Tres: Ancient Warriors. Modern Women. Waking Desires.
Page 7
As soon as they were in her bedroom, Dunstin swung her around and kissed her firmly on the lips, pulling her up close to his body, her hands flat on his hard chest. He kissed Lyra like a starving man at first, just needing to taste her and have his taste in her mouth. She was shocked what his tongue was doing inside her mouth, and his intoxicating taste was making her dizzy with desire. Not wanting to scare her, he slowed and softened the kiss. She kissed him back then, almost making him lose control; he wanted to take her so badly he was shaking with lust and restraint. His hands were rubbing up and down her sides, his thumbs started brushing the underside of her breasts. Right then she jerked her head away and pushed with her palms on his chest. He forced himself to let her go, and stood there trying to calm his breathing.
Lyra stood a few steps away with her back to him, trying to compose herself. She started going through the clothes and, once she could speak normally, she rambled, “I think these jeans and this Ralph Lauren t-shirt with these boots will work for today. These are boxer brief, they go on first before the jeans, and socks go on your feet. You know what socks are, right? You can step into the bathroom to change. Let me know if something doesn’t fit.” As she handed him the clothes, she methodically continued going through the rest of the packages as if she did not still have his taste in her mouth. Dunstin grabbed the clothes and stomped into the bathroom to change. Once the door was closed Lyra put her hand to her mouth, felt her kiss-swollen lips, and thought, man, was she in big trouble.
Mira and Warin went into her bedroom, and she started going through some of the wonderful clothes for Warin. He stood in front of the closed door and watched her hungrily. He wanted to take her right now, right here; being near her all morning had him fighting for control. This woman did something to him, everything about her turned him on. He could not fight it any longer, he had to touch her.
He walked up behind her, put his arms around her waist, nudged her hair out of the way and started kissing her neck from just behind her ear on down to her shoulder. She gasped when his lips touched her, and instinctively arched her back, thrusting her bottom into him. He groaned and grabbed her hips, pulling her tighter to him, as he opened his mouth and sucked on the sensitive spot on her neck. A moan escaped her lush lips; she was so hot and bothered she dropped her arms down beside her and clutched his muscular thighs. He growled, “Say yes,” and rubbed against her. Hearing his gravelly voice brought her back to her senses, and she breathlessly said, “No, we must get back soon.”
He kept kissing her neck and rubbing circles on her hips where he was still holding her to him. “Warin, you have to stop now.” She tried to pull away from him and his grip tightened before he finally released her. He was struggling to keep his hands by his sides. His fists were clenched. He wanted to feel her body again. He wanted all of her. As the battle raged inside of him, Mira quickly found a pair of jeans, boxer briefs, a pullover shirt, socks and boots. With the bed in front of her and Warin at her back, she couldn’t turn around without touching him, so she slipped sideways away from him and said, “Here, wear these,” pointing to a pile of clothes on the bed. The tension in him was frightening . . . exciting, and she quickly locked herself in the bathroom.
Mira looked at herself in the bathroom mirror; her nipples were hard, and her hands were shaking. She wet a washcloth with cold water and held it on her neck and lips, trying to cool her heated body and emotions.
Faye walked through her bedroom door with Cenric following. As soon as she heard the door close, she was encircled, turned, and roughly pushed up against the door, trapped by 200 plus pounds of frustrated warrior. Cenric growled, “You have ignored me enough, no more!” He grabbed a handful of hair at the base of her skull, angled her face where he wanted her and plastered his mouth on hers. He sucked and nibbled at her lips until she opened for him, then he tasted and explored her thoroughly. Faye moaned and ran her hands up his chest and around his neck. She couldn’t resist the sensual attack he launched on her. His other hand ran down her side, past her hip, until he reached around and grabbed her voluptuous butt, holding her tight to his groin. She whimpered into his mouth, and the sound and taste of her nearly sent him over the edge. He slid his hand down her thigh and picked up her leg at the back of the knee, wrapping her leg around his waist; she wrapped her other leg around him as well. He was holding her thighs spread for him as he rubbed up against her. They were both mindless with lust, until a knock on the door she was pressed up against interrupted them. “What?!” Cenric gritted out angrily as they both went completely still. Faye struggled to get out of his grasp, but Cenric just held her in place and rested his head on her shoulder, breathing hard as he tried to compose himself.
