Your Life in Color

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Your Life in Color Page 12

by Dougall Fraser

  When I replay that story in my mind, it brings me such a sense of joy. As I have worked with purple energy in my life, it has taught me such a deep understanding about purpose and destiny. I want to help support and empower people toward living a better life. Co-hosting a TV show was not my life purpose, but it did serve as a vehicle to help me express that purpose. What I know about that experience is I was given the chance to help people, whether it was a viewer or the security guard backstage. I was an openly gay intuitive life coach on national TV, providing guidance in the best way I know how. And the beauty of purpose is that even though the show was canceled, I still get to do this every day in my work, as well as in my personal life.

  Our destiny and purpose cannot be defined by one specific job. It is an energy that morphs and transforms depending on our life circumstances. Our job is to honor that energy, and purple helps us find the pathway to doing that.



  When you activate purple, people will see a side of you that is most connected to your destiny. This leadership energy exists in all of us, but we may not know how to draw the connection between leadership and our purpose if we are not looking for it. Purple turns the volume up on this energy and helps us find out why we are here. I often comment if I notice that someone seems to be in their power, or “in the zone.” It is inspiring to see someone giving their best in any area, living in their light, and being fully connected to their journey.

  If you are comfortable with attention, then purple will be easy and familiar. But if receiving attention is something that is new for you, then activating this energy may feel a bit odd at first (see the shadow side below). Nonetheless, purple is even more important for you to activate in this case. You can always control how much leadership you want to take on. The most important part of activating purple is to give yourself permission to be more visible so you can connect with your destiny.

  It is human nature to look up to accomplished people, and this is easiest to see in the business world. Although a fancy diploma may help with certain business skills, leadership energy is what we all respect and react to the most. Many people who are successful in business do not have a formal education, but what they lack in a title is more than made up for by their confidence. They know what they want to achieve, and this energy swirls around them, moving unseen forces into place to help make it so. Purple energy can be applied throughout all areas of your life and will help the people around you to relax, because they will feel more confident in your decisions.

  When activating purple, you will notice yourself standing a little bit taller, stronger, and having a deeper sense of self as you work with this regal color. Purple is what I would describe as a more sophisticated energy, and it is also a very social color.


  We are all a combination of various energies, and sometimes they conflict. There is a part of each of us that is connected to divine, pure, purple wisdom. I believe when we connect with this energy, we all know the true best choice for stepping into our destiny. This is the place where our true leadership and purpose comes from. When clients awaken their sense of purpose during a session, they are usually able to answer their own pressing life questions with perfect clarity. This is precisely why I titled my first book But You Knew That Already. I believe that we already possess the answers we need to find our ultimate path, if only we can awaken that inner wisdom.

  But there is a reason why this is easier said than done. We are all human, just trying to keep our heads down and get through life in the easiest way possible. Depending on where you are on your path, you may need a boost so you can find your path more easily.

  When it comes to receiving the message of your ultimate purpose, keep yourself open to wisdom from a variety of sources, and take the best from each one. My wise friend Colette Baron-Reid, known as the Oracle, has personally helped me find clarity on my purpose. And Danielle LaPorte offers fantastic online programs that can help you along as you seek out your destiny. There are many other useful resources online that can help you on your journey.

  Spiritually activate purple through meditation as you continue along on your path toward purpose. Doing so will help your inner leader speak up so you hear it clearly when you have found what your soul is looking for. Ultimately, your inner leader will take you to the answer.

  The most common response my clients report from activating purple is that people may ask you for your opinion more often. This can manifest in a variety of ways, from strangers asking for directions to friends seeking guidance in their life. This is because purple helps the leader in you to rise to the surface.


  Finding our purpose on the planet means asking one of the most existential questions that can be asked. The search for meaning helps us understand why we are here on the planet and what we are supposed to do. It is a wonderful blessing if our job allows us to fulfill our purpose, but there are other ways to express our destiny aside from work.

  Go through the process of spiritually activating purple in meditation. Once you have grounded purple energy throughout your body, ask your higher self to present what you do for others that brings you the most joy. This can be based on a memory or it can simply come as a message that you need to receive. Examples could include:

  Making people laugh

  Helping others overcome grief

  Nourishing bodies through the creation of healthy food

  Do not rush yourself if the answer does not come right away. You can ask this question as often as you spiritually activate purple. The main goal is to focus on what makes you feel good.



  Whenever you see purple, try to improve your posture and stand with confidence. A leader who is connected to their purpose stands with grace, pride, and elegance. When you see this color, whether on purpose or by accident, take a deep breath and stand taller with your shoulders back. You can visualize yourself as a military general, a judge in a courtroom, or any kind of leader who would stand tall with pride.

