Book Read Free

F A D E- New Kansas

Page 15

by Tom Cain


  The heading had been set and the crew were ready to set sail down the river and across to Station Thirteen, but first they had to take out two Border Control Company ships who wouldn't let them go without a fight. The Border Control Company is particularly tough on what they perceive to be pirates. For many years boats were commandeered by groups of exiled survivors in order to gain some semblance of life back after the flash. Lots of those boats however and over a decade later lay at the bottom of the river or lake. The river was many hundreds of miles long and led down to the very large lake aptly named Afterburn. Some ships or boats only took to the free flowing waters of the river and avoided coming into contact with BCC by means of hit and run. Others however decided it best to stay on or very near the lake and plunder nearby settlements and other ships or boats. The BCC didn't explore the waters, they had no need to, their only goal is to defend their checkpoints. Station Thirteen is one of those checkpoints.

  "Ok, let's get this thing up and running and be on our way" the captain shouted across the decks. The ships engine, shuddered, coughed and started with a huge clunk. Black smoke poured from the rear. The ship's crew started moving rapidly around the decks, upper and lower, arranging ropes, and chains, and pulling levers and pulleys. John's group had no idea what was going on. Their mind locked on the task ahead. The engines powered forward, pressing the ship to a full speed of just under forty knots, after the crew had finished their duties they all got into position as the targets grew closers. The waves lapped against the sturdy hull, large dark shadows passed underneath, port and starboard, making the crew chatter with tales of creatures they’ve seen and don't want to see again.

  “If it wasn’t for that damned Gunderwasp we would have been to those ship quicker” Rohit, one of the Bloodletting crew mumbled to another.

  “Ah it wasn’t the Gunderwasp man, it wer the river lout” Yan replied twisting a rope around his arm.

  “The lout stays up river, never comes this far south to the lake” Rohit replied.

  Burke turned and looked interested in the strange creatures they discussed.

  “What in the sweet green is a River Lout and a Gandarwasp?” Burke asked taking the rope from Yan.

  “That’s Gunderwasp my friend” Rohit said correcting Burkes mispronunciation.

  “Ok, what’s the Gunderwasp? Is that what that big black shape is that keep going past?” Burke asked now sitting on the side.

  Chrissie also strolled over, feeling the start of a sea tale.

  “Alright, I’ll tell ye. But it ain’t pretty. It ain’t much for landers” Yan said.

  “I think if I tell the story Yan, it might make more sense” Rohit said rolling his eye at his dramatic crew mate. Yan gestured for Rohit to begin telling the story with an opening arm.

  “The Gunderwasp, is an enormous winged creature, apparently a flying fish type thing before the flash. I say fish it's more like a snake with wings. Hard to describe. Anyway, point is we’ve heard stories of Gunderwasps eating boats. Not for the people, but for the metal or wood. Imagine a giant snake with wings eating your boat.” Rohit drifted off for a moment in thought.

  “Sounds like bullshit to me” said Masie joining the group.

  “Bullshit? naw its all truth my dear, I’ve seen a Gunderwasp eat a man and his rower, oars an all” Yan said.

  “Sure you did.” said Masie in disbelief.

  “What do you think those big black shadow be under yer ship?” Yan asked pointing his eye down and his eyebrows up.

  Masie paused to think.

  “What about the River Lurks?” Burke said still clearly excited about the tales.

  “It’s River Louts, but they are known by many names.” Rohit beamed with the thought of detailing another creature of the water. “The Lout, hang around on river banks and in shallows. Actually greeners which have switched.”

  “Switched?” Burke asked confused.

  “Yeah you know, not gone right. Turned bad after the green or being bitten by an Anti-Greener. Anyways, they have gone bad and for some reason retreated to the banks and shallows of the River Squire. Their skin has gone bad, greyish green like the water used to be, boils and blisters cover them head to toe, harsh darkened black eyes and a growl that sounds like...” Said Rohit.

  “An old woman dyin in the kitchen” Yan interrupted.

