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Your Life in Color

Page 16

by Dougall Fraser

  Commit to incorporating at least one item from your perfect day into your current life. Keep your list handy, and remind yourself of your perfect day anytime you activate orange.

  Note: Take your time scripting your day out. The key word you are looking for is balance. Think of your life as a meal. If you focus too much attention on one part of the meal, it may feel disproportionate. You could whip up the most amazing homemade cranberry sauce, but you ultimately would feel unsatisfied if that were the only thing on the plate.



  Orange is one of my favorite colors to pull energy from in autumn, from beautiful orange leaves to pumpkins on every doorstep. On any given morning, the sun rises and includes shades of warm orange. And with each sunset, I am again reminded of the timeless balance of orange. When you see orange, no matter where you are, ask yourself:

  Where is there imbalance in my life?

  Do I feel in alignment with my center? Am I spreading my attention over the areas that make my life feel whole and complete? Or is one thing taking up too much energy?

  Just as in the story of how too many readings and not eating well resulted in my fender bender, when we are out of balance, the universe will remind us to take care of ourselves.


  In the self-help world, we are often told we must strive to live in the present moment. Living in the moment sounds great in theory, but I’d really like to speak to someone who actually lives in the moment on a constant basis. From what I’ve seen with my clients, most of us are either focused on the future or trying to learn from the past, and staying in the present is quite difficult. Orange will help us to see how present we are in any given moment.

  I have a new mantra, and it is that I live in the week. Perhaps it is because my job involves looking into the future, but I find myself constantly thinking ahead. Still, I know being present is important to a sense of balance. Living in the week allows me to acknowledge what is on the short-term horizon, which in turn helps me to be more present.

  Anytime you see orange, this is the universe’s way of asking how present you are in that moment. Allow the universal activation of orange energy to show you where you could be more present. Do one thing on that same day that will help bring your consciousness fully into the present moment. Physical activities are often helpful for grounding yourself in the present moment. These could include any kind of exercise such as a hike. Mindfulness meditation is also very useful for staying in the present moment.

  If I can live in the week, then I feel like a spiritual rock star. Operating in a span of seven days helps me to find my balance. Maybe I missed the gym or meditation on Tuesday, but I can catch up by going on Wednesday. No big deal. Perhaps there is one day I am very focused on writing, but then the next day David and I play hooky so we can have a family day. The idea I am trying to get across is about finding balance. Just like most of us, I have a family, job, friends, hobbies, and a variety of other aspects of my life that I juggle. Living in the moment may not be on the agenda today, and that is okay. Once you compare your perfect day to your average day, you can start making adjustments to find more balanced contentment.




  Physical activations are very helpful during stressful or hectic times, because touching an orange color prop has the added effect of grounding us into the present moment. It is easier to stay present when we physically engage with something in that moment. Sometimes after a full day of readings, processing a number of people, I like to rebalance my energy. One technique I use is to touch something in my office and then say what it is out loud. For example, I might touch the orange vase on my desk and say, “This is a vase.” This is a very simple technique of grounding into present consciousness with my physical body.

  Some other orange color props you could incorporate into your day include:

  Dried leaves. I personally love the colors of autumn and the various shades of orange that can be observed in nature. To bring some of this energy into your home, collect orange leaves and dry them so you can display them all year long.

  Turmeric. Both dried and fresh turmeric possess a vibrant shade of orange that can be incorporated into your meals. Aside from providing balancing orange energy, turmeric is also excellent for reducing all kinds of inflammation and restoring balance to your immune system.

  Oranges. When I am working with orange energy, one of my favorite color props is a bag of fresh oranges or tangelos. I keep them in my living room or kitchen in a bowl. Not only are they a visual reminder of this balancing energy, but touching them releases their invigorating scent. For me, the scent of orange brings another sense into the usage of orange as a color prop. I also like to diffuse orange and ylang-ylang essential oil as a relaxing reminder to focus on balance. The color orange not only becomes a trigger to prioritize balance, but the scent also creates a clean and fresh feeling of order in my home.

  Carrots. Aside from being a healthy snack, carrots possess one of the most vibrant shades of orange in nature.


  Although my favorite way to do this exercise is when the leaves change color in the fall season, there are many ways to activate orange through nature.

  Find an outdoor spot where you can explore the beauty of nature. Possible places could include a forest or park. Set an intention to center your energy as you walk around, invoking the power of orange.

  Try to find something orange to take home with you. Examples could include rocks, wood, or leaves. If you live in an area where the leaves change color, you have an incredible opportunity to collect some gorgeous orange foliage. If you do find something, give thanks to the universe for affirming this orange energy within your spirit.

  Other ways to enjoy this exercise would be: Bring an orange color prop with you, and touch it as you walk around in nature.

  If you see something orange but do not want to take it home, you can take a photo as a reminder of how that balanced energy brings such beauty to your environment.


