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Les Gris - TI4

Page 12

by Heckrotte, Fran

  Do you wish my people to suffer the same fate as humans?

  Rainbow's movements ceased for a second and then she resumed her swaying.

  I wish you no harm, Lunie. You're like a sister to me. We share the same need for the light.

  True, but unlike you, the Les Gris also need mortals or demons to exist. They sustain us during the darkness. Without our life partner, we're nothing.

  Rainbow knew Lunara was right. Mortals and demons had a symbiotic relationship with the Les Gris.

  I don't know how I can help you. The Gnomes and the Undines have already declared Kryearah on humans. They will no longer help them as they have in the past.


  Yes, it means to no longer exist.

  What about the others?

  The Salamanders have much to gain now. They are the only ones who grow in numbers while the rest of us die. Even some of the Sylph have aligned themselves with the fire Elementals, causing great devastation.

  And the Boreal? Where do your people stand?

  They stand as they always have... independently.

  Do you think they would help us? If we can't keep the Shadow Demon away, It may capture Raylena before the transfer is completed.

  Raylena is the name of a human Les Gris. Do you really believe you can join her with a demon?

  We must! It's our only hope.

  I understand your dilemma, Lunie, but there's nothing my people can do. You said the transfer happens during the eclipse. The Boreal are of the light. Like you, we follow the sun and have no powers in darkness. Even if we could, what could a few Boreal do that thousands of Les Gris couldn't?

  Lunara sighed, desperately searching for other ideas.

  You're right, of course. I guess I was hoping for a lot.

  Rainbow shimmered back and forth, her colors flickering like neon lights being switched rapidly on and off.

  She knew that Lunie would never have asked her for assistance if the situation wasn't grave. Moving close to her friend, she flashed her reds and blues, while keeping the other colors still.

  I may be able to get the Aurora to help.

  Aurora? Who are they?

  The night Elementals. I've only met a few and only on the edge of daybreak and nightfall. Only there can the two of us exist for short periods of time, but it's dangerous. Darkness will destroy a Boreal just as light will the Aurora.

  Lunara felt excitement stirring within her. Since the Aurora lived in darkness they would be perfect allies against the Shadow Demon.

  Can you find them quickly without endangering yourself? We have only a few days left before the Blood Moon.

  I'll try but I can't promise anything. They're very shy and secretive but I know one of the places they hide during the day. I may be able to get a Sylph to help reach them.

  You said the Sylph weren't willing to help.

  I said some. I have a few friends amongst them. Besides, they love harassing the Aurora. It's almost a tradition.

  Lunara gave a mental shake of her head. This was getting too complicated.

  And I'm supposed to consider that encouraging?

  It's not as bad as it sounds, Lunie. Like I said, the Aurora are very private. The Sylph can't resist letting them know there's no place they can hide that is unattainable. It's a game that's been going on for hundreds of thousands of years.

  Alright, I guess I can understand that. No matter what they say, Rainbow, thank you for offering to help. It means a lot to me.

  That's what friends do, Lunie. I'm off now. See you later.

  Before Lunara could say goodbye, the Boreal was gone in a flicker.

  "I guess I'd better see what Belle's up to," Lunara grumped.

  * * *

  "Where were you?" Belle asked as she pulled on a pair of old pajamas.

  Visiting an old friend.

  "Oh? Anyone I know?"

  Belle knew the Les Gris had separate lives apart from their humans. Although she didn't know all of Lunara's other friends or acquaintances, her Shadow had told her about a few of them. There was one in particular Lunara seemed fond of – a light spirit named Rainbow.

  Yes, I talked to Rainbow. She may be able to help us.

  Lunara gave Belle a shortened version of her conversation with the Boreal.

  "We definitely need all the help we can get. I'll keep my fingers crossed. In the meantime, a good night's sleep will do wonders for you and me."

  For you, maybe. I still have work to do.

  The Les Gris didn't require much rest. They gained their energy and nourishment from the light during the day and from their life partner at night. In return, they provided protection by alerting their humans to external dangers and kept them balanced.

  Sifting through the day's activities, Lunara carefully sorted each event and placed it in one of several categories. If she found an answer to a problem Belle was obsessing over, she made sure to save the solution. Other things were simply wiped away, leaving a jumble of memories that created weird but healthy dreams.

  Once she finished “cleaning house,” Lunara nestled down amongst those dreams to enjoy the strange rides on which they always took her. It was the Les Gris version of going to the movies.


  A Desperate Choice

  RANDI COULDN'T WAIT to get to Belle's place. Last night's phone call had made sleep impossible. Leaving work an hour early, she caught a cab to her friend's apartment. As usual, Belle was in the kitchen cooking her favorite dish, meatballs and spaghetti. Randi's stomach growled ominously.

