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The Alpha Wolf (Crystal Forest Lake Shifter Series Book 5)

Page 13

by Ovidia Pike

  “You’re a cruel man,” Harley said. “You deserve this.”

  “Fuck you, Harley,” I spat as it hit me again. She glared at me and I felt a vine wrap around my neck, then closing and squeezing my throat. I gasped but couldn’t draw air, jerking my legs apart so that the vines around my ankles broke. I realized my mistake as soon as I started to fall—the vine was still around my neck, so I dangled from it like a noose. I felt another blow against my legs as I reached my hands up, ripping the vine away from my throat and collapsing to the ground. I dove at Harley again and saw her eyes widen, felt something slow me down, not paralyzing me as it used to.

  I got to her and wrapped my jaw around her existing arm, ripping it off as I had the other one. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and glanced up to see that it was Sophie, covered head to toe in blood, creeping toward us with her shotgun out. Harley ripped out from underneath me and threw me backward, and the wind left my body as I felt something impale me through my back, coming out through my chest. I coughed and blood drooled from my mouth as I looked down to see a sharp branch sticking out of my chest. My eyes closed, then fluttered open when Sophie let out a scream and the shotgun went off, and Harley’s head exploded into gore.

  “So—Sophie,” I gasped through the pain, knowing I was going to die. I tried to pull myself from the branch as Sophie rushed to me, pausing just ahead of me, then letting out another scream as she fainted to the ground. I tried to call for her, but it was too late. I shut my eyes then and let my body go limp, felt the life go out of me as I succumbed to blackness.

  Chapter 20: Sophie

  I kept my eyes closed, felt my body lift into the air, still curled in a ball. I could feel myself glowing all over, my skin burning hot, so hot that steam lifted off of me and curled into the air. My body felt like it was glowing, growing stronger, and I stretched out my limbs as the power flowed through my body. I opened my eyes to see that I was floating, surrounded in light. I looked around at the trees—they seemed greener than before, and there were soft sounds as if they were whispering to me. I turned my eyes forward then and my body sank to the ground when I saw Gabriel, eyes shut, blood covering his chin as he hung lifelessly against the branch that had impaled him. I rushed to him, pushing the spear back and out of his body, hovering him forward before setting him gently on the ground. I already knew the truth—I checked his pulse anyway, hoping for life, but his body was already stiff and no longer warm with life.

  Something within me broke—shattered into millions of pieces. I started to sob, kissing his face all over.

  “No,” I whispered. “No, no. Gabriel, wake up.”

  No response. There would never be a response again. I felt a physical agony well up within me and let out a long, piercing scream of pain and grief.

  “I love you, I love you, please,” I begged him, kissing his cheek again. “I love you so much.”

  “Sophie,” came a voice in the woods, and I turned to see Arthur jogging toward me. His eyes lit on Gabriel and he let out a sharp breath, and I saw tears start to fall from his eyes as he came to me, wrapping me in his big arms.

  “I’m so sorry,” he breathed, his voice shaking. I sobbed in his arms, still hearing the screams of people dying all around us, not caring anymore as I sank to my knees, taking Gabriel’s hand and holding it to my face.

  “You’re glowing,” Arthur said.

  “I think... I feel like I have Harley’s powers.”

  “We need you. Bad.”

  “I don’t care,” I gasped, holding on to Gabriel, looking up at his handsome face. Arthur put his hand on my shoulder and lifted me from the ground, turning me around to look him square in the eye.

  “He wanted this place safe. You’re the only chance we have of stopping this.”

  “He’s dead.”

  “He is. Help me save his people.”

  I nodded, closing my eyes. I thought about Gabriel and felt rage start to run through me, a terrible anger that I had never felt before. I felt myself rise in the air, far above the village so that I could see the fighting below, lions, wolves, zombies and witches. I took a deep breath and suddenly there were gasps going up around me, and I looked down to see that hundreds of the enemies had been picked up by vines, flung around, slammed into trees. I focused on that power as the villagers started to pour away from the trees and the woods surrounding. I didn’t let anyone else escape—I impaled them, using the whip against them, instinctively knowing how to use it. I closed my eyes and let my body take over until the screams were no more, the village hushed and quiet. I dropped to the ground and opened my eyes again to see people standing in the streets staring at me in awe and wonder. I looked at Gabriel again, went to him, wrapped my arms around his body and lifted myself in the air. He was easy to hold with my extra strength, and I held him against my chest as I soared over the trees, landing in the flower meadow where we’d had our date.

  “Our bond will bring you back,” I said softly. “I’m going to bring you back.”

  As I spoke, I climbed onto his body, sat on his hips and lay myself flat against him. I kissed his cold lips once, then again, focusing every bit of my strength on his wound. I pressed my hand to it, letting out another deep breath when I felt how big it was, how thick the branch had been. I kissed his lips again, then his neck, brought my face down to his wound and brushed my lips over it.

