Nightclub Sins: A Billionaire Romance Series
Page 96
Pain. Unimaginable pain.
Even if she could have, Lila had no time to scream.
Pain. Someone screaming. She could smell blood.
Someone talking to her. Lila? Sweetheart, can you hear me? Charlie. Help me.
She’s losing too much blood; we have to get her to the theater now. Urgent, urgent.
Who would do this?
Blink. ‘We’re putting you under now, Lila, just relax.’
Who did do this?
Who would?
Eyes closing now, darkness.
…and why?
Three years earlier…East Village, Manhattan
Lila wiped down the bar as Mikey, the bar owner, locked the doors. It was a Saturday night - actually, it was Sunday now, Lila thought, glancing at the clock. Three a.m. and she had one last chore to do and then her bed was calling her. Mikey smiled gratefully at her.
‘Seriously, Lila, if you hadn’t volunteered to stay and help me clean up, I’d be here until Tuesday. What a night.’
‘Well if you will offer half-price beer…’
She grinned at him. ‘Kidding. Dude, I have Machiavellian reasons…Charlie and I were thinking about going to Seattle for a week. See the old stomping ground. Any chance I could get a week off soon?’
Mikey considered. ‘As long as we arrange cover, I don’t see why not. I’ll even throw in a week’s vacation pay in advance.’
Lila goggled at him, her large violet eyes wide. ‘Seriously?’
Mikey grinned as he stacked chairs on tables. ‘Of course, you think I’m a tyrant?’
‘I do not; I think you’re the best, thank you.’
‘You’re welcome. So tell me again…why aren’t you and Charlie a thing? Apart from him being the scariest mofo this side of the Hudson.’
Lila rolled her eyes. Since she’d started here a year ago, juggling bar work with her studies at the School of Visual Arts, she’d fallen in love with New York and the constant activity of it. Her best friend Charlie, the boy to whom she’d grown up closest to in the children’s home, now a police detective sergeant, had transferred with her from Seattle, much to her surprise and gratitude. They’d shared an apartment for a few weeks before Lila decided she wanted to see if she could strike out alone. Charlie had been understanding, had even helped her move out, and she was glad that their friendship was as strong as ever.
Charlie, a few years older than her at thirty-four, was a hard read for anyone who didn’t know him as well as Lila did. A serious, intense man, he nevertheless had no lack of female attention with his brooding, almost dangerous looks. His last girlfriend had reluctantly broken up with him when she realized he was never going to propose to her and since then he was the king of the one-night stand. Most nights, though, he would hang out with Lila, happy to watch TV. while she studied; he even cooked for her.
Lila adored Charlie, had done so since they were young and lived at the children’s home in Seattle. He had been fourteen; she had been a toddler when he took her under his wing. When she was nineteen, she helped him celebrate his thirtieth birthday by drinking (illegally) way too much tequila – it was the one and only time their relationship had turned sexual. Lila lost her virginity to Charlie that night, and while it was a wonderful, sensual night, they had never repeated it. Too much history and Lila was afraid of souring their friendship.
So, now, as she smiled at her boss, she shook her head. ‘Friend zone 101. And he’s not scary, he just keeps to himself. Admittedly,’ she laughed to herself, ‘he is the king of Resting Bitch Face. But, Mikey, if you knew him…he’s the kindest, warmest person ever.’
Mikey harrumphed. ‘I’ll take your word for it.’
There was a knock at the door that surprised them both. Mikey glanced out of the window and chuckled. ‘Speak of the devil…’
Charlie nodded as Mikey opened the door for him. ‘Thanks, man.’ His face softened when he saw Lila. ‘Hey, Snooks. On a night shift so thought I’d come give you a ride home.’
‘She could do with one,’ Mikey muttered, with meaning and Lila, flushing swiped at him then went to hug Charlie. ‘You’re a lifesaver.’
