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Chocolate Rewards: The Sweetness of Two Worlds Colliding Together

Page 10

by Burns, Rachel

  Rokai smacked on until he had reached the number he had chosen in advance. He laid his hand on her sore bottom and rubbed her cheeks. He was giving her a massage as he had down when she was sick.

  “I'm sorry. I'll be good from now on. Please say that it's over,” Amber sniffled.

  “One last one to remind you that I am not a push-over just because I love you.” He raised his hand up behind his ear and brought it down with all of his strength.

  Amber cried out.

  Rokai rubbed her bottom and listened to her sniffle. Once she had settled down he called for Zufu, asking her to bring in some water.

  Rokai washed Amber over his lap just as she laid there after her spanking. He also washed her swollen foot, trying to cool it down. He shook his head that she would let it get so far.

  By the time the doctor arrived a very remorseful Amber was lying on her back, however uncomfortably, with her foot raised up on several pillows.

  The doctor was shocked to see so much time lost. “By not staying in bed today you have pushed back your healing by two days.” The Emko were teaching him their old ways. He would ask them if they knew of something to bring swelling down.

  “I'm so sorry,” Amber apologized.

  “We know you are, precious one. Just make sure it never happens again.”

  “It won't,” she promised.

  The next evening, when Rokai joined her in bed for their rest, Amber asked him if he was still mad at her. She apologized once again and waited for his answer.

  “I believe, I was clear that your actions won't be tolerated. I'm not mad anymore. I trust you to listen to me again.”

  “I really will. You are right not to worry.” Amber cuddled in close to him. She pressed her naked breasts against his chest as she talked to him.

  Rokai could, once again, see that his slave needed physical loving. He hadn't made love to her yesterday because he feared that it would be too much for her after the punishment.

  Rokai lifted her up over him so she was lying on his side of the bed.

  Amber gave him a confused look. This would mean that he would be holding her ugly foot. She started to protest, but he stopped her right away.

  “Your foot needs to be elevated. This is the best way. You may not care about such things, but I do. I will not listen to any grumbling from you. Either we do it this way or not at all.”

  Rokai didn't do it often, but when he wanted to he could be the Red Barbarian that she met in the beginning. He often let her have her way, but her health was something that they wouldn't be making compromises about.

  Amber had needed him to make love to her, but when she looked into his stern eyes she didn't see love She just saw a man who was set on embarrassing her. She shook her head and turned away from him.

  Rokai smiled as soon as she looked away. It was clear that he had hurt her feelings but it was obvious that she still had to learn to take him seriously.

  “Fine, sleep well, precious one.”

  Amber turned back to him. “Don't call me that!”

  Rokai was once again being treated to her hot temper. “Don't speak to me like that.”

  “Me? How dare you call me precious after you talked to me like that?”

  Rokai was worried that she might try to hit him again. He had to get her temper under control for her once again. “I spoke nicely to you. I told you how things could be, and gave you a choice. You made your decision, which I accepted, and now you are mad at me for talking nicely to you, despite your childish behavior?”

  Amber's blood started to boil. Of course, he would see it that it way. Her hand shot out to slap him.

  Rokai caught her by her wrist. He turned so he was lying on his back with her on top of him. He moved her arm behind her back.

  Amber tried to swing at him with her left hand this time.

  Rokai caught that hand and pinned it behind her back as well. “Amber I will not tolerate this kind of behavior.” He took hold of both of her wrists in his left hand, pushing her upper body down so she was lying flush across his own naked chest.

  With his right hand, he swatted at her backside. He couldn't hit her very hard in this position, but she needed to be taken in hand.

  The heat of Amber's temper was slowly moving from her head to her backside. At first she struggled, trying to get away from him.

  Then, she realized that it didn't hurt as much as yesterday. In fact, with her breasts pressed onto his hard chest, her legs straddling his thighs and clitoris right over his penis she was starting to get completely taken off track.

  Amber realized that this spanking was turning her on.

  Was she completely crazy?

  Rokai was also forgetting that he was mad at Amber. Her soft body was lying on top of his. She was moving around, jerking with each spank. She was rocking her hips and pushing herself into his penis. Blood was racing to his penis. He could feel it getting harder with want for his beautiful Amber.

  Would she be strong enough to take him in that position? It was said that a woman who climbed on top of her man and made love to him, loved that man. After that a woman was given clothes.

  Would Amber try to take him now? If she did it would mean that she loved him back.

  Amber wanted him to stop punishing her. She wanted him to drive his thick penis in to her and pump it in her. She was envisioning it in her head. The only thing she could see with her eyes tightly shut was his red penis plunging into her. Her hips rocked harder into his penis.

  Rokai was starting to feel hope. He let go of her hands in the hope that she would reach between them and take hold of his penis and join them together, making them man and wife.

  Amber's hands moved to his shoulders. She was holding on tightly to him and he lazily continued to spank her. It felt like he was teasing her. She was getting so frustrated with him. Why didn't he lift her up and drive his penis into her? She could feel that he was ready for her, so why wouldn't he do it?

