor squealed in delight.

  "It is" I said and gave a little twirl and faced the boys who looked at me with their jaw dropped.

  "Hmm, looks like somebody is speachless." Eleanor murmmered with a smirk. I chuckled at her statement.

  "Chr-Helen b-beautiful!" William stuttered.

  "Absolutely stunning..." Anthony added with a brotherly look on his face. It was like the one Chase and Matt gives me sometimes.

  "Thank you." I said politely and turned to go and change.

  Helen was standing on the platform with her back to us wearing a simple dress yet it looked amazing on her even with her back to us.

  It showed off her perfect curvy models body, seeing her wearing this dress only made me burn with anger and this new feeling in me. When Helen turned around I was utterly speechless, I felt my jaw drop and my eye widen, I stared at her like I never saw a beautiful woman in my life.

  She looked like a model with her long, beautiful legs that I wished could be wrapped around my body. Her perfect curvious body, made my member awaken, maPotter me internally groan.

  I looked at my brothers and saw that they had the same expression as me but more towards shock. I was finally able to speak," Chr-Helen y-you... um... look b-beautiful." Dammit! I stuttered, what is she doing to me! I never ever stuttered especially when talPotter to women. This woman has no idea what she is silently doing to me!

  I heard Anthony say to her ' Helen excused herself and went to go and change, we got up and walked to the counter to wait for her. She came out and paid for the dress. When were about to walk out the elderly lady named Eleana called Helen aside and was whispering to her about something and when she was done, Helen chuckled and whispered back, I wanted to know what they were saying because the lady Eleana kept glancing at me.

  We walked to Helen's car and her driver helped to put her bags in the trunk.

  I was standing by the car watching the boys and Sam put my bags in the trunk when they were done, William approaches me and said. "Today was tiring but fun..." He said with a smirk.

  "Indeed." I said and smirked back.

  "So, we will see you later then?" He said and let out a hand for a handshake.

  "Until then."I said and took his offered hand, the rest of the boys said their goodbyes and went to their car which was parked not far from us.

  I got into the car and we were off, to my apartment...

  Chapter 16: The Charity Event

  We were on our way home, when I got a reminder from my mother that we are staying at the Potter's place tonight and to not be late. So I relied with ' "Hey mum said that we are staying at the Potter's tonight." I spoke aloud to my brothers. "Tonight?" Eric said with a confused look.

  "Nooo... tomorrow night, didn't you hear him say tonight." Dylan said sarcastically earning a glare from Eric. "Okay, okay more importantly we need to get some "stuff" cause a house with only one man, can be pretty filled up with girl things like make-up or something." Sebastian said with a serious look on his face.

  "You got a point there"Anthony said.

  "With 2 almost-sixteen-year olds, can be envaded with girly things like makeup and-and- what's that stuff called?" Sebastian said.

  "How must I know, I don't even know what 'stuff' you are talPotter about." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. "You know what when I get the name I will tell you" Sebastian said giving up trying to think of the 'stuff'. "So be prepare to drown in girly stuff." Dylan said sarcastically.

  "Come on now it can't be that bad" Anthony said looPotter up from his phone.

  I reached my apartment around 15:30 and the Charity event is starting at 17:00, so I have an hour and a half to get ready. I quickly got into the shower and washed my hair. About 30 minutes later I got out and wrapped my hair in the towel and put on my bath robe, I went to my bedroom and put on my under garments and went to my dresser to dry my hair and straighten it.

  I finished setting my hair and started with my makeup. I put on mascara, a touch of blush and a little lipgloss and some eyeshadow to emphasise my brown eyes. I finished my makeup and put on my dress and pulled my straight hair into a neat bun. I was ready at quarter to five and it only took 10 minutes to get to the venue where the charity even is held from my apartment.

  I went down to the lobby and Sam was already waiting for at the entrance. I greeted him and he greeted back, closing the door and getting into the driver's seat.

  We arrived at the charity event and not to my surprise it was held at a famous hotel. I got off the car and walked to the entrance to be greeted by the hostess and led to the hall were the event is held. I walked in and spotted the host of the party. She saw me and made her way over to where I was standing.

  "Miss Helen Potter, how wonderful to have you here at my fundraiser." She said with a geniune smile on her face. "Mrs Davison, it is a pleasure to be here and to help the poor and sick children." I said with a smile. "It is warms my heart that people care about these children." She said with a sad look on her face. "It is a great honor on your part that you are doing this for the children" I said.

  "It is, well it was really nice talPotter to you Miss Potter, I have to go and do my rounds." she said and left to go and talk to the other guests.

  I gave a generous amount to the charity and looked for Mrs Davison to let her know that I will be taPotter my leave. As I was walPotter, someone bumped into me.

  "Excuse me, please watch where you are going."

  "Helen?" A familiar voice said.

