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Chocolate Rewards: The Sweetness of Two Worlds Colliding Together

Page 13

by Burns, Rachel

  The next man in line stepped forward and introduced himself. “Your Majesty, my name is Sergeant Major Kenneth Madison of the United States Marine Crops. I would like to thank you on behalf of the people from Earth. We would like to know what your plans for us are now?”

  Rokai got Emily and Kulani out of the throne room.

  “You are registered now. We can leave.” Rokai wanted to get them away from crowds, which were panicking. They were finding that they weren't alone in the universe and that aliens had not only attached them but had also saved them. They were homeless and dependent on the aliens they feared. Rokai feared a riot.

  Emily could see that he was getting nervous. But she also saw military men here, directly the people and working with the aliens. “Our troops are here. They will control the crowds.”

  Rokai boarded his craft and took off quickly.

  Planet Lokiun

  Amber was pacing up in down in her room. “Why would he leave in the middle of the night?” Amber asked Zufu.

  “Master said he would be back soon.”

  “But he has been gone for two days already.” Amber was having terrible back pains but she didn't want to admit that to Zufu yet. The baby was coming and her husband had just gone missing. “I feel upset.”

  “Of course you are, mistress. I'm sure he will be back soon.”

  “What if the baby arrives before he does?”

  “I will not leave your side.”

  “Thank you, but it's not the same.” Amber had tears in her eyes. She didn't want to offend Zufu but she wanted her husband.

  Zufu watched her mistress pretend not to be in labor. Mistress Amber's hand would move to her lower back again and again.

  She seemed to be pacing close to the window.

  “Could I called him if the baby did decide to be born now?”

  “He will be here as soon as he can. I'm sure he will hurry.”

  “Hurry with what?”

  “Master is a very important man. He has lots of responsibility. He loves you so he will hurry back to you.”

  “But will he be on time?”

  Zufu was thinking the same thing.

  Two hours later Amber could no longer hide the fact that she was in labor. Zufu tried to help her but Amber felt lost without her husband. She worried that something had happened to him. She feared that she was a widow. She started to cry and just couldn't stop. To top everything off, she wasn't blessed with a quick delivery this time around.

  Amber fell to the floor. She couldn't take the pain anymore. It was so much worse this time. “Rokai!” she screamed out. “Rokai!”

  Rokai landed the craft, making the decision that he couldn't wait for decompression. He wanted to check on Amber before he got her parents settled.

  The second the door opened he heard Amber screaming his name. He exited the craft and ran into the house and up to their room, expecting to find her withering in pain on their bed. Instead, he found her with her hands on her hips, staring him down. “Where were you?”

  “I thought I would bring you something that you might need.”

  “I just need you. You never should have left me.”

  “I brought your parents here.”


  “Yes, they were right behind me.” He peeked over his shoulder and didn't see them.

  Amber had the next contraction. “It doesn't matter. It hurts more this time. I need you.” She reached for him.

  Rokai took hold of her and hugged her to his heart.

  Amber started to feel a little better because he was here. “I need you with me, all the time. It was awful without you.”

  “I know, but I had to leave. I'll explain after this is over. I had a very good excuse.”

  “You better have, or else.”

  “Or else what?”

  “I'll think of something.”

  Zufu entered the room. “Mistress' parents,” she announced.

  Amber peeked and saw her mom walking in the door with Garnet in her arms. “Hi, baby. How are you doing?”

  “Not so good, mom.”

  “Kulani maybe it would be best if you took Garnet to his room.” Emily gave him the beautiful toddler before she went to her daughter. “Is the pain worse than last time?”

  “Yes,” she answered as she leaned over Rokai's arm.

  “How is it different from last time?”

  “Last time it was over so quickly, but this time it has been going on all day already.”

  “Mistress' birthing is going as planned. No complications.” Zufu was trying to calm down Emily. She could feel that she was scared for her daughter's health. Zufu feared that Amber was already overly upset because Rokai hadn't been here. If anything more upset her she might have troubles. Rokai was a good master, but what would become of him if something happened to Amber?

  “Is there anything I can do to help you?”

  “Just talk to me.”

  Emily was also worried about her daughter. She needed to tell her something that would make her happy. “We got a new mailbox. I ordered it out of a catalogue. It was one that you paint yourself and then assembly yourself. I thought it would be a nice project for your dad. When it arrived he sat down and thought up designs. That went on for over a week until he had just the one he wanted. Then he went to work. I was a little nervous because the main color was orange. Then your dad painted it, layer over layer. I teased him that it grew, doubling in size by the time he finished.”

  Amber had another contraction but this one wasn't as bad. Rokai held her and Emily continued to talk.

  “He wouldn't tell me what he was up to. I tried to peek a couple of times but he caught me and sent me away. When it was dry, he built it together, and set it up. He put a sheet over it and made a big show out of presenting it.

  “He set me in front of it and removed the sheet. He even said Ta-Da.”

