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Lighting a Flame [Sequel to Playing with Fire] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 2

by Serenity Snow

  Damn him for making her wait for so much that she wanted.

  “I don’t want you going to Fantasy Club without me, Marika.” He rolled the condom on as he held her gaze in the mirror. “I mean it.”

  “I won’t,” she agreed demurely.

  “Good,” he said as he guided his cock to the heated opening of her body. “Damn, you’re so wet already. Were you thinking about me fucking you?”

  “Yes.” Partially, but there was no reason to tell him she wanted Vinessa.

  Lucas took her in two strokes and groaned. “God. Baby, your pussy’s so hot and tight.” He groaned again.

  She reached back to stroke the back of his head. He would take her too fast. He was always in a hurry lately when she wanted to savor and slow things down.

  He gripped her hip and drove into her. She moaned as the thick shaft stabbed into her. He felt so good and rich he had her body trembling with pleasure. “Yes, Lucas.”

  He kissed her shoulder. “You’re mine, Marika. I don’t want to share you.” He drew back and thrust into her again. “What we have is special.”

  “Yes.” She closed her eyes, reveling in the easy strokes. Her hand curled around the back of his head and she moved, meeting him stroke for stroke. “Oh fuck, yes!” she cried.

  He groaned roughly behind her, tightening his hold on her hips as he took her hard and fast. Her other hand gripped the edge of the vanity.


  He drove into her again and again and she cried out as her orgasm crashed over her. He grunted harshly in her ear a moment later as his seed pumped hot into the condom.

  * * * *

  Vinessa stepped into the ordered chaos of her mint-and-chocolate office sanctuary, passing the Adirondack-style chairs she’d painted chocolate with her friend Connor last year. The mint cushions sported a printed design of cuffs and the word Domme.

  She passed a chocolate bookcase holding books on art and other subjects as she went to her desk, painted chocolate, with a clear quartz crystal on the desk amid manila folders filled with designs. She lifted the bamboo shade with a slim hand, reminding herself that she wasn’t going to even think about Marika. She had almost gotten good at it, and then last night happened.

  Playing with her over the last few weeks had been a bad idea when Vinessa knew how badly she wanted Marika. She craved her like she craved the air, and she fought the urge to trespass on Lucas’s territory. It wasn’t like she hadn’t done it before. So many times in the past, she hadn’t really cared if the woman she wanted was with someone else or not.

  Considering people’s feelings wasn’t always her strong suit, but she could tell Marika wanted her, too. The complication here was Lucas. She could tell he was as attracted to her as Marika was. She wanted to dominate him as much she wanted his woman, but despite his hunger, Vinessa could tell Lucas wasn’t going to give in to his desires easily.

  Vinessa grimaced as she crossed the room to her work desk where she drew the designs for the sex toys she created. The last one had only been out for six weeks and was still riding the wave of newness. “Knock, knock.” The door opened and her partner Danica Moss poked her head in the crack. “Can I come in?”

  “Yeah, Dan, come on in.” Vinessa leaned back in her chair.

  “You look pensive,” Danica remarked. “Tell me you didn’t do another session with them last night.”

  She shrugged. “Can’t.”

  “Damn, Vin,” she muttered. “I thought you were giving that up before you do something stupid like ruin their relationship.”

  She sighed. “I’ve tried, but I can’t get her out of my head,” she murmured and met her friend’s gaze. “I keep thinking if I could just fuck her once it would be enough to get her out my system.”

  “You’re thinking with your dildo,” Danica snapped and glared at her. “Lucas isn’t as dominant as you are—”

  “Not my problem,” she cut in coldly. “Besides, I don’t just want her in my bed. I want them both, but long-term, I’d prefer to have just her.”

  Danica shook her head. “Vinessa, he is in love with her, don’t go fucking that up.”

  “I’m trying not to.” She liked Lucas, and didn’t want to hurt him. However, she wouldn’t walk away from a chance to make love with Marika even in Lucas’s absence.

  “Do. Don’t try,” Danica said in annoyance.

