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F A D E- New Kansas

Page 25

by Tom Cain

  "Ok I am off in five, four" Kairi started to count.

  "Kai don't you dare" Huck getting desperate.

  "Two, one, I'm off".

  "KAI! wait no! oh dammit. Fucking stupid ass" Huck said reloading and firing at the greener building as Kairi stood up, pulled the pins on the grenades and ran out the door.

  The other two soldiers took a deep breath and both leaned on the holes surfaces and sprayed and prayed. They didn't hear any shots back. Kairi was nearly on the other side. The remaining soldiers located in a few different house saw her and started to let loose with their bullets. Kairi was counting down from ten to herself. She got to eight before she threw the grenades through one of the windows and hit the deck hard. One of the greeners, taking cover, saw the grenade and tried to pick it up but it was too late. The thump had started. The grenade blew a perfectly spherical hole in the ground, then one second later another but slightly larger, completely crushing the greener, one second later another but larger, one of them crushed beneath the released energy. A total of eight thumps were released, Kairi was nearly back at the other building by the time they had finished. The building the greeners had been hiding in now had a large sphere shaped hole in it. and far fewer greeners.

  Kairi, Huck and the rest of the soldiers took a long deep breath and wiped the sweat from wherever they found sweat. Which in most cases was most places. The backup trucks arrived with the extra soldiers Ron had sent and the two teams converged to clear out the remaining greeners from the broken buildings. The now twenty strong team cleared Red district pretty quickly. A few very disorientated greeners were lurking under the perfectly carved out rubble. They were dealt with quickly and cleanly, Ron gave order to not hold any captive. The greeners didn't hold any information required by the Little Londoners, they were just following the doctor and or greed. The captain of the team reported into Ron again via the radio.

  "Sir, we have a sitrep".

  "Go ahead" Ron replied almost too quickly.

  "The area is clear, we have just finished off the remaining threats in Red, but I gotta say sir, there a lot of damage here. The Rolo complex is, well, it's not in good shape, over" the captain informed.

  "What happened to it? anyone still in there?" Ron replied.

  "Hold on a moment sir".

  The captain signalled to one of the other soldiers located outside the building. The soldier shook his head and looked down.

  "None alive in the building sir, unsure at this time of who the deceased are, damage is too much to identify. over".

  The captain looked at Huck.

  "What the hell happened here? was that a thump grenade?" he looked at the damage again, Kairi started to look shifty.

  "Oh, shit yeah it was, but we were in a tight spot, the greeners had that building" she said pointing to the building with the spherical chunk taken out of it.

  "And, there were maybe eight or ten of them" she continued.

  "Woah woah, where did you get the thump from? that's not standard issue" the captain said confused.

  Kairi looked awkwardly towards the soldier she got them from who shook his head rapidly without the captain noticing. Kairi looked back at the captain.

  "I found them" she said unconvincingly.

  "You found them?".

  "Yeah she found them on the floor, it was a greener who had thrown them at us but had forgotten to pull the pins. Idiot. anyways. we found them and Teige here threw them. Nutty job too. But saved all of our lives. They had some interesting mutations I can tell ya that" Huck interrupted and informed the captain.

  Huck turned around to face Kairi and mouthed the words.

  "You owe me", she nodded agreeably.

  "Ah shit, you make me out to be a hero or something".

  The captain didn't completely buy the explanation.

  "Well, where ever you got them, greener or no, thumpers are seriously dangerous as you can see, well done for saving the lives of the team here, but now sixty people don't have a home". Kairi looked down, then looked back up again and with a chirpy voice said “sure, I get that, but with extraordinary situations you sometimes need extraordinary measures right?".

  The captain, stroked his beard and looked once again at the damage. Huck grabbed Kairi by the shoulder and guided her off towards the trucks.

  "It's ok, I will talk to her" Huck said.

  "But I" Kairi tried.

  "Shush your mouth now Teige, just shush your mouth" Huck smiled back at the captain.

