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Your Life in Color

Page 18

by Dougall Fraser

  “Kenneth, you always radiate this electric mint green from your aura. Having a ton of energy is a great thing, and you have been using it to create the life you want. It has allowed you to build a thriving business you are passionate about, which most people would love. However, staying in this energy constantly is not sustainable, and it sounds like you are dealing with an imbalance of mint green energy. Your body knows this, which is why you are beginning to feel burned out. We need to bring balance to your being. Because your physical body is such a dominant part of your energy, we need to find a routine that will help you slow down your energy and find your center.”

  “I don’t see how that is possible. I feel like my mind always keeps me from relaxing, even when I try to sit still and meditate.”

  I hear this from people all the time—these judgments that we self-impose on our lives as to how our spirituality is supposed to look. There are so many roads to peace and enlightenment. I believe each soul on the planet has a unique perspective on how to find their personal balance and their best center. I can learn a lot from a mint green energy like Kenneth’s. Dynamic movement, life force, and energy all come very naturally to him. A mint green person bounces out of bed, as they are a classic morning person. My energy type is naturally closer to an aura color that resembles a vanilla latte—preferably served on a comfy sofa while I relax for two hours and meditate on the events of the day. Then I would eventually motivate myself to generate that kind of energy.

  “When do you feel it is most challenging for you to find your center?” I asked Kenneth.

  “It’s usually at the end of the day. I recognize that I have been productive, that I have had a full day, and yet I still can’t quiet my mind. I always have this feeling I may have forgotten something, or that I could do more. Some of my friends say I seem jittery.”

  I realized that, in Kenneth’s case, sitting still and spiritually activating mint green would only cause more distraction for him. Instead, I offered him a way to harness his natural energy and channel it into a healthy relationship with mint green.

  “Kenneth, let’s try honoring your natural rhythm. I would like to test out merging exercise with your meditation. I want you to select a workout but set an intention that you will visualize mint green energy pouring down through your body as you do it. Try to pick something that will help you release your energy but that will also allow you to quiet your mind. When you do this, try to stay away from any sport or exercise requiring you to talk with other people. Interaction is normally great, but we want to use this time as a quiet meditation for you. Jogging, yoga, or taking a spin class would all be great examples of exercise that would blend well with your spiritual activation. Right before you begin, take some deep breaths and see mint green light above your head. Then imagine it pouring down through your body as you continue to exercise.”

  My intention here was for Kenneth to honor his natural chemistry in an effort to help balance it out. In his case, there was so much energy coursing through his being that we needed to find a way to release it. On a spiritual level, it felt like he was left with an abundance of concentrated energy after overcoming addiction, and he understandably needed to direct it elsewhere. Kenneth was feeling judgmental of himself for not being able to meditate in a traditional way, and I wanted to help free him of those self-made requirements. By first releasing the expectation of how to find peace and aligning with his natural energy, I felt this would be the best way for him to access his center.

  A week later, Kenneth and I had a follow-up session. He sat down and was excited to talk about the outcome.

  “Wow, Dougall, this was an interesting experience.”

  “Tell me everything!”

  “I decided to go for a run every day for 45 minutes. Exercise is not a new thing for me, but normally it’s a very social thing I do with friends. I regularly go to the gym and either run on the treadmill or take a class, but always with friends. This time, instead of listening to music or running with a friend, I did what you said and set the intention that this exercise was my meditation. I went to the park and pictured mint green as I ran around the reservoir. At the end of every run, I did notice I felt more calm and relaxed. Even though it wasn’t the way I would normally picture meditation, I did feel like it was helping me quiet my mind. At the end of the week, I also had some interesting awareness of how much I had been judging myself.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When I was a child, my family would make fun of my inability to sit still. They liked to call me ‘Crazy Kenneth.’ On long car rides, I would tap the window of the car. It wasn’t even a conscious thing. The tapping gave me something to do until it annoyed someone. I would always pace during family gatherings. Even in school, I would get in trouble for moving too much. Nobody knew anything about ADHD [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder] in those days, and they just assumed I didn’t like school. I don’t think I ever fully came to grips with how much shame I had around my energy. This experiment really shifted my thought about it. Rather than judge my energy level and see it as a bad thing, I was able, with the help of mint green, to move it into a positive place in my mind, to see it as just another expression of my soul.”

