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Chameleon Wolf

Page 12

by Chameleon Wolf (lit)

  This was the dangerous part. Zac was still in Chameleon form, and he would be virtually invisible to everyone, even the Alpha and Beta. He still couldn’t hide the dead bodies that dropped to the ground. He could only hide himself.

  Maybe, if he worked quickly enough, he could cause enough confusion to get to Alpha Issacar. If he held the Alpha, then the other men might fall in line. It was a plan, anyway, and right now the only plan Zac had.

  Zac snuck up behind one of the last few men standing. He timed his strike, waiting for the man to turn toward him before he struck, slicing across the man’s throat with his claw. He was moving on around the group of men before the man even knew what hit him.

  Zac struck again at the man across the circle, slicing his throat with his sharp claw. By crisscrossing the small clearing and attacking the men in the small group, Zac hoped to confuse them, maybe make them think that there was more than one Delta attacking them.

  His eyebrows shot up when the man he snuck over to fell to the ground before he even reached him, blood spurting from the long gash in his throat. Zac suddenly realized that he wasn’t the only Delta there.

  He looked out toward where Matt and Sebastian were helping Aiden, but he could only see his two mates. That gave him a pretty good idea who worked with him. Zac looked back at the remaining men, taking in their panic with gleeful joy. Now the fun could really begin.

  Zac never went on a mission with another Delta before, but he and Sebastian worked together as if they had been doing it for years. They systematically eliminated man after man until only Alpha Issacar remained, standing in the middle of several dead bodies. He had guns in both his hands and shot in every direction, trying to hit that which he could not see.

  There were a few close calls, one bullet narrowly missing Zac’s head, but all in all, he escaped without a scratch. Zac’s elation knew no bounds when he heard the empty chambers of the Alpha’s guns click.

  “I know you’re there,” Alpha Issacar snarled. “Why don’t you show yourself, you coward?”

  Zac stepped over until he stood a few feet in front of the Alpha. He crossed his arms over his chest and let his Chameleon ability fade away, showing himself to the man.

  Alpha Issacar inhaled deeply. “You!”

  “Me,” Zac replied.

  “You were supposed to eliminate Aiden Kane,” the man shouted. “Instead, I find you here, attacking me and my men? What do you think the council will have to say about your dereliction of duty?”

  Zac smirked. “Ah, but you see, the council already knows. In fact, they are even now investigating your financial records and those of the elder you have in your back pocket. Your little moneymaking scheme is over, Alpha, as is your freedom.”

  “You have no right,” Alpha Issacar snapped, his lips twisting into a horrible snarl.

  Zac took a step toward the man. “I have every right,” he shouted back. “You tried to eliminate my mate.”

  “Your mate?”

  “Yes, my mate,” Zac said, “and not only did you try to eliminate him, but you tried to use me to do it.”

  “He betrayed me!”

  “Aiden didn’t betray shit,” Zac yelled. “You did. You betrayed your pack and everything it means to be an Alpha. You’re supposed to take care of your pack, not take everything from them.”

  “What in the hell would you know?” Alpha Issacar asked. “You’re just a Delta. You’ve never had to lead a pack before.”

  “That’s not exactly true. Zac has led us just fine.”

  Zac’s head snapped around in shock to find Aiden and Matt standing behind him. Aiden had an arm wrapped around his stomach, a bloody shirt barely hanging on him. His arm was around Matt’s shoulders, the small man supporting him. As Aiden spoke, Zac could see Sebastian shimmer into form beside them.

  “Zac takes care of us as an Alpha should,” Matt added. “He cares for us, protects us, and gives us all of the support we could need. He’s all the Alpha we need.”

  Zac’s heart filled with pride and an emotion he was quickly coming to realize was love for the men standing before him. He even felt a close kinship to Sebastian, a man he barely knew, but was quickly growing to respect.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Alpha Issacar said. “He’s a Delta. He can’t be an Alpha.”

  “He can if we choose him to be our Alpha,” Aiden said. “And despite what you may think, a pack chooses their Alpha. The Alpha does not choose their pack.”