  “What? an old, in the kitchen?” Rohit stared at the intense Yan for a moment before continuing his story.

  “A friend of mine. Used to be a fisherman east of here near Codley up off Main used to fish in the squire everyday and trawl his boat out into the lake to catch his fill. Unfortunately for him, one fresh morning when the clouds were as green as today, he went to his boat as usual. released the mooring ropes from the bank but heard a noise from inside the boat cabin. A door was left slightly ajar. He thought nothing of it for a while and made his way out towards the lake. Before his could make it that far though, he was taken from his chair and dragged onto the deck. A Lout had found his way onto the bank during the night and had been rudely awaken by the fishermans routine. Louts don’t kill you quickly, that’s not how they do business. The fisherman was cut from hip bone to hip bone, across the underbelly and dragged back to the river bank. The lout buried him up to his hips in the banks mud and left his to bleed out into the river while the Lout drank the river and gut cocktail” Rohit stopped with a scrunched up disgusted face.

  “This was your friend?” Chrissie asked.

  “Yup, was. Found his top half buried in the pace he was left. Hollow inside.” Rohit answered.

  “Ye don’t see a Lout and don’t shoot. Ye shoot or ye run. Just choose quick” Yan added.

  “Sights be seen” a crew member shouted from atop the metal stairs.

  Just as Bandoleer predicted they had reached their destination in just under two hours. Two BCC controlled ships laid at rest anchored not far from the dock, the decks seemed quiet. Although the hovering mists kept the Bloodletting mostly a secret, if Bandoleer could see the two ships, then the two ships could see them. Still, no alarms were sounding, no soldiers were gathering along the dock or the ships. Did this mean they had caught the BCC off guard? Marko thought to himself. Bandoleer ordered an immediate slow to crawl, then engines were cut and the crew grabbed large oars which were lying along the inside of the boat. The oars were placed in rollicks and they gently and quietly glided towards the targets.

  "Captain, leave the ship here, we will be getting off in a minute" John said with a stern eye on the two BCC ships.

  John, gave Ruf and Valeria the ready nod and all three gathered at the side of the ship. Burke rushed over and handed them three breathing devices, modified scuba masks with micro tanks, allowing breathing underwater.

  "These little guys are the best I could come up with what I found, actually on board they got some bigger scuba tanks but didn't think they would be very manageable from what I can tell your going to be doing, anyways you got about twenty minutes breathing time with those mini tanks, remember to exhale as you come up, I think" Burke said in a rush.

  John nodded "Captain, wait for our signal".

  With that he placed the mask over his face, as did Valeria and Ruf. All three checked their weapons, which had been placed in plastic bags and strapped up. One by one they dive feet first into the murky waters. It's warm, but a chill immediately hits their bodies, they need to start swimming. They all get their bearings and head towards the underside of one of the ships. Darkness looms underneath them as they paddle, rushing waters, and strange humming sounds are heard from the deep. John doesn't want to look down; they stick to their direction and finally make it to the anchor chain. The three of them slowly surface without breaking the low flying mist. The chain leads up to the deck, but before that and halfway up the hull is many portholes about half the size of a manhole cover. John looks at Valeria, who nods and immediately starts to climb the chain, hoisting herself onto it and clutching it with arms and legs. Reaching the portholes she
stares in for a second, and she reaches over to try and open the window, surprisingly it opens with a creaking sound. She wiggles her way in and lands on the floor of one of the bed cabins. Looking around cautiously she peaks round the corner to spot any potential threats, but eerily there are none to be found. Slowly she makes her way down a long corridor, the floor carpeted with thin red material with black dots, and the walls just as tacky. Every room she passed she checked but no signs of life, couldn't hear many sounds either, apart from the low hum of a possible engine and a few squeaks and creaks.

  Outside John and Ruf wait patiently for a sign, resting in the warm water.

  "I think we should make a move, she's been in there for long enough now" Ruf said, bobbing on the top of the water.

  "Give her a few more minutes, go and plant that explosive" John replied staring at the upper deck, trying to see through the mist and spot Valeria. With that Ruf used the breather and headed down under the boat, large shadows were gathering beneath them seemingly swallowing the light in the water as it rose slowly upwards.