  I love the way mint green energy can bring about new perspectives. In that moment, it gives us a change of thought, the ability to see our issue from a different perspective. Electric mint green is about joy, fun, and our natural state of mind.

  I am not a fan of strenuous physical exercise. However, I know it is important for my health, so I do it. When I reflect upon it, I think my resistance to exercise may have to do with being a sexual abuse survivor. Whereas meditation helps me leave my physical body, exercise forces me to be completely present in my body, and that can sometimes be uncomfortable. Nonetheless, I work with mint green to help ground an awareness of my own energy.

  For my personal approach to mint green, I don’t use exercise as a physical meditation to quiet my mind. The challenge for me is to be fully awake and present in my body as I work out. I can quiet my mind so easily with meditation, but what about using mint green to fully engage and awaken my energy?

  When I activate mint green before exercise, it really allows me to feel and stay present in my body. It guides me in the awareness of how my energy is flowing. As I stay in a stretch longer to become more flexible, or lift one more rep so I can be stronger, and even as I pay attention to how my body responds to certain foods, mint has helped me stay physically present in my body. In a nutshell, mint green has helped me directly connect with my life force and wellness. It is still an ongoing process, but I enjoy learning about myself. And I often find my best ideas come to me during some kind of physical exercise.



  I like to think of activating mint green as a graduation of sorts. This is not because you are ending the process, but because this represents your graduation into a new and powerful journey through the possibilities of color. Mint green is a symbol of your awakened relationship with color, and it symbolizes the various positive adjustments you can implement with every color. I typically see mint green around kids who are giggling and people who are in great physical health. It creates a zest for life and is a very physically tangible color.

  When you activate this energy, it is almost impossible for your mind to comprehend how quickly it moves. With silver, I encouraged you to take your time to experience the depth and nuanced pace of that energy. As you start working with electric mint green, the experience will be almost the opposite of that. Let mint green move through your physical body as quickly as it wants to. If it makes you want to dance, then turn on your favorite music and go for it. If it makes you want to hike in nature or take on a new home-improvement project, then do so. Allow this energy to activate your body and create new possibilities for growth, because that physical activity will translate to new beginnings in other areas as well. Most people report fee
ling joy, excitement, and a sense of positive motivation for the future.


  Many of us make our meditation and spiritual practice a private, tranquil affair. We light candles and have soft music playing in the privacy of our homes, using the moment to leave our bodies and experience another realm of consciousness. These are great ways to connect with the sanctity of our inner being, and I highly recommend doing private meditation on a regular basis. But mint green energy wants to be seen in order to flourish, the same way plants need to be “seen” by the sun in order to grow. Mint green energy is more about an active meditation, a physical experience rather than self-reflection.

  I do recommend a traditional seated visualization with mint green before a romantic date. This color helps to open your energy and will activate the part of you that wants to ask questions and meet new people. It will also help to keep the mood light, which is useful when you first get to know another person. Being authentically you is important in the long run, but delving too emotionally deep at first is often a misguided attempt to rush intimacy. Wearing mint is not the only way to activate this energy, as you can still invoke this positive and upbeat energy with a spiritual activation.


  Because of mint green’s optimistic and energetic nature, your spiritual activation with green will be slightly different from the others. You will be doing the visualization in conjunction with some kind of physical activity. When spiritually activating mint green, being in nature is a wonderful way to further release its positive energy.

  Think of a way to merge your spiritual activation with a physical activity. Since you will be spiritually activating mint green as you do this exercise, your eyes will mostