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Page 7

by KJ Dahlen

  They dragged them over to the main table and tossed them to the floor.

  Beast turned his head and glared at Kitty. “Do these two fuckers look familiar?”

  Kitty stared in the faces of the men on the floor and nodded slowly. “They have been stalking me for five years and they are the two men that shot my grandparents. They dumped booze all over the room and lit it on fire. Then they stood in front of the house and watched it burn.”

  Beast reached out and kicked one of the men.

  He shouted in pain at the move.

  Beast growled. “Shut the hell up, motherfucker. You got no reason to yell now.”

  The man with the bullet in his shoulder looked up at Kitty. “You should be dead by now, suka-bitch.”

  “Yet, I’m still alive and you have the bullet in your body.” She sneered. “Vailda Bennett isn’t going to be happy about that now is he? Was he pissed that you haven’t gotten close to killing me yet? He’s taken everyone else I loved, yet he can’t seem to catch me. That’s gotta burn him real good.”

  “You have no fucking clue.” Thoma snarled.

  Kitty made a come on motion with her fingers. “Come get me, you lousy bastard. I’m right here and I’m waiting.”

  “Fuck you, you crazy suka!” Thoma snarled as spit flew from the corners of his mouth.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kitty grabbed a gun from the table and walked over to the two men. She pushed the weapon into the back of Thoma’s head and looked deep into his eyes. She could read the fear in his soul as she leaned closer to whisper in his ear, “I could kill you real easy. All I have to do is squeeze the trigger just a little bit.” Her lips curled into a smile when she saw the sweat beading on his forehead. She leaned away from him and held out the gun. She’d seen the men flinch when she pushed it into the back of Thoma’s head.

  Someone took it from her hand and she leaned back into Apollo’s embrace. “But I’m not a killer and you aren’t worth it. You aren’t worth a stain on the memories I have of my grandparents. Just like your boss isn’t worthy of the memories I’ll never have of my parents. They say you can’t miss what you never had and I never knew them, not the as a child should know her parents anyway. All I have to remember them by are the stories I was told about them. And you are just not worth giving up those memories.”

  “Take them to the shed for questioning,” Jackal ordered his men. “But empty their pockets first. Check them for weapons too.”

  Beast grabbed Stephanou by the hair and began going through his pockets. Dumping the items on the table.

  When Kitty gasped, everyone stopped and stared at her. Tears ran down her face as she stared at one of the items on the table.

  Sergi stared at her for a moment then his own eyes widened and he glared at the other man. He moved forward and grabbed the memento, Beast had taken from his pocket. It was a pocket watch, a very old pocket watch. A watch Sergi had given his cousin a long time ago. Petr had taken very good care of it all those years.

  Sergi’s fingers closed around the watch and he shut his eyes briefly. When he opened them again, he told Stephanou, “This has sealed your fate. There was only one place you could have gotten this and that was from my cousin, Petr. He never would have handed it over willingly, as it was his last link to his homeland.”

  Stephanou stared up at him. “Your Cousin? Who are you? You are Russian.”

  Apollo shook his head. “You might say he is THE Russian.”

  “I am Sergi Constantine. The man you killed was part of my family.”

  The two men gasped loudly as they of course, recognized the name. They went utterly ashen.

  “We did not know!” Thoma yelled defensively. “We were ordered—“

  Sergi raised his hand. “You are killers. Paid. We know who ordered it. You had a choice and you made it.

  Kitty came closer to stare at the watch in Sergi’s grasp, as she ignored the men. “Grandpa had it in his pocket the day he died. I saw him look at it as they walked up to the house that day.” Kitty’s voice was barely more than whisper but everyone heard her clearly. “I thought it had burned with the house all this time.”

  Sergi looked over at Beast. “Get them out of here.”

  Beast nodded as he dragged the helpless man away from the room.

  Wolf grabbed up Thoma and after emptying his pockets, he dragged the screaming man away with him.