Outside, Charlie’s partner, Riley Kinsayle, a cheerful blonde detective grinned at her. ‘Hey, gorgeous. Still single?’ Riley, who had an enormous crush on Lila, never let the chance to flirt with her go by. He was the absolute antithesis of Charlie – open, gregarious, cute as all hell, with his messy blonde beard and a wide grin. If he hadn’t been Charlie’s partner then, Lila told herself, I would absolutely date Riley, but it was that ‘you don’t date your best friend’s friends’ thing. Occasionally, alone at night, Riley would creep into her fantasies – and sometimes, she grinned to herself, Riley and his twin brother, Woods – who admittedly was gorgeous but a real piece of work as well.
She pushed that thought away now as she climbed into the back of the car. Riley turned around. ‘Hey, you wanna ride up here? On my lap?’
She laughed and kissed his cheek. ‘Raincheck?’
‘You better bet ‘raincheck.'’
Charlie got into the driver’s seat and grinned at them both. See? Not scary, Lila thought fondly.
‘You want me to book this guy for harassment?’ He said to Lila, his voice a deep, slightly flat tone.
She grinned. ‘No way. If he stops, then you can book him for non-harassment.’
Riley laughed and high-fived her as Charlie gave a grunt. ‘That’s not a thing, you know.’
He pulled the car out onto – for New York – a quiet street and turned the car towards the Brooklyn Bridge. They chatted casually until suddenly Charlie slammed the brakes on and was out of the car, weapon drawn. Riley opened the car door. ‘Stay here, beautiful.’
Lila sat up, alarmed. Charlie and Riley ran to an alleyway where she could see a group of men gathered around someone on the floor. She watched as the two detectives approached, then as the group hurriedly disbanded, Charlie giving chase while Riley helped whoever it was to their feet. As Riley brought the figure nearer, she saw it was a young man, covered in blood, barely able to stand up. Lila opened the door and got out.
‘Jesus…here, Riley, put him in the back seat, and I’ll take care of him. Go help Charlie.’
Riley, grim-faced, nodded, although clearly not happy about leaving her alone with the injured man. He slotted him into the back seat of the car and Lila got in next to him, pulling off her over-shirt and using it to wipe some of the blood from the man’s eyes. He was obviously dazed, blood pouring from wounds on his face and jawline. He winced as he gently touched his face.
‘I think you’ve broken your cheekbone,’ she said gently, ‘not that I’m an expert. We’ll get you to the hospital, I promise, as soon as the guys come back.
She dabbed the blood as best she could without hurting him. After a while, she saw he was staring at her and smiled at him.
‘You’re really beautiful,’ he said in a cracked voice, and she chuckled.
‘And we’ll get you checked for concussion too,’ she joked, although concussion was a very real possibility in this case.
He smiled. He was good-looking, even with a messed up face, dark wavy short hair, and deep chocolate brown eyes, so full of pain at this moment that she couldn’t help smiling back and her heart began to thump just a fraction faster. ‘What’s your name, angel?’ His voice, still broken, was rich and warm.
‘Lila,’ she said, ‘Lila Tierney. And who are you?’
The man raised his hand and gently cupped her cheek. ‘Lila…I’m very, very pleased to meet you…I’m Richard…’
Now…Lenox Hill Hospital, Manhattan
‘Lila? Lila, dear, I’d like you to wake up now…it’s okay, just open your eyes.’
The woman had a soothing voice, and Lila wanted to
do as she asked, but she was afraid. What would she see? Was she dead or alive?
Pain. Oh god, there it was, the wracking, searing agony she’d first felt when that knife had sliced mercilessly into her flesh. Instantly, she was back in the dressing room, smiling as she pulled the curtain back, then the shock, the breath being wrenched from her body as she was stabbed. Her attacker – her killer? – grunting as he attacked her, vicious, cruel blows. Him. A man. God help me…
‘Lila, it’s okay, it’s Doctor Honeychurch, please open your eyes if you can.’
A doctor, not an angel. Lila opened her eyes, wincing from the light, waking to a new horror. A tube down her throat and strangers around her.
No. Not all strangers. Charlie’s face was even more serious than usual, wracked with worry and pain, and was standing at the end of her bed. She lifted her hand and reached for him. Charlie glanced at the doctor who smiled at him encouragingly.
‘Please, take her hand. This is really good progress…she’s been in a coma for a month; this means she recognizes you.’