  Rokai was waiting and slowly giving up hope. She wasn't going to take him. She didn't love him yet. He told himself that one-day she would but today just wasn't the day.

  Amber was completely frustrated. She needed him, now. Did he think that when he punished her that he couldn't make love on those days?

  Well, he was wrong. Amber sat up and moved both of her hands so they were covering his mouth. She had raised her body so she was supporting herself on her knees. “Don't get mad, but I have to do this.” She removed one of her hands and wrapped it around his hard penis. She pumped it a couple of times and then she lowered herself around him.

  “Oh,” Amber sighed. She had to gasp each time he entered. The beauty of their joining took her breath away.

  She slowly started to rock her body over his, feeling his penis move inside of her. The rhythm was soft and loving. She was surprised with herself. She had been imagining herself taking him hard and fast.

  Did she dare peek to see if he was mad? He wasn't pushing her away. Was that a good sign?

  Amber had reached a point where she couldn't stop if she wanted to. The only thing that could bring this moment to an end would be if Rokai pushed her away, tossing her to the side.

  Rokai wasn't thinking any such thing. He was watching this goddess on top of him. She loved him. He was filled with awe and joy. His hands went to her breasts, squeezing them.

  Amber felt his hands on her breasts. She laid her own hands over his, holding him in place. This touch told her that he wanted her back. She felt loved. This was more than lust.

  Amber opened her eyes to see his face, still needed one last confirmation that he wasn't just toying with.

  “I love you,” he told her when their eyes met.

  “I love you, too. I'm sorry about this. I just had to.” She glanced down at their joined bodies.

  “It's your right. When a wife wants to make love with her husband, she does.”


  “Yes,” he smirked. “You can wear clothes now.” He hoped th
at she wouldn't run off and start making some right away. He really needed her to stay where she was and finish this.

  “Why?” Amber stopped moving.

  “You told me that you loved me. That was all it took.”

  “But I'm sure I said it before?”

  Rokai's hands moved to her hips. He needed to do some serious thrusting. “You meant it this time.” He rolled her over so he was on top of her. He lifted her legs, thrust into her hard and fast.

  Amber felt a different feeling this time. He was in deeper than what he had been when they had made love side by side.

  Amber grabbed onto his shoulders, and let her body be loved by his. He was so strong and powerful. She rotated her hips outwards hoping that he could get in even deeper, needing all of him, not wanting to miss an inch.

  Rokai held her legs in arms and marveled at their different colors. She was a beautiful light brown and he was red. The two colors fit together so perfectly, complimenting one another.

  He laid down on top her and hugged her to his heart. Their hearts were beating together.

  Amber was crying again. This was just so beautiful. “I love you so much, Rokai.”

  He kissed her on her lips, taking her breath away. He rocked himself slowly in and out of her. There was no urgency, or need for swiftness anymore. There heartbeats were taking them to the next level.

  “Is this some sort of magic?” Amber asked.

  “Yes, the oldest there is.”

  Amber was already coming. Her body was orgasming to the beat of their heart. She had never heard of a connection like this. It was more amazing than the sex they had had before. And it wasn't slowing down.

  Rokai was coming inside of her. He had hardly had to thrust. He had heard talk about orgasming from love alone, but he pictured it differently. It was absolutely amazing.

  Rokai pressed his face into the side of Amber's. Her body was milking him clean, taking what it needed from him. He was impregnating her.

  He looked at her to see if she realized this.

  Her hands were over her head. Her fingers were bent in ecstasy. She was just enjoying their connection. He would tell her later that she was expecting a baby.

  Once each had calmed down a little, Rokai kissed Amber's face. He loved her so much. They were going to be a family.

  “Rokai, I still need you.” She hoped that he didn't think that they could sleep now.

  “Of course, precious one.” He started thrusting again, amazed that he was already hard.

  Amber whimpered under him. She cried and begged him not to stop, telling him that she needed this to go on forever.

  Rokai thrust hard and fast. He kept the pace up, knowing that his beloved wife needed to come quickly. She was rolling around under him. He had to hold onto her hips so he would hit his target each time.

  Amber was screaming yes over and over. She could worry later about who had heard her. Now she needed this. His body was pounding into hers. There was nothing that she could do, but just feel what he was doing to her. It was like she was being unraveled and he found a place deep inside of her that needed him so desperately.

  He was giving her mind-blowing love.

  She lifted up her shoulders and grabbed onto his wrists, holding tight. “Yes, just like that. Please, please, don't stop.”

  “I won't Amber. I've got you.”

  Amber watched his body thrusting into hers for a moment, but then she fell back on the bed. She was coming again. It was washing over her and out of her. She was even pushing him out of her.

  Rokai watched in wonder. He had gotten her to flood him with her pleasure. It was said that only the best lovers could do that.

  Amber had her eyes fixed on Rokai's. “I'm not finished.”