  “I love you,” I whispered. “Come back.”

  There was no response. I fought even harder to focus, imagining my energy as the glowing ball it was, concentrated in my chest. In my mind, I pushed it forward into my hand, pressing against Gabriel’s chest, over his heart.

  “I love you,” I said again. “Please come back.”

  I kissed him again, and gradually I could feel the wound start to change, growing smaller under my palm. I smiled and kept going, kissing him over and over, all over his face, his fingers, his chest until it was closed. I touched his cheek and projected the light inside of him, felt his mouth start to move under mine.

  “Yes,” I breathed, feeling his heart start to beat against my chest. Our bond started to swell and he began to respond even more, slipping his tongue into my mouth, hand going to the back of my head.

  “You’re back,” I said against his lips.

  “The bond,” he said in a ragged voice. “Keep going.”

  “Keep kissing you?”

  “Yes,” he said gruffly, taking my mouth in another kiss. I ran my hands over his chest, body responding as it usually did, beginning to grind against his hips. The kiss grew deeper as I sent him more energy, and I felt his heart start to pound, pulled back to see some color in his face. He looked at me with pure desire and love, then flipped me onto my back in a swift movement, lifting my dress. He kissed me softly as he brought two fingers to my pussy, which was already wet and ready.

  “What is happening?” I asked him as he kissed my neck, his skin hot again, his hands hungry.

  “The bond,” he repeated, kissing me hard on the mouth as he slipped and finger into my pussy to gather moisture, rubbing it over my clit.

  “We need to bond?”

  “Yes, Sophie,” he said, already sinking his cock deep inside of me. He started to move in slow strokes and I squirmed underneath him, wrapping my legs around his hips, staring into his eyes.

  “You’re back,” I said.

  “I’m back,” he confirmed and nodded, and I came when he reached down to rub my clit again, soaking his cock. He let out a groan and filled me with his cum, face resting against my neck. He pulled away from me and lifted me so that we were sitting, his eyes sparkling and alive.

  “What just happened?”

  “We aren’t finished bonding yet. The closer we get, the more strength I have.”

  “I guess we better do it again,” I said, touching his cheek. He grinned at me and kissed me on the lips.

  “You save my life over and over, you know?” he asked. “You saved me when you met me.”

love you,” I said, nuzzling his cheek. “You saved me, too.”

  Epilogue: Gabriel

  I stood in the mirror and felt Arthur come up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me into a bear hug. He set me down and clapped me so hard on the back I nearly lost my breath, but I laughed at the drunken liveliness in his eyes.

  “I’m so fucking excited for you, little man,” he beamed. “Finally losing your virginity.”

  I snorted and heard Jackson and Nathaniel laugh, too. Jackson crossed the room to me, a look of concern in his eyes.

  “You got this?” he asked me, holding my gaze as he adjusted my tie. I gave him a nod, unable to stop myself from smiling.

  “I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time,” I said, feeling giddy at the prospect of seeing Sophie walking down the aisle.

  “So have the rest of us,” Nathaniel said as he joined us at the mirror.

  “So I’m told.”

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Are you decent?” Sam called out.

  “Yeah,” I told him. He opened the door and the girls flew into the room, looking me over appraisingly.

  “How do I look, ladies?” I asked them.

  “Handsome,” Chelsey gushed with a bright smile.

  “Have you seen Sophie?” I asked.

  “We just saw her! She looks like a princess,” Jane explained excitedly.

  “I bet she does.”

  “Are you going to cry when you see her?” Chelsey asked.

  “Probably,” I admitted. Chelsey clasped her hands together and gave me a dreamy look.

  “That’s so romantic.”

  “Is everything ready out there?” I asked when Sam peered in. He nodded.

  “All ready to go,” he said with a thumbs up. I took a deep breath and we filed out of the hut, walking toward the flower meadow where Sophie had brought me to life. The sight of it was breathtaking as I passed down the aisle, decorated with the wildflowers woven through the branches. I joined the princess Selene underneath the arch that Sam had built for us to be married under. She gave me a warm smile, and a second later gestured for Sophie to join us. I lost my breath as soon as she started walking toward me, holding it in, not wanting to disturb the moment. She wore a short white dress with a wide, fluffy skirt, and a bodice that conformed to her body. She walked toward me and looked up at me from her downturned face, a look of excitement flashing over her visage. When she joined me, I finally let out a breath, lifted her into my arms and twirled her around while the onlookers laughed.

  “Hi,” I said to her, giving her a soft kiss.