  "You need to tame that rascal," Belle joked.

  "It'll quiet down as soon as it gets a taste of that spaghetti. I don't know what your secret is but I have to say you make the best I've ever eaten."

  "No secret. Just a lot of experimenting."

  Spooning a heap onto two dishes, she handed both of the plates to Randi and headed for the living room. Randi followed close behind. Once settled on the couch, they dug into their food. Belle waited until Randi was almost done before she brought up the reason she had called her friend.

  Randi remained silent while Belle explained the Child's predicament. Putting her plate on the coffee table, she leaned back and rubbed her forehead. Neither of her Les Gris had spoken during Belle's narration.

  "I'm not sure about this," Randi said. "Besides, it's really not my decision to make."

  "I know, but it still affects you. You've lived with Raylena for a long time. She's become a part of you and Lighthra. Her departure will change all of your lives. It's sure to create some instability."

  How do you two feel about this? Randi asked her two life partners.

  The choice is Raylena's. She's the one taking the greatest chance.

  Randi and Lighthra waited patiently for their companion to speak. Having already experienced detachment, the decision to do it again voluntarily for the sake of a normal human would have been bad enough. Becoming the life partner of a demon, especially such a powerful one, was almost asking the impossible – that is if it even was possible.

  So many things could go wrong. Detaching alone was traumatic. Then there was the Shadow Demon, always lurking in the background, searching for detached Les Gris.

  I feel I have no choice. To refuse would be disastrous and I would be responsible.

  No one would fault you for refusing, Ray. Few have survived what you have and stayed stable, Lighthra stated, giving her Les Gris partner a mental hug. I've always admired your strength.

  We'll help you, Lunara promised, easing into the conversation. The Les Gris will protect you through your journey and stay with you until you stabilize. Longer, if you want.

  IF I stabilize! We know nothing about demons except the stories our people tell. What happens if this demon and I can't balance? You say you'll stay with me but how do you know you'll be able to? Demons aren't of this world and I'll be trapped in hers once I transition. Can you guarantee me that you'll be able to help me then?

  Lunara hadn'
t thought about that and realized she couldn't. Although the Les Gris were well aware that demons often wandered the mortal world and occasionally came in contact with them, they had no desire to interact with them or their Les Gris. Apparently the feelings were mutual. Then again, perhaps neither had tried hard enough to communicate.

  No, we can't, Lunara replied, honestly. It was unfair of us to ask you to do this. Forgive us.

  "Yes," Belle agreed. "We'll just have to think of something else."

  There isn't anything else, Lighthra interjected. The decision must be yours, Raylena. You are the last hope. I know it's unfair to ask this of you and no one will fault you if you refuse.

  What would you do, Lighthra?

  I don't know. I would want to do what is right and hope that I had that strength. Lighthra gave a mental shake of her head. But, this isn't about me, is it?

  No. I almost wish it were, but enough of this. As you've said, there is only one choice. When do we begin?

  In three days, the Blood Moon will rise. It will be an L5, the strongest possible umbral eclipse in several hundred years. It's our one shot at the merger.

  And what makes you think the Child will agree to this?

  Before anyone could answer, the air shimmered to Belle's left. Although she couldn't see, she felt the heat radiating near her and stepped aside. Randi, who had been listening to the exchanges between the others, also felt the heat and turned to stare at the spot. The three Les Gris watched the prism of light flickering, its colors as brilliant as starbursts and yet invisible to the human eye. From within its center two forms emerged from an oval portal. Within seconds, the portal snapped shut but not before the Shadows caught a small glimpse of the world beyond. Red and orange flames blazed brilliantly against the shadowy backdrop of a silvery blue sky, creating a breathtaking view of the Underworld. Startled, Randi jumped to her feet.

  "She will agree," the woman answered, her voice warm and husky.

  "Or I will deal with her," the huge male replied. The deep baritone voice left no doubt that he meant business. "Already I'm beginning to regret releasing her from the Netherworld. She's beginning to test my patience."

  "Wow," Randi exclaimed and retreated a few more steps backward. Realizing she had abandoned Belle, she side-stepped forward, grabbed the woman by the arm and pulled her a safe distance away from the intruders.

  "What the hell?" Belle grumbled, slapping at the hand holding her.

  "Ummm, I'm not sure you should be swearing like that," Randi whispered and then glanced at the giant standing a few feet away. Tall and muscular with dark red skin, he would have been impressive enough without the two horns protruding from his forehead or the hoofed feet. The leather jeans and vest did nothing to alleviate Randi's nervousness, although she found it almost comical that a demon would wear such human attire.

