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Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

Page 15

by S. N. Garza

  “Hey, daddy. How was work?”

  “Yeah, daddy. How was wok?”

  The boy’s voice seemed to skip the r in work. It was the cutest fucking thing I’d ever heard.

  I was a Daddy? Then I heard my voice speak out.

  “Hey kiddos. Where’s mommy?”

  “In the kitchen, cooking your favorite.”

  “Pok tendewoin.”

  Hmmm…just like that first dinner she made me. That was the perfect meal.

  “Well, let’s go see what Momma’s doing.”

  Both children had taken a hold of my hands and we walked towards the kitchen where a warm smell of pork, potatoes and a sweet aroma of apples permeated the air.

  There she stood. A vision of blonde hair, curves that still tempted and teased. All these years hadn’t waned the need for her.


  It was like I was having an out of body experience. I was in my body, but my eyes looked as if from above.

  Scarlet turned, a round swell curved her belly and her smile was nothing but love, sweet love and need as her eyes sparkled with desire.

  Seeing her belly like that made my dick harden to steel. She looked over my body, noticed the change happening beneath my zipper and her smile turned mischievous.

  “Hard day, babe?”

  “You have no fucking idea.”

  “Declan! Manners!”

  “Daddy said a bad wod.”

  “Yeah, baby man. He did. He’s still a little rough around the edges.”

  Even as Scarlet said this, her lust filled smile didn’t change. My dick was spike hard now, and all this domestic ambiance was making my body burn with the need to take what was mine.

  I turned to the little girl and said, “Fairy girl,” the little girls eyes brightened when I called her this and my heart clench with an emotion I didn’t know I was ready to fill, “take your brother and play for a little bit. At least until Mommy says it’s time to eat, okay?”

  She nodded her head and reached for the boy’s hand. A few minutes later, they had disappeared around the corner, out of sight.

  My eyes went back to Scarlet. My Scarlet Pixie. Each step I took was a determination to have this woman beneath me.

  “Now, now…Declan. The last time we played in the kitchen, we were almost caught.” She tried ducking around and evading me, but I was too quick for her. I caught her wrist in my hand and tugged her back. Her back curved naturally along the front of mine. My hands went straight to the innocent curve of her belly.

  “How’s our little fairy sprite doing?”

  “Oh Declan. How do you know it’s not going to be a little boy?”

  “Because I want this house filled with more girls. I have the boy I need. All my little fairies with their Pixie queen. And more women to love the awesomeness that is me.”

  “You are so incorrigible.”

  “I might be incorrigible, but I’m yours. I need you, Scarlet. Let me have you.”

  I rubbed her behind along the hard ridge of my cock, creating a sweet friction she couldn’t deny wanting.

  Her hands reached behind me, locking on the nape of my neck as my mouth sought the thump-thump of her pulse in the curve of her neck. For some crazy reason, her pulse was my favorite spot to kiss, lick, suck and bite on. Damn, she tasted so fucking good.

  “You still taste so fucking good.”

  “You are still so fucking adorable.”

  “Am I going to have to spank you later, Pixie? You sure do love calling me adorable.”

  “Of course I do.”

  “What? Being spanked, or like calling me adorable?”

  “Both. I love how you spank me. Every way you touch me. What are you going to use this time? Hand or crop?”


  My eyes snapped opened as the sensual curve of Scarlet’s lips as she tempted me to take her faded behind my eyelids. It was only a dream.

  Holy shit.

  A dream of my future. With her. Two beautiful little kids-Our kids…and a third on the way.

  It was a future I thought I didn’t want. Well, didn't want anytime soon. Yet, that dream surpassed anything I've ever thought or dreamt about. I can say with absolute surety that making love to Scarlet was life changing. Something happened in the course of making love to her. I couldn’t call it fucking. That would make what we did vulgar, and thoughtless. What happened in this bed with her would forever be imprinted in my mind. I’ve never brought a woman here before. Not to my bed.

  So I understood when she hadn't been ready to let me in before.