  “Did you come in here to try to run roughshod over my love life or was there some actual reason that you drug your ass down here?” she asked, irritated.

  Danica cocked a brow at her. “I got a call from Donovan Trim, the guy who owns The Toy Store this morning,” Danica told her with a smile. “He wants to meet.”

  “Why”” Vinessa demanded as if she had to ask. Trim was a decent businessman, but he was an asshole. When they first started making toys and designing lingerie, they’d placed several items with him. He’d cheated them whenever he could, making it difficult for them to do more than break even.

  “He wanted to talk about reinstating the deal we had with him before,” she said. “What do you think?”

  “I’m not down with that,” she answered, coldly.

  Danica lifted her brows in a shrug that told Vinessa her friend was flashing back to five years ago, too. “But we might be able to boost sales of some of our lesser-selling toys and a couple of our lingerie lines.”

  Vinessa shrugged. That was true, but he wasn’t the only game around. There was another store she was contemplating approaching. “True, but I’m not interested in playing games,” she said. “Tell him no.”

  “Okay, well let’s forget about that, but we do need to vend more of our popular products out.”

  “I’m working on it, Dan, damn,” she muttered. “I’m just not willing to play ball with Trim.”

  Danica held her hands up. “Fine. Okay.”

  “Great.” Vinessa’s cell phone rang softly, and she grabbed it from her bag. “Is that it?” She glanced at the display and smiled.

  “What’s got you all happy?” Danica asked suspiciously.

  “Marika’s phone number.” She grinned. “So, umm, that’s it?”


  Vinessa chuckled. “I have a few meetings today, so if you’re done…”

  “You are calling the advertising firm, right?” Danica’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

  “Yes.” But she would be involved in creating the campaign. She knew what she wanted better than the team she’d be working with.

  Danica shook her head. “Don’t make them quit ten times this time, Vin.”


  Danica sighed and Vinessa smiled at the annoyed look on her face. “How’s Connor? I haven’t seen him in a few days,” she said.

  The three of them had grown up together due to their parents’ close relationship as swingers. “I saw him yesterday,” Vinessa answered. “He’s still settling in, but I think he’s enjoying having two women in his bed.

  “Well, I’m heading out. I’ll be back in town in a few days.”

  Vinessa smiled and got to her feet. She rounded her desk. “Have fun.” She hugged her friend.

  “I’ll bring you something back,” Danica said with a grin. “Maybe a woman.” They both laughed. “Seriously. I’ll see you when I get back.” She kissed her friend on the lips. “Bye, babe.”

  “See ya.” Vinessa smiled as Danica left.

  Chapter Two

  “Dallas, listen to me,” Marika said quietly as they stood in the hallway at the dental office where they both worked later that morning. The office was quiet, but several young patients were scheduled for the afternoon.

  “It’s just going to be a few days while he’s out of town,” Dallas said, taking advantage of the pause. “She doesn’t want to be by herself.”

  Her best friend was a petite beauty with gorgeous gold hair and baby-blue eyes. Dallas could have anyone she wanted, but she only had eyes for their boss’s wife. “You don’t have any business stayi
ng at their home.” Marika moved to one side and Dallas followed as a hygienist moved past them with a patient. When she spoke again, it was in a near-whisper. “Don’t do this, okay? She is not even thinking about leaving him.”

  “She is going to,” Dallas insisted, and then pulled Marika into an empty room and pushed the door partially closed behind them. “It’s just taking time. She has to do everything right or he won’t give her alimony.”

  Marika sighed. Their boss was jealous-natured when it came to his wife. He was a little controlling and not in the best of ways. “Then, if she loves you, she’ll stop seeing you until she’s at least legally separated.”

  “She needs my support, Marika,” Dallas said, irritated. “And that means spending time with her. She’s going to file for the divorce while he’s gone.”

  “Is she moving out?”

  “We’re going to look at a few places,” she said. “It’s going to happen.”

  Marika had misgivings about the relationship turning into anything real. Rebecca Lindsey was spoiled, used to fine things that Dallas couldn’t give her.


