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Stolen Moment [Enslaved & Enticed] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 6

by Tatum Throne

  He centered the head of his cock at her core. “Hold still while I enter you. I don’t want to hurt you the first time.”

  “I want to be hurt by you.”

  He sucked in a harsh breath. “Not the first time.”

  Her core muscles squeezed, pulling him further into her body. Trey’s hands gripped her hips and pushed. She was so tight, and he was so big. Bigger than she’d ever had before.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She knew there was a lot more to come. “Yes.”

  He rubbed her ass cheeks and then he gripped her hips again. He pulled out and pushed in, going further this time. Rylie was getting impatient for more. She bucked her hips back. A smiled crossed her lips when he groaned and lost what little control he was holding on to. He thrust his cock deep into her pussy, not stopping until his balls bounced up against her clitoris. Rylie gasped at the sudden move.

  She reached between her legs and stroked his balls. She shuddered when she realized how big his balls were. They were huge.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  His fingers tightened into her hips, trying to still her movement. She clenched her core muscles, milking his cock. “Something wrong?”

  “You’re playing a dangerous game, Rylie Sawyer.”

  “I like things dangerous.”

  “Your pussy,” he said.

  “What about it?” she asked.

  He groaned. “You’re not like any other woman I’ve known.”

  Rylie knew exactly what he was talking about. When she was aroused, she focused her energy to her pussy. She was gifted at increasing a man’s pleasure by sending vibrations through her pussy.

  He stopped talking and started taking her fast. Rylie was feeling owned and completely wild as his cock thrust in and out. Trey’s hand reached around to play with her clit. He thrummed it up and down. Rylie felt the sweet building tension of her orgasm coming home. Rylie reached between her legs to tangle her fingers with his. Wetness slipped over her fingers and his as they moved together. Her orgasm shot through her body, making her arch back into his arms.

  Trey’s hand clamped down on her mound as his cock slipped between their entwined fingers. He took her harder as his sex tightened. She knew he was close. He pounded into her, lifting her ass higher and taking her to the tips of her toes. At the last second, he pulled his throbbing sex from her pussy and she heard the snap of the condom coming off. He rubbed his cock up against her ass. He groaned as he came, shooting across her ass and back. He held her tight for several beats. Rylie was shocked that they’d taken it so far, so fast.

  Trey pulled away, smoothing her skirt down around her hips. She turned to catch a glimpse of his sex, but was disappointed to see that he’d pushed the still-hard muscle into his pants.

  It irked her to know she still hadn’t gotten a chance to see it. She leaned back against the car and smiled at Trey. He came in, kissing her passionately and running his fingers through her hair. He pulled a breath away.

  “I think I like you stalking me home.”

  “So do I,” she said. “You better go.”

  They kissed again, taking it slow and deep. Trey reluctantly pulled away. “I’ll call you.”

  Disappointment flashed hot through her body. It was harder than she thought to let him go after they just made love. She attempted to fix her blouse, but knew it was a trophy of their lovemaking. That thought brought her up short. There was no love involved in what happened between them. They’d screwed. They fucked good and hard.

  She tied her blouse up under her breasts and adjusted the material. Trey’s cell phone exploded again. He gave her another kiss.

  “Thanks for the wonderful night, Rylie.”

  He turned away, reaching for his ringing cell phone. Rylie felt lost as she turned toward her car. She was tempted to follow him, but knew she couldn’t. It was about time she truly started to trust Trey. She grinned. He earned it.

  Chapter Twelve

  He was seeing someone else.

  Everything in the coffee shop came into sharp focus, slapping her in the ass. It was crowded, but not crowded enough for Rylie to miss Trey sitting in the corner with a stunning brunette with long locks. They were leaning into each other as though they knew each other intimately. She laughed at something he said, throwing her head back as she did.

  “Hello, Rylie?” Tasha gave Rylie a little shake of her arm to get her attention. “Someone you know?”

