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Chocolate Rewards: The Sweetness of Two Worlds Colliding Together

Page 8

by Burns, Rachel

  Rokai took the chocolate and popped it into Amber eager mouth.

  It melted in her mouth giving her happy feelings.

  Rokai smiled at her proudly. He took the sponge and cleaned up Amber between her legs.

  Amber thought that she was going to die of embarrassment. Rokai just beamed at her and carried her back to bed where he settled in and then leaned her against him.

  The purple woman followed them and covered up Amber.

  “Thank you – ” Amber let her voice drift off.

  “I am Zufu, mistress.”

  Amber felt that she had never seen a happier person, and she was from Hawaii where lots of people smiled.

  “I'm Amber. It's very nice to meet you. Thank you for helping me when I was sick.” Amber was already picturing the woman in a light blue dress, with tiny yellow flowers, and a hat, definitely a hat.

  “You're welcome, mistress.”

  “You are still very sick. The doctor said you have to stay in bed for the next week, at least.” Rokai was leaving a window open, in case she got fancy ideas about running away again. “Zufu and I will be taking care of you.”

  “I'm sorry, I'm such a burden.”

  “Nonsense, you just need to rest and eat plenty of food.” Rokai felt completely relaxed with her. He took the plate that Zufu brought with her.

  “Your master feeds you. You may not touch food,” Zufu warned her.

  “That sounds like a way to lose weight.”

  “Why would you want to lose weight?” Rokai asked. He was starting to get frustrated with her again now that he had to listen to her.

  “To fit into cool clothes.” That she managed to leave out the duh impressed her.

  “Women look best as they naturally are. I have always felt that it was a great shame when their master let them wear clothes.”

  “Let them?” Amber objected.

  “Yes, women get cold so easily, then they get clothes to warm them.”

  “I have clothes that make me look amazing back home, things that emphasize the beauty of my body. Things only a woman with the perfect size can wear.”

  “Size?” Rokai asked after he had gently placed a spoonful of warm food into her mouth.

  “Women come in different sizes,” she answered. “Some are bigger and some are smaller.”

  “I like soft ones,” Rokai declared.

  “Aren't I soft enough for you?” Amber bit her tongue. Cuddled up so close to him, she had forgotten that they weren't on the same side. He was her master. He was just nursing her back to health so she could work for him.

  “I think you should eat so more. You were very sick.” He looked at her face, noting that her cheeks were hollow and she had dark circles under her eyes.

  Her eyes were bright with excitement as she spoke of clothes, but otherwise he could easily see that she was still recovering.

  She was the oddest thing he had ever met, but still he was so attached to her. “I need you eat your fill so I can check on the plants. I have so much to do.”

  “And you need me to get better so I can help,” she said sadly.

  “What do you want to help with?” He was curious to hear what she thought she could do on a chocolate farm.

  Amber shrugged her shoulders and frowned. “Whatever you tell me to do.”

  “Woman, you need to speak more plainly. I don't understand you.” He set the plate down and ran his hand over her head.

  “I'm just your slave. You command me around and I have to obey you, or you will punish me.” The sides of her mouth were being pulled down so much that it hurt her.

  She was starting to wish that she were more than just a slave to him.

  Amber felt that he was all that she had now; the problem was, she wasn't as important to him, even if he had been very kind to her while she was sick. He was just looking after his investment.

  Rokai was a little confused. She had summed up being a slave from a very negative side. “A slave is someone who is the legal property of another. A slave is dependent on her master, he cares for her, sees to it that she gets enough to eat.” He fed her another spoonful of food. “That she is warm, happy and sexually gratified.”

  Amber started to choke on the food in her mouth. That he would see to her sexual needs was an embarrassing thought.

  Rokai had to grin to himself. He had managed to embarrass her. Thoughts of her blushing while they made love, turning her a beautiful red, went through his head. He liked the color she turned into when she blushed. It made her look more like him.

  “But you could sell me if you stopped liking me?”

  “Why would a man sell a woman? Just to be able to have one of my own is a privilege that only few men are allowed. I know how special you are. I will make sure we are both happy.” He kissed her tenderly on her lips. They were soft and tasted like the food that they were eating. He saw her eyes close so she could enjoy the feeling of being kissed.

  Rokai also closed his eyes. This was a feeling of warmth and closeness like none he had ever felt before. He had such tender feelings for his silly little slave.

  At first, he had wanted her because she was a woman, one that had scolded him and even slapped him. She had sparked his interest. That interest had grown into something more with each second that passed between them. He felt lucky to get to share his life with her.

  Her lips parted slightly in a sigh.

  Rokai took that chance to slowly caress the inside of her mouth. His tongue felt its way around. He noted her tiny sharp teeth, her sweet yet strong tongue and the sides of her mouth, which were completely soft.

  Rokai assumed that she was still too ill for them seal the bond by making love, but this was a tiny start, a moment that would bring them physically closer to one another.

  He cupped her jawbone in his hand. She fit into it so perfectly. She wasn't trying to avoid his kisses. On the contrary, she was rising up and attempting to move in closer to him. Rokai wrapped his free arm around her back and lifted her closer to his heart.

  Amber also wrapped an arm around his neck and laid a hand on the side of his face. They were so close to each other that it felt as if their hearts were beating as one.

  Amber peeked to see if Zufu was watching them. She couldn't spot the woman anywhere. She must have discreetly left them, so they could be alone for their first kiss.

  Amber pulled away from Rokai so that they were a mere inch apart. “I should hate you.” She wasn't a schoolgirl getting her first kiss at recess. She was a slave being kissed by her master.

  Rokai gasped surprised at her words. “No, don't say that.” He stroked his fingertips along the side of her face.

  “You took everything I had away from me, so you could selfishly have a woman of your own. That left me with nothing. The thing I don't understand is, why don't I hate you? Why do I get such a sad feeling when you leave the room? It seems like an immeasurable amount of time until you return, but when you do I can breathe deeply and relax again.”

  “Believe me when I say, I feel the exact same way. Sometimes it happens between a master and slave. This is a need they have to be together. I will not leave your side for the rest of my life. We are bound to one another. We might even have a child together.”

  “You say that like its something special. Most people have children, a couple of children even.”

  “Your Earth is indeed a very special place. Not only do you have a population that has the same amount of females as males, but they must love each other very much to bring forth such large amounts of children.”

  “I wouldn't go so far as to say that they are all love-children.”

  “Nonsense, where there is no love, there can be no child.”

  Amber thought about that. It sounded like he was saying that lack of love was like birth control. That couldn't be right.

  “A couple can make love without being in love, and the woman can get pregnant,” she explained.

  Rokai smirked at her. “Whoever gave you such a
silly notion? A man gives a woman his seed, planting it in her womb. Both parents have to love one another very much. Only then will that seed grow. Without love the child would perish.”

  “I wish you were right.” Amber felt that it was a naïve notion, but one that someone had taken the time to teach him. He was like a little kid who still believed in Santa Claus.

  Should she be the one to burst his bubble?

  She remembered being down at the beach, collecting seashells with her mom to decorate the table for Christmas. She had suggested that they lay the prettiest shells around the plate of cookies that they left out for Santa.

  An older boy heard her and laughed, proclaiming loudly to his friends that she was a baby who still believed in Santa Claus. Her mother had scolded him for ruining Christmas for Amber, thus confirming his words.

  There was no Santa Claus, no tooth fairy, and a man and a woman didn't need to love each other to make a baby.

  Amber decided that was the way that things should be. “I'm sure you are right. I don't know anything about – making love.” If she every got pregnant by him then she would want him to love their baby and be kind to it.

  “We will learn all about it together. I expect that we will have a child before the first crop is in.” Rokai was optimistic that he could get her to love him back. He would take a lot of time, showing her how much he loved her. He would give her pleasure with his body, he would spend time to her, listening to her talk about her beloved clothes and he would tell her the truth about his love. Perhaps, she would admit that loved him back when he told her. Then she would make love to him.

  That soon?

  “Rokai, we may not be able to have a child. Because I'm an earthling, and you are a – Whatever your people are called.”

  “I have been called a Red Barbarian before,” he teased her.

  “I'm serious. We may not be compatible that way.”

  Rokai realized that she really was serious. “I'm not worried, Amber. I will give you a child. In fact, we are more compatible than the King and the Queen. Our species can produce children. It has been done before. You don't have to worry. I will give you a child. Then you will have something to do when I work in the fields.”

  “You don't want me to work in the fields?”

  “Definitely not, you are a precious slave. You don't do any sort of work.”

  “You make it sound like you are the slave and I am the master.” Amber stared into his eyes, waiting for him to explain things so she would understand.

  “Most certainly not. Being the master is a lot of responsibility. I have to see to it that I can afford you. I work so you have enough. Alone the money to pay the doctor is a small fortune. A woman could never come up with that kind of sum.” The mere idea of woman bending and working in the hot starlight made his body shutter.

  Rokai needed to calm down and explain this to her so she could understand it. He could tell that she was worried, thus all of these questions. Amber wouldn't relax with him until she knew she was safe and loved. That had been the reason she pulled away from their kiss. “A woman needs to be cared for, thus they have to be bound to a master. A master is a man who can afford a slave. He is also the one that loves her and he has great interest in her happiness, for he can only be happy when she is. You saw the hurt look on the king's face was when the queen left the room. It would break my heart to see you saddened, too.”

  “Then why would you spank me?”

  Rokai had to laugh. He couldn't confine the noise in his throat anymore. “Because by spanking you I teach you and keep you from harm. I spank you to protect you.” His right hand moved so it was covering her backside.

  Amber pinched her lips together as she looked at him. This is what it meant to be a slave. He got to hit her.

  Rokai mistook the look in her eye. “You're right. Of course, you are. I didn't protect you from the wetu. It was able to bite you and it almost killed you. I am so sorry.”

  “You aren't blaming me for that?” Amber saw real guilt in his eyes.

  “Of course. I never should have left you alone on a new planet. I didn't even think to ask the computer what dangers were here. It was my entire fault. Once again, I am so sorry. I will never forgive myself.”