  Amber smiled but the next contraction took her. It was almost time.

  “He pulled the sheet off and I saw the most beautiful mail box there ever was. It was orange because it was sunset. He had the five of us dancing the hula on it. It became the most precious thing I owned from one second to the next. He had our whole family on it, you, Garnet, me and him and even Rokai. That was when I knew that he had accepted Rokai.”

  “Now he has to repaint it to add the new baby.”

  “No, I think it would be better if he made a new one.”

  “You don't need two of them.” Amber was confused. Her mother had been talking about the mailbox like she would never see it again.

  “The mailbox had our family on it. But you three are so far away. Rokai asked us to live here with you. We jumped at the chance to watch our grandchildren grow up. You guys are the most important thing to us.”

  “You're staying? Honestly? No more goodbyes?”

  “No. Thanks to your husband we can all be together now.”

  Amber looked at her husband. “I'm sorry I scolded you.”

  “My timing was bad. I should have brought them here a lot sooner.” Rokai kissed her forehead tenderly.

  “I want to lay down now,” Amber informed them.

  Rokai laid her down and went to work on undressing her. Emily remembered from last time that he would want to catch the baby. Emily grabbed onto one of her mothers hands and held her tightly.

  Zufu stood ready to help where she could. She was pleased to be here this time.

  Rokai started to hum to his wife to calm her down. He would feel better about all of this once the baby was born and the laser told him that she was okay again.

  “Zufu, hold my other hand.” Amber reached for her, as always Zufu stood ready. She would do anything for her mistress.

  “Tell me about the clothes that we are going to make for the baby.” Amber looked at her to distract herself.

  “This baby will be a girl. We will make her pretty dresses.”

  Amber tried to smile at the women but then she had to push. She did so without makin
g a sound. That worried Rokai and Emily. Amber had screamed out last time. This was all so different.

  “I can see the head, Amber. Push when you can. It's almost over.”

  “Pink dresses, so she looks nice when she dances and does yoga with her mommy.” Zufu wanted to distract Amber and get her heartbeat to slow down. Amber's heart hadn't been beating right since Rokai left.

  “I'd like that.” Amber smiled for a brief moment and then she had to push again. She could feel that she wasn't strong enough.

  “That was great, baby. Next time you push her out so we can see her,” Emily begged.

  Everyone in the room could see that Amber was like a flame on a candle, her light was flickering.

  The next contraction came and Amber pushed with all of her might, giving birth to her baby. She, too, could feel herself slipping away. The people around her felt like they were out of her grasp. Their fingertips couldn't quite touch hers. They drifting away, getting dimmer until she was in complete darkness.

  Rokai held his daughter in his hands. He smiled down at her. “She is so beautiful, Amber.” He looked up at Amber, eager to share this moment with her.

  Zufu took the baby out of his hands. “Quickly, lay her heart over yours. You need to start hers again before it is too late.”

  Rokai lifted his wife into his arms and lay down on the bed placing her just the way they slept together at night.

  “Mistress' life energy is fading. She needs to refill herself. Hold her tight.”

  Rokai had often seen the Emko's medicine work, when modern technology would have fail, or would have arrived too late. He listened to Zufu, trusting in her word, wanting to believe that Amber still had a chance.

  Emily didn't know what to think. Amber had been there in one moment and gone in the next. “Amber, no, not again. I don't want to lose you again. Stay with me. Amber!” Emily screamed, calling for her child.

  Amber was drifting away but she heard her mother calling. She had to go home, she told herself. Her mom wanted her. She started slowly drifting back to her mother. Now she could hear the strong and fast beat that was next to her. The tiniest fraction of light was starting to reappear in front of her eyes. She was getting warmer.

  The spark of light was getting brighter. Amber was amazed that it could change so completely. It was now so bright that it hurt her eyes. She could feel its warmth by her toes and slowly moving up and over her body.

  “I'm sleepy,” she muttered.

  “Don't sleep. Stay awake. You haven't looked at the baby, yet.” That was the doctor's voice. Amber figured that he was the one causing the warmth in her to spread. He would be healing her and she would live to see her daughter grow up.

  “Amethyst. Her name is Amethyst,” she told them. The corners of her mouth curled up.

  “That's a lovely name.”

  “I like it, too. It has been all I could think about lately. I'm really tired. Can I sleep now?”

  Rokai looked up at the doctor. The laser was still moving up.

  “Not yet.” The doctor had to go very slowly, moving too quickly could be too much for her heart.

  “No more children. I can't bare the sight of watching her in pain,” Rokai told the doctor.

  “Amber did you want more children?” the doctor asked.

  “I think two is enough.”

  “I agree,” Emily threw in. She was wiping tears away from her eyes. She loved her daughter so much. Relief filled Emily's heart because Amber was still alive. Color was slowly returning to Amber's cheeks.

  “Okay then. I'll change the setting. But it would be better if you two stayed together from now on. The separation almost killed her.”

  “Is that possible?” Emily asked the doctor.