  Notice your reaction to this. How does it feel to stand tall? How does it feel to be proud? How does it feel to gracefully accept the attention you deserve? You will notice slight physical reactions to these questions. Your body may contract or relax. You may tense up and resist the idea, depending on your self-esteem. Any or all of these reactions are great opportunities to fully integrate into your destiny.


  This exercise will help you regularly boost your leadership qualities throughout the day. The reason is that it refocuses your life through a lens of decisive purpose, and that can be challenging if you are not used to harnessing purple leadership energy. I have found it is much easier to give good counsel and advice to friends on their lives. Yet it can be more complicated to make these same good choices when it comes to your own best interests. This exercise will sharpen decisive traits that will help you claim your true purpose.

  The purpose of this is to connect with your inner leader and provide your own source of guidance. As you invoke your leader with purple energy, the part of you that is connected to its destiny will rise to the surface and help you find the answer. Since the universal activation process involves setting an intention to notice purple, this exercise will be ongoing as you work with it throughout your day.

  Ask yourself to think of an area where you feel indecisive or stuck. First, write the question out. You can write it on a piece of paper or in your phone. I find writing things down on paper helps ground them in my consciousness, but any format will work. This question can be any area where you would like a boost of leadership energy. Here are some examples:

  Why do I feel like I am at a dead end in my job?

  Why am I lonely so often?

  Set an intention to think of your
question whenever you notice purple during your day. Allow the universe to present how your inner leader would handle the situation at hand. If you have any trouble receiving an answer, continue to reactivate purple anytime you see it, keeping your question in mind. Examples of answers that might come up would be:

  You subconsciously don’t believe your voice matters, so you choose not to speak up or offer your thoughts for fear of being rejected. This causes a cycle where you never step out of your comfort zone, even if you have ideas that could be helpful to others.

  You are shy, so you stick with the group of people you already know from childhood, even though you have grown apart and do not enjoy how much they gossip. Try joining a Meetup group that focuses on a hobby you like.

  Keep these answers in mind as you continue activating purple. The intention here is to continually strengthen that inner leader so you can begin making decisions from that place of power. Each time you strengthen your own leadership energy, it will inspire you to take the steps your inner leader wants.




  I find physical activations to be particularly useful with purple because we can touch our color props at the precise moment when we need a boost of purple decisiveness, leadership, and destiny. With this in mind, color props such as jewelry or healing stones are useful with purple. Amethyst is a popular purple crystal in the New Age community, and I love it for physically activating purple energy. I have a large amethyst crystal in my office that I like to touch throughout my work day. If I am distracted or frustrated for any reason, I find that touching the purple amethyst helps clarify my purpose before I work with clients. I like knowing that medieval European soldiers often wore amethyst to keep a powerful sense of calm during war. I feel purple energy helped them remain steadfast during such turbulent times. Although I love purple amethyst, touching any kind of purple color prop will also activate this energy within you.

  I recently co-hosted a retreat in Hawaii with my dear friend Alan Cohen. Alan is a prolific author of dozens of wonderful New Age books. He has a natural grace about him and is also the epitome of purple energy. Alan exudes a natural, relaxed confidence when he teaches. He is a spiritual teacher that inspires others to connect with their own guidance. Our retreat, “The Guru in You,” was created with the intention of carving out a sacred space for all of our students to find their true purpose. We wanted them to realize that God, wisdom, and the true guru already lived in their hearts.

  On the last day—or graduation day, as Alan liked to call it—we wanted to send each participant home with a reminder of their newly empowered inner guru. The scent of Hawaiian frangipani wafted through the air as we handed out bracelets with colorful beads. The top seven beads represented each chakra, and the remaining beads were all purple. The goal was to give each participant a lasting visual representation of their own innate leadership and guidance. I loved this idea and regularly wear my bracelet to physically activate purple. I caress the purple beads anytime I want to be reminded of my inner leader.

  Some purple color props you could incorporate into your day include:

  Purple flowers. I love using flowers as color props for all colors, but they are particularly beautiful for purple. Snapdragon, verbena, and pansies are only a few of the glorious manifestations of purple in the flower kingdom.

  Amethyst. Although crystals come in every color, amethyst is the one I love having in my office the most.

  Purple accessories. Purple is a great color to wear in work situations. If you are applying for a new job, have a presentation, or for any reason need to command authority and power, use purple accessories as a color prop to invoke that energy.


  This exercise may require a bit more effort because it specifically requires action steps, but it is well worth your time. I find it is often easier to connect with our power if we begin by pretending we are advising another person. This helps to sidestep any limiting thoughts or beliefs until after we access our wisdom.