  "Shit!" Ruf said inside his mask, John saw the produced bubbles which had risen to the surface. Trying to be brave and complete his task Ruf looked on to the underneath of the ship, searching for a good place to put the charges, he needed to sink this thing in one go should they need it.

  John still staring up through the mist saw two glowing purple auras on the top deck and took that to be a sign to move in. He put his mask back on and headed down to get Ruf. Ruf had already found a few places to put the charges and placed them accordingly, he was just finishing activating the final charge.

  John grab Rufs arm, which shocked him deeply after catching him by surprise. Rapidly pointing upwards Ruf seemed to get the message but not before he rapidly pointed down, John looked and his eyes widened. They both rushed to the surface and to the chain, clambering up as fast as possible to get out of the water.

  Both were able to reach the port hole, staring down they saw the swirling darkness.

  They made their way down the corridors, up the stairs and onto the upper deck to join Valeria.

  "How many did you get?" Ruf asked. Valeria shook her head.

  "Is there anyone on this boat?" asked John looking over to the second ship.

  "Doesn't look like it" Ruf said as Valeria shrugged.

  "Let's signal Bandoleer, the second ship doesn't look busy either from here" John said, he reached to his side and found a flare gun locked in a ziplock bag. He fires a blue flare high into the sky.

  "Isn't that going to notify everyone that we are here" asked Ruf.

  "I don't think anyone is here" John replied.

  "That's the signal guys, lets arm up and get ready!"

  Bandoleer bellowed across the decks at the crew. The engine started and everyone rushed to man their weapons, Marko and Mia grabbed what guns they could and pointed them in the general direction of the ships. Thundering on the crew snarling and shouting, they noticed not a shot was being fired in their direction and nothing from the shore either. Very odd. Eventually after a mix of relief and disappointment, John, Ruf and Valeria come into view standing on the upper deck looking out onto the Bloodletting. When within ear range Bandoleer shouts.

  "Well, what the shit is this then?".

  "There isn't anyone on these ships cap" Ruf shouted back. The captain looked frustrated.

  "Get close and pick them up" Bandoleer orders the driver. The two ships rub sides and John, Valeria and Ruf jump back on board the BloodLetting.

  "We haven't checked the second ship but it looks just as quiet". John explained having not found any sign of soldiers on this ship and although there was a crew on board at some point they left a while ago.

  "Could they have known we were coming?" Marko asked.

  "I wouldn't have thought so; we planned this spur of the moment, who could have gotten a message over that quickly?" Mia stated.

  The ship ploughed forwards lining up with the other ship which was docked even closer than the first ship to the port, but again no signs of life. All posts were seemingly abandoned. The weapons had been dismounted and stripped. Where had they gone?

  "Ok, this is very strange, BCC don't ever abandon their posts, something must have happened here or it's a trap" Bandoleer stated to the group.

  "Get us to shore Captain, you wanted these two ships and now you have them, it's time we jumped off and got to work" John said sternly.

  "Oh you don't get away that easily, I will leave the boson and first mate on the Bloodletting to take the ships, but I'm coming with you, I want two boat loads of BCC sons of bitches" The captain proclaimed.

  John took a moment to think and gave the captain an agreeable nod.

  “Khan, you will be taking the Letting over for now. i have to go and get me some heads.” Bandoleer explained to the first mate, a thin but mean looking man with a dark beard and white eyes.

  “Aye sir, the ship will be in one piece when you return. DO you want us to complete that thing we discussed?” Khan asked in his gravelly voice.

  “Khan, you are a man after my heart”

  As the boat pulled up to the wood and concrete port the group jumped off one by one. Re-grouping and re-checking all weapons the group got together for direction. Marko stood at the front of the group.

  "Ok guys we are not too far away now from Station Thirteen it's only a mile away, so we will be needing to get walking. Keep a sharp eye out, the BCC could be anywhere, when we get there we will sleep this day off and get ready for the tower tomorrow" he said.

