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Between Darkness and Light Trilogy

Page 5

by Brianna Hawthorne

  ‘William, why would they do that, are they attempting not to be rude? Do they not want us to know that they are curious about us?’

  ‘Perhaps they do not wish to admit their interest in us to each other?’

  ‘That doesn’t make sense, considering how many apparently came out of stasis after we arrived.’

  ‘Look at them, though, many are observing everyone else just as carefully as they are us… Perhaps not all of them awoke because of us – what if they awoke because of others?’

  ‘Maybe the mass awakening was in a way a fluke? Focus…’

  They all seem interested in the description of Shiral, and many appear annoyed at the disruption caused by Novanus’ entrance. For the first time we notice the woman Novanus sits beside – she is remarkable. Almost unnaturally red hair falls about her like curtains, she has bright green eyes that seem almost lit from within. Her clothing is like a collection of vivid green, blue and violet scarves that constantly shift with her movements. She gives off a feeling of awe. She is truly beautiful; she must be his sister, Aurora.

  Just as I’m about to mention our not being able to travel beyond our moons, the juggling match breaks out. Where did it start? Back up… yes, a servant drops something, and Novanus playfully bats it, sending it arcing up and to his right. Aurora adds a small plate to the fray while furtively continuing her observation of our conversation, and several others join in. They all seem to be enjoying the effective way of disguising their interest in us until I am distracted by it. They continue, of course, but soon the Emperor conjures something that literally sucks the objects up out of the air.

  ‘What was that, William? It seemed like… incredibly massive nothingness.’

  ‘Whatever it was, it was far more powerful than it needed to be in order to remove the objects.’

  ‘Could that have been his way of making a point? What kind of people have we gotten involved with?’ I break our melding momentarily. “William, did you see what he did? Those objects were not just removed from the air – they were crushed - destroyed! Can you imagine what he would be capable of if he was really angry, as opposed to merely annoyed?” I shake with the thought; William strokes my arms reassuringly.

  “I saw, although I had not realized the enormity of his action until now. I’d love to know how he did that.”

  “William, this isn’t a game – he could have killed us all if he had let that continue… I can’t help but wonder what other terrible things he is capable of – and how little it would take to cause him to lash out.”

  “Think it through, Shi'ahn. If he harmed family members for minor infractions, there wouldn’t be very many left by now. No, I think he was being excessive in order to impress the others – let’s look again.”

  We re-join our minds and return to earlier in the feast, this time concentrating on the attitudes of those in the highest tiers, those nearest the Emperor.

  The Emperor’s tier is indeed the highest, but is only long enough for those sitting with him. There is a break about ten feet long, then another tier starts only a few inches lower than the Emperor’s. These individuals seem… if possible, even more amazing than the Emperor himself, but old… not necessarily in body, but in soul. Past Emperors or other retired high-ranking officials? One of them simply must be a past Emperor. He sounds, well, I can’t describe it adequately. A deep, imposing, powerful presence, far more so than anyone else I have heard except Cailli. All of them have the feel of authority, or of past authority. They look critically at nearly all those seated lower than themselves, even, in some cases, at the Emperor. Aurora alone seems to be held in respect by these individuals. We agree; they are likely retired officials, probably all just arisen from stasis. One would think they would be the least interested in us, but that is not case.

  We return our attention to the time just after the Emperor displayed his terrible abilities. Many show concern when I speak of Cailli projecting music as I do. As I explain whom I mean, even more look worried, though the amazing being in the second highest tier nods as if in confirmation. Everyone turns their attention toward us the moment I alter the tabletop to serve William as a percussion center. They seem more interested in that than our song at first, until I split my voice to harmonize with myself. Apparently they don’t normally do that here. No one bothers to observe us covertly anymore, we are the entertainment, so they watch, listen, and analyze. Some seem amused by the lyrics, but most seem far more interested in our methods, especially when William forces the light show on me. Some in the highest tiers may have even heard the water whisper my name; I’m certain the Emperor did. He looked quite displeased, or perhaps… distrustful. Could he have thought we were going to attack him? Our light show did fill much of the hall, rising above his tier… but we would never do anything to harm anyone!

  ‘Not without just cause’, William elaborates.

  At the end of our song no one bothers to pretend they aren’t listening to the answers we give Alma, though many seem somewhat preoccupied, as though they are both listening to us speak and reviewing something else in their minds. Some whisper between themselves as I try to explain the song everything sings. We can’t make out all their words; some are mouthed with hands blocking our view; not given voice. We catch a few comments, “Without technological assistance? No one can do that. No one we know of…”

  'Oh dear, we really did do something they didn’t understand.'

  ‘We? You mean you.’

  Throughout the rest of our time in the hall the amazing one in that high tier stares directly at us, occasionally nodding in further confirmation. As we leave with Casanova, Lucian and a few men around him obviously discuss me, Lucian's expression rather predatory. He seems to disagree with the others, then they all nod.

  I pull away from William, breaking our meld. He says “It looks like they just placed a wager on you.”

  “Something tells me that can’t be good. I wonder what it could have been about?” There is a knock on the door, then a servant enters.