  Raising both eyebrows, the demon crossed his arms and stared blandly at the human female. Biceps bulged even though he seemed relaxed.

  "Would someone tell me what just happened?" Belle asked, irritated that Lunara was no longer sending her visual impressions.

  Sorry, Lunara said and then projected an image of the two demons. Although it was distorted by the colors of light that normally accompanied the transmissions, Belle was impressed by what she was now seeing.

  "I didn't hear you knock," she said amiably.

  The comment was so unexpected everyone laughed – everyone but the male demon. Only the slight upward turn of his lips gave away his amusement. Bending slightly at the waist, he leaned forward, stared into the eyes of the blind woman and liked what he saw.

  "You aren't afraid of me."

  "Should I be?"

  "If you were wise," Dis replied, his voice slightly threatening to see how she would react.

  "Oh, well then, I guess that explains it. I've never claimed to be wise."

  Fascinated by the Underlord's unusual behavior, Lilith stood quietly watching. When Randi started to step forward, wanting to defend her friend, the demoness shook her head, warning the human not to intrude.

  "I can give you your sight back," Dis offered out of the blue.

  "At what price?" Belle asked, cocking her head slightly. The offer had taken her by surprise but she refused to give him the satisfaction of showing it.

  Dis chuckled.

  "Must there be a price?"

  It was Belle's turn to laugh.

  This is the person that instills such fear in humans? Lunara asked in amusement. He appears quite civilized.

  He is playing with her, Lighthra interjected.

  Maybe so. Still, I think he's kind of cute – in a demonic sort of way.

  Trying to ignore the conversation, Belle held her ground – even though it seemed absurd to be having such a conversation with the most powerful demon known to mankind.

  "If you're who I think you are, yes," she continued.

  Straightening, Dis turned to Randi.

  "You would defend this woman?" he demanded, letting her know he had seen her attempt to shield Belle.

  Randi's mouth went dry and she swallowed.

  "Ye... yes," she stammered and then stuck her chin out, daring him to challenge her.

  Shaking his head, he turned to Lilith.

  "I've been gone too long. No one fears me anymore," he grumbled and then winked so only she could see.

  "So it would seem," she replied empathetically. "On the other hand, I believe these five beings are rather exceptional, so I wouldn't worry too much about it."

  "Perhaps!" Turning back to Belle, he bent his knees and again stared into the blank eyes. "My offer stands with no price to pay. I can give you sight. Do you want to see again?"

  Caught off guard, Belle hesitated. To see again had always been one of her greatest hopes.

  "Is this true?" she asked Lunara.

  Her Les Gris, who had been more interested in the actions of the demons, turned her attention back to her life partner.

  It's true. He can give you what you want.

  "And what about us? How will it affect us?"

  I don't know, Lunara lied. We've been together a long time. Perhaps it will have no effect.

  Belle thought about all the years they had shared. Lunara had been her light and her sanity. More important, though, she was her best friend. Possibly sacrificing the bond between them for the ability to see seemed a huge price to pay.

  Choose wisely, Lunara advised, knowing that if her life partner were to regain her vision, Lunara would revert to the shadowy half-existence she had experienced when Belle had been able to see. This is what you've dreamed of. Use your brain, not your heart.

  "I'll use both and I think I'll pass on this one. Besides, having dreams give me something to look forward to." Belle hadn't been fooled by Lunara's nonchalant attitude. Her life partner's lack of emotion gave away the truth.

  Stretching her hand upward, she moved it slowly in the direction of the warm breath fanning her face. As her fingers came in contact with Dis' cheek, he started to withdraw but then changed his mind. Had Belle been able to look into his eyes, she would have seen the flames of hell flaring brightly with amusement and curiosity.

  Running her fingers gently across the surface of the demon's face, Belle developed a fairly accurate image of his features. The horns threw her off for a few seconds but then she chuckled.

  "Is this the real you or a projection based on our legends?"

  "Legends are based on reality, young woman, and I can assure you these are quite real." Straightening up, he glanced at Randi and then the Shadows hovering around the well-lit room. "Do they speak?"

  "Only to us and each other," Belle replied, sensing to whom he was referring.

  "Can they communicate with us at all?"

  No, Lunara answered.

  "No," Belle translated.

  "That's too bad. I'd have liked to learn more about them. Can they talk to my Shadow?"

  We don't know.

  "They don't know."

  "Why? I
s there something wrong with them?"

  "If you mean our Les Gris, no. Yours may be a different story. Perhaps they aren't as evolved as human Shadows."


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