  Bandoleer was now with Clara in the storage depot. The door was open and there were several armed soldiers guarding it. Most of the greeners in this zone had dissipated or were slowly retreating. The structural damage was done, but the inhabitants of one of the biggest populated areas were damaged beyond the attack. Their homes had been attacked in a place that was promised to have been safe. Ron had a great deal of work to do if he were to repair the impact of this onslaught.

  "So, I think you are going to be alright, you suffered some serious wounds trying to stop those guys trying to get in here" said Clara checking the bandaging.

  "Bastards, that's what they are, no use calling them guys doc. They stopped being human after the bang happened. I just wanted a fight that's all" Bandoleer winced as Clara move some bandage over the now stitched wound a little roughly.

  "Ouch Doc, you got rough hands for a medically trained professional" he said smirking.

  "Oh you’re a big tough lad I am sure you can handle it. You are on the road to recovery captain, in a few days if you are good to walk you will be alright to leave" Clara replied.

  "Ah shit, I'm good to walk now" Bandoleer got to a crouching position and felt a tearing pain in his belly.

  "Ok ok" he grinded his teeth trying to deal with the pain. "I guess I won't be leaving for a day or two". Bandoleer succumbs to the advice.

  "So where you heading once you can walk properly?" Clara asked.

  "Well I'm going back to my ship, she's waiting for me, and the crew will be hungry, the lake, she starts at the sea you know. Maybe head on down there, who knows?" he answered trying to straighten himself up.

  "Sounds good, well, as soon as everyone is moved back we will find you a suitable place to sleep then get you back to your ship".

  "You are fine lady, you know I used to fish before all of this, used to fish off Maine for lobster, I know a great little Lobster restaurant just down the road if you fancy it sometime" Bandoleer smirked knowing there was only one restaurant left in this whole state, and it didn't serve lobster.

  "Ha ha, yeah sure" she said sarcastically.

  "You use that one much?" said Clara.

  "Well, I try to please madam" a cheeky grin presented itself on Bandoleers face.

  “When you can walk we will see" she smiled again walking off to see another recovering civilian.

  "We will see" he said to himself.

  "That's better than a no, and all I need" Bandoleer sat back down on a metal storage container.

  Several hours later, John was awake and lying in one of the few med bay beds Clara and the nurses had managed to store together. Ron had an aide with John at all times to notify him as soon as he woke up.

  "John, you are back in the land of the living again I see" said Ron sitting on a nearby chair.

  "It would seem so" John answered looking worse for wear.

  "How is everything? how are the people?" John asked grunting through the injuries.

  "It's a mess John, some of the council have been killed or taken, we need to send out search parties for the ones they took, the city is a mess in most sectors, and the people are afraid. It's not all good. But we will get it back together. It will take some time. How you holding up?" asked Ron taking a big breath out.

  "Argh, shit Ron, city sounds a mess, I've seen better days, but I will heal quicker than the city, what happens now?" John replied.

  "Well, there is a bunch of things to do now. First we have to bury the dead. A lot of families and friends out there who
have lost someone. We did manage to save most in a storage area, your captain friend stood guard but got injured pretty bad. After the burials, we gotta rebuild. It took us best part of ten years to get to this stage. We hauled a lot of building materials, a lot of expertise from outta state and a lot of sweat down here. So could take us that again, if some other shit doesn't come up" said Ron knowing how much work there is to do to repair the mess.

  "Really two sides of the coin here John, the partial victory because the doctor is done, Swiss has disappeared and the largest greener gang was mostly destroyed, but on the other hand, the aftermath is rebuilding. And helping these people feel right again".

  "It's a tough shout Ron, but you’re the leader, I know you will find a way" said John.

  "What are you going to be doing now?, we could sure use your help with the clean up, can't offer you the coin you would make on bounties but you can eat and you have a roof", Ron enquired.

  John thought for a moment, attempted to sit up but couldn't make it much further than he was already.

  "argh, I dunno Ron. I'm not sure yet, the Eight are still about. Seven took off somewhere, to 'settle a score’", whatever that means. I still need to hunt Six down" John said blinking slowly.