Steven said through the door, “Sorry, I was looking for someone else.” They could hear his footsteps fading quickly back down the hall. Cenric finally lifted his head, and let her legs slide down so she could stand again. She was sporting a bright blush; she was embarrassed she had lost control so completely that she did not hear someone right behind her on the other side of the door.
As soon as her feet touched the floor she was pushing him away, scrambling over to the bed, going through shopping bags, throwing clothes all over the place. She finally found some jeans, a buttoned shirt and casual leather slip-on shoes. Turning toward Cenric, she shoved them into his chest; he took his time lifting his arms to take them. He was staring at her hard, and nervously she said, “Go change in the bathroom, we are probably late,” and started trying to push him toward the bathroom. He stopped abruptly, holding her chin in his hand and forcing her to look at him. “Was there something between you and that Steven?” She fidgeted a moment then quietly said, “No.” He stared at her a few moments longer, then let her go and continued to the bathroom. She closed the door behind him. Her heart was still pounding from the excitement he created when he touched her as he did.
Cenric was fuming. That little prick Steven had come to her room, and had interrupted them. It was all he could do at the time not to open the door and kill him with his bare hands. He would be watching Steven, especially where Faye was concerned. He would not tolerate anyone sniffing around her. Faye belonged to him.
Chapter 8
All three couples were tense and frustrated as they happened to meet up in the hallway to go back to the office to form a plan of action. When they entered the office, Steven and Todd were already there working on their laptops. Everyone sat in the same places as earlier in the sitting area. Mira started off, “I think if we split up into small groups with each group taking something different, we could accomplish our goals quickly.”
“That sounds great, I’ll take the spell,” Faye said. Cenric immediately added, “I will help Faye with the spell.” Faye looked at him and rolled her eyes.
“Great, I guess Warin and I will take the talisman, and that leaves the sorcerer for Lyra and Dunstin. Steven and Todd, if we can feed you all of the info we uncover, which would keep us on track.” Mira grabbed her tablet and started the search, showing Warin how to use the tablet as she worked.
It was obvious to anyone who looked that Steven was not happy with this arrangement. The one looking was Cenric, and it gave him no small amount of perverse pleasure that Steven was unhappy.
After some time, all of the warriors were completely aggravated with the sisters. Warin with Mira, because she was typing and talking too fast. She was still flustered from their earlier encounter in the bedroom. He kept having to ask her to repeat herself, which only made him feel stupid. And no one liked to feel stupid, especially not a 1700-year-old warrior.
Lyra was all but going OCD on Dunstin if he did not hit the keys she told him to hit fast enough. She wanted him to do exactly what she told him to do, when she told him to do it. She was being rude and bossy. Her method of instruction left much to be desired. It did not help that he sometimes messed up on purpose just to get a reaction out of her. He found her to be so cute when she got
all bossy.
Faye was not even trying to help Cenric. If she decided to answer his questions at all, she did not answer civilly, and that was if she even showed him what she was doing at all. She just clicked away, barely explaining anything, giving him the silent treatment. This was quite an impressive feat for Faye, since she was the most talkative of the sisters, and generally the most argumentative as well.
Finally Warin stated, with frustration evident, “I need a break.” He stood up, took the iPad out of Mira's hands, and placed it on the coffee table. Taking her hand, he marched out of the office, down the hall and right out the front door. He took a deep breath of fresh, cool air, and looked around the side of the castle where he spotted a wooded area. That was where he headed. Mira was trotting along beside him, trying to keep up with his long strides, having a hard time in her kitten heels in the dirt, and finally she had enough. She jerked her hand in his, getting his attention, “Warin, slow down, I am not wearing proper shoes to go for a hike! Where are we going, anyway?”