  The way she danced for me? Lord God Almighty. It was like love being poured right out of her. That love was like a symphony. Surrounding all around me. She might not know it, but Scarlet loved me.

  Then coming to the weight of what I said to her as I came deep inside her. Birth control or not, I wanted to fill her with my cum. Never have I ever experienced something like her. Scarlet was something entirely off my scales of rationality.

  What did I say? I said something that even though it was in the heat of the moment, I’ve never been so sure of it being absolute. Nothing in my life could ever compete to that moment I felt my cum shoot from my dick and make itself a home inside of her. I’ve never come so hard either. It was never-ending and when I was spent…mother of God it was like-sated didn’t even come close. It was like…home.

  I leaned up on my elbow and looked down at the beautiful creature that gave me something that I will forever cherish.

  Although I wanted to be her first, and I sure as hell made sure that happened, actually pushing past that wall, didn’t even come close to what I was feeling as I watched her come undone in my arms. She looked positively wanton. My Pixie came alive underneath me.

  Now, looking down at her, snuggled against my pillow was something I wanted to see for the rest of my life.

  Yeah. That’s what I am saying. So I laid there, just watched the rise and fall of her back as she breathed each breath. Her body was slightly curved and the sheet had fallen to her waist when I shifted to look at her.

  Slipping my hand to the curve of her hip and over her belly, I could imagine life happening inside. Growing with life.

  Scarlet was like a Sunday morning dawn. Peaceful, calm and soothing to my soul. Been looking at her for over an hour. I had exhausted every ounce of pleasure from her body. I took her to a place she had never been before. Dear Lord. All it took was one touch. One kiss and I was captivated. Drawn to her.

  I loved watching her sleep. She looked so damn beautiful with her hair splayed over my pillows. Her naked flesh flushed from our night of unbridled passion. A dreamy smile curved on her lips. The sheet lay where it was, giving me the perfect view of smooth, flawless skin. I traced her spine with the tips of my fingers, making her skin spring gooseflesh. I pushed her golden mane to the side to give me vista of the column of her neck. I brushed my lips over the slow thump-thump of her pulse.


  I thought I'd never settle down. Didn't ever want to. Not this soon. I was that man. Never settling. Never had a woman possess me like Scarlet did. She owned me. I've never been this far. Never felt this deep. She drove her way inside of me and whether she knew it or not, she had me wrapped around her pixie fingers.

  I didn't give a damn either. I'd do anything for her. Everything she ever wanted was hers. Somehow, this small pixie had me in the palm of her hands and I couldn't imagine anywhere else I'd rather be. I was totally and completely hers. Never thought love would come my way like this. This burning need that could only come with being near her.

  Scarlet waltzed away with my heart. I was eclipsed by her. Mind, body and soul. It might sound crazy and after only knowing her a short time-making love to her just this once-was enough to know without a doubt. I was betwixt. Banjaxed. Bamboozled by a moxie with a spirit of fierce beauty and strength. She was mine. I was falling deeper into the abyss. I fell in love with a Pixie Princess. If my dream was any indication, she was going to become
my queen.

  That sounds so fucking corny. Was I ready for kids? Would she be ready if I did get her pregnant?

  I wiped a hand over my face. Trying to expel the deep thoughts that were plaguing me. One thing I knew though, she belonged to me and me alone. To cherish, to hold. To protect and make happy. Looking down, Scarlet shifted and trembled with the coolness of the air. I brought her firmer into the contours of my body where she cuddled back, sighed with pleasure before resuming her slumber.

  It was still so early in the morning so I settled back down. Nuzzling my face into her mass of golden tresses, I prayed for probably the first time I could remember.

  Please, Lord, let my first fairy-baby rest within her.



  “Scarlet, you can head on home.” The manager said as I finished stacking the drink glasses on the mat. It had been a busy night so far. It was only seven, too. Also Christmas Eve, so we closed in two hours. Today was technically my day off but being Christmas Eve and winter break, I was still required to work today. Al was manning the bar and I manned the well. He really didn’t need me there. The bar top wasn’t as busy as the dining area. Who knew people were like hungry wildebeests on a holiday?