  Amber was moved by his sincere words but she needed this cleared up a little more. “You aren't blaming me? Even after you told me to stay put?”

  “Of course not. I take responsibility for my mistakes. I should have thought that there was a chance that you might run off. A good master has to think of every possible danger that could occur and protect his slave from it by not letting it occur.”

  Amber could see that he felt strongly about this. “And that's why a woman can't be a master, because she can't protect.”

  “That's right.” The lines on his face relaxed and beamed at her. She finally understood. He gave her the second to the last piece of chocolate he had on his nightstand.

  “I think that it is very nice of you, but I'm still sad because I will never see my family again. My father is typical Hawaiian. They love so completely. He thinks that I am crazy because I love clothes so much, but he accepted me the way I am. He paid for all the magazines I ordered, as a gift. Just to make me smile.

  “My mother is white, with blue eyes and blond hair, she is from Wisconsin. My parents met on the beach while she was on vacation. They fell in love immediately. Even though my father is big like you and my mother is tiny like me. They love each other, and they love me. I'm their only child. They will be devastated when I don't come home.” She rolled away from him and sobbed into her pillow.

  “But that is the way of things. When parents have a daughter they know that one day she will leave them.”

  “Not on Earth. The girl marries a man from the area and the family just gets bigger. They don't move apart. That's just cruel.”

  Rokai hadn't seen his own parents for a long time. When he had become of age he went to school and learned about science. He wanted to learn about the mysteries of the universe. When he graduated he got to travel the universe and see wondrous things for himself. That is what brought him to her planet.

  The biggest mystery that the universe had to offer was lying next to him in bed.

  “We will be returning to Earth. We need many more plants. Our attempts to clone them aren't working. Perhaps you would like to go with me? We could visit your parents. You could tell them how happy you are,” he suggested to the crying woman at his side.

  Amber wasn't sure what to say. Was this a joke and he would laugh at her? “Really? You would take me along?”

  “Of course, I would. I have to. Now that we are bound together we can't be apart. Our souls need the closeness. We will make several trips back and forth.”

  “Could I bring my things from home along? Bring them back home? My clothes, I have several hats and my shoes. I really miss my shoes. If I had had them on then I would have been protected from that disgusting hairy snake.” Amber moved her foot so she could see the bite mark. What she saw, when her foot moved out from under the blanket, broke her heart.

  Her foot was purple and swollen. Blue lines could be seen through the skin. A large scab covered a section where they most of cut the skin off. It was the ugliest thing she had ever seen. None of her shoes would ever fit her again.

  “Amber, don't cry. You have to understand that we can't fix it yet. Your body is still fighting off the poison. Once you have won that battle, and you will precious one, the laser will return your foot to normal. You will be completely healed. No one will ever know that you almost died.” Rokai held her securely in his arms. He kissed her, wanting her to forget her foot. She was so beautiful. She had to understand that.

  Amber was relieved that it was permanent. She sighed reassuringly.

  Rokai lay down over her body, hugging and kissing her. He understood that she was very vain. She was a person who needed to be pretty and have pretty things around her. That was considered a very bad trait, but he couldn't
help but love her for it.

  It just made her, her.

  As soon as she was better he would give her clothes. They seemed to mean so much to her. He wanted her to be happy with him.

  “Once you are better I will give you clothes,” he promised her.

  “You will? Honestly? You aren't just saying that because it's what I want to hear?” Amber rolled over to look at him.

  “No, I will never lie to you.” Rokai's face turned stern.

  “So I really get to go home and see my parents and everything else you mentioned?”

  Rokai smiled at her forehead, which was wrinkled up adorably in her worry. “I will keep my promises. You will see your parents again.” His pointed finger caressed her chin and guided her mouth back to his. They kissed passionately again.

  Amber wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him. “I know that I shouldn't trust you but I do.”

  Before she knew it she had one of her favorite chocolates in her mouth.

  Amber had a thousand ideas about how she could help her master. She was starting to really like this chocolate reward system that they had going. “We need to grow peanuts, too. And we need cows. I'll help you make a list afterwards.”

  “After what?” Rokai asked.

  Amber blushed red as she admitted what she had been thinking. “After we have made love.”

  “No, precious one, not yet. We will wait until you feeling better. I have to be responsible.”

  “What? Are you serious? I thought that that was where all of this was leading to.”

  “Normally, yes,” he grinned. “But not until you are better. I want our first time to be special.”

  Now he was starting to sound like a girl, Amber thought. He had started a feeling inside of her that she liked, and she didn't want it to stop. “But why were you kissing me?”

  Rokai had to choke back a laugh. He was finally starting to understand why men smiled when they talked to their women. She was just so interesting, like her name, she was a precious gem.

  “I like kissing you. You are especially kissable.”

  “Yes, but kissing leads to other things. Things that I feel well enough to try.” She couldn't believe it, but it was true. She had a yearning for him. Her hips wanted to thrust in his direction. Her hands wanted to pull his upper body closer and hold him in place. She craved his nearness even more than any piece of chocolate that he had on his nightstand.


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