He slowed his pace just long enough to reach over and pick her up bridal style and continued on. She gave a little startled squeal and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Warin answered, “I have not been outdoors in more years than you can possibly imagine. I want to feel and smell the earth.” He found a path and followed it, to where the sound of flowing water could be heard. When Warin reached the river’s edge, he stopped and admired the beauty of the water with the majestic trees growing on the banks and providing shade and privacy. The river looked to be about waist-deep in the middle at this location.
He slowly let Mira slip down his body until she stood within the circle of his arms, close against his body. “Swim with me, Mira, enjoy this moment with me.” Mira shook her head a bit nervously, “We don’t have swimsuits, and it’s still too cool. I don’t think this would be a good idea.” But he grabbed the hem of her top and with lightning speed whipped it off her body; the mock turtleneck got stuck on her head and long hair briefly, but he quickly freed her of the top, to her astonishment and embarrassment. She immediately covered her lace bra with her hands.
Warin had already slipped out of his boots and ripped his shirt over his head and was unbuttoning his jeans. She sputtered in indignation, “Dammit! You can’t just take off my clothes whenever you want to! I said no!” He looked at her with intent, “I gave you the opportunity to do it yourself; you chose not to do so.” And he continued to remove his jeans. Once he was standing in front of her in only his boxer briefs, he reached over and unbuttoned and unzipped her slacks, all the while she was slapping at his hands with hers and trying to hold onto her pants. Before she could stop him he bent and pulled them down her silky legs. That put her lovely, lace-clad breasts right in Warin’s face as he stooped to pull the slacks from her feet. He couldn’t resist a quick lick with his tongue where the lace framed the top her breast.
Mira jerked away, startled, and would have fallen on her backside, but Warin’s fast reflexes saved her. He caught her, picked her up, swept off her shoes with the one remaining pant leg, and waded into the river.
Mira shrieked as the cold water covered her legs and bottom, “Warin!” She was holding on to him around the neck and quickly wrapped her legs around his waist to get away from the cold water. He immediately filled his hands with her delectable ass. She was shaking with cold, anger, and fear. “How dare you! I said no, and now I’m going to freeze to death!”
Warin looked deeply into her eyes and purred in a seductive voice, “No, I will not let minn kona freeze. I will warm you, Mira.” As he started to lean in, her lips were quivering. Mira suddenly thought, I am so aroused, and a little scared. He does not seem to take no for an answer and I am not sure I’m ready. Sure I have messed around in my 25 years, I am a modern woman, an experienced virgin if you will, but am I ready? If I let him kiss me now, will that be my acceptance?
Just as his lips were about to touch hers, she pulled back, looked away and blurted out, “I am still a virgin and I am not going to have sex with you right now, like this, here.” She looked back at him with a vulnerable, slightly fearful look, “Please, Warin.”
Warin's hands squeezed her bottom. The look she gave him bothered his conscience, the way she begged him not to take her, and the way she said his name had him thinking twice. He could force her, but that was not his way. He could convince her, seduce her to give into him. His need was great, it would be easy . . . and she would hate him for it.
He gave her a quick, hard kiss on the lips, growled and let her slide down his aroused body, and she instantly felt the loss of his touch. “Cover yourself, but do not try to leave,” he said somewhat harshly before turning away from her and dunking his whole body in the frigid water, standing waist deep until he had cooled off.
Mira hurried out of the water, took off her cold wet panties and dressed while he had his back turned. She realized she had dodged a bullet that time. She might not get her way the next time, but then again, she might get exactly what she wanted.
Cenric had his fill of Faye ignoring him and being downright pissy. He and Dunstin stood up when Warin did. If Cenric had to watch Steven give Faye one more longing look, he was going to rip the bastard’s head off. Instead, he took the laptop from Faye, set it on the sofa and pulled her up with him and followed Warin out of the office. He turned the other direction out of the room, looking for a place to be alone with Faye. He needed to set her straight. He needed to touch her intimately. She was driving him mad. Her ignoring him was an open challenge that he was more than ready to accept. Cenric could tell Faye did not want to go with him, she was not talking to him, still he pulled her after him all the way to the rear of the castle into a large glass conservatory filled with a veritable rainforest with a sparkling swimming pool at the back and a view of the manicured garden beyond.