  I say that every year. Really every holiday. The past six years have not changed. When it’s a holiday, we were usually packed.

  It was pouring down rain, too. So a lot of people were camping at their booths or tables. Like the people who work here didn’t have lives of our own. I had really wanted to spend the day with Nana. She’d been sick over the past few weeks. Looked really tired. I’ve been hanging with Dax a lot. I saw my feelings start to shift.

  Since I gave him my v-card, he was still the same Dax. Open and no filter but alone? He was like this-this dream come true.

  I didn’t want him to change either. He was really making the effort to be a nice guy. Well, he’d always been a nice guy to me, but he was a total caveman to other people who tried getting too close to me or mouthed off to me.

  Al was still sore when Dax told him to treat me like a lady. I tried explaining to Dax that Al was a good guy, just a teasing kind of guy. I mean, I’ve worked with Al since I started working here and he’d been here since it opened ten years ago. I grew out of my teenage years with him. Not that we were friends or chatted a lot, but Dax took it to the extreme when he grabbed Al by the collar of his shirt, and told him to stop calling me baby, that I had a name, and use it.

  The only time he ever called me Scarlet is when he was serious. Or mad. Which could be often, but it’s not like I could help it. I was independent and a part of me thought he wanted me to be dependent on him. He was so take charge. Which I loved but sometimes was overwhelming. He was so protective of me. Sweet, but he could take it to the extreme.

  That had been last week, and therefore, ever since, Al had been a bigger TB than he normally was. I told Dax he couldn’t come inside Chili’s again unless I was ‘tending by myself during the day. He rolled his eyes, huffed and puffed like he was about to have a temper tantrum. All I said was ‘Don’t’. Then he blew out a raspberry and conceded. In Dax fashion.

  ‘I don’t give a fuck, if he disrespects my woman again, I’ll hand him on his ass. And no. I’ll be here every night you work if I have to. Especially since you picked up a few extra shifts. Why, I don’t know. Someone has to make sure no one oversteps their welcome.’

  It had given me secret pleasure when he called me his woman, but he was going over the top with this ‘over protective’ thing he had going on. And I had to make up something so he wouldn’t try coming here the nights I worked at Saints and thankfully when I told him it was creepy if he started watching me like a stalker, he just said he’d stick to his Friday nights. Where only I served him.

  It’s only been a week since we first made love. Since then, it’s been hectic. No time alone since Christmas was here. Some of the businesses he accounted for did their end of year stuff, no idea and have no want to know what all that entails, but Dax was so smart and confident it was easy for him. Kept him really busy.

  He still didn’t know I work at Saints and Sinners. I thought I’d tell him after Christmas. Let the newness of our relationship settle.

  The dancing routines were fun, energetic and sometimes a little sensual, but I didn’t mind. A lot of dancing could be like that.

  One of the rules I learned though was that if I danced, I could be picked at random for a ‘solo show’ Danny called it. I had asked one of the other girls dancing what that meant and she snickered, rolled her eyes and told me straight up, “It’s like giving a guy a lap dance. Clothes aren’t necessarily required if you want to make extra money. However, the payer knows that if all we want to give is a lap dance, with clothes, they still have to pay the fee. And our costume is a lot skimpier, so they think we’re practically naked anyway. A lot of the rich men, mostly older, don’t mind. But if you want more cash, you tell him a price and if they can pay up front, you give them a little strip tease. No touching. That is never allowed. The first time they touch is when you haul your ass to the damn door and press the little red button. An enforcer comes in and rescues you. You’re new so you might not get picked right away, Danny goes by alphabetical order and she’s only on the letter M. Even the girls on the top level, who actually strip, get put in that pool. You have time to get used to the idea. The top level, where the girl’s actually strip, people have to have a membership for that level. That shit is not cheap. That’s why we get picked random. No one’s really favored, but the girls up there are hard core about their green. The shit we get picked is for one of the customers downstairs if they want to see more than just us dancing. Usually only happens once a week.”