  Sergi turned toward Kitty and walked over to her. He held out his hand and gently handed her the pocket watch. “This means something to you, you keep it.”

  Kitty let the tears fall down her face as her fingers closed over the watch. “Thank you,” she whispered as she threw herself into his arms.

  Surprising both Sergi and Apollo, she hugged the older man then before Apollo could react, she leaned back into his embrace.

  Apollo growled as his arms wrapped around her.

  Sergi chuckled as he shook his head.

  Kitty winked at him and Sergi chuckled again. “You would have been a handful growing up, huh? But Petr would have loved you like none other.”

  “He did.” She smiled. “He always called me Kitty.”

  Sergi grinned. “Would you like to know why he gave you that name?”

  Kitty nodded. “Yes, please.”

  “Our grandmother always told us to love wisely, love wholeheartedly and love like we might die tomorrow. He was quite young when she told us that and Petr asked her if we should love like we loved a kitten. He loved cats and he always had a kitten. Our grandmother knew this and she would smile at him and tell him, yes to love like he loved a kitten.”

  Kitty smiled through her tears. At least, she had another memory of the man who raised her.

  Later after everyone had settled in for the night, Apollo held her close to him. They were in bed again, and he cleared his throat. “You scared me tonight.”

  “Why?” she asked carefully. “When?”

  “When you shoved that gun in the back of Creskin’s head. I thought your anger might win and you would pull the trigger.”

  She shook her head. “I could see the fear in his face. I just wanted to give him a taste of what it felt like to have his life threatened. I never would have pulled the trigger where I know he would. He did and I could see it in his eyes. I just wanted him to feel the terror my grandmother must have felt just before he shot her.”

  Apollo felt a sense of relief flood him at her words. “So what do you want to see happen next? You know Sergi is going after this fucker and he isn’t going to be gentle.”

  She shuddered. “Good and I hope he won’t go gentle. Bennett deserves to feel the pain for what he did.” Then she grew quiet for a moment before she whispered, “I want to see him fry in the fires of hell. He deserves no less.”

  “That’s pretty harsh, Boo.”

  She shrugged. “He’s building his empire on the sweat and pain of others. His fighters only fight because he forces them to, they face death every weekend. Then the women he’s forcing into the trade or selling, the men and women he’s had murdered. All that blood is on his hands. The least he deserves is to go to hell.”

  Apollo chuckled. “And here I thought you were a good little girl. You really are bloodthirsty aren’t you?”

  “Don’t ask me to shed a tear for the likes of Vailda Bennett. Any more than the likes of those two men in the shed. They deserve whatever they get.”

  “And what do you deserve?” he wanted to know.

  She turned her head to gaze at him in the dimness of the room. “Me?” she whispered. “I hope I deserve you. You are everything I want. You give me everything I need. When you hold me, I know I’m safe and loved. I can breathe when you are with me and all of that is rolled up in one very fine package.”

  Apollo was touched. “Aww honey girl, you got me.” He hesitated then added, “But I’m older than you are and you could have all of that in a younger man. Now that the threat to you is almost over, you could have any man you choose.”

/>   She turned her head to gaze into his eyes. The soft brown gazed back at her and she could read the truth in his eyes. “I found my man and he’s you, Apollo. You are my other half.” She leaned up on her elbow and stared down at him. “But this girl won’t share with any other woman. Fair warning. If you want another woman, you just have to tell me first and I won’t be here. It would break my heart to see you with another woman.”

  Apollo tightened his hold on her. “I don’t share either. There won’t be any other women for this man. I won’t risk losing you over a piece of fluff that doesn’t mean anything to me. I’ve seen plenty of fluff. I’ve got you little kitten and that’s enough for me.”

  “Does that mean you might find it in your heart to love me someday?” she whispered.

  “Naw, Boo, that means I already love you,” he answered her almost before she had to ask.

