Desirable CEO

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Desirable CEO Page 9

by Andrew Davis

  "No, it suits you." He said with a smirk. I groaned and went back outside before I do something that I might regret later.

  We finally ready and everyone was outside. "Okay, Helen,boys your'll going in that SUV and Lucinda, Harry, Linda, the girls and I will go in this one." Uncle Franklin said and we all went into the awaiting SUVs. "I am sitting by the door." I said "Whatever you say, love" Anthony said with a fake british accent. "Just shut up and get in the van."I said and pushed him resulting in him hitting his head. "Oww, are you trying to kill me."He said rubbing his forehead. "Maybe" I said with a shrug, maPotter him glare at me. We got into the van and were off to the waterpark.

  We finally arrived at the waterpark, an hour long drive with a bunch of men who can't stop talPotter, makes you want to pull your hair out.

  "My darlings, how was the ride? The boys did not worry you, did they Helen?"Aunt Lucinda asked with a smile on her face. "No, Aunt Lucinda." I lied right through my teeth. "That's good." She said and left.

  "You were lying right through you teeth." William whispered softly in my ear maPotter a shiver run down my spine. "I can't hurt her feelings now can I?"I said and turned to face him. "No, you can't because my mother will play the guilt trip on you." He said with a chuckle.

  We were finally were able to go inside and we all split up in different ways. My sisters and I went one way, the boys went the other way and my parents, Uncle Franklin and Aunt Lucinda went the other way. My sisters and I were running from the boys who are trying to dump us in the pool. "I think we lost them." I said trying to catch my breath.

  "Think again, my babydoll." I heard William's voice behind me. I turned around and they were all standing behind us, my sisters ran and before I could catch up to them, William grabbed me by the waist.

  "Let me go, William!" I yelled.

  "No I don't think I will, babydoll." He chuckled evily.

  "I said stop calling me that!" I struggled in his arms.

  "If you keep moving I am going to drop you." He said evily.

  "You wouldn't dare."

  "Try me, love."He challenged.

  Before I could process what happened...he dumped me into the pool. When I surfaced, I heard his deep, rich laugh. I swam to the edge where he was standing and grabbed his leg and pulled him into the pool. "Helen!" He yelled. "Payback, William!" I said with a smirk and got out of the pool. We were by a more isolated part of the park.

  "Oh really now?" He said getting out of the pool and coming closer to me, like a predator closing in on it's prey.

  I took a step back and he took a step forward. My back hit the wall and I was trapped between him and the wall. "Nowhere to run now, babydoll." He said and put his hands on the wall, leaving me in between the wall and his rock hard chest. I looked up to send him a death glare but I was shocked to his icy blue eyes darkening.

  Before I could process what is going on...

  He smashed his lips onto mine...

  Chapter 18:The Kiss & The Truth...

  I was lost in the kiss, his lips felt so soft and so good on mine. What the fuck?! I finally regained my senses and I did the quickest thing possible... I slapped him right across his cheek.

  "Helen, I-" He started but I cut him off.

  "No! Don't you dare speak to me ever again!!"I damn you to hell William Alexander!!" I yelled at him and pushed him away from me and ran off. I need to get as far away from him as possible... I do not know what came over me but I kissed her...and I do not regret it one bit but I do regret what happened after. I can still taste her soft, sweet, lucious lips...and her hand from that slap she gave me, my cheek still feels hot.

  "What am I going to do now?!" I asked myself.

  "Will, what did you do to Helen?! She looks like she wants to kill someone and cry at the same time." He said coming up to me. "I did a really bad thing and now she hates me." I said in a low voice.

  "What did you do?" He asked with a concerned tone. "I do not know what came over me but I-I kissed her." I mumbled the last part but he still heard me. "You what?!" His eyes widen in shocked. "I kissed her! Okay!" I yelled in frustation. "Oh William." He said. "And now she fucPotter hates me!" I yelled.

  "Whoa bro" He said putting his hands up as if in surrender, "I am sure we can figure this out." He said and put his hand on my shoulder. "How Anthony?! Just fucPotter tell me how" I glared at him.