  “Well, I just won’t stand for it,” Alpha Issacar snapped. He waved his hand around the small clearing at the dead bodies piled all over the place. “Do you really think any pack will have him after they learn what he did here?”

  “As a matter of fact”—Matt chuckled—“we already did. The council has already approved our new pack. Since we created it, we can choose our Alpha. And, since the three of us are the only other members, we’ve all taken a vote, and we’ve chosen Zac to be our Alpha.”

  Zac’s mouth dropped open. Were they serious? He never once in all his life thought he’d be an Alpha. He was a Delta. He’d always been a Delta. He didn’t know how to be anything else. But as Zac watched the pride in his mates’ eyes glow, he realized he didn’t have much choice. He wasn’t sure he wanted one, either.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “We’re sure,” Matt answered as he, Aiden, and Sebastian all nodded their heads. “We want you to lead us.”

  Zac nodded and turned back to face Alpha Issacar. “Before I take on my duties as Alpha, I have just one last mission to accomplish. Alpha Issacar needs to be delivered to the council for punishment.”

  Sebastian stepped forward. “I’d be more than happy to deliver him for you.” The man grinned. “After all, I’m still a Delta, and that’s what Deltas do.”

  Zac shook his head as he looked at his new pack member. “No, this is something I need to do. I’ve never left a mission incomplete before, and I won’t start now.”

  “Fine,” Matt said as he and Aiden stepped closer, “then we’ll all go.”

  “You might want to catch Alpha Issacar before he gets away then,” Aiden said as he pointed past Zac. He whipped his head around just in time to see Alpha Issacar running toward the woods in the opposite direction.

  Zac growled. He was getting really tired of this guy. He took off running, not even bothering to make himself invisible. There wasn’t any need. The Alpha had to know Zac would come after him.

  Zac reached the Alpha just as he reached the edge of the trees. He jumped through the air, tackling the man to the ground. Alpha Issacar struggled, getting in several good punches before Zac was able to subdue him.

  He pinned the man to the ground, straddling him. He took the Alpha’s arms and pulled them behind his back. He paused briefly when Sebastian crouched down next to him, giving him a small length or rope.

  Zac grinned and took the rope, tying the Alpha’s hands behind his back. He stood to his feet and grabbed the Alpha by his arm, Sebastian on the other side. Together, they lifted the man to his feet.

  Zac wiped a small drop of blood from the corner of his mouth then nodded to Sebastian. “Thank you.”

  “All in a day’s work, Zac.” Sebastian chuckled.

  “Well, our day isn’t done yet,” he replied as they started walking the Alpha back toward Aiden and Matt. “We still need to get Alpha Issacar and those papers of Matt’s to the wolf council.” He waved his hand at the dead bodies. “And we have to explain this.”

  Aiden waved his cell phone. “I’ve already put in a call to the council for a cleanup crew. They should be here soon. The council is also sending a guard unit to take possession of Alpha Issacar and deliver him to council headquarters.”

  Zac arched an eyebrow. “That was quick. I thought the investigation was going to take a couple of weeks.”

  “They had a chance to go over the file Matt sent over to them.” Aiden smirked. “They weren’t happy about what they found. I guess they decided to make this a top p

  Matt rolled his eyes. “Oh, please, the only reason they are acting so fast on this is because one of their own is involved, and they don’t want anyone to think there will be a cover-up. They’re just trying to cover their own asses.”

  “Truthfully,” Aiden replied, “I don’t care why they do it as long as my ass is taken off the hit list. I won’t feel comfortable until I know the council isn’t sending anyone else after me. I’ve had enough running and hiding to last me a lifetime.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Zac said. “A nice, quiet vacation sounds wonderful right about now.”

  “And a bed,” Matt said as he and Aiden stepped over to stand on either side of Zac, “with a nice, big, juicy steak and a bath.”

  Zac chuckled. “Not necessarily in that order.” He wrapped an arm around Matt when the man pressed himself close. He wrapped his other arm around Aiden. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on Matt’s lips, then Aiden’s. “I’ll take the bed first.”