  Tasha was her best friend and archeologist she worked with at the Cincinnati Art Museum. Rylie couldn’t keep the truth from her.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Who are they?” Tasha asked.

  “You know that FBI guy I told you about? That’s him.”

  Tasha gasped. “That’s him. He’s a big one.”

  “Don’t say it. I know exactly how and what he is.”

  She could see the interest in Tasha’s gaze as it moved head to toe over Trey. He was the kind of man that women took notice of when they walked by.

  “Who’s the girl?” Tasha asked.

  “Don’t know. Don’t care,” Rylie said.

  “Of course you care. Do you think he’s with her?”

  “I’m sure he is. I can’t even compete with a woman like that.”

  Their coffees appeared on the counter before them. Rylie took hers and turned away from the counter to stir in sugar and creamer. Tasha set her coffee beside Rylie’s, popping off the lid. Rylie put the lid back on her coffee. She wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.

  Rylie stared at Trey’s reflection in the window. The woman slid her hand across the table. Rylie couldn’t see where it ended up, but she was certain it landed in Trey’s hand. “Let’s get out of here before he sees me.”

  “Not just yet. Let’s go say hello.”

  “Whoa. I don’t think so.”

  Rylie reached out and grabbed Tasha’s arm, bumping into a stand of coffee mugs. Several tipped and crashed to the floor with a clatter. Rylie ducked behind the stand before Trey could see her.

  “Please tell me he’s not looking this way.”

  Tasha sipped her coffee with a grin. “Oh, they are.”

  “Fuck.” Rylie looked up at Tasha who was smiling sheepishly. “Don’t go eye fucking him.”

  Tasha lifted a shoulder and let it drop seductively. “I can’t help it. He’s fun to look at.”

  Rylie handed Tasha the mugs to put back onto the display. “Stop looking at him.”

  “You at least need to find out who this girl is. Look they’re leaving. Let’s follow them.” Tasha yanked her up by the crook of the arm. “Come on now.”

  “No way.”

  “Come on, they’re going out the side door. We need to hurry.” Tasha dragged her out the door.

  Nighttime had settled in the city. Rylie really wanted to know who the girl with Trey was. “This isn’t going to end well.”

  “Who cares? At least you’ll know who the chick is,” Tasha said.

  Trey and the girl were walking down the sidewalk toward his Escalade. They weren’t holding hands, but they were so close their arms were brushing. Jealousy spun though her body. “We need to take your car.”

  Tasha jumped behind the wheel of her Prius, and Rylie got into the passenger side. They waited and watched the Escalade’s lights flip on. Then they were following them through the hills of Mt. Adam’s and out through Eden Park. They crossed over Gilbert Avenue and hit the highway, heading away from the city. Rylie knew even before he hit his exit that they were heading back to his house.

  “Where do you think they’re going?” Tasha asked.

  “To his house.”

  Tasha gave her a look, but Rylie didn’t respond. “Don’t turn here. That’s his driveway. Pull down the next road. We can walk over.”

  Tasha found a spot on the street to park the car, and they hopped out fast. By the time they hiked through the woods that edged up against Trey’s house, Trey and the woman were already inside.

“Still want to do this?” Tasha asked quietly.

  She met Tasha’s worried gaze. “Yes. I do. I have to know.”

  They came out of the woods at the back of his house. Floor-to-ceiling windows gave Rylie a perfect view of Trey and the woman in his living room. A few seconds later Trey left the room and came back with several other people. They moved out onto a gallery where they were in deep discussion.

  “Who are these people? They look like military,” Tasha asked.

  “I don’t know. Let’s get closer so we can hear what they’re saying.”

  The forest was really dark. They moved toward the gallery.

  Rylie couldn’t see where she was stepping. She took a small step and cringed as her foot snapped a branch. Tasha grabbed her arm. They both looked toward the gallery where there was now a fire pit going. The man standing beside Trey came to the edge of the railing, looking out at the woods. He was fierce and deadly, like a wolf. He jumped over the rail, landing like a trained professional. He sprinted toward the woods. Trey followed, scanning the tree line.