A month. Oh Jesus, no… A tear rolled down her face and Charlie moved quickly then, taking her hand and bending down to kiss her cheek, kissing the tear away. It was such a loving, tender thing to do…but it felt so wrong. As much as she adored Charlie, it should be Richard here, holding her hand, kissing her tears away. She grabbed Charlie’s hand, opening it to his palm. The doctor hovered in her peripheral vision.
‘Lila, please don’t over exert yourself.’ But she ignored her and with her finger, traced letters on Charlie’s palm.
Why here?
Charlie’s eyes were haunted. ‘You were stabbed, sweetheart.’ So she was remembering it right. God.
Stunned, she saw his eyes fill with water, and he looked away. ‘We don’t know, Lila. Not yet.’
How long?
‘A month, baby.’
Where’s Richard?
She saw him glance at the doctor and hesitate. The doctor gave a little shake of her head. Charlie gave Lila a smile – a forced one. ‘He’ll be here later, sweetheart.’
Lila, exhausted, let her hand drop. The doctor stepped in then, checking her reflexes, shining a light in her eyes. ‘Are you in pain, Lila?’
She tried to nod and the doctor, an African American woman with a kind, soothing face smiled at her. ‘Alright, I’ll get you some morphine. Try not to do too much, we’ve had to operate a bunch of times so your wounds are still raw. You kept trying to leave us, Lila, honey, but every time you changed your mind and came back. That’s my girl.’
She smoothed a warm hand onto Lila’s forehead. ‘You’re a little warm, so we’ll try and get your temperature down before we take that tube out, okay?’
Lila sighed. She felt bound up, the heavy bandaging on her belly and, weirdly, on her chest too – she didn’t remember being stabbed in the chest, but maybe it had been after she passed out. The thought made her want to vomit. Who could hate her that much?
She felt fatigue flood over her, and she closed her eyes again. As she sank back into sleep, she heard another voice, familiar, warm. Delphine.
‘How is she?’
‘Still too early to tell,’ Lila heard the doctor tell her would-be-mother-in-law, her friend. ‘She woke up and recognized Mr. Sherman, so that’s positive.’
There was a pause.
‘Does she know? Did you tell her?’ Lila was shocked at the pain in Delphine’s voice, and then Charlie cleared his throat.
‘No, we thought it wise not to upset her. We’ll tell her when she’s stronger.’
Tell me what? What the hell is going on? Who stabbed me?
And where the hell is Richard…?
Then… Lenox Hill Hospital, Manhattan
Lila stood at the elevator and hesitated. She had been determined to go visit Richard in the hospital after Charlie told her they were keeping him in with a head injury, but now, as she stood waiting, she felt dumb, awkward. He probably won’t even recognize me, she told herself, and I’ll make it uncomfortable. She hadn’t told Charlie her plan to visit the injured man, and now she didn’t know why. She just felt…something. A connection. She couldn’t get him out of her head. True, that night, after Richard had told her his name, he had collapsed into her arms, unconscious so by the time Charlie and Riley had returned to the car empty-handed, she was begging them to get to the hospital now and not wait for the paramedics. At the hospital, Richard had been borne away quickly into the labyrinth of the E.R. and Charlie had taken her home, still covered in Richard’s blood. The sudden silence of her tiny apartment seemed claustrophobic, and she’d been too keyed to sleep. Charlie had apologetically had to leave to file a report on the incident so Lila had simply decided to clean her whole apartment in a bid to exhaust herself into sleep. Luckily, Sunday was her one day off from all work and study commitments, so by the time nine o’clock came around, she showered then fell into bed and slept until three o’clock when Charlie knocked on her door with Chinese food.
The elevator doors opened, and before she could change her mind, she stepped onto it. To hell with it, she wanted to see if he was okay. Yeah, right, so nothing to do with his gorgeous brown eyes, then? ‘Shut up,’ she muttered to herself, ignoring the amused look a nurse gave her.
She found the floor he was on easily then again got cold feet. By the nurses’ station, she could see an elegant older woman with white hair, tall, talking to a doctor. She hovered near them, trying to hear if they mentioned anyone. Jackpot.