  I looked up at the owner of the voice and I came face to face with the last person that I will ever want to see.

  "How lovely it is to see you here." I said with a smile, he didn't reply but just stared at me and after a few seconds he finally spoke.

  "Yes." He said and mumbled something after but I did not understand it. "Well, I must take my leave now so goodbye." I said and was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand. "Helen, please wait."He said softly so no one could hear except me. I tore my hand away from his grip. "What do you want?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "C-can again?" He looked so anxious, his eyes pleading me.

  "I am sorry but I am a very busy person and if you want to make an appointment you can always call my secretary." I scanned the room and found Mrs Davison near the entrance and walked up to her. "Ah, Miss Potter, thank you for the generous donation." She said with a grateful smile on her face. "It was my pleasure, Mrs Davison, anything for the children." I replied.

  "How are you enjoying the event?" She asked.

  "Actually, I was about to leave." I said.

  "Oh okay, well goodbye Miss Potter, have a safe trip home." She said.

  I walked out of the event and to the elevators. You could probably see steam coming out from my ears at how furious I was. Just seeing his face made me irratable, ever since that day, I swore that I will forget him and carry on but no he just had to show up and make my bottled up rage burst out.

  I got out off the elevator walked towards the entrance, it was 6 in the afternoon but it was still bright. Sam must have noticed my change in mood and opened the car door without
asPotter any questions and drove to my parents house.

  She looked so beautiful in her dress, her perfect figure that drove guys insane but she didn't like to showcase it. Her perfect lips looked so kissable and I could still feel them against mine, so soft, so sweet. She didn't notice me and I decided to make her notice me. I purposely bumped into her and acted like it was an accident. "Excuse me, please watch where you are going." She said but still didn't look at me.

  "Helen?"I said acting like I just saw her for the first time. She looked up at me. God how I miss her! "How lovely it is to see you here." She said.

  I just stared at her enjoying all of her beautiful features. I realised that I probably look like a stalker staring at her.


  "Well, I must take my leave now so goodbye." she said and I was not prepared for to leave so I did the quickest thing I could think of and grabbed her hand. "Helen, please wait." I said softly, not wanting any other ears joining our conversation. "What do you want?" She said coldly and took her hand out from my grasp and I suddenly got nervous.

  "C-can up again." I asked hoping that she will say yes but my heart crushed when she replied bluntly.

  "I am sorry but I am a very busy person and if you want to make an appointment you can always call my secretary." She said and walked away without me saying anything.

  I am going to get her back... I will sell my soul to the devil if it means she will forgive me and come back to me.

  We reached my parents house. I got out of the car without waiting for Sam to come and open my door. I walked up the stairs and could hear laughter coming from the living room. I opened the door and closed it, walPotter straight to the gym without greeting anybody because if I did greet them, I will probably take my anger out on them.

  I got to the gym and changed into my gym clothes which I kept in the cupboard near the bathroom. I started my stress relieving workout...

  We were all sitting in the living room, talPotter and laughing. We were having a good time and the house was not filled with so much girly things, maybe their rooms were. Everyone stopped when we heard someone slam the front door.

  "Helen's home" Aunt Linda said.

  "Looks like she is not in a good mood." Sebastian said.

  "I wonder what happened" My mother said.

  "Well, whatever it is, it got her angered up and she is probably gone straight to the gym." Unlce J said. Dylan started calling him Uncle J and soon we started and he did not mind it. "I am going to go check on her." Uncle J said getting uo from his seat.

  "I will come too."My father said and joined Uncle J.

  As we walked to the gym, we could hear the sound of someone's

  We opened the door and walked into the gym, we saw Helen in the middle of the room, her face was red like a tomato.

  "Helen!" I said loud enough for her to hear, she stopped and turned to us and I swear I saw the look of death on my daughter's face, for someone who really pissed her off.

  "Oh Helen." Frank said and looked around the room, I followed his gaze and saw a couple of chairs broken and the dummy that we used for practicing deformed and I mean literally it has been decapitated.

  "What happened, Helen?" I said looPotter at her and regret flashed in her eyes but she quickly blinked it away, like it wasn't even there. "I-I am sorry for worrying you" She said in a soft tone.

  "Helen...just tell us what happened." Franklin said with sympathy and concern in his voice.

  "It's just a deal that I am even further to getting than before." She said looPotter up at us and continued...

  "I was really angry because I am worPotter really hard to get this deal and then only to be told that I am further from getting it than before." She said getting worked up again.

  "I know that this is an important deal but you can't let this little thing affect you. If you do and you react like this, you can be risPotter your health, Helen." I said concerned about my daughter's well-being. "I'm sorry, I will try to not let this happen again"

  "Now come on, you must be hungry after your "extreme" workout." Franklin said lightening up the mood.

  We walked out of the gym, I could still feel my anger bubblying inside of me, I am afraid that I will explode amd do something that I might regret.