  The shadow side of orange is witnessed in uneven or scattered energy. This will result in issues like struggling to be on time for appointments. You may have difficulty finding where you have left things in your home or workspace. If you find you lean toward the shadow side of orange, outlining your ideal day will serve as a valuable map to unlock your inner balance and heighten your perception. If you have scattered or uneven energy, some element of your life is taking too much of your focus. You may be overcommitted to something or not fully committed to honoring your center.

  As you activate the orange light, you will first be identifying what area of your life is currently in the steering position. Be aware that if you are struggling with the shadow side of orange, you may feel overwhelmed, without the time to create the balance that you need. However, I find this is the mind’s way of keeping us stuck in scattered energy. Even the busiest person has some expendable time during the day that could be used to balance their energy. If you watch TV or spend free time on your smartphone, then you have time to balance other elements of your life.

  There is no judgment in this awareness. In a session, I often describe a phase someone is in. A career phase, a relationship phase, a family phase, or a self-care phase. Whichever one you identify with is currently steering your thoughts and is the mainstay of your energy level. As you expand and work with orange, it reminds you to also tend to the other parts of your life and to engage with everything in order to create a sense of balance and happiness.



  QUALITIES: Perfection and unconditional love

  SHADOW SIDE: Self-criticism; judgment of others

  A salve for the self-critical, radiant pink light is the embodime
nt of perfection and unconditional love. Pink exudes a warm, loving energy, often seen around newborns. If you’ve ever held a sleeping baby, you were probably calmed by their peaceful pink energy. This is because newborns have not yet learned any of the limiting thoughts and beliefs so many of us pick up as we live our lives. As you will see, it is possible to return to a simpler, less critical frame of mind. Working with pink helps us see ourselves the way that God or the universe has created us: perfect.

  Pink’s association with loving energy can be observed in both scientific and intuitive ways. In home design, feng shui specifically utilizes pink due to its gentle and soothing effect on our behavior. Feng shui practitioners also place pink in the southwest area of a home, as both are connected to the energy of love and marriage. In nature, pink is one of the most common colors of flowers. Its color serves to attract insects and birds that nurture plants through pollination, and pink has also been shown to deter predators. Even the birds and the bees have a natural attraction to the warm, loving energy of pink! It has been my intuitive experience that pink helps us manifest more loving energy.

  Through numerous studies in Europe and the United States, pink has been widely shown to be associated with being polite, nurturing, loving, and romantic. We see scientific validation of pink’s power in a fascinating experiment by Dr. Alexander Schauss, Ph.D., director of the American Institute for Biosocial and Medical Research in Tacoma, Washington. Dr. Schauss studied the impact of color on blood pressure and pulse rate, and he wondered if a specific shade of pink could have the power to change behavior in violent criminals. He studied what would happen if the interior walls of specific jail cells at a naval correctional facility were painted what was called Baker-Miller pink. The goal was to discover how prisoners would react, and the results were startling. Aggressive outbursts and violent behavior reportedly declined markedly in response to this warm, nurturing color.6 Other research determined pink’s soothing effects on biometric response and behavior could be achieved with just 15 minutes of exposure.7

  Pink came to me at a time in my life when I was feeling especially self-critical. I struggled with my weight as a teen and was almost 100 pounds overweight by the age of 18. Although I am not proud of my behavior in the following story, the lesson I learned has empowered me to rely on pink energy for a boost of self-love ever since.

  My story with pink began on a crisp fall day in Dallas when I was twenty years old. My friend Jeremy and I hopped into my Volkswagen Cabriolet for an afternoon of lunch and shopping. Jeremy was enchanting to me. Blond, witty, and incredibly fit, he was the epitome of the Hollywood gay best friend. Jeremy dressed impeccably, always looking like he had just returned from a Ralph Lauren photo shoot. I never felt good enough when we were together and was quite critical of myself for being so out of shape compared to him.

  “Ugh, I haven’t worked out in at least a month!” Jeremy moaned during our lunch at Whole Foods, pinching at his completely flat abdomen.

  “A month! Wow, I work out five days a week for an hour and a half with a trainer. I wish I could be as fit as you.”

  “Oh, that’s because I’ve done steroids.”

  I practically spit out my wasabi tuna salad when he said that. It was just so cavalier! It was as if we were discussing how he got his teeth to be so white and he had said, “Oh, you like my pearly whites? It’s so easy—just smoke some crack!”

  I had spent two solid years losing weight the old-fashioned, natural way. I changed my eating habits. (It turns out eating egg rolls for lunch every day is not a great idea.) I was exercising and weight lifting regularly. But, as anyone who loses a lot of weight will know, you are often left with stretch marks everywhere. These days, I see stretch marks as a badge of honor, but I didn’t then. Instead of congratulating myself on getting healthy, I was only focused on my “flaws,” as I saw them. I could not have been any farther from pink energy and was rather steeped in its shadow side. And so, after one short conversation with a glamorous friend, I was suddenly willing to inject myself with steroids in the hope that it would make me feel confident and lovable.

