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Your Life in Color

Page 5

by Dougall Fraser

  Gold is an extremely intellectual color, and I sometimes feel my head begin to tingle as I visualize it and sense it increasing my higher thought and independent energy. Your mind may also begin to quicken, which is completely normal with gold. It may also feel as though you are “turning inward” as your mental vibration increases. Do not mistake this for distraction. It is simply your mind reacting to an infusion of gold and rising proportionately. With gold, you activate your mind’s power, your inner strength, and your wisdom. This color will help you brainstorm all kinds of new ideas. You are awakening the most powerful, intelligent, driven part of your being.


  The purpose of this exercise is to reframe your thoughts in a more powerful, purposeful way. We all have wandering thoughts. Naturally, on an average day, some of your thoughts will be positive, while some may be negative and heavy. You may not even be aware of it, but consistently negative thoughts in your head can affect the outcome of your day—and your life. This is why you want to direct your consciousness toward a positive, empowering mind-set.

  Before spiritually activating gold through meditation, take a journal or notebook and write down a goal that you have. This should be something you can take action steps toward achieving. For example, you might write, “I want to learn a new language.” Your goal can be as big or small as you want. Keep your journal or notebook nearby.

  During your visualization, think of a quality in yourself that would serve the goal you have set. For example, you might think, I have a wonderful memory and rarely forget a name. This would be useful while studying a new language.

  Under your goal, write your positive quality down in your journal. Then write one thing you can do today to utilize that quality in achieving your goal.

  Share your goal and positive trait with a friend. Gold energy is very independent, so you want to maintain your connection with loved ones as you use it. Sharing your experience will also help to hold you accountable in working toward your goal.



  Living in this modern world, it is very easy to feel like you have a lot on your plate and to become overwhelmed. With this in mind, it is also very easy to let your goals, and therefore your action steps, fall to the wayside. With each activation, pay attention to where gold energy manifests in your waking world, as a sort of reminder. Every time you see the color in your daily life, it will stimulate this reminder to help your being take back some control. While this takes practice, you will begin to regularly notice where the universe repeats this energy back to you as a message.

  When activating gold, you may start to notice it “randomly” in a store, at a friend’s house, or even in a passing car. Every time you see and notice the color gold, you reaffirm your intention to strengthen your independence and higher thought. The universe is not only reminding you of your power, but it is also giving momentum to your intention.


  As you know, I am a big fan of doing mirror work. Sometimes our negative beliefs are nothing more than patterns that have been created in our thinking. Using a gold affirmation is a powerful way to retrain your mind, and this exercise will get you in the habit of repeating that message regularly.

  Anytime you notice gold throughout your day, repeat your affirmation silently in your mind. You can use the affirmation listed above; this one would work as well: Gold light brings my potential into reality.

  Have fun with this one! One of my favorite ways to increase my sense of personal power is to remind myself of it whenever I see gold. This is a simple way to regularly take note of yourself and your greatness.




  Gold energy is a unique vibration in that it is more physical in nature than etheric, meaning it inspires taking action. But at the same time, because of its root in thought and the mental body, it really helps us to align with our highest vibrational thinking. When we use gold to unify our energy for any goal, we become effective both physically and mentally.

  When using gold color props, I like to use items that can be incorporated into physical activities where I can think. This might include exercises such as stretching, taking a walk, or going for a run.

  Some gold color props you could incorporate into your day include:

  A gold ring or other jewelry. Wearing jewelry is an easy way to harness gold energy. If you own gold jewelry, this is a great time to wear it. Look at or caress it during the day, and you will reactivate its powerful energy.

  Makeup. Playing with gold makeup is an excellent way to work with this energy, as you will see it anytime you look in the mirror. Apply it with the intention of invoking gold energy.

  A gold keychain. This is a perfect way to always remember your color prop, because it will be in your pocket or your purse whenever you go out.


  An action step is any kind of concrete activity that will help get us closer to our goal. Although I strongly believe in the power of positive thought, I also think the manifesting process becomes stalled if we do not pair these thoughts with real, physical steps. Gold is the perfect catalyst for launching our ideas into physical reality. Manifesting a dream job requires more than just lighting an abundance candle, facing east, and visualizing it happening. Believe me, I know, because I have tried this approach and it did not work!

  After a while, I observed that the universe speeds up the manifesting process if it sees us take physical steps toward our goal. I can’t even count how many psychic fairs I worked at before building my practice into what it is today. Do not allow your ego to stop you from taking opportunities that will get you closer to realizing your soul’s purpose. It may seem like you are only taking one step at a time, but you are being propelled faster by the universe moving under your feet.

  I believe this is one of the main challenges of our lives. We must learn whether we can rise above our limiting thoughts and accept our potential greatness. Manifesting is like baking the perfect cake. You need the right mix of ingredients to make it rise into what it is meant to be. And gold light is like adding baking powder to the cake, which helps it to rise.