‘So Richard’s facilities remain as they were?’ The white-haired woman, spectacles pushed onto her nose, was ticking off items on a notepad. Lila saw the doctor repress a smile.
‘Mrs. Carnegie, as I said, Richard has a mild concussion and cuts and bruises. He was very lucky, given the severity of the injuries he might have received. Now I know he looks battered, and it’ll take some time for the swelling to go down but from the tests I’ve performed, there’s no brain damage. Your son’s ribs are understandably badly bruised but again, they'll heal just fine.’
The woman – Mrs. Carnegie – Richard’s mother – thanked the doctor who escaped with a look of relief. He nodded to Lila on the way past. Lila took a deep breath in and went up to the woman. ‘Excuse me?’
Mrs. Carnegie glanced at her over her glasses; severe at first then she smiled. ‘Yes, dear?’
Lila realized her own hands were sweating and wiped them on her jeans. ‘I couldn’t help but overhear – are you Richard’s mother?’
Her other woman smiled. ‘Yes, I am Delphine Carnegie…can I help you?’
‘Um…’ Lila got tongued-tied. ‘My name is Lila Tierney and I…’
‘Lila? You’re Lila?’ Suddenly the woman’s face changed, her eyes widened. ‘Oh, my dear!’
She threw her arms around an astonished Lila and burst into tears. Lila hugged her back awkwardly and then as Delphine’s sobs subsided, she took Lila’s face in her hands and kissed both cheeks. ‘Thank you, my dear, for looking after my son so well. He says you saved his life.’
Lila rocked back. ‘No, no, it wasn’t me it was the two cops with me – one is my friend, I wasn’t under arrest – they pulled the attackers off. I just…I just…’
Delphine wiped her eyes with a lace handkerchief and then tucked her arm under Lila’s. ‘Nonsense. You took care of him, in the car. He told me everything…now, when I last checked he was sleeping but let’s go see if he’s awake now.’
She was steering Lila inexorably towards a private room and Lila had no time to think before Delphine pushed the door open.
Richard Carnegie was reading, but as he looked up and saw her, a wide smile split his face – which made him wince as the movement pulled on some stitches. Still, his smile made Lila’s stomach warm.
‘Here she is,’ Delphine said, beaming at them both. ‘Look who’s here to see you.’
‘Lila…wow, it’s so good to see you, thank you for coming.’
Delphine maneuvered L
ila into the chair next to his bed. ‘I’ll just go see where your father is,’ she said pointedly, with a grin and closed the door after her. Lila blushed furiously as Richard grinned at her.
‘I just wanted to see how you were,’ she said, hating that her voice trembled. The fact his face bruised and stitched didn’t detract from how handsome he was, how his eyes twinkled at her, his mouth seemingly set in a permanent smile.
‘I’m very well, actually, although I’m milking it a little for the Jello they keep bringing,’ he chuckled as she laughed.
‘I’m glad to hear it…unless it’s a disgusting flavor.’
‘It’s mostly orange, maybe a strawberry now and again.’
‘Nice. I like lime too.’
‘I had one once. They’re like gold dust apparently. We have to swap packs of cigarettes for those.’
She giggled. ‘Oh, you do?’
Richard nodded, looking comically smug. ‘I’m a favorite of Big Bernard’s.’
Lila snickered. ‘You mean you’re his bitch?’
‘Something like that,’ Richard laughed. He reached over and took her hand, winding his fingers between hers. ‘Seriously, though, Lila…thank you for coming. It gives me the chance to both say how much I appreciated your help that night…and to ask if I can see you again when they let me out of here?’
Her stomach flipped, and she flushed with pleasure. ‘I would like that…but I really didn’t do anything.’
He drew her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. ‘Yes, you did. If I had died that night, at least your lovely face would have been the last thing I ever saw. I’m okay with that.’
His compliment was lovely, but she couldn’t help the grin that crossed her face. ‘Dude…’
Richard laughed sheepishly. ‘Too cheeseball?’
‘A little but I’m okay with it.’
Richard leaned forward and tentatively brushed her lips with his. ‘So, can I see you again?’ God, he was a cheeseball but so, so adorable with it…