  She turned at the sound of their boss, Paul Lindsey, calling her name. “We’ll talk about this later.”

  “Let’s go to Jewel tonight.”

  “Okay.” She stepped out of the door and came face-to-face with Doctor Lindsey. She gave him a smile. “Yes, Doctor?”

  “I need you to get exam three ready. I have a walk-in.” He spoke in congenial tones, as usual. “I need X-rays taken.”

  That meant it would just be an oral exam today. “Yes, Doctor Lindsey.” She gave him a nod and headed to the supply room to get the packets he’d need.

  She enjoyed her job as a dental assistant, but she wasn’t going to remain in it for more than another few years. She had no idea what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, but this wasn’t it.

  * * * *

  “Lucas must be working late,” Dallas said that evening as they slouched at a table in Jewel, the lesbian club.

  “Yep.” He did that a lot lately. His family’s business was in trouble and Lucas, along with his older brother, was trying to salvage it. She knew his job was important, but she needed him, too.

  “Maybe you should think about breaking up with him,” Dallas suggested. “He’s a great guy and everything, but let’s face it. You’ve always been more into women than men.”

  “I’m in love with him,” she argued. She was just starting to question whether their love was strong enough to survive her hunger for a very sexy woman. Her attraction to Vinessa was a powerful thing and after last night she was certain she’d jump at any chance she got to be in her bed.

  “I just hope you realize he’s going to pick up on your attraction to Vinessa eventually, and he’ll probably dump you,” Dallas said as she played her thin straw around in her drink.

  “I don’t have to worry about that,” she muttered. “It’s you that have the problem right now. You’ve got to stop seeing—”

  “Hi, Dallas. Marika.”

  Marika groaned inwardly at the sight of the gorgeous Rebecca Lindsey. The black dress molded to her lush curves and made her golden tan more noticeable.

  “Hi, baby.” Dallas got to her feet and kissed Rebecca.

  Rebecca broke the kiss off quickly and gave Marika an uncomfortable look. Marika’s brows snapped together, but she bit down on her tongue to keep her snide remark from coming into being.

  Dallas slid her arm around Marika’s waist. “Relax. Marika isn’t going to tell Paul.”

  “I’m glad.” Rebecca gave her a small smile. “My marriage really is over, Marika, but Paul is making it so hard for me to leave.”

  She studied Rebecca as she wrapped an arm around Dallas’s shoulders. She saw a woman perfectly at ease. There wasn’t a single tight line to her body that indicated stress. “I understand,” she said quietly. On one level she did. She knew how problems could spiral out of control in a relationship. That was where she was. On the other hand, she thought Rebecca was doing things with Paul all wrong.

  Rebecca gave her a bigger smile. “I like your dress.”

  “Thanks. Yours is rather slinky, too.” She smiled. The racy red strapless cupped every curve Rebecca’s body without hesitation.

  She laughed. “I needed a pick-me-up. Paul keeps hinting that I need to lose weight.”

  “Oh, baby, I told you, you look fine,” Dallas crooned and nuzzled Rebecca’s jaw. “You’re beautiful just the way you are. Don’t let him get to you.”

  “Dallas, you’re so sweet,” she murmured.

  “Let’s dance, Becky,” Dallas said and urged her from the table.

  Marika pushed out a harsh sigh. Right now the only difference between her and Dallas was that her desire for Vinessa was still contained. She wasn’t cheating on Lucas and likely wouldn’t get the chance to unless Vinessa came strolling in the front door of this club.

  Chapter Three

  Vinessa stepped into the plush lounge, with its horizontal glass that overlooked the floor below where the crush of bodies swayed to the music on the wood dance floor. Seated on one of the richly-colored sofas with a smartphone in hand was the golden-skinned Tracey McLean, the owner of Jewel. Her wavy, sand-colored hair was twisted into a careless knot at the back of her head, and she was clad in a purple-and-black corset with black leather miniskirt. Her thigh-high black boots finished off her look.

  “Come on in,” Tracey urged, barely looking up from her screen.