  I didn’t know how much I liked that rule, but I have made a ton of green since working there. I made in two days what I made in the whole week I made here at Chili’s. Until I got my teaching degree, I’d continue doing both. Although it’s not freestyle dancing, it was still a stress reliever to get up and dance. I wasn’t shy about it. It was like an expression to me when I danced.

  I was worried what Dax would say when he finds out. Since making love to me, the possessive streak I thought he had before blew the roof. That’s why I was going to wait until after Christmas to tell him. It’s not like I was making a living that way. I only had a little bit of school left and then I could start teaching.

  I passed my exams with flying colors. Teaching math was becoming a passion. Dax joked about me wearing these old lady teacher jumpers. Depends on what grade I taught, I said. He replied with, “Woman, you are not gonna show any piece of that beautiful skin to raging hormonal teenagers. That’s assault waiting to happen and I would end up going to prison for killing.”

  He was so adorable that way.

  I finished wiping and cleaning down the well when I turned to Al and told him I was checking out. He just smiled and said, “Have a good Christmas, Scarlet.”

  “You too, Albert.”

  Then I said Merry Christmas to everybody on my way out. Crap...I forgot. It was raining.

  Ugh. I didn’t have an umbrella either. For a Christmas, it started out warm and sunny. Yeah, Texas weather was so unpredictable. I hated it sometimes, but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. The pipe dream of going to Broadway or Julliard was never going to happen. I just had to accept that. And I have. I liked where I was heading. I loved math and I knew I’d be happy with teaching. Also, I loved being with Dax. So very much.

  I hated the rain. I debated on whether I wanted to actually run out to the truck or wait until it eased up a bit. I looked up towards the front entrance and saw a big group come in. I sent a little prayer for the server lucky or unlucky enough to get that big top and I made a run for it.

  I was almost to the truck when my nonslip shoes, totally slipped on the asphalt, and I fell down on my ass.

  “Ah. Dammit. My ass. My hands.” I was becoming a drowned rat when I looked at the scrapes on my hands
from trying to catch myself. I was glad I didn’t fall all the way flat and hit my head. I got up, my hair already soaked and sticking to my neck and forehead. I dusted off the gravel that had bit its way into my jean covered bottom.

  I hurried inside the truck and started making my way home. I didn’t have a towel or an extra shirt to change into so it was a cold ride home. Even with the heater blasting.

  What else could go wrong today?


  It took me longer to get home because of the down pour and getting out of the truck, thunder rolled in the distance, and I saw lightning strike. I hurried and made my way inside the house.

  “Nana? I’m home!”

  The house was quiet. Not unusual but usually Nana would have some hot chocolate waiting for me before we had our annual ham dinner. I made my way upstairs and got in the shower. I wasn’t worried about Nana when I knew if I didn’t get clean I’d probably catch a bad cold from the cold rain. Taking a hot shower was just what I needed.

  Getting out and going into my room, I felt loads better. I didn’t have to go anywhere and Dax said he would stop by later to bring me my present and stay for dinner. At first I tried convincing him that he didn’t have to get me anything. He insisted and when I tried speaking, he had put his hand over my mouth, and told me to shut up or he was going to spank me. He just said he’d get me something if he wanted to and there was nothing I could do about it.

  I rolled my eyes and he did what he always did when I did that, he picked me up fireman style and swatted my behind. Not really hard, but I felt it vibrate down my legs and back up to my core, igniting a naughty and delicious feeling between my legs. I didn’t mind him playing and teasing. I liked playful Dax. Most times he was really intense. Which was hot and sexy because he was like, focused on me. With this searing intensity like he knew what he did to me. Which of course he did. He liked swatting my behind.

  I got dressed in my My Little Mermaid, don't judge, flannel pajama pants and purple tank top. Walking out of my bedroom I called out again for Nana. With no response I went downstairs and called her name once more, "Nana! Your cars here! Where are you?"


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