  Matt bounced. “Amen to that!”

  Chapter 10

  “Matt, did you get the phone hooked up yet?” Aiden called as he walked down the hallway of their new home. They were able to choose a house on the edge of town, a nice farmhouse with plenty of land around it.

  The move to the new Delta community took a few months, but everyone felt it was the best decision they could make. The town would hopefully fill up with other Deltas and their mates. In the meantime, it was just the four of them.

  Sebastian was staying with them until his place could be built just down the road. While they wouldn’t be close enough to hear each other, they would be able to see Sebastian’s house through the trees. Both houses would be located along the edge of a small, little lake, which seemed perfect for all of them.

  There were spots for three other houses on the lake. The other houses in the community were closer to town. Aiden actually liked the fact that they weren’t in the middle of the small community. They had enough space to run around naked, which he encouraged Matt to do often, but they were close enough to town to be there in five minutes in case of emergency.

  The town itself still needed a lot of work. Most of the buildings were in some form of disrepair, but at least it was theirs. They had everything they would need to set up their own little community, including stores, businesses, a city hall, and a jail once all of the buildings were refitted, revamped, and basically overhauled or knocked down.

  Now they just needed people to fill it. The council, once they fully accepted the idea, promised to direct other Deltas in their direction. Zac, as their new pack Alpha, made the decision that every new member in the community would need to be voted in by everyone. He didn’t want the total decision about who would live in their little town. He felt that everyone should get a say, which was one of the reasons they chose him as Alpha.

  Aiden once again had the position as Beta. Only this time, he liked his Alpha, a lot. In fact, he more than liked his Alpha. In the three months since he mated the man, Zac had come to mean more to Aiden than the very air around him, Matt too. Aiden didn’t know what he would do without either of them.

  “Matt? Did you hear me?” Aiden asked a little louder when he received no answer from his little mate.

  “Busy,” Matt replied through their shared mental bond. “I’m on a coffee break, damn it.”

  Aiden frowned. Matt’s reply sounded winded, as if the man had just run a great distance. On a hunch, Aiden made his way to the small office Matt had claimed as his when they moved in. He stepped into the doorway and instantly knew he was correct in his assumption. He was also instantly hard as a rock.

  Matt was busy…busy being bent over the desk by Zac. It was a good thing that Matt ran around naked most of the time, or he wouldn’t have any clothes left. Zac would have been ripping them off all of the time.

  With Zac’s high sex drive, not to mention Aiden’s, Matt was often bent over some piece of furniture or up against a wall or on his knees. Aiden was surprised the man could walk as much as he got fucked.

  Zac glanced up as Aiden stepped into the room, reaching for the buttons of his jeans. Thankfully, he had taken his shirt and shoes off earlier when he was unpacking boxes. The jeans were the only thing that needed to go.

  “Hey, gorgeous, do you want to join us?” Zac asked.

  Aiden wasn’t stupid. He quickly kicked his jeans away and moved over to stand behind Zac. Aiden held out his hand. “Lube?” he asked. He chuckled when a bottle of lube was immediately slapped into his hand. Zac might be balls-deep inside of Matt, but he knew the faster Aiden got him lubed up, the faster he’d get it from both ends.

  Aiden quickly spread lube over his cock then dribbled some on his fingers, adding a few squirts to the crack of Zac’s ass. He closed the bottle of lube and tossed it onto the desk before grabbing Zac’s ass cheeks and pulling them apart.

  Aiden blinked and looked closer. He knew Zac hadn’t been on the receiving end for very long and was usually pretty tight, needing just a little extra stretching. But he could swear the man was already stretched out.

  Aiden probed with his lubed fingers, shocked when all three of them slid right in. He glanced up at his mate. “Huh, Zac?”

  Zac chuckled. “We were waiting for you,” Zac replied. “We knew you’d find us. Matt got me ready for you while I got him ready for me.”

  Aiden’s eyes nearly crossed. “Damn, I would have liked to see that.”