  Vinessa crossed the room, the flat heel of her black boots making a dull sound. “What did you want to see me about, Tracey?” She dropped her firm bottom into a racy red chair and allowed her legs to fall open. The black leather pants molded to her body, emphasizing her lean, long legs.

  “I’ve been getting a lot of requests for your toys,” Tracey replied, looking up to meet Vinessa’s baby-blue eyes set in her caramel face. “The Berry Banger, the Big Daddy, and the Sensory Sinsation and harnesses are in high demand.” Tracey gave her a salacious grin. “When can I get them back in stock?”

  Vinessa smiled. The vibrating anal beads that delivered delicious sensations and the dildos that left no doubt in a woman’s mind that a dildo could make her come as well as any man’s dick. She was very proud of her work.

  “Well, all you have to do is put in an order like normal businesses,” Vinessa replied dryly. This was one of the reasons she couldn’t afford to be shortchanged by Trim. She took a bit of a loss on profits here just for the sake of the extra exposure.

  Tracey looked up from her phone, offering her friend a smile. “My secretary’s out sick.”

  Vinessa rolled her eyes, making a face. “Use the order form online. I’ll deliver as soon as possible.” Vinessa got to her feet and went to look out the glass onto the main club floor.

  “Fine,” Tracey said. “How’s Connor doing?”

  Vinessa smirked as she scanned the crowd. “He’s doing fine.” She looked back to Tracey.

  “He is one hot thing,” Tracey said.

  Her gaze doubled back at the sight of a sexy blonde on the dance floor. The black mini scoop neck dress plunged dangerously low, and when she turned, Vinessa got a good view of the plunging back with lace criss-cross detail.

  What the hell was Marika doing here dancing like that with anyone that wasn’t her?

  “Yes, he is.”

  Marika was delicious from up here, but only an up-close-and-personal inspection would do. Vinessa had a sweet tooth that needed to be sated.

  “I guess Kal would kick my ass if she heard me say that,” Tracey said with humor in her tone.

  Kal was one of Connor’s lovers. “She might.” Kal was a bisexual Domme like herself and Tracey.

  “See something you like?” Tracey got to her feet and joined Vinessa at the window. “Which one.”

  “The hot little thing in the black criss-cross back,” Vinessa confessed. “Does she come in here often?”

  Maybe Miss Marika
needed something only a woman could give her.

  “She’s only been here a few times,” Tracey answered. “She came with another sub.”

  Vinessa met her friend’s inquiring gaze. “I see.” Vinessa looked back out to the floor. She should ignore Marika. She had a man at home.

  “Do you want me to have her taken to one of the Gray Rooms?”

  “No.” She rubbed her hand along her thigh as she thought of getting her hands on that little morsel. “I think I’ll go down there.”

  “All right then.” Tracey grinned. “I’m sure your playroom’s well stocked and ready to go.”

  “Great,” Vinessa said. “Have fun.” She chuckled.

  Vinessa grinned. “Night, and don’t forget about the order form.”


  Vinessa headed down to the floor, reminding herself not to take Marika upstairs. She liked Lucas. He was a gorgeous guy, sweet. He seemed good for Marika, from what little she knew of the two of them.

  The song was ending as Vinessa made her way to the lounge, and she spied the cute blonde gliding from the dance floor, which was awash with yellow light. She laughed at something the woman with her said, and her pretty face became beautiful. Vinessa quickened her steps, determination marching through her.

  * * * *

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” Dallas said.

  Marika nodded, and her smile faded as Dallas walked away to join her lover. This had been Dallas’s idea, and she’d only come with her because she’d thought they were coming to unwind. She hadn’t thought Dallas was using her as a cover.

  Marika looked around for the waitress working this section. A drink would be nice.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  A shiver ran up Marika’s spine as the sexy throb of the low, feminine tone washed over her. She slowly turned her head so her vision filled with light-brown skin and thick, black hair worn in a short pixie style.

  She loved what Vinessa was wearing tonight, black leather pants with a matching vest buttoned neatly up the front. The deep V played up her cleavage.


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