  The group gathered their things and twenty one strong they marched onwards.

  The walk was through desolate streets, a straight road littered with rocks and bricks and rusty cars. This area had been abandoned and apart from the BCC defence point nothing had been touched since a medium scale battle between the BCC coming into the area and a large group of raiders. Ruined buildings splayed out in front of them, they moved slowly, step by step, there were too many places for creatures or people to hide in this area to be careless. Up at the top of the road and at the end of the mile laid the goal, Station thirteen.

  No one spoke during the slow mile walk towards the station, everyone look in every direction, gun barrels pointing frantically in all directions. Floor traps, tripwires, sky traps and ambushes were very common in these open streets. Luckily for them nothing ticked, nothing was tripped and no one was hiding.

  The station used to be an old train station before the flash, it had been decommissioned but the terror tram now passes through here. Still, the station was a big building; it had a large opaque glass arching roof supported by large green steel beams of the same shape. The outside of the station was concrete and only had suffered a few scars from bullets, bombs and greeners. Inside the station had been transformed, all the old coffee shops, stands, newspaper shops and ticket booths had been turned into various enterprises by people local to the zone. You could buy most things from Station Thirteen, guns, armour, clothes, food, bullets, get repairs to vehicles or to people and even stay the night. The group were searching for the latter. Making their way into the station, they all got odd looks being in a reasonably sized group.

  "Need any vests?" an old trader with a wrinkled old face shouted at them from across the pale marble floor.

  "Actually we are looking to sleep somewhere" Hatcher replied.

  "Know anywhere?" he asked.

  "Yeah, go stay at the end over there, they got a good number of rooms, called The Corn Fields Inn" The crinkled man replied helpfully. Hatcher nodded and pointed in the direction of the inn. The old man nodded back and smiled.

  The Corn Fields Inn was a smokey old place, a converted restaurant that had been emptied and reassembled to look like an old English pub. Wooden bench seats, a fireplace, large black cracked floor tiles and old oak beams. The owner, Sal, a carpenter by trade and now Inn owner had built it all himself, traded all the furniture and coin and currency he had to get enough materials from the outside
zones to make this place.

  Prices were good here, they had a lot of business from travellers. The station was well-protected and politically no-one outside of random greener gangs and odd ball miscreants would attack it, it was too valuable a trading post, both to the BCC and the common folk. It was ideally positioned for out of state trade as you could load up a rail car with cargo between tram runs or hook onto a tram and ride it all the way through. Alternatively you could ship down the river, as long as you were heavily armed or could bribe the scavengers on the lake. The group knew that they would be safe here, at least for the night. Whatever happened to the BCC crew, John had an inkling that they still had to be on guard.

  Sal appeared from a back room drying a pint glass as the group stepped into the Inn.

  "Hello and welcome to the Cornfield Inn, I haven't seen you around here before" he said scanning the group, he stopped on John.

  "Oh, I have seen you before, maybe six months ago? No no maybe a year, you didn't have a drink if I can remember you just grabbed a guy, a customer mind you, but strange guy and took him away" Sal said finishing the drying and putting the glass back on the shelf behind the bar. John took a few steps forward,

  "Yeah that might have been me, either way we need a few rooms, happy to pay whatever you need".

  Sal scanned the group again.

  "I am sure I can find enough space for you guys, we got seven rooms spare, we got double bunks in each, you will have to argue over the ones with a can" Sal said.

  "Sure, can we move our stuff in there?" John said gruffly.

  "You can, but I will tell you that there are no guns to be drawn in this place, which means you will have to leave any firearms or explosives you have with Turp over here" Sal replied picking up another glass which didn't seem to need drying. John turned around and nodded to the group, all of which started to unload their weapons into a cart a tall, skinny blonde haired helper brought round. The last guns were collected and the cart was rolled off into a back room and locked inside a custom made vault, not unlike a banks. After the group had unloaded there things into their allocated rooms and secured the keys with Sal, they all ventured downstairs to gather, discuss and have a drink.


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