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F A D E- New Kansas

Page 6

by Tom Cain

  "That sounded like John's gun" Burke said with a broken voice and a gulp.

  A guttural cry and the sound of smashing and crashing shelves and tins and boxes suddenly filled the air.

  "What the hell is that?" Marko looked to the west side of the building, the shelving rows were collapsing in the middle, something was crashing through them. Marko and Burke backed off and pressed themselves against the wall to witness as a Greener was being pushed backwards through the metal rows by John. John’s bionic right arm was pressed firmly into the stomach of this large mutant whilst slamming him through the shelves running as fast as he could, the left hand carried the shotgun pointing it down the unbroken half of the aisles ensuring no other greeners could pounce. As John reached the last row he crushed the mutant into the remaining shelves jumped backwards and let off a shotgun round, the bearing ploughed through skin and bone rendering the Greener motionless.

  "Clean up on aisle eight" John muttered smirking to himself, he turned to look at Marko and Burke shocked at the speed of events that unfolded but before he could say anything else the voice boomed over the settling debris again.

  "Now that wasn't very nice was it outsider" the deep voice laughed and many other shrieks and voices followed. John turned around to see a dark figure appearing out from gloom. Marko took a step forward as the large mutant got closer and closer to John, more Greeners appeared from either side of Marko and Burke.

  "Whoa we got more company John" Burke shouted nervously.

  "Yeah I can see that, but I got a problem of my own." John said now staring at a seven foot mutant clad in brown leather bindings and what appeared to be human skin, gripping a club hammer.

  "Now you are in our market boy and I" before he could finish his sentence John charged, striking him in the torso with his shoulder hard and stampeding off into the distance and back into the darkness moving out of Marko's line of sight taking the hulk with him.

  Marko and Burke are backed into a corner; Burke pulls out his knife and points the revolver randomly at the approaching mutants. Marko already pointing his weapon at one of the closer enemies.

  "Burke listen, you are going to have to get my back here, I don't think we can get out, we are going to have to take these guys".

  A hiss comes from one of the approaching Greeners.

  "Ok Burke I will take out the majority and you pick off the stragglers" with that Marko unloads his machine gun, blasting methodically through the closest attacker, hisses, whelps and screams come from the falling mutants. Burke lets off a shot at one of the approaching creeps, it is hit in shoulder and lets out a yelp but continues to charge at him.

  "Ah Marko, I got a problem" Burke whimpered over the noise.

  "No time burke, busy" Marko shouted while reloading his gun.

  Burke fires the second shot off and misses, third misses, fourth misses and fifth hits again in the arm, the attack continues.

  Click, click, click, Burke is out of rounds in his revolver, he puts his knife up after throwing the gun at the now still mutant who is standing at arm's length. Burke cringes, shuts his eyes and jabs forward with his blade; he feels nothing, no impact, until a very sharp searing pain in his shoulder. Burke opens his eyes to find the mutant biting down hard and drawing blood, he's already dizzy, he screams and jabs wildly into the Greeners back with the knife. The pressure lets up and he is released from the jaws, the world is a haze to him now, his eye glazed, dizzy and confused he backs back into the corner, he vaguely hears Marko firing and shouting.

  "Burke, you ok man?" Marko asks letting off a few more shots and taking down a couple more. A few others decide to scamper over the shelves and run off. Marko picks up a broken tile from the ground, waves his hand over it, it glows green, he throws it hitting one of the retreating greeners in the back and on impact exploding.

  "Burke, can you hear me?, you have been bitten by a Greener, you are going to start" Marko is interrupted by the booming voice again.

  "I gots your hero here boys, where have the rest gone, you killed my kin, now it's your turn". The large dark figure appears again through the darkness but limping, he is dragging something behind him. It's John's lifeless body.

  "Ahh shit Test, is this it? John can you hear me?" Marko shouts.

  "That's it for you I think. Time for you to bite the dust just like your friend here" the mutant spat. Marko raises his gun and points it at the monster head then pulls the trigger, the gun just clicks.