  “Lady Shi'ahn, Princess Helen requests that you join her for lunch in half-an-hour.”

  “Ah, all right, where am I to meet her?”

  “I will return and escort you to her.”

  “Very well, I should expect you in…”

  “Twenty minutes, Lady.” She turns and leaves.

  William smiles, “Well, that should be an interesting meeting – Helen… Isn’t that the name of she who’s face launched a thousand ships?”

  “We should not judge the individual by their echo, remember.”

  William walks toward the door, but turns just before leaving, “I don’t know, sis. In my experience, echo’s ring pretty true.”


  The servant returns as promised, and leads me through many very impressive hallways to a very large suite of rooms that appear to all belong to Helen. She sweeps in like a queen; her hair falls in long golden curls, her body is slim yet well rounded and perfect, and her face - she is astoundingly beautiful. Not more so than my Mathair, but in a far different way. She gives off waves of provocative… something. Even the music that I project in her presence has a seductive quality to it. She pauses, looking at me, and at first smiles warmly. Then her expression turns to sorrow.

  “Oh, you poor child. Beauty is supposed to bring one closer to others, not cause such tragic isolation.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “It’s alright, child – everyone of consequence knows, especially after Lucian lost his tasteless wager over you. You are truly, unquestionably inexperienced in the ways of men and women.”


  “Placed a wager over your innocence, as so many refer to it, yes. Terribly boorish of him, but he just couldn’t believe that one of your obvious natural beauty could possibly have failed to attract men.” Old pain floods my heart and she hurriedly continues, “I’m sorry, I did not mean to cause you distress.”

  “Why have you asked me here?” She ignores the rudeness
of my straightforward question, as though she understands.

  “Tonight you are to be indoctrinated into our royal family, and I suspect you have no way of knowing how to prepare. I’d like to help you, Shi'ahn.”

  “Thank you, but I don’t understand… why?” Her expression once again becomes sad.

  “Your loneliness calls out to me, Shi'ahn, I can feel the pain you try not to project. I’m sensitive to that kind of thing, and I’d like to help you bring an end to it. Let me help you prepare for this and possibly other events, and I’m sure your time of isolation will soon be ended.”

  “Really – you would do that for me?”

  “Of course, dear. No one should have to live life alone as you have.” After we eat she presents me with several beautiful dresses, I choose one in violet silk with black lacing. It isn’t overly low cut or tight, but there is something about it that suggests that I would look even better if it were removed.

  “Oh, that one is perfect for you! I love the way it sets off your beautiful, deep auburn ringlets and vivid green eyes. My dear, you are one of the loveliest young women I have ever met; surely no man will be able to keep his eyes off you now.” She chooses flowers for my hair that carry the feel of spring and new life – of vitality. When she is done I look as I never have before, and for some reason it seems to make her just as happy as it makes me.

  “Helen, I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Think nothing of it, child.”


  I return to my rooms and decide to learn as much as I can about this place and the people within it. I haste myself and attack the waiting books, reading as fast as I can while still recording the data for maximum recall. Eidetic memory, the elders of Shiral used to call it. Never has it been more useful than now.

  William knocks on my door as I am finishing the last book. “Done any more reading, Shi'ahn?”

  “I was just finishing up, actually.” He laughs.

  “I just finished mine as well – care to share impressions?”

  “Sure.” We join minds and review our readings, but further our knowledge little. It doesn’t surprise me that the books provided to William are far more technologically advanced than mine; it seems to be a theme, my books lean heavily toward the mystical. His happiness at his recently acquired knowledge warms my soul, a pleasant counterpoint to my lack of fulfillment.

  “What’s wrong, Sis – surely you didn’t already know all of this…”

  “No, of course not. It’s just… well, none of the books spoke of… sound, of what I hear that others do not. I had hoped that something here would help me understand.”

  “Perhaps what you seek will not be found in books.” He laughs, then continues, “Wouldn’t that be ironic? All these years you have studied and studied, and now… what you wish to learn may not be written.”

  “Not in these books, no. Somewhere, though, somewhere I will find that which I wish to learn. Meanwhile, I believe it is time for you to go so that I can finally try out my intriguing looking… bath.”

  He smiles, “You’ll like it, enjoy!”

  I shoo him out and head directly for the bath, it’s time I see what comforts this place has to offer. The lack of controls still puzzles me, yet I remember it responds to voice commands. “I wish to take a bath.”

  “What is the primary purpose of the bath?”

  “Relaxation, as well as cleansing.”

  “What form of bath, ultraviolet, subsonic, or liquid immersion?”

  “Immersion in Water.”

  “Specify ambiance.”

  Really? “Waterfall pool within a dense forest, relaxingly warm.” I suddenly stand before a beautiful pool, water cascades from the ceiling, which now looks like a forest sky next to a high cliff.

  “Is there a desired scent?”

  “Jasmine, vanilla and exotic wildflowers.” I suddenly smell it; perfect. I disrobe and gingerly step in. When I'm fully immersed, the voice returns.

  “Ultrasound tension-scan initiated.”