  Think of something you hope to achieve, create, or receive in your life. Mentally hold this idea in the gold light as you think of it, and then write it down on paper. Do not just set the intention in your mind. You must physically write it down as the first step toward grounding the idea in our physical world. Put this piece of paper somewhere prominent, where you will see it regularly. You can tape it on your fridge or perhaps your bathroom mirror. Feel free to tell loved ones about your goal or desire.

  Select a gold color prop that you can use for this exercise. You can change props as often as you like, but make sure that you have something to use for physical activation.

  Take steps to accomplish this goal during the next seven days. It is a good idea to start with something simple, such as getting new business cards, registering a website domain name, or enriching yourself with a new class. The idea is to express a goal and take action to fulfill it. Any goal that has been lingering in your mind will become positively energized with gold, and taking action steps will tell the universe you are ready to receive the fulfillment of your goal now. Remember, every bit of effort you make pleases the universe. Baby steps do add up!


  Gold’s shadow side is that its independent energy can lead to loneliness when overused. Many people who naturally lean to gold energy have trouble connecting with others on an emotional level. This is why highly successful business owners are often unhappy. The same energy that gives them drive and confidence can also lead to social isolation, even from their spouses or loved ones. On the one hand, gold energy provides the fearlessness to make grea
t things happen. On the other hand, when we are in the shadow side of gold, we can come across as cold, ostentatious, and ego-driven.

  With the gold light, you will notice your mind doing a lot of brainstorming. This is a chance for you to access this color’s energy and get things done. But you may also find yourself wanting to be alone more. Be careful not to alienate yourself from loved ones.

  Think of activating gold energy like swimming in the ocean with a snorkel. Your snorkel is an amazing tool, allowing you to look down and be inspired by all the vibrant sea life you discover. But once you have absorbed all that inspiration, look up, take the mask off, and get back in the boat so you can excitedly tell your friends what you saw. Otherwise, you will be surrounded by all that beauty yet completely alone and cut off from other people.



  QUALITIES: Feminine aspect of God; wisdom and home

  SHADOW SIDE: Lack of compassion; imbalanced home energy

  Just like the moon, silver holds powerful divine feminine energy. Silver and the moon are often closely associated in popular consciousness, as you will see shortly. As the yin to gold’s yang energy, silver is very effective for increasing a sense of security in your life, particularly in your home. Feminine silver has a very stable energy that makes me feel safe. Just as a mama bear protects her cubs, silver naturally protects your family and home turf.

  Silver has an established history of being associated with feminine power, as well as the moon. In fact, many moon goddesses have been revered in mythology for their power throughout the world. In tribal societies, the moon, and therefore silver, is traditionally associated with divine feminine energy. The Hawaiian goddess Hina, the African goddess Gleti, and the South American goddess Chia are only a few examples of powerful feminine silver warriors. Artemis, one of the most respected of all the ancient Greek goddesses, was symbolized by a silver crescent moon. She was the protector of nature, animals, and young girls, as well as women in childbirth. In ancient Roman mythology, Luna was the celestial embodiment of the moon and was considered to be the feminine component of God. Many of the moon goddesses throughout the world are also associated with protection and higher wisdom. Luckily for us, we can utilize these qualities anytime we want through a boost of silver energy.

  In the science world, silver (“Ag” on the periodic table) is one of nature’s precious metals, but it also has qualities I find symbolically similar to silver energy. Silver metal is both strong and malleable, molding itself to best suit what is required of it in any given situation. As such, silver energy offers us powerful protection as well as the safety and support we sometimes crave. Silver metal has the highest thermal conductivity of any metal, meaning it literally can handle more heat than any other metal in nature. Using its energy will help concentrate both your strength and your inner wisdom, until its brilliant light encompasses everything in your life.

  Silver possesses a natural reflectiveness, and seeing yourself mirrored back in silver’s power allows you to be elevated into its wisdom. This is exactly how I feel about feminine silver light: the more you utilize and pay attention to it, the brighter this shimmering energy will shine in your own life.

  There are also symbolic associations between silver and the sacred energy of home. One of my favorites is the silver anniversary, celebrated on the 25th year of marriage. On this anniversary, couples traditionally exchange gifts of silver as a sign of fidelity and love. Interestingly, the entire tradition of anniversaries began with silver and dates back to the Holy Roman Empire: husbands would present their wives with a silver wreath on their 25th anniversary. Although it is now popular in the United States to give gifts for every year of marriage, silver (for 25 years) and gold (for 50 years) are the most commonly observed worldwide.

  The idea behind the silver anniversary is that silver is both valuable and long-lasting, so a silver gift symbolizes a long-term investment in a couple’s life together. With this theme in mind, monarchs in many countries celebrate a silver jubilee to mark 25 years of reigning. Silver is the perfect energy to mark the stability and safety of where you are.