  "Ah shit, guns jammed", Marko pulls out his knife, looks back to Burke who is now writhing around on the floor. As Marko turns around the mutant is on him, grabbing furiously at his face and neck, trying to throttle him. Marko struggles to break free of his vice like gripping hands, dodging to and fro as the mutant strikes at his throat.

  Marko cuts one of the mutants legs a large gash opens up and he lets out a guttural scream, Marko thrusts forward with the knife for a killing blow but is quickly struck in the hand sending the knife spinning across the floor. The mutant laughs and presses forward aiming to grab hold of Marko. Marko backs up onto the wall, his eyes now wide, waiting for the inevitable.

  John's body twitches and stirs behind the mutant closing in on Marko, his once lifeless body now re-animated rises to his feet and opens his eyes. The mutant holds Marko by the scruff of his jacket and raises his large fist into the air. A surprised look falls across its face, wide eyes open, mouth drooling and spine arched. John appeared above the mutants head after climbing up his back, hands locked together and plummets them down onto the unsuspecting head of Marko's assailant. The creature drops to his knees; John has now his shotgun in hand still balancing on the mutants shoulders and lets off one shot directly into the upper torso. John lands on his feet with a tired and bruised face and the mutant falls face first into the cream tiled floor.

  "Holy shit John you worried me for a bit there" Marko brushed himself off.

  "What's happened to Burke?" John said taking a deep breath out. They walk over to Burke who has passed out on the floor.

  "He was bitten by one of the Greeners, I have seen this a few times before, it could go bad, we need to get him wrapped up and warm, then get him to a doctor if things get worse during the turning" Marko said helping Burke to his feet and throwing him over his shoulder.

  "Ok, I will go and grab some of whatever they got from the back, I am sure I saw some spill during the struggle over by the back" John found a satchel laying on the ground near the destruction that had fallen from one of the many now dead assailants and made his way into the darkness.

  Marko carried Burke who was mumbling in an unconscious state outside and to the cargo bike. He placed him in the side cart and pulled a leather cover over him. Marko clambered onto the bike and started the engine, shifted the bike into first gear and drove to the entrance to wait for John. Burke was now shivering and sweating at the same time, the turning had started. Marko turned to Burke.

  "Burke listen, you will be ok man, I know you can hear me, don't let the feeling of anger get the better of you. I know it will feel like your heart is in your head and make you want to give up, but if you do you will turn into one of those ugly sons of bitches in there."

  Burkes eyes opened for a moment of hazy slurred speech.

  "I got this Marko, I got this" and swiftly passed back out.

  John marched out of the Supermarket with a full bag, he managed to find some food bags inside, although unsure of what was contained inside the vacuum packed bags as the labels had been worn away, food is food and something is always better than nothing in the wastelands. John jumped in the side car in front of Burke.

  "Marko headed for the old motels up the road, we can find somewhere to lay out for the night there". The bike kicked up dust speeding out of the car park leaving the supermarket in a cloud of dust.

  A few miles up the main road the vague outline of a tall old motel takes shape through the dark on the horizon.

  "Over there The Habenyara" John shouts over the noise from the
souped up engine. They pull up to the old multi story motel, the now broken neon tubing that used to read ‘Vacancy’ and ‘Habenyara Motel’ was bullet ridden and rusty. The motel building stood five stories high and had thirty rooms. Each room had been raided by bandits at one time or the other and the building was used ten years ago as a barricade against one of the Eights gangs and the BCC.

  The three pulled up outside, grabbed the gears from the side of the bike, dismounted the weapons and then made their way up the external stairs to the roof of the Motel. On the roof was the safest place to sleep as John could get a good view over the waste and see any oncoming trouble. He could also keep an eye on the bike.

  "Marko let’s settle down up here." John said looking out into the night.

  Marko laid Burke down by an air conditioning vent in one of the corners of the open rooftop. John sits down on the small wall encasing the roof and starts to spin his lead pipe around his hands thinking. Marko lies down pulling out a bandana from his pocket and putting it over his eyes to block out the moonlight which was shining through the green tinted clouds. Eventually John settles down and slumps to sleep against a vent.