  “Next time we’ll let you watch,” Zac said as he humped his hips a couple of times. “For now, get your cock in my ass so we can get this show on the road. Our baby is about to lose his mind, and I want to go along for the ride.”

  “What? No foreplay?”

  “Not this time, babe,” Zac replied as he wiggled his ass. “This time it’s just down and dirty.”

  Aiden had no problem following the orders of his Alpha. He placed his hand on Zac’s back and pushed him down over Matt. Once the man was bent over, Aiden lined his cock up with the tight hole waiting for him and slid in right up to his balls.

  The combined groans of Zac and Aiden nearly shook the walls. Aiden knew from his end, being inside of Zac was like nothing on earth. Being inside of Matt was the same, but different. Each man brought something to their relationship, even their sex life. And Aiden couldn’t be happier about that. Life with his mates was perfect.

  “This feels so fucking good,” Aiden moaned as he started thrusting into Zac. He still couldn’t believe the big man let himself be topped. To look at Zac, he never would have envisioned the man bent over any piece of furniture with a cock up his ass. Aidan was thrilled that he was wrong.

  “It would feel a whole hell of a lot better if you’d move faster,” Zac growled. Again, Aiden was more than willing to do as his Alpha commanded. He gripped Zac’s hips tightly with his hands and rammed into the man.

  Aiden would have laughed when Zac and Matt both cried out, the desk scooting across the floor, except he was too busy thrusting into Zac again. The feeling of pulling almost all of the way out of Zac’s tight grip was just as good as moving back into him.

  Knowing that Zac was doing the same thing to Matt only heightened Aiden’s level of pleasure. He could see Matt’s head thrashing back and forth on the desk just over Zac’s shoulder. The man’s cries of delight filled the room.

  Matt was very verbal. That in itself was very arousing. Add in the fact that he went out of his way to show both Aiden and Zac how much he wanted them, cared about them, and Matt was the perfect mate.

  Aiden never had any doubt he was loved by either man. It might have taken them a little while to verbalize their feelings—they were men, after all—but they showed it every chance they got.

  “Fuck, harder, Aiden,” Zac groaned. “He’s going to blow.”

  Aiden bent his knees slightly and rammed up into Zac. At the same time, he leaned forward and sank his teeth into the soft flesh of Zac’s neck. Aiden was rewarded by the cries of his mates as they bo
th came, Zac’s inner muscles tightening down on his cock like a vice.

  Aiden thrust once, twice, three times, then joined his mates. He roared as pulse after pulse shot from his cock and filled Zac. His hand tightened on Zac’s hips as the knot at the end of his cock extended, taking hold. Aiden was afraid his knees would collapse if he didn’t. The pleasure he experienced while being inside of either of his mates was overwhelming.

  Aiden leaned his head forward to rest between Zac’s shoulder blades. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to move for a few minutes. Neither would Zac or Matt. While Aiden’s knot locked Zac in place, Zac’s knot locked Matt in place. It was a wonderful feeling being connected to both of his mates, even if it was in this manner.

  “Damn, that was good,” Matt said. “We definitely need coffee breaks more often.”

  Zac chuckled. “Matt, you don’t drink coffee anymore.” Thank god! The man lost his mind on caffeine.

  “Fine, then we need fuck me breaks more often.”

  Aiden lifted his head and looked over Zac’s shoulders. Matt’s face was flushed, but the grin on his lips lit up his entire face. Even his green eyes glowed with happiness, a look Aiden hoped he and Zac could put on the little man’s face every day.

  “Love you both,” Aiden whispered as that strong emotion nearly brought tears to his eyes. “Never want to give this up.”

  “You never have to,” Zac said as he reached back and patted Aiden’s hip. “And I love you, too.”

  Matt raised his hand in the air from the bottom of the pile. “Me three!”




  Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots is two, or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first sight, soul mates, true love, and happy endings.

  Stormy lives in the great Northwest region of the USA, with her gorgeous husband and soul mate, six very active teenagers, two boxer/collie puppies, two old biddy cats, and three fish.


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