  She thought about this for a moment, then whispered back, “I love you too. I think I have from the moment you woke up in that motel room and I looked into your eyes for the first time. I saw something in them that touched my soul.” She paused then added, “I knew you were the man for me then.”

  Apollo laughed. “So when I started to boss you around at the motel, did you still agree with that?”

  She laughed. “I still did, but you better not be bossin’ me too much.”

  Apollo kept chuckling. “Hell, naw. I’d like to stay in one piece, thank you very much. I saw you with that gun, little mama.”

  She laughed and smacked his chest.

  “I was so scared, I almost pissed myself.” He made a mock shudder of fear.

  “Oh, you think you’re so funny!” She picked up a pillow and pounced him with it.

  He grabbed it, growled, and turned her on her back. He settled into her cradle and pressed her down into the bed. “You can expect me to show you that you belong to me, honey girl. Over and over... I will show you.”

  “Yes, my Apollo, make me purr...”

  He reached down, tucked her underwear to one side, and pushed himself deep into her. Each stroke was slow and deliberate, and he watched her eyes steadily while he made love to her.

  Kitty felt the difference this time and it was just as powerful as any of the other times they’d been together. Different but this time there was a little something added that made it almost too emotional to handle. They climbed to the crest together and clung tightly to each other as they flew over the edge.

  She whispered his name in absolute reverence then he crushed her mouth with a kiss that took her breath away. When he finally allowed her to breath she whispered, “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Little Kitty.” He slid to her side and held her close. “Now sleep. It’s been a long and hard day. And tomorrow doesn’t look to be any shorter.” He kissed her temple and closed his eyes.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Before dawn the next morning, a knock sounded on their door.

  Apollo rolled out of bed with his weapon in his hand. Then the knock came again and he growled. Putting on his boxers, he walked to the door and opened it cautiously.

  Roman stood there.

  He lowered the weapon to his side and asked, “What?”

  “Sergi would like to speak to Kitty before we leave this morning,” Roman told him.

  Apollo sighed. “It’s awfully early man. Where are you going?”

  Roman smiled. “We get an early start when we are after something. Is a Russian trait, I think? But we’re going to Georgia to teach a certain man, not to mess with the Bratva. We have some reinforcements meeting us there. But,” he hesitated briefly. “Sergi wants to speak with Kitty before he goes anywhere.”

  Apollo nodded. “We’ll be right out.” Roman turned to leave and Apollo shut the door again. Turning to the bed, he saw Kitty sitting up.

  He walked over and sat down next to her. “You heard?”

  She nodded. “I guess we better get dressed.”

  He rubbed his hand over his face and growled. “I hate this.”

  “Why?” she wanted to know.

  “I have a feeling he’ll ask you to determine Bennett’s fate and I don’t want that on your shoulders. It’s too big a burden.”

  She reached out and cupped his jaw. “You don’t think I can make that decision?”

  He shook his head. “Oh, I have no doubt that you can, but I just don’t want you to have to.”

  “You have to trust me big man,” she assured him softly. “Bennett has taken too much away from me already, but he isn’t going to take my soul.”

  “That makes sense. I’ll trust that.” He got up and pulled the rest of his clothes on while she did the same. He held out his hand to her and together, they walked out to the main room.

  Everyone was there despite the early hour.

  Sergi, Mikial, Roman, and Yuri were ready to get back on the road.

  Sergi smiled. “I’m sorry for the early wake up, my dear. But with the information we got last night, I thought we should move in quickly rather than wait. My men will be in place by the time we arrive this morning and I want this to be done.”

  Kitty frowned. “You’re going to Georgia and you’re getting there is morning? How?”

  “We’ll be flying out of the airport on a private plane.” Sergi smiled. “One of the perks of who I am, my child.”

  “I guess I forgot about that. I’m sorry.” Kitty flushed.

  Sergi walked closer to her and gently traced her cheek with his finger. “Don’t be worried about that sweet Katherine. When this is over, I’d like to come back and tell you about your grandparents if you’d like that.”