  We came into the living room and everyone stopped and looked at us, more like me. I just kept quiet and walked over to the armchair near the tv.

  "What happened, love, why are you so angry?" Aunt Lucinda asked, worry evident on her slightly aged face but she still look young.

  "A business deal she worked hard for told her that she is even further back from getting it." My dad said. "Oh my darling, I'm sorry but still you must not let these things affect you, you can put your health at risk." My mum said, with a motherly look. I hate lying to them but this is for their own good, the less they know, the easier it is for all of us. "I think, I am going to go to bed." I said, getting up and to my luck no one pressed any further. I said my goodnights and went to my room to take a cold shower and then go to bed... Chapter 17: The Waterpark And The Unexpected...

  I could hear the sound of something rustling but my eyelids were to heavy to lift up, so I just ignored it, then someone was whispering and I could feel a hand on me, on instinct I kicked the person and I heard a loud groan and a thud.

  My eyes shot open and I saw Sebastian on the floor clutching his stomach.

  "What the Fuck, Helen!!" He said angrily.

  "I should be saying that!" I glared at him and his brothers William and Anthony.

  "May I ask, what the hell are your'll doing in my room?!" I glared at them.

  "We wanted to wake you up." Anthony said innocently.

  "Really now? There is no better way to wake up a person, than to sneak in their room?" I asked sarcastically. "Hearing your sarcastic wit early in the morning." William mumbled.

  "I heard that, you jackass!" I said and threw a pillow at him, which he just dodged ever so easily.

  "Wow, like a pillow will hurt me." He said with that irritating smirk of his, oh how I wish I could punch him right now... "Just get the fuck out of my room, before I kick your asses!" I said in an exasperated tone. "Okay, okay your highness, we will leave now." Sebastian said and took a bow and they all left chuckling.

  After they left, I went straight to the bathroom and washed up and changed into a pair of shorts and a tanktop and put on a bikini top underneath the tanktop. I hardly wear bikinis and when I do its just the tops and a pair of shorts.

  After changing, I went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was seated at the breakfast table and waiting for me. I took a seat next to my sisters and had my breakfast. After eating my dad spoke up... "We are giving your'll 20 minutes to get ready and meet us outside." He commanded and everyone scurried off to get ready. I went up to my room and grabbed a small bag and put my sunglasses and sunblock in, along with a towel and extra clothes.

  I went downstairs to see the boys already there. They were wearing their 3 quarter shorts with plain white t-shirts that hug the chest, showing off their perfect muscled upper body. They had their avaitors on, hiding their icy crystal blue eyes. I decided to have a little fun with them...

  "Your'll do know that there is no sun inside the house."I said once I got to the bottom of the stairs. "Yes but these makes us more good-looPotter, not that we already are."Eric said with a smirk.

  "I knew you were full of yourself, Eric, but not so full that your ego can cause a flood." I said imitating his smirk. "Don't worry bro, she is just jealous that we are better looPotter than her." Sebastian said putting a hand on Eric's shoulder.

  "Why would I be jealous, Sebastian?" I raised an eyebrow at him. They were all facing me but I could not see what or where they are looPotter because those blasted glasses are blocPotter their eyes.

  "Because we are better looPotter than you." He said with a tilt of his head.

  "For you information, I.don't.get.jealous." I said trying to make it clear to him.

"Oh really now?" Anthony asked with a raise of his brow.

  "You know what I am done with this conversation." I said putting on my own pair of aviators and pushing past them to go outside.

  My dad and Uncle Franklin were outside discussing something, when theyvsaw they gestured for me to go by them. "Well Helen, Frank and I have made a seating plan and sinve they are only two vehicles, you and they boys will go in one and we will go in the other."My dad said with a smile, I'd rather walk than sit with them in a confided space.

  "Okay." I said with a small smile, I did not want them to see that I am really irritated by this idea. I went back into the house and they were still standing there.

  "Are your'll pretending to be statues?" I asked.

  "More like those greek gods statues." Sebastian said.

  "You know, Sebastian everytime you open your mouth, a little of my self control to not punch you disappears. So I suggest you keep it close." I said with a dangerously sweet smile.

  "Well, I think it already did, considering you kicked me and I might have to go to hospital for a broken rib." He said sarcastically. "Then who asked you to come in my room?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

  "Well-" I cut him off.

  "Wait, that is not why I came here ." I said

  "Then for what?"William asked.

  "Answer this questiom for me William, why am I always stuck with your'll whenever we go somewhere." I asked with a slight frown. "How must I know, maybe you just can't resist us." He said with that fucPotter irritating smirk. "It was pointless coming here." I said in an exasperated tone.

  "Aww come on babydoll." He said taPotter my hand in his.

  "Stop calling me that William." I glared at him and pulled my hand out of his.


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