  I almost jump out as I'm suddenly engulfed in ultrasound waves, but then water jets turn on and massage out tenseness I hadn't even been aware existed. I surrender myself to hedonistic relaxation.

  A knock on the outer door and a servant’s voice forces me to surface back into the real world. They have delivered my dress and accessories. Reluctantly I stand up and walk to the edge of the pool, the water jets turn off and I step once again into my strange new reality. It’s time to prepare for… I’m not really sure what.


  Exactly as I recognize that there is nothing further I know to do in preparation, as if on cue, Lucian knocks on my door. I open it and his eyes widen in appreciation as he motions me to join him, but they turn cold as we walk.

  William stares at me in disbelief. “Wow, sis, I’ve never seen you look so…”

  Lucian interrupts, “Ravishing? Let me guess, Helen has helped you prepare for the ceremony.”

  My thoughts turn cold. “On that note, I understand that you placed a certain bet on me, and lost. Tell me, exactly how was the final determination made on my… status?” His smile is chilling.

  “You were given a thorough physical examination, of course. My pleasure, I assure you. The examination also triggered some memories, which, alas, only provided further proof of your condition. Pity you were unable to control yourself.” My mind explodes… I dreamed rather vividly last night – dreamed of… the bastard!

  “You trespassed into my mind!”

  William bursts into the conversation with outrage clear in his voice, ““How dare you treat my Sister with such disrespect?”

  “Settle down, boy. I only examined her, I violated nothing.” He turns a cruel, or perhaps just angry eye to me. “Apparently, no one else has either.”

  I simply have no words to give voice to what I feel, though my music takes a decidedly discordant, impressionistic turn. How dare he make such light of my isolation? Anger burns in my heart, yet caution whispers in my mind. I should not let this ill-mannered brute shatter my composure, this evening is too important!

  He continues as though I have no reason to be upset. “You didn’t think we would indoctrinate you into our family without being absolutely certain that you are who and what you appear to be, did you?” My mind floods with indignation, but then I realize…

  “You haven't also inspected Shiral, have you?”

  “No, as a matter of fact, I haven't been able to find it - which is strange indeed. I have consulted all our archives, every means at my disposal, and I couldn't find a single planet that fit the description you so accommodatingly provided last night. Our databases include every planet in existence – even those often-incomplete worlds of Chaos; and yet your Shiral seems not to exist. Tell me – were you lying about its description?”

  My mind screams 'No!' but I reign in the instinct, realizing being vague may be Shiral's best hope of remaining anonymous. I try to smile unconvincingly, “Of course I spoke truly – I hadn't realized I shouldn't.”

  His eyes narrow as he assesses my words, then he looks up in unconvincing surprise, “Ah here we are, the royal throne room.” The doors begin to swing open and I do my best to force my current thoughts and feelings into that clearing space in my mind, managing a fleeting control only an instant before we are first seen by the court. I hear a barely audible gasp of appreciation from some of the men within. It fills me with enough confidence to continue.

  William, noting the appreciative looks of the men closest to us, smiles and mentally whispers ‘Yeah, well, they’ve got a point.’ That’s all I need to put my anger and feelings of betrayal completely behind. For a while, at least.

  As we continue forward, a voice rings out. “Who comes before the Emperor, claiming to be members of this great family?” We stop for a moment, then I take a step forward.

  “I, Shi'ahn of Shiral.” William steps up to join me.

  “And I, William of Shiral.”

  “And who w
ill claim them as their own?” Utter silence. “Is there anyone who will bear proof to their claim and thereby at least temporarily accept responsibility for them?” After an appreciable pause Lucian steps forward, but before he can speak there is a sparkle like light glinting off a gem, and Cailli stands facing Lucian.

  “Absolutely Not!” She turns toward the Emperor and her voice rings out loud and clear, “I will claim responsibility for them temporarily, until the one who is truly responsible is able to step forward. Until then, any and all who harm or endanger either of them will have to answer to me.” Then she turns back to us and smiles, “Go on now.” She makes ‘move along’ motions toward the throne, then disappears in another sparkle. We continue to approach the throne, without Lucian's escort, and stop at an appropriate seeming distance.

  Gazing directly at me, the Emperor says, “Approach.” I do so, and sink to one knee just before my head would have risen above his. It may well be the first thing I have done to please him. He rises and towers over me. “Do you, Shi'ahn, swear fealty to me and to the realm of Lumina? Do you swear to obey all your elders and superiors, and above all else, to never act against the interests of Our Realm?”

  “I do so swear.”

  “Then let the truth of your oath be judged.” There are gasps in the audience as he reaches up to his crown and pulls free a mighty jewel. It is the most beautiful gem I have ever seen – mightier than the greatest of all fire diamonds, and the power it radiates is… astounding. It is exactly the same color as the light emanating from the Spire, and as he brings it down toward me it feels… as though the gem itself radiates something very akin to my own exhilaration. As it touches my brow we both burst into song, its’ crystalline perfection, mine a blending of… almost an interpretation or translation of the gem’s song, and my own harmonization with it. It is almost as though we were made to sing together; as my joy explodes around me we are engulfed in Spire light.


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