  Your home is a reflection of your consciousness. I say this frequently and believe it to my core. This concept is also closely related to your relationship with silver energy. What I mean is the way you treat your living space is directly related to how you feel about your life in general. Let’s explore your relationship with silver and look at how it may be affecting your home energy.

  Imagine that, in this very moment, a new friend calls you unexpectedly. They are in your neighborhood and would like to stop by your house to say hello. How does this make you feel? You may respond with joy and enthusiasm at the prospect of seeing your friend. You might immediately invite them over and feel loving, energetic expansion at their arrival. Or you might tell them that you need a few minutes and then quickly clean up various messes around your home. Your home might be dirty or there might be items lying around you do not want them to see. Or you might find it easier to just avoid the interaction entirely and tell them you are busy. What you want to look at here is the feeling and energy behind your answer. Do you feel proud of sharing your home with other people, or do you feel something different? That feeling is being absorbed by your consciousness whether you know it or not.

  Your reaction to someone entering your space says a lot about your relationship with silver energy. Of course, it is completely reasonable for you to feel somewhat uneasy in this moment. Your home is probably a bit messy because you were not expecting guests. But I am more referring to your overall attitude about having people in your personal space. If you struggle with this idea, working with silver will empower you to both protect and open the energy surrounding your home.

  I have to be honest: In the past, silver has been a tough energy for me. In my earlier years, when I was faced with the idea of having unexpected guests, I often felt anxious and hesitant about it. Although my living spaces were pretty neat at first glance, I had a tendency to stuff things in drawers just to get them off surfaces and out of the way. I had thought this need to clear clutter was partly due to how sensitive I was to the energy of a space, or perhaps it was the Taurus in me that liked things to look a certain way. But open a drawer or closet door in my apartment, and it would be bursting with random items that were being neglected. When David and I were first dating, he came over to my apartment in NYC, opened the freezer door, and said “Um, why is there unopened mail in here?”

  Looking back, I think that this silver energy imbalance stemmed from my parents getting divorced when I was an adolescent. Their irreconcilable differences made separation the right choice for them, but the stability of my home had been taken away at a formative time in my life. I ended up moving out on my own at the age of 17, saying that I craved my independence, but what I truly craved was the home sanctuary I had lost. I just had not fully processed all of it at that point.

  This is, I think, why I ended up stuffing things in drawers, much as I had stuffed away the pain of losing parental unity. The shadow side of silver was presenting itself in my life. Having a clean and tidy home was one of the few things I could control at that time, but I only knew how to keep things orderly on the surface.

  My experiences with my mother around this time also contributed to my complicated relationship with feminine silver energy. I love her, but my mother has always struggled with boundaries. In my late teens, she fell in love with a person who was severely alcoholic. This was a very difficult time for me, as the family was already dealing with the fallout from my parents’ divorce. I was living with my mom in New York when she began volunteering at a shelter for the needy, which is where she met and fell in love with Jorge. I couldn’t understand her attraction to someone who struggled with such a debilitating addiction, and I ultimately felt like she was choosing him over me at a critically vulnerable point in my life. In retrospect, I think she just wanted to feel needed and desired.

  At the time, we ha
d a bit of a role reversal, and much as any parent would, I vocally disagreed with her choice of romantic partner. I think for children of divorce, seeing your parents date and fall in love with someone new can be awkward. It is even more difficult when they choose someone who is so obviously unhealthy for them.

  I had hoped that my mom and I could reestablish a sense of home after my parents’ divorce was finalized. I still yearned for that protective silver goddess energy we all want from our mothers. I craved that sense of support and nourishment, but my mother simply could not provide it. It wasn’t intentional on her part, but due to her circumstances at the time, she was focused on caretaking for her new partner and was unavailable for me.

  If you have a loved one who has struggled with addiction, you know how profoundly it will affect your life when they are dealing with an issue like this. When they are fully engaged in their disease, their home will have chaotic, unpredictable, highly imbalanced silver energy. I wanted to live with my mother, but I just didn’t feel safe when Jorge was there.

  They lived together on and off, depending on his level of sobriety. Coming home from school, I never knew if he would be the sober version of himself or completely drunk and out of control. The pain of seeing them together was just too much for me to bear, so I moved out on my own. I left New York and moved to Dallas, to be near where my sister lived.

  After I moved out, I began activating silver for the first time, to see if I could improve my relationship with my mother. On one trip back to visit my mom, I decided to focus on the safety and boundaries aspect of silver and take care of myself. Regularly visualizing silver, I had come up with the idea to stay at a nearby bed-and-breakfast instead of staying with my mother and her partner. This was a bold move for a kid my age, but I had established my independence and was trying to protect myself. She was hurt by my decision, and in the most polite way I could, I tried to explain that I just didn’t feel comfortable with Jorge there.


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