  Ron leant forward on his chair and clasped his hands together.

  "John, listen, you got a few weeks to recover, you don't heal like normal cas they aren't normal injuries. I know, also, the bounty on the Eight is no more, Hark is locked up in Humdrum" Ron said just before John could open his mouth.

  “Oh shit, well that’s him then. How long?” said John.

  “You won't be seeing him anytime soon” replied Ron.

  Humdrum prison was located in the deep south at the very edge of Afterburn Lake. Bordering with Banditland it was home to some of the worst of the worst, not just from New Kansas, but the surrounding states as well. The prison was originally a large set of caves in a cliff but was converted by the BCC into a storage unit for criminals. It was abandoned by the BCC several years after being converted due to running cost and was taken over by a group of bounty hunters who called themselves The Crease. They take prisoners for trades and pay and lock them into an open cell which overlooked a steep cliff face, the cell had only a locked door and no bars which gave the prisoners two choices, to stay or to jump. Anyone who wants a person incarcerated must rent a cell from them and pay monthly. The length of stay depends on how much you pay. Ron paid enough to keep Hark inside for many years.

  "We have Lisa, she's fine, but she has a city of injured to help, and it's draining on her to heal, a few each day is her limit, else it's just Clara here" Ron continued.

  Clara voice came from another room.

  "I heard that Ron" she said.

  "I meant to say, even though Clara and the team do a great job!" Ron said louder than normal.

  "They can't get to everyone so quick. And I'm afraid that your injuries are a few pages down the list". John smirked.

  "I will stick around for a while Ron, I'm not going anywhere right now anyways" said John wincing while touching his leg.

  "Did you know about Burke?" Ron asked.

  "You mean that big thing he turned into? nah I didn't know but we had a few clues along the way. Didn't know how far along he was or if he could control it though. Seemed involuntary", John said.

  Ron nodded.

  "Is he going to be ok?" John asked.

  "I'm going to be fine John" Burke hopped in with a crutch under one arm supporting his weight.

  John turned his head.

  "Ah shit burke, glad you're alright, still ugly though, uglier now I mean" John said in jest coughing a laugh out.

  "Yeah thanks John, how you holding up?" Burke asked hobbling over to the bed.

  "Ah don't worry about me buddy, I will be right as rain in no time. Can you control that thing now?" asked John interested.

  "I have definitely got a better handle on it, I can tell you that much, but I will work on it" Burke answered.

  "Ron, there were a few guys outside about the burials" Burke informed Ron.

  "What's all that about?" asked John.

  In Little London they had three ways of burial. The disposal shoots, which was a less than dignified way to go, but chosen for some if they didn't have friends, family or were involved in a crime bad enough to be executed. Cremation, whereas the body would be ceremonially burned, the dust collected and then pressed into something solid. Lastly there was the burial mounds. These were huge mounds of dirt taken from digging out the rest of the city. The bodies of the deceased were put into body sized pill shaped containers made from plastic and slid into the mound in an orderly fashion after the friends or family had said their goodbyes. This was commonly called the ‘Ceremony of the Tubes’.

  "They are here because we have to decide what do with the dead, obviously the greeners we will throw down the shoots, but we have to talk with each friend and family of any of the dead and see what they want to do. It's a messy business but has to be done to honour those who died here" said Ron solemnly.

  "The people would appreciate you sticking around for awhile, I would certainly feel safer if you guys were around" Ron laughed.

  "I can't speak for Val, but I'm sticking with you John." said Burke insistently.

  "I want to head north again and look for Marko, dead or alive I need to find him" John said.

  "I will come with you John, I will see if Val wants to tag along, I'm sure Mia will jump at the chance, also let me look at that arm when you’re up". Burke got to his feet.

  "We can arrange that for you John, get you a few scramblers to get you up there quicker. Give us a few days and I will get them recovered and fueled for you, just got a lot to get through right now" said Ron also getting to his feet.