  “It’s not time for that yet,” she chided with a playful look. There were tears in her eyes and my heart pounded in my chest as Selene began to speak. I barely listened to her as I stared into Sophie’s eyes, thinking of our past, how she had changed me for the better. Just standing across from her made me want to be my best self, the man she deserved, and when it was my turn to speak, I found it hard to say the words.

  “Sophie...” I began, stumbling over the words. She giggled and took my hand, tilting her head slightly.

  “Um... god... I just... you’re so pretty.”

  “Thank you,” she laughed, squeezing my hand.

  “I love you. I’m so in love with you,” I began. “I didn’t even know what love was before—and then it hit me when I met you and I was so scared, I was so scared, but I knew even then this is where we’d end up. I knew it. It’s what I’ve wanted more than anything. I promise to be someone you can be proud to stand next to, always. I love you.”

  “I love you,” she whispered. “You’re a good man. You’re the best man I know.”

  I leaned in then to kiss her and the audience laughed, and though Selene cleared her throat, I didn’t stop kissing Sophie. I held her in my arms as her tears dripped on to our lips, then picked her up and spun her around again.

  “We’re married,” I said with a grin, our foreheads pressed together.

  “That was my line,” Selene joked, beaming at both of us. I took Sophie’s hand and led her back down the aisle and into my hut as the music struck up for the reception outside. I picked her up by the waist when we were there, putting her on the table and spreading her thighs.

  “What are you doing?” she exclaimed, giggling as I pulled her panties down, and I looked up to see her face flushed in anticipation.

  “I’m celebrating,” I said.

  “We’re supposed to be out there,” she countered, though her voice was weak, and she smiled at me when I lowered my face between her legs to nuzzle her wet pussy.

  “Sophie, I know you,” I said, beginning to lap at her. “You’re never going to turn down getting your pussy licked.”

  “Please,” she gasped as I started to suck on her clit. “I don’t it that much.”

  I snickered, throwing her legs over my shoulders, burying my face between her legs and devouring her hungrily. She put her hands in my hair and rode against my face, cumming quickly in my mouth as I slipped two fingers deep inside of her. When I was done, I kissed her, wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close. There was a knock at the door and I nearly groaned at the interruption, opening it to see Arthur on the other side.

  “You’re missing your own dance,” he chided.

  “I don’t care that much right now.”

  “You better care,” he said, clapping me on the back. “It’s time to party, little man.”

  “Fine,” I said, reaching for Sophie’s hand, pulling her back out of the hut and to the community center where people were dancing, drinking, and eating. Sophie and I went to the bar that had been set up in the corner, ordering glasses of champagne. We sipped them as we walked around to greet people, our hands locked together.

  “Sophie,” Lily said as we approached her and Nathaniel. She swept me into a hug and kissed my cheek with a smile. “Did you two have fun during your private moment?”

  I blushed and she giggled, and Nathaniel picked her up and slung her over his massive shoulder, finishing his champagne.

  “We’re dancing,” he said, carrying her off. Sam and Camilla stepped forward and he reached forward to shake my hand.

  “Congratulations,” he said with his usual warm smile. I was surprised when I looked at Camilla to see that she had the same expression on her face—she had been warming up to me in the past few weeks, but she had never looked friendly until now.

  “You look beautiful, Camilla. When you smile like that,” Sophie said.

  “I love weddings,” Camilla admitted.

  “You don’t seem like much of a romantic,” I joked. Sam grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “She’s romantic. She’s secretly a softie.”

  “I am not,” Camilla responded disagreeably. Sam kissed her cheek and she flushed, her smile growing brighter. A soft song started to play and I exchanged a glance with Sophie.

  “Time to dance,” I said to her, offering her my hand. She blushed and gave me a shy look.

  “I’m not good at dancing.”

  “Yes, you are,” I said, leading her to the floor. I took her hand and wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her close, staring into her vivid green eyes.

  “I told you this would happen,” I said. She laughed.

  “Don’t get a big head about it. This doesn’t actually mean I like you.”

  I chuckled and leaned in to kiss her, holding her there for a long moment. I glanced past her to see Jackson with Alicia and the baby. He gave me a proud nod and I grinned at him before looking at Sophie again.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “Is it because I’m handsome?”

  “A little,” she said with a big smile, kissing me softly.

  “I love you, too, Sophie,” I whispered against her lips, holding her close to me, feeling whole and complete.



  Thank you so much for your support as I laun
ched my first series! I hope you enjoyed all five books (this was #5). The first book is available only to subscribers to my email list, so if you haven’t found that one yet, go to to get it that way.

  I have excited stories in the works! Soon, I’ll be launching a lion shifter series, based in the same forest as this one!

  The readers on my email list will be the first to know when it’s available, so if you want to know before anyone else – join the list at

  To view all my books, visit my site

  Love to all you sweet readers.





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