He marched to the edge of the pool and threw her in, then quickly took off all his clothing and dove in naked after her. She was sputtering about, ready to give him a piece of her mind, when she saw him undressing. Without thought she started swimming as fast as she could to the other end of the pool, and was almost there when Cenric grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her all the way back under, then stood them both up. Faye was fighting mad, struggling and kicking, and once she was standing she turned and gave him a sound right hook to the jaw. He was only slightly stunned; she had one hell of a right hook. Faye saw her opportunity to escape and was climbing the steps when he grabbed her from behind, sat down on a higher step, and pulled her face-down over his lap. He started giving her dripping, jeans-clad butt slow, sound thwacks; his hand giving her bottom a slow rub and squeeze before each smack. Before long, he was rubbing and squeezing more than he was smacking, and he got closer and closer to the tantalizing crevice between her thighs, affecting both of them. She was driving him out of his mind.
Faye was struggling, but she could not use her hands because she had to hold her head out of water; she had just about worn herself out fighting him. He leaned over her with his hand massaging her bottom and in a husky voice said, “Do you yield to me, kona? Will you speak to me? Show me kindness and I will be gentle with you.” What he was doing to her made it hard for her to concentrate on what he was saying to her. She was physically exhausted and extremely aroused, and had been ever since their hot and heavy session against the bedroom door earlier. Slowly he sat her up on his lap, turned her face to his and kissed her hungrily. She responded to him until she felt him stirring at her hip, which sobered her immediately. Faye broke the kiss, put her hand on his chest, and held him at a slight distance, saying, “I have been rude to you, with good reason, but I will stop ignoring you and speak to you. But I can’t have sex with you now.”
“Why not? I know you want me.” Cenric rubbed her inner thigh with one hand as he stroked her back under her shirt with the other.
“For starters, I’m not having sex for the first time in a pool. This is not spring break and I am
not girls-gone-wild,” she stated. “Then there’s the fact that I don’t even know you, and you don’t know me either. Just because there might be some attraction between us does not mean I’m going to jump into bed with you. I’m not that type of person.”
“You leave me in a very hard position,” Cenric sulked. Faye chuckled, “You can take care of that yourself,” as she gestured to his rather impressive problem. Faye decided a change of subject would be wise. “Someone of your size must get hungry often. Come on, let’s go upstairs, shower, and get you fed.”
Cenric thought about what she said, She does not want to have sex in the water, so we go upstairs to the bedroom. Shower, together? Feed me? Oh, yes! He released his hold on her. Faye was surprised her little talk with him had worked, so she got up, walked out of the pool, went over to a towel rack, and sat in the chair beside it. She tugged off her ruined combat boots, then stood with her back to Cenric, who was still in the pool watching her, and took off her sodden jeans and t-shirt, then quickly pulled on a robe from the rack.
Cenric almost had his impressive problem calmed down, until she undressed in front of him, keeping on those wet, see-through panties and bra. Faye started back to the entrance of the conservatory on her way to the bedroom, leaving Cenric to hustle as he grabbed a robe, tossing it on to follow at her heels.
Dunstin could not agree more with Warin; he, too, needed a break. He set the laptop on the coffee table, but before he could help Lyra rise, she had already started walking away. He caught up with her and put his hand around her upper arm. She informed him, “I am going to change clothes and work out in the gym. I have sat still too long, and need to burn off some of this excess energy before I hurt someone.” She increased her pace. Dunstin leaned into her and quietly drawled, “I have just the way for you to work off any excess energy you have, Lyyyra.” That easily he thought he could turn her on, and he could, but she smirked, getting an idea of her own. She would challenge him to a workout and wear him out enough to calm his ardor. She set her plan into motion, “So, you are probably feeling a bit puny after not doing anything physical for so long. How are you planning on maintaining that physique of yours? There is not much use for axe-wielding these days. I bet you are just aching to feel the burn in those big, manly muscles of yours.”