  “Oh, yes please,” she agreed. “They hid their past from me. I have no idea if I even have any family left.”

  “Maybe someday, you could come to New Orleans and meet my family,” he offered. “They are related to you as well.

  Kitty smiled and leaned against Apollo. “I have what I want here but I would like to meet your family one day.”

  “They too, are your family,” he reminded her.

  “And Apollo is mine. And if they’ll have me, this MC is my family now too.” She smiled. “Or so, I’m told.”

  “You are part of us.” Jackal nodded.

  “Then you all are part of us now as well.” Sergi looked at the president of the MC. “Ties to the Bratva are for life.”

  Jackal nodded slowly. “It’s the same with the MC.”

  Sergi looked back at Kitty and asked, “You have the right to determine Bennett’s fate or at least a part of it. His men were very vocal when we questioned them last night about his crimes and they went well beyond what we already knew.”

  Kitty nodded. “I imagine they do. All I want is my land back. He’s been living in my parents’ home with a woman who claims she’s me. He’s got several buildings already started and a dock along the river. Grandpa always told me, my dad deeded me the land for another purpose and I want everything Bennett has done to be just gone.”

  “And the house?” Sergi asked her.

  “At one point that was my home but it’s just a house now. It’s tainted with the blood of my parents. Even if it stays, I’ll never live there again. My home is here with Apollo.”

  “What are you going to do with the land?” Roman wanted to know.

  “Sell it probably.” She shrugged.” I would never sell it to that murderer, but now...”

  “Would you consider selling it to us?” Sergi wanted to know.

  “Do you have a dollar?” she asked him.

  He frowned.

  She held out her hand.

  Looking puzzled, Sergi reached for his wallet and handed her the dollar bill.

  “You just bought a hundred and forty acres of land along the Savanah River in Georgia, Mr. Constantine,” she told him. “I hope you enjoy it.”

  Sergi and the others in the room, all looked shocked at her actions.

  Kitty smiled. “Have your attorneys send me the paperwork and I’ll sign it.”

bsp; “But how is this fair to you?” Sergi asked her.

  She wrapped Apollo’s arms around her waist. “That’s what he’s for. He will give me everything I’ll ever need and so much more. I have some happiness now, and that’s good enough for me.”

  Apollo felt his heart swell in his chest. He knew she was taking a big chance by putting her faith in him but she had just shown him and everyone in the room what kind of woman she really was. He had a lot to live up to, but he knew he would.

  Sergi turned his head to Apollo. “If you ever hurt her, I will carve your big heart out with a spoon. You know that, right?”

  Apollo raised his brows. “Well, that’s a little extreme.” He then smiled and nodded his head. “But yes, I got it.”

  “Good, then it won’t come as any surprise if it happens.” Sergi nodded. Looking at Kitty again, he vowed, “Bennett will pay for what he did to you and what he did to the Bratva. His days are numbered.”

  “Make it hurt just enough,” she whispered.

  “Da, he will feel the burn. I shall show no mercy.” Then Sergi turned and walked out of the clubhouse.

  Roman and the others followed and soon, it was just the MC members left.

  “Dayum, that is one intense Russian!” Apollo snorted. “Whew!”

  Several of the men there nodded readily in agreement.

  Jackal turned to stare at Kitty for a moment. Then he shook his head. “I wouldn’t want to be Vailda Bennet for any amount of money when that man gets to Georgia. He’s the kind of man that has no mercy in his heart.”

  Kitty paused and cocked her head at him. “Oh, you’re so wrong. He has mercy except for those who cross him or the Bratva. For those fools, he has no mercy. He’s the kind of man that gives no quarter, nor will he ask for any.” She shook her head. “It’s funny. I suppose I am Russian when it comes down to it, as I understood him very well.”

  When Sergi and the brothers landed in Georgia, the Enforcers were waiting for him.

  Viktor met him at the plane.


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