  "First off, apologise to her, tell her how sorry you are." He said.

  "She doesn't even want me to speak to her, how in fucPotter hell must I apoligise to her!!" I was furious now.

  Finally I decided to just go and try to talk to her. God, I know I fucked up but please help me... I silently prayed. Helen was by the change rooms and I walked up to her.

  "Helen, just listen to me." I pleaded, her back facing me.

  "Why should I listen to you Mr Alexander" She only called me 'Mr Alexander' when she was furious with me, her voice was so cold and distant. I am screwed. "I didn't mean for that to happen Helen, I swear. Please Helen."

  "Then what did you want to happen, Mr Alexander?"

  "Not the kiss, Helen, please forgive me , I swear that I never meant to hurt you...that would be the last thing that I would want to do to you." I said in a soft voice, praying to god that she forgives me. "Tell me, why should I forgive you?" She finally turned and faced me but her brows creased together and her brown eyes so cold and distant. "Please Helen, I just can't have you hating me, please Helen, please." I begged. Everyone would be shocked and probably have a heart attack when they know that the billionaire playboy William Alexander is begging a woman to forgive him.

  "I don't forgive people easily, William." She said blunty but it made my heart warm when she called me by my first name. Thank you, god!

  "I will sell my soul to the devil if it means that you will forgive me." I said.

  "Why do you want me to forgive you so badly, William?" She asked her brows still creased together. That is a good question Helen, it is because you have me falling for you... I said mentally. "Because you have become a special person to me, like a little sister or a best friend." I lied, I am maPotter process with her and I do not need to scare her away.

  "I will think about it..." She said and all I could do was agree.

  "But we have to be like nothing happened between us, when around my sisters or our parents, we do not need to spoil their fun." She said coldly.

  "Okay." Was all I could say, how am I supposed to act like nothing happened when that kiss was so good, I wonder how it feels when she kisses back and it is a proper kiss.

  We all met up by the parPotter lot around 4pm, my dad and Uncle Franklin spoke up. "Okay, so Harry and I decided to have a barbeque for dinner. So we have to hurry up and go home."Uncle Franklin said. "Helen call Selene, Alex and the boys and ask them if they want to join us." My dad said looPotter at me. "Okay." I replied and got into the car soon everyone did the same thing...

  The drive home was filled with a deadly silence, the rest of the boys probably already knew what happened. I decided to call the guys and ask them if they want to come, I will call Alex first. I got out my phone amd scrolled through the contacts until I came to Alex's number I pressed the 'call' button and after a few rings she picked up. "Hello Alex." I said.

  "Hey Chrissy, how can I help you?"

  "We are having a barbeque, do you care to join us?" I asked.

  "I really wish I could, but I am stuck designing this new dress."

  "It's okay, I will phone later."I said.

  "Okay, bye."

  "Bye." I cut the call. I dailed Chase's number next and he picked up after the first ring.

  "Chrissy! You forgot me now! Don't call or message anymore " He said and I could picture him pouting on the other end. "How could I forget you and Matt." I said with a smile, I really miss them.

  "You can't forget us!"

  "Anyway, we are having a barbeque, care to join?' I asked.

  "I wish we could but our ever so lovely mother wants us to help he
r with picPotter a new paint colour for the living room." He said with a bored tone. "Good luck with that Chase, tell Matt I said hi."

  "I will, bye Helen, I love you." He said with a brotherly tone.

  "Bye Chase, I love you too." I said and cut the call. I called Selene next knowing that she is always available, she picked up after a few rings. "Oh my god! You will not believe what happened!" She squealed. "A simple hello will do." I said with a chuckle. "Hello, now-" I cut her off before she could say anything. "Before you start, we are having a barbeque, want to come?" I asked. "Are you kidding me, of course yes! If it means I get to see you, then yes!" "Great! Then you can tell me what happened." I said. "Okay, see you later." "See you later." I said and cut the call.

  I did not realise we had already arrived and the boys were waiting for me to get out of the car. I got out and went straight to my room to have a shower and wash my hair.