  "Sounds good" replied John nodding at Burke. John, closed his eyes, and for the first time in eight months, slumbered peacefully.



  It was the start of day three before the dust had settled in little London. Several burials were still taking place all over the underground city and there was still an unsettled feeling in the air. The team were having a breakfast meal in The Cradled Hook in the Teal District, one of the only places not to have been totally broken or riddled with bullet holes. The owner, Tomlinson, was somewhat pleased with this outcome.

  "Guys, you need anything else?" Tomlinson asked from behind the bar.

  "We are all good I think" said Ruf analysing the table.

  "I could use a top up actually" Huck said scowling at Ruf.

  "What are you drinking there?" Tomlinson asked.

  "It's ale, I think, Moon Brew maybe?" Huck replied unsure on the exact beverage.

  Tomlinson grumbled and found the barrell and tapped on it twice with his knuckles.

  "Anyone else for anything else?" he asked finishing pouring the pint.

  Thatcher piped up. "Got anything stronger than this cat piss?" she said clasping her suddenly empty glass.

  "Not that I'm complaining, I love the business, but it's eleven o’clock in the morning, you guys are drinking like slaws" Tomlinson replied.

  "We got a lot to forget Tomlinson, a lot" Ruf said swigging and already mildly drunk. The team where sitting around an oblong stone table on wooden stools which were more decorative than comfortable.

  "I better get back guys, still people to heal up, no rest for the wicked" Lisa said after swallowing some dryer than normal bread.

  "Ah come on lisa, stick around for a bit, the worst of it is over for now, you got all the serious cases right?" said Kairi pointing a bread knife in Lisa direction.

  "Yeah I got the real bad ones, but this is our town, don't like to leave people hanging when it comes to feeling better that's all" Lisa replied finishing her water.

  "Oh you softy you, well that's why you got the healing I guess, gift from the green!" Kairi said.

  Everyone raised their glasses.

  "Gift from the green" and fin
ished them all.

  "Tomlinson..?" Huck said.

  "Yeah I know, another round, put it on your tab?" Tomlinson replied.

  "Of course, the man knows me well" Huck said smiling to the group.

  Burke had John on a blue metal table sat up on an incline. John's right arm was in a vice. Burke was repairing the damage from the impact on the doctor's shield.

  "How long is this going to take Burke?" John inquired scanning the makeshift workshop Burke had set up in the last few days.

  "Shouldn't take too much longer, whatever was driving the arm was whatever powered the tram I think, same green glow, I had to replace it with servos and a pack you can charge yourself" Burke replied concentrating on one particular wire.

  "What do you mean charge myself?" John suddenly interested.

  "I mean that as you move your arm the more power the arm will store. So if you use it a lot you will save up a bunch of energy, but you will also be expending energy, it’s a cyclical thing, just means your arm will continue to work and shouldn't run outta juice" Burke explained.

  "Ok, well, sounds good, are we done? we have been here for hours" John asked.

  Burke tightened a few screws and double checked some of the circuitry.

  "To be fair to me John, repairing a bionic arm isn’t like repairing a bicycle. Takes a bit of finesse. I’m just glad that the nerve connections were still intact on the upper half, if they weren’t, I couldn’t do anything for you. But for now, looks like you are all done my friend".

  John tried the arm out, clenching his fist and moving his fingers.

  "Try a swing" Burke requested staring at the mechanics.

  John threw his right arm out and retracted with power and speed.

  "Feels good Burke" said John pleased with his new appendage.

  "So what's next John?" Burke asked.

  "I am heading up north, you know that, I need to find Marko, either he's alive and we need to get him back or he's gone and we need to get him back".

  "Well, Mia will be joining you but, John, remember. She's got a bun in the oven so she needs to" John interrupted him.

  "Be careful, I know. I'm not going to let anything happen to her, this is a scouting mission only, not going to be getting in any trouble. Plus I think the BCC borders have taken a break or shut down, so we can probably make good time up there. Do you know if the bikes are ready yet?" asked John putting his brown trench coat back on.


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