  Marko wakes with the sound of clinking metal next to him. He sees through the black bandana a dark figure rummaging through the weapons bag. He stays still for a moment to assess the situation and see if he could hear anyone else around. John and Burke are still asleep. He hears no other bandits. Marko springs to his feet and grabs the bandit off the floor by the throat and starts to squeeze.

  "Whoa wait wait" the bandit said in a female voice.

  Marko pulls the bandana from his face.

  "Shit, Marko it's me, let go" She says again.

  "What? Who's that?" Marko say angrily.

  John wakes up and jumps to his feet pipe in hand but blurry eyed. Marko pulls the bandits black and brown face mask off.

  "Holy shit, what are you doing here Mia?". Marko puts her down.

  Mia grabs her throat and coughs.

  "I thought I would take a shot at getting some weapons, Shaw sends us out daily now to get gear together. We are moving against Three in Zone five".

  "Mia, I didn't think I would see you again." Marko stares in shock.



  "I will take you to Little London, Ron will want to see you Test after Ahiros announcement" said Mia leading the three to a manhole cover close to the motel.

  Marko pulled up the metal manhole cover after sweeping the dust from it with his hand.

  "Why does he want to see me?" John asked following Mia down the cold rusty ladder into the sewer systems.

  "I don't know why he wants to see you Test, he just said if I see you then get you too him. I guess you’re the best hope at stopping all the stuff that's going to happen if Ahiro doesn't get the parts." Mia Replied shuffling along the thin walkway of the underground and allowing a shivering Burke and Marko down.

  As Markos feet hit the soiled, green and damp floor Mia jumped back up the ladder and slid the cover back on and placed a small silver and yellow device with a pulsing LED underneath.

  "What's that for?" Burke asked now awake but sweating profusely and clutching his arms.

  "That's two things actually my infected friend, it's a homing and mapping beacon for the underground and an electrogrip" said Mia signalling for the group to move forwards and down the darkened passageways.

  "What's an electrogrip?" asked Burke through a cough.

  "Basically it magnetically seals the manhole cover to its metal surrounds and explodes if the seal is broken, but doesn't damage the cover. It just electrifies the cover and bursts out electro pulses to put down the offending party. But you should be less concern with the tech and more concerned with getting to the med bay" Mia replied.

  The group moved slowly down the damp green walkways of the underground sewer systems. Dim blue and yellow lights buzzing and flickering on the walls lead them down the tunnels guiding them to a rusty metal door on the left.

  "The entrance tunnel is just up ahead, after this door it's a straight shoot to Little London" Mia continued to the door.

  She hit it with the palm of her hand and then kicking the lower right side with her boot making a loud bang with both. The door hatch slid open and two greeny blue eyes peered at Mia and the group standing behind her.

  "Can I help you senorita?" a suave Hispanic voice asked.

  "Hey Valentino, I have got the group Shaw was looking for, could we come in please?" Mia asked fluttering her eyelids obviously flirting with the man behind the door.

  "For you chica anything of course". Valentino confirmed.

  The door makes several unlocking sounds and is pulled open by a tall dark and handsome man with a thin moustache and goatee.

  "Hey you, good to see you back on the door" Mia walked passed Valentino running her index finger across his red checkered shirt. Marko gave Valentino a dirty look on his way passed.

  “Yeah thanks Enrique” Marko said sarcastically.

  John and Burke followed with a nod to the guard. The door slammed shut after them and the locks were returned to their normal positions.

  The long grey concrete corridor used to be a passageway between tunnel systems before the flash, several darkened and rusty pipes lay across the walls and ceiling of the dimly lit straight. They could see a red light growing brighter in the distance.

  "So who's that then?" Marko asked Mia.

  "who was what? Valentino?" she replied.

  "Yeah whatever his name is, at the door, slick Rick back there".