  35 minutes later...

  I finished in the shower and changed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie and dried my hair and put it into a high ponytail. I went downstairs, and saw Selene at the bottom of the stairs talPotter to the boys.

  "Helen!" She yelled and gave me a bone crushing hug.

  "Selene!" I mimicked her tone.

  "How I missed you!" She squealed and let go.

  "I missed you too!" I said.

  "Why are we yelling?" I asked her.

  "Because we are some crazy ass people!" She said excitedly.

  "I know that." I said in a duh tone.

  "I am telling you now we have fucked up big time." she said in a serious tone.

  "Why what happened?"

  "You know the girl, we set up with Matt."

  "Yes?" I was getting a bit worried.

  "I saw her with her another guy and let me tell you, they aren't playing friends anymore. " She said snapping her fingers. "Knowing Matt, he probably was with one of his bitches." I said.

  "I tell you that boy needs help, he goes through women like he goes through clothes." she laughed maPotter me laugh.

  "Not only him also Chase but what can we do, we have to be there to bail them out when they get too clingy." I said joPotterly maPotter Selene laugh harder.

  "Okay, okay you can stop laughing now, what was it that you needed to tell me?" I asked Selene once she calmed down. "Oh that's ri-" She was cut off by my dad.

  "Everyone come on, dinner is ready." He said and we all went outside.

  An hour later...

  The sun was setting and everyone was all having a good time. I just remembered that Selene still hasn't told me what had happened.

  "Selene, you were supposed to tell me something." I said to her.

  "Yes but... Helen I am not too sure about it but you have to know..." Her expression became grim and I knew this was bad. "What happened Selene, just tell me."I was getting a little irritated that she was not telling me. "I saw him today..."She said in a low voice but I heard her clearly.

  "Who?" I asked.

  "Dav-" I cut her off.

  "What the hell?!" I said a little too loud.

  "Helen, he asked for you..."

  "And what did he say?" I was furious.

  "He wanted your number but I didn't give it to him." She said with a sad expression on her face. "What the fuck does he want from me!!"I yelled maPotter everyone stop and stare at me. "Helen, please calm down." Selene pleaded.

  "No, you know what, the fucPotter asshole is coming back in my life, first with them" I pointed at the boys who just looked at me like I grew two heads." Then yesterday at the charity event and now this!!" I was bubbling with all hidden anger.

  "Helen-" Selene now had tears in her eyes but I was too angry towards that fucPotter asshole. "I had enough!!" I yelled.

  "Helen! Where are you going?!" My dad yelled with worry in his voice.

  "As far away from this damn city as possible!!" I yelled and stomped to the garage and got into my black BMW i8, and sped where? Only god knows.

  I could not stop the tears from coming down. Aunt Linda and the lady who I just found out is Lucinda tried to comfort me.

  "Selene dear, what was Helen talPotter about?"Aunt Linda asked worry evident in her voice but before I could answer, Uncle Harry spoke up.

  "Okay, I phoned Helen's pilots and told them not to take off then all known exits out of the city." He said worry in his voice.

  "What happened?" The man called Franklin asked.

  "Helen is going to hate me if I tell your'll."I said afraid of losing my best friend, whom I have know ever since high school. "She will not dear." Aunt Linda reassured me.

  "Whatever she told you was not the entire story." I started.

  "What story, dear?" Lucinda asked.

  "About her break up." I said.

  "What happened?" Lucinda asked.

  "Helen and David Wright were dating from varsity, but Helen always had her doubts about David, heck she did not even really like him that much, it was her idea for them to get their space so she can start up her business but they saw each other for coffee and so on, when Helen felt that is was not worPotter out, that is when David proposed to her." I stopped and took in a breath and continued.

  " Now the story you heard about the break up is fake , this is what really happened... Helen wanted to break up but David thought that they can sort things out. A week later Helen went to his office to surprise him with a lunch, she came to her horror with David and some redhead chick in his office doing "certain" things, his secretary told her that this has been going on for 2 months and she was under the impression of them not together anymore. The first few seconds were heartbreak but the next were filled with anger and rage, I remember when Helen came to me, she looked ready to kill someone and how she left now was how she left that day, and I can't lose my best friend, when she came back she was so cold and distant that she was no longer the Helen we knew."