  Select a color prop to use for this exercise and hold it in your hands. After you feel connected to purple, I want you to close your eyes and imagine you have an exact duplicate of yourself somewhere in the world. They are living the exact same life as you, with the exact same experiences. Using this other version of yourself, I want you to zoom in and take a bird’s-eye view of this person’s life. How often do they step into a leadership role? Are they expressing their opinions truthfully? Write down the areas or specific instances where they could showcase more leadership qualities. Examples might be: Decide to live healthier and begin an exercise program, even if their family is not interested in joining them.

  Take steps toward starting the online business they have been dreaming about.

  When I think of examples of a leader, I picture someone who might run a company or motivate others. Or in every family, there is always a member who tends to plan the social schedules, trips, and reunions. With these examples in mind, focus on your twin and determine if they are allowing their leader to come through.

  List at least one action your twin could take to step into their power. Examples include: If they are shy and have a friend’s birthday party coming up, they could offer to host, organize, or oversee it.

  Plan an outing with a group of friends.

  Initiate a social gathering at work.

  Challenge yourself to take this leadership step.

  The idea is to recognize any leadership opportunity, big or small, and allow yourself to say yes. This is how you strengthen purple energy in your life. I have spent years with clients coming to me and asking me to predict their future. And at the beginning of my career, I believed this was exactly how it worked. If I could just tune in to the map of the universe, I would advise you on how to plot your course. You would have an easy guide to help you stay clear of obstacles while you waited for your destiny to arrive. But this is not the truth of co-creating.

  We all help build our reality, and we must take steps to claim our true destiny. Purple helps us realize we can muster up our own leader and make our own destiny. Purple energy helps us set things in motion.

  When you are looking for opportunities to take a leadership position, release judgment or expectation of what that means. Oftentimes, the opportunity has been right in front of you, waiting for you to accept the challenge.


  The shadow side of purple is a lack of direction and chronic indecisiveness. Although purple’s ultimate message is that of destiny, there are a variety of seemingly minor situations that can stump us if we are struggling with the shadow side of purple energy. The main sign of a purple imbalance is hesitating to make decisions. If you find yourself constantly struggling with choices, big or small, then you know what a purple imbalance feels like. The consequences of purple’s shadow side are immediate and pervasive.

  An imbalance of purple energy often brings up feelings of regret, which is another classic sign we are uncomfortable accepting our role as leaders in our own lives. When we think of destiny and leadership, we tend to conjure up very grand images and ideas of what this looks like. But on a day-today basis, struggling with leadership can boil down to having trouble deciding where to eat lunch. The good news is you can easily work on healing this imbalance by making quicker decisions. Activate purple however you like, and then start with the smallest decisions possible. Whether it’s the kind of shampoo you buy or what movie to watch with your spouse, try to use purple to be more decisive. It may not seem relevant, but these choices are related to awakening your inner leader. The more comfortable you become at making these minor decisions, the better you will become at listening to yourself when it comes to bigger life issues.

  If you find that activating purple light has made you acknowledge a lack of direction, there is a chance you could take this in a self-critical direction. Self-crit
icism keeps you stagnant, and it is a trick your mind plays to stop you from making change. Nonetheless, if this happens, you will want to start with smaller, easier leadership qualities to manifest.

  I used to love using Franklin planners way back in the day, as they helped me to overcome an imbalance of purple. These day planners were convenient for organizing my life, with to-do lists and reminders. After moving out on my own, I struggled with knowing how to proceed with creating a life for myself. I was on my own earlier than most and was trying to figure out how to be productive. I discovered the joy of lists as motivation to help me achieve my goal of working in the healing arts. For me, my day planner functioned as a leader until I was confident enough to lead myself.

  There was a whole system of priorities so I could order my tasks in terms of importance, but I whittled my planner down to a simpler version. I would list literally everything I had done in the morning, and then put a check next to each item:

  Woke up

  Made bed

  Ate breakfast

  By the time I got to school, I had a list of at least five accomplishments for the day. When I made my list and took note of what I had done, my energy level would increase. I felt accomplished, and it helped me to keep going. Nowadays, I always use similar lists when I activate purple. Doing so is useful for me in achieving bigger goals in my life. This idea is similar to rewarding a young kid with a sticker for good behavior. The sticker itself doesn’t hold any power, yet the child feels a sense of pride when they receive recognition of an accomplishment. If you are struggling with being a leader and feeling connected with your destiny, this could be a helpful tool, along with activating purple. Start by noting your daily routine and accomplishments.


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