  “I know. I'm here for you.” He looked down in between them. His penis was still rock hard for her. He entered her again, thrusting hard. Less than a minute later she was once again flooding him. Rokai could see that she was calming down. He thrust again when she was having a break from her orgasms. They started coming in further apart.

  An hour later he came inside of her again, for the last time that evening.

  He picked his Amber up in his arms and carried her outside. Lots of Emkos were in the house. They were all beaming at Amber. They too knew what such an orgasm meant. There would soon be a baby in the house.

  Amber hid her face in shame as Rokai carried her past their workers. She never could have imagined that they weren't thinking badly of her. The fact, that they were proud of her for giving their master a child would have been unfathomable to her.

  Zufu appeared with a cleaning sponge. Rokai thanked her and told her that the sheets needed to be changed on their bed.

  She smiled knowingly and left them, but first she glanced at Amber's tummy. Soon a child would be growing there. Their love must be very great for her to get pregnant so soon.

  Rokai dipped the sponge into the water. Letting it fill with water. He once again had to think that she had chosen well. This was a beautiful place to build a house. At the moment the planet was only being shone upon from one star, making long shadows. The world appear so peaceful.

  Amber fell asleep in Rokai's arms while he cleaned her. Rokai dipped the sponge into the water and then he washed his wife, paying special attention to her tummy, where their child was just starting to grow from their love.

  He kissed Amber lovingly on her cheek. He was in awe of this wonderful person. She had to go through a lot to become pregnant with their child. It had been hard work for her, demanding a lot from her body. It was no wonder that she was so tired now.

  “Rest my precious one.”

  He carried her back into the house. Lots of his workers were there. They all wanted to be a part of this very special moment. Rokai was beaming with pride.

  He laid his wife in their bed and stared at her in wonder. He was too hyper to sleep. They were going to be parents. He could already picture Amber making tiny clothes for their baby.

  Rokai leaned over her sleeping body and kissed her several times while she slept. He didn't want to wake her, but he wanted to thank her. She would be giving him a child.

  A child was a rare gift that only parents who would truly love it got. Rokai would teach the child everything it needed to know. He would give it chocolate when it was good. That worked with its mother. He smiled at Amber. It had been a snap decision to claim her, but it had been the best decision of his life.

  No one in the universe could be happier than he was right now.

  Chapter 9 I Want My Mom

  Rokai figured that Amber had no idea that she was expecting. She had even told him that all of their lovemaking was making her hungry. That wasn't the reason.

  The doctor had come when she had been napping, to fix her foot. The laser had repaired it perfectly. Rokai had inspected the doctor's handiwork carefully. He than asked him to stay on the planet. Emil had told him that the doctor really wanted to stay. Having a doctor living on the planet would be very practical. Everyone won in this situation.

  After he informed the doctor that he could stay he asked him to confirm Amber's pregnancy. The doctor gladly did. Amber slept through the whole thing.

  Rokai had to tell her but he wasn't sure how she would react. He never knew with her. She was such a mystery to him.

  She had been making clothes non-stop since he told her she could have them. He was having a lot of fun admiring her and unpacking her to make love to her.

  It couldn't be put off any longer.

  He went to his room and found Amber and Zufu busy making something.

  “Zufu, could I please have a moment alone with my wife.”

  Amber liked that he always talked to Zufu so politely. Amber smiled at Zufu. Once she had left she jumped to her feet to show Rokai what she was working on. “This skirt is a copy of one I have at home from D&G. It would look good with sandals and a white sweater. Maybe we should bring some sheep back next time we go to Earth. I could learn how to knit

  Usually, Rokai let her babble at him. He was glad that she wanted him to be part of her life in every way. But today he had to stop her. It just couldn't be put off anymore. Zufu had told him that Earthlings carry their children over a long period of time when their husbands were Earthlings, too. Amber would be shocked when she found out that she would be a mother very soon.

  “Amber, we need to talk.”

  Amber frowned. Tears sprang to her eyes. She had been crying so quickly lately. The littlest thing would set her off. Rokai often held her when she got that way. He would listen to her and sympathize with her.

  She was so emotional, being abducted probably made a person a little weepy, she figured.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, nothing like that.” He sat down on the bed and held his arms out wide. He held her that way often, when he fed her and when they talked.

  Rokai was learning more about the Earth from her than he had during his visit there.

  Amber sat on his lap and cuddled into his chest. They had become like magnets. When they were together they fit together in particular way, clicking into place.

  Rokai kissed the top of Amber's head. There was nothing sexual about his kiss.

  “Amber a couple of weeks ago we made love and you told me that you loved me.”

  “Yes, I remember. After that I got to start wearing clothes again.”

  “That's right, but back to our lovemaking. It was very intense.”

  Amber nodded along with him.

  “I think that it was very special.” Rokai felt that he wasn't doing well with this. “So special that – that a child was made.”

  “Oh,” Amber understood now. He was back to his idea that only love could make a child. “You think that I might be pregnant?”

  “No, precious one. I know you are. The doctor already confirmed it.”


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