  "Oh Marko, don't be jealous, he is just a perimeter guard. But a good looking one." She laughed.

  "You go out with him or something Mia?" Marko asked sternly, eyebrows raised as they approached the red light outside another door.

  "It's not the time for this now Marko, let just get to town then we can talk about it ok?" Mia said as she knocked with the palm of her hand on the centre of the door and kicked the lower right with her boot.

  The door hatch slid open again and another set of eyes looked out. The guard grunted and unlocked the door letting everyone in.

  A burly man with a large brown beard nodded as Mia walked through leading John, Marko and Burke inside. The area inside this door was only illuminated with red lighting sporadically placed around the sprawling pipework and ventilation shafts. The population of Little London had carried things from the surface down to the tunnels and set up homes and shacks and shops in-between the concrete separations. Because of the multitude of pipes and cables running through the underground they had a constant supply of water and power so could remain hidden for some time.

  The group were lead through the town walkways, passed makeshift houses where families were cooking and cleaning and shops where items were being created and designed, hammers fell on anvils, sparks flew from the workshops.

  "What are they making here?" Burke asked Mia staring at a couple of dusty men peering into an open encasing of wires and chipboards.

  "A lot of the businesses here make weapons to either use to go out into the waste and salvage stuff or sell to either the BCC or anyone else who will buy or trade" She replied.

  "But if you guys want, I will show you what we do, Ron will want to see Test alone anyway. John the door is right through there" Mia said pointing down a walkway on the left and to a half opened wooden door at the end.

  “Oh and Burke you need to get to the med unit and have that bite checked out." She added.

  John looked at Marko and gave him a nod.

  “See you in a bit John" Marko said following Mia and grabbing Burke who didn’t look in good shape.

  John looked around at the various characters around him in the underground town and then made his way towards the door. As John closed in on the door, it swung open and a short hooded man appeared and stopped in front of John.

  "Ah, the prodigal son has returned to chase his destiny. It will not be long before you will know."

John heard the old man's voice inside his head.

  "Who are you?" John asked.

  "All in good time John, all in good time" the voice answered telepathically.

  The hooded man then swept past John and quickly moved off into the town and disappeared down a darkened walkway as John watched.

  "John come in, pull up a seat we got things to discuss now" another voice came from the room. John looked back to the door and to a tall thin man, clean shaven in his mid-forties.

  "My name is Ron Shaw, I run this little town and have some important information for you, please take a seat".

  John walked inside as Ron stepped aside and into a sizable room with a large metal circular table in the middle holding lots of maps and papers of the zones.

  "So what's this all about? Who was that guy?" John asked taking a seat.

  "He was just an old man who helps us with info sometimes, I actually don't know his name, we have always just called him old man" Ron gestured towards a whiskey bottle sitting on top of a cabinet.

  "No thanks, I got to keep a straight head these days" Said John.

  "Fair enough John, I understand that completely. You got shit to do. And we want to help you do it. Firstly, I want to say thanks" Ron took a seat next to John and continued.

  “Thanks for what?” John asked.

  “Memphis” A short reply from Ron.

  “Who’s Memphis?” asked John now confused.

  “Oh sorry, yes of course, you got the contract through Hark Reilly right? Yeah. Memphis was a raider you took out for us, I gave Hark that contract. Would have prefered him alive, but apparently he put up some resistance and you hit him rather hard with a pipe?” asked Ron.

  “Ah yeah,that wasn’t so long ago. That was you? What did he do? asked John remembering the alleyway kill.

  “Yeah that was us actually. We put out contracts based on council approval, none of that banditland law down here I’m afraid” Ron chortled and continued. “He had a pretty impressive wrap sheet, including murder, rape and theft. He had returned to Little London several times to steal from people's houses. If you steal down here, we put a contract on you. Keeps folks in line. GUess that wasn’t enough of a threat for Memphis because he raided Hudson’s home, his newborn daughter was home with a babysitter. Let’s just say, it was a terrible event and what you did was a service to Lochwell” said Ron.


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