  "Then what was the story about us?" William asked.

  "Your'll remind her a lot about him." I said.

  "But how? We are way better than him and richer." Sebastian said, I figured out something about him that he is very egoistical.

  "My dear Helen,the poor love, she went through so much!"Lucinda said a few tears escaping her eyes. "Why didn't she tell us, Selene?" Aunt Linda asked wiping away her tears.

  "I am not sure Aunt Linda, she must have had her reasons." I said.

  "Well we have to go and find her, before she does something that she might regret or even worse!" Uncle Harry said and Franklin got up with him and started calling some people. "Don't Helen have tracker in her cars?" Eric asked.

  "Yes, she does." Uncle Harry said.

  "William, phone the tracPotter company!" Franklin shouted at William, maPotter him fumble for his phone.

  He called and they were able to track her car, apparently she was at an unknown beach somewhere near the outer part of the city. Uncle Harry, Franklin and the boys all went to get her. We were on our way to get Helen and let me tell you, Uncle J was driving like he was being chased by an alien or something that is like super fast. We got to the beach and found Helen's BMW i8 parked nearby. We got out of the car.

  "William, you should go." My dad said maPotter me look at him like lost his mind.

  "But dad-"

  "No William, I might be old, son but I can clearly see there is somehting going on between you two."He said looPotter at me not like a son but a man.

  "Yes William, we know you feel something for her, make her happy, but I swear to god, boy, I will hunt you down and...well you know what will happen."Uncle J threatened. "Yes Uncle J, I mean sir." I was kinda intimidated by him.

  "Dad you just gonna stand there and let your son get threatened?" Sebastian asked.

  "He knows what will happen if he hurts her, he will be running from Harry and I." My father said. "Not cool dad." Sebastian mumbled.

  "Okay, enough about that, she doesn't even want to see me let alone talk to me." I said a little defeated. "Whatever happened between you tw
o, your'll can always fix it, maybe now is a good time to do that." "So what am I going to do?" I asked

  "Just talk to her, bro" Dylan said.

  "Fine, I'm going in."I said and walked down the steps to the beach.

  I scanned the beach and my eyes landed on Helen sitting on the beach with her knees brought up to her chest.

  I walked up to her, she looked so deep in her thoughts. It was cold so I placed my jacket over her shoulders and sat down beside her. "Why are you here?" She asked, her eyes were still closed.

  "We were worried about you." I just said the first thing that came to mind. Honestly I didn't know what to say to her.


  "Everyone was worried. My father, your father,my brothers and I, we came to get you." "I don't need-" She started but I cut her off.

  "I know what happened between you and David Wright."

  "And what do you want, an award?" She asked in an exasperated yet sarcastic tone. "No, I- I had no idea that you went through something like that"I honestly did not know what to say.

  "And you wouldn't have because Selene, Chase and Matt were the only ones close to me that knew." She said in a 'duh' tone. "Helen, do I- I mean we, really remind you of him?" I was kinda hurt by this question. "Yes" Was all I got for an answer and that hurt a little bit.

  "I do intend to change that" I said to myself but I think she heard because she let out a frustrated breath.

  "Why do you call me babydoll?"That is what I like about her, if she doesn't like something she will say she doesn't like, she speaks her mind.

  Chapter 19: Meeting The Devil?!

  We were in Helen's car going to Uncle J's place, when Helen got a video call request. She answered it and when that Chase guy came up on the screen, I knew this was going to be trouble not for me but for William... They were talPotter and it seemed that things were getting a little heated between them. I glanced at William and he had a slight smile on his face, he never liked that Chase guy or his brother, in fact I would say that he was jealous of them... They were very close to Helen and he didn't like that at all... ever since that night at that club when he told me about his liPotter towards Helen, lets say that he has been acting a little weird lately.


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