  I ended up paying $600 (or the equivalent of 300 egg rolls with duck sauce) for two cycles of steroids. Back at my apartment by myself, I sat on the couch, injected the syringe into my thigh, and almost immediately felt my heart sink into a shame spiral. I closed my eyes, took a few deep, cleansing breaths, and suddenly became very aware of my higher self. In my mind’s eye, I saw a huge swirl of pink light around my head. It wasn’t intentional in this moment, but I spiritually activated pink and grounded that energy through my body. Before I could even process what this meant, tears began to well up inside me.

  What are you doing? asked a loving, nonjudgmental voice in my head. It felt like the most elevated version of my consciousness had floated to the surface.

  What was I doing? I was at the beginning of my career of giving spiritual advice. I taught classes and workshops about integrating self-love. And yet, here I was, having one of the least unconditionally loving moments of my life. With each breath, the pink light grew bigger and brighter. I asked my higher self why I was seeing pink. The message that came through was, You don’t need to change anything; you are perfect as you are.

  In my opinion, all of us come to this planet with an innate higher self. Our higher self is the part of our being that is pure wisdom and absolute love. Think of it as the very best version of our consciousness, the part of us that is connected to the source. Daily stress, fear, and our ego can make it difficult to connect with our higher self. But when we quiet our mind through meditation, exercise, or therapeutic exercises, it becomes much easier to connect with this wisdom. Meditation in particular helps to quiet the external “noise” and allows us to receive the messages that are in our best interest. I had a meditative spiritual activation that day, and the message was loud and clear.

  I grabbed the bag of syringes, walked over to the trash bin, and dropped them all in. In the following days, I reached out to my soul group for support. I made a mental note to stop looking up to Jeremy so much and to just see him as a friend who had his own set of issues to work through. I began activating pink daily to help raise my self-esteem and see what messages came through. Surrounded only by my intuition, the message of pink was perfectly clear: I am perfect exactly as I am. Sure, I was a work in progress and will always have room for improvement. But more than anything, I wanted to be authentically me. Ironically, those steroids ended up being possibly the best $600 I have ever spent on a life lesson.

  Pink light does not magically erase our self-criticism, but it instead invites us to refocus on unconditionally loving ourselves. Instead of seeking a sense of validation from the outside world, pink teaches us to quench our thirst for acceptance by loving and validating ourselves. Only once we have done this will we see our true and innate perfection.

  The pink lotus flower is one of the most important symbolic images in Buddhism, as it is associated with the Great Buddha himself. The pink lotus flower signifies the progression of our souls from the primitive “mud” of our ego, through the waters of evolving spirituality, and into the loving sunshine of enlightenment. This flower manages not only to survive but also to flourish in dirty, muddy conditions.

  Just like the lotus flower, we do not need to try to escape the mud of our self-criticism. Instead, pink allows us to acknowledge self-criticism and shows us where we need more love in our lives. Pink benefits us by giving us a new perspective, and it allows us to fuel our growth above any further self-criticism. The truth is that most of us will always feel self-critical from time to time. Pink just turns the volume up on the kind inner voice that loves us unconditionally.



  Pink is a healing balm to help counteract the burns of our self-criticism. We live in a society that tends to promote a feeling of not being good enough, and that is why pink is so useful. Whether in the realm of physical appearance,
money, social status, or career aspirations, pink helps us quiet the urge to compare ourselves critically with those around us.

  We are regularly bombarded by images of airbrushed models or celebrities looking “perfect” in magazines and commercials. The explosion of social media has only made this even more pronounced and pervasive. In the modern world, we are flooded with endless opportunities to compare ourselves with others. Childhood friends, college friends, relatives, co-workers, and complete strangers are happy to flaunt their fabulous lives, or at least the version of their lives that they want you to see.

  With pink light, you are called to honor and attune yourself to your own personal perfection. When activating pink in visualization or through the following exercises, there is no one to compare yourself to and nothing to feel bad about. It is just you, and you are exactly where you are meant to be on your journey.

  Each of us is a unique expression of energy. You’ve heard that no two snowflakes are alike, and it is the same with soul energy. With pink, we take the time to love ourselves and recognize our individuality.

  With pink, you can expect to feel an extra boost of confidence. When you meditate with pink, people may compliment you and “randomly” point out what you bring to their lives and/or to the world. Accept those compliments. Just say thank you and try to appreciate the love that is being directed toward you. Allow yourself to be seen and appreciated.

  If you tend to be an overly self-critical person, you may notice a spike in self-criticism when you first start using pink. This is simply a clearing of negative energy. As in a juice cleanse, you may experience an unpleasant initial period as your consciousness releases toxic self-criticism. The mind spends so much time trying to refute what the soul already knows: you are perfect as you are.


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