  “We’re fucked,” Tasha gasped.

  “Don’t move. They don’t know where the sound came from,” Rylie whispered.

  Tasha’s fingers dug into her arm. They were hidden behind an old oak.

  “Where did you hear it?” Trey asked.

  “One o’clock.”

  Their gazes swung toward the oak Rylie and Tasha were hiding behind.

  “We are so fucked,” Tasha groaned.


  They both ducked behind the tree, causing them to lose sight of Trey and his friend.

  “You can stay. I’m not. I’m going to run back to the car.”

  “Tasha, wait.”

  It was too late. She took off running. Rylie had no choice but to follow. She quickly lost sight of Tasha in the woods. The clouds moved aside. Moonlight filtered through the trees, illuminating the pathway.

  Somewhere deep in the forest, Tasha screamed. Rylie screeched when strong arms came around her waist, lifting her from the ground. She was flipped and pinned on her back.

  Trey’s hard face was inches from hers and it suddenly softened.


  “Uh. Hi.”

  “Let go of me!” Tasha screamed.

  Rylie didn’t have to see to know Tasha was being pinned in some way. “You might want to call off your man.”

  Trey whistled. “Wolf! It’s okay. I know them.” His gaze moved over her face. “Explain.”

  Rylie worried her lip. Trey continued to hold her in the most sensual and inappropriate way. He smelled so good, so right. Their legs twined, her pussy was so open and vulnerable to his touch. He was a wanted distraction. He made her forget about the nightmare called the last six months of her life.

  “I saw you at the coffee shop. I thought you were seeing someone else.” She sniffed and looked down. “I wanted to know who my competition was.”

  “This isn’t a game, Rylie. I could’ve hurt you.”

  His face came closer. His lips were a mere inch away. The darkness made his eyes dilate. Her mouth watered at the thought of kissing his lips and taking what he had to offer. “I shouldn’t have.”

  “But you did.”

  He pressed his knee between her thighs and spread her leg out. He slipped his right knee in and sent her other leg out to the side. Rylie gasped at the sudden pressure of his cock. “Don’t be angry with me.”

  He licked his way over her neck. “I’m frustrated with you. I made a promise never to get involved with the women I protect. I’ve broken all the rules with you.”


  “I’m tired of breaking the rules.”

  She smoothed her hands over his shoulders to his jaw, drawing him closer. “I’m a strong woman, Trey. You don’t need to keep me out anymore. I can handle this.”

  “Okay, we do it your way,” Trey said.

  They stopped talking and were listening to Tasha and Wolf’s argument escalate.

  “Maybe they should get a room,” Trey murmured.

  “Tasha might bite him.”

  “Wolf would probably enjoy the challenge.”

  Trey helped her up.

  They worked their way out of the forest and into the light shining from his house. They headed for the stone gallery. Tasha was glaring at Wolf as though he might bite her and she might like it rough. There were five other men on the gallery and the woman.

  “This is the archeologist I was just telling you about, Rylie Sawyer,” Trey said.

  No one was quick with introductions and Trey didn’t offer. In fact, everyone was looking at Trey as though he’d lost his mind. Papers were being shuffled away and photos were, too, not before Rylie saw one of the pendant though.

  “You’re the group that searches for cursed objects, aren’t you?” Rylie asked.

  Wolf rubbed his thumb over his chin and walked closer. His shaved head and tattoos on his neck gave him a hard appearance.

  “How do you know about us?” Wolf asked.

  “I’ve heard rumors over the years,” Rylie said. “You guys operate like a secret society.”

  “Rylie’s the archeologist that found the site in Jordan. She’s good at finding things,” Trey said. “She’ll be useful to all of us.”

  Whoa. Rylie’s gaze flew to Trey. Their gazes locked. There was hesitation in his. Was he making her a part of his team? “If I’m in, I’m in all the way.”

  “You’re in,” Trey said.

  “Where’s the pendant?” Rylie asked.