  “Yes, it is. This is a very clear case. If both had been healthy then they can be apart for a couple of days, but not in her condition.”

  “This was our fault. I'm so sorry.” Emily felt so guilty.

  “I'm fine now, mom. Don't worry. Take care of Amethyst.”

  “She can sleep now,” the doctor declared. He went over to the baby. “May I?” He felt very lucky to be able to doctor this famous family, which now had two children, a boy and girl. This post had been a very lucky one. He was rising up to be one of the most important doctor's in the universe, thanks to the Emkos.

  “The baby is perfectly healthy. Who wants to hold her?” He turned to Zufu and laid the baby in her arms.

  Zufu smiled down at the child and then over at her mistress. She swore to love and protect everyone in this family for the rest of her life. She was pleased beyond words to not only have gained a new baby to love and care for today, but to have also gained Amber's parents.

  She went over to Emily. “You have the most beautiful granddaughter in the universe.” She placed Amethyst in her arms.

  Emily sat down and stared at her daughter's daughter. She told Zufu about Amber when she had been a baby. Zufu listened to each word eagerly. It was her job to carry such information to the coming generations.

  Rokai sighed happily. The best decision he had ever made was to take Amber along with him that day. It had been a decision that changed everything that came after it.

  She was his destiny.

  “I love you, Rokai.”

  “I love you, too. I will forever.”


  Emily and Kulani quickly adjusted to life on a new planet. They got to watch their two beautiful grandchildren grow up and see their daughter and son-in-law living happily together in perfect love. They also got to eat as many chocolates as they wanted.

  Check Out Rachel Burns' Other Books and Short Stories

  A Man To Guide Her

  Ashley St. Claire, once again, has to move to a new town because her father's company has relocated them. This is nothing new to her. She is prepared to finish up the couple of months of school and then go off to college. She didn't think that this little town would really make an impression on her in any way.

  Jackson Howl sees Ashley at church and their eyes lock. Both find it difficult to look away from the other. He quickly falls in love with Ashley, who has never heard of Domestic Discipline. Jackson is, clearly, a firm believer.

  Will she marry him despite that?

  Becky's Birthday (a short story)

  Daniel just wanted a quiet evening when he went into his favorite sports bar but a group of young women celebrating a birthday annoy him. When the birthday girl asks him to buy her a drink he scolds her.

  Later he sees her sitting outside on the curb. He has to take her and she admits that she needs a man to take care of her on a regular basis.

  Callie Part 1

  Callie Evans' world is turned upside down in a matter of days. She had been staying with her grandmother for a week when the news arrives, that her father was killed. Her grandmother decides that she can't keep her, leaving Callie a ward of the state.

  Callie is placed with a family she has never met before. Now she has to learn to get along with her new siblings, as well as with her new strict parents.

  That isn't easy when her new brother has decided, that he doesn't like her.

  The sad thing is that Callie has always dreamed of having an older brother. Can she learn to get along with everyone in her new family?

  Callie Part 2

  Callie has been living with her new family for a couple of months now. Her foster father, Gregory, is giving a seminar about disciplining children. He decides to take the whole family along. They stay at a nearby campsite with some of the families attending his workshop.

  A former student of his and her husband, are also attending his seminar.

  Callie, who is still new to the family, is to eager please them. Their opinion means a lot to her. Still, she is starting to question their methods.

  Michael is being very honest, with himself, about his feelings for Callie.

  Christmas Captive

  Sarah is in shock when she and two other waitresses are called into her bos
s' office, and accused of stealing. She is even more in shocked when both of the other girls claim that she is the one who has been stealing.

  Travis looks at beautiful young Sarah and thinks that maybe with a little discipline she could turn out, and become a good worker. He informs her that he wants her to work for him at his house over Christmas so she can pay him the money she owes him back.

  While a snowstorm rages outside Travis starts having long talks with Sarah's bare bottomed over his knee, but still she won't confess. He feels that she just needs more convincing, even if his hand is already getting very sore. During the day they spend time together making Christmas cookies and food for the birds but at nighttime he works on reforming Sarah. Meanwhile both are captives of the blizzard in his huge log house, high up in the mountains.

  Travis punishes her for stealing, but the truth is, the only thing she stoled was his heart.

  Will they learn to get along, or will their impasse continue for their whole stay?

  Christmas Stories (A Collection of Short Stories)

  This is a collection of short stories. Some of them have the couples that we have already met in my other books. We get to see them celebrating Christmas. I added a couple of other short stories, which will soon be sold individually.

  The Stories Include:

  Ashley and Jackson

  Dress Code

  Heather and Craig

  Trying Too Hard

  Lizzie and Luke

  Megan and Michael

  Hold Still

  Katherine and Ryan

  Daddy's Sweetheart

  Amelia grew up in a mansion, where she had to hide from her father, who blamed her for her mother's death. She grew up longing for attention and love. She wanted to prove to him that she was worth his love by being the perfect student.


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