  “I have it locked away in the safe. It’s going to be destroyed,” the woman who was with Trey in the coffee shop said. “I’m Poppy. I take care of that. Welcome to the club.”

  Rylie was shocked when the rest of the team began to introduce themselves. Trey took over the introductions.

  “Durant’s our man that deals with international. Evers gets us in and out of places quietly. Wolf deals with intelligence.”

  Tasha snorted.

  “Pride chases down leads. James and Parker are in logistics.”

  “How does this work?” Rylie asked.

  Trey leaned back on the stone railing, putting his hands deep into his pockets. He was in work mode. “We get a lead on a cursed object and we track it down.”

  Poppy handed a file over to Rylie. “A lot of what we do is monitoring of the globe for unusual deaths that can’t be explained.”

  Rylie flipped through the file and hesitated when she saw the news clipping of her sister and brother-in-law’s deaths. The next page had information regarding the dig site in Jordan. There was a write up of her in the paper.

  “We save lives,” Evers added.

  “Rylie will be able to help us find the rest of the collection,” Trey said. “I’ll fill her in later.”

  There were more pieces related to the pendant. She felt sick inside and needed to sit down.

  “Meeting adjourned?” Poppy asked. “I have to get to work on the deconstruction of the pendant.”

  “Same time. Same place,” Trey said. “Call me if you have problems, too, okay?”

  “I will,” Poppy said.

  Everyone left except Wolf.

  “See Tasha to her car,” Trey said.

  Tasha started to protest. “No way. I don’t need you to walk me there.”

  Wolf smiled and it looked absolutely devilish. Did Tasha know what he was? There was a deadly werewolf living beneath that human exterior. Rylie wasn’t so sure about sending her off with him. She’ll be safe with him. The thought whispered through her head, and she instantly knew it was from Trey.

  “It’ll be okay. I’ll call you tomorrow,” Rylie said.

  “After you, sweets,” Wolf said.

  “Don’t touch me again!” Tasha said.

  Wolf looked Tasha up and down. “Don’t worry, I won’t. I don’t think I’m your type.”

  Tasha groaned and turned with Wolf following her out. Rylie looked at Trey when they were finally alon
e. There were secrets in his eyes. She could see it in the way he was looking at her. Was she ready to trust him completely without knowing everything?

  Yes, she was.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You have a leaf in your hair.” Trey pulled it from her hair and twirled it between his fingers.

  He released the leaf from his fingers and let it fall to the stone gallery. She let the sexual tension she was feeling spiral through her belly and down to her pussy. Her thong was attached by a thin piece of cotton string that she wanted him to rip away.

  “You’ll stay the night.”

  “Will I?”


  Rylie hadn’t planned on staying overnight, but she knew she didn’t want to leave with so much sexual tension vibrating between them. Rylie nervously let her fingers dance over her cargo pants only to find that her cell phone was gone.

  “What’s wrong?” Trey asked.

  “I lost my cell phone in the woods.”

  Trey had his in hand before she could say another word. “What’s the number?”

  She rattled it off as they headed toward the woods together. The ringing started a few yards off from the tree she’d been hiding behind. Trey went into the woods and came out with her cell phone.


  “No problem.”

  She slipped it into the pocket of her cargo pants. He turned to head back toward the gallery, but he stopped when he realized she wasn’t following him.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked.


  There were lots of trees surrounding his house. Moonlight rained down on both of them. Their eyes locked across the distance. Rylie felt her heart race as they rushed toward each other. Trey drew her in close, kissing her passionately.

  Large oak trees were scattered around the backyard. Trey backed her up against the tree and kissed his way over her neck. His hand flipped open the button on her pants and the zipper went south so fast she had no time to think about what was coming next. No, Rylie wasn’t thinking at all. Sensations poured through her body, making her feel wildly alive. He broke away, to kneel down on one knee in front of her. With gentle hands, he lifted up one of her legs and removed her shoe and then the other. While on his knees, he worked her pants off, leaving her thong on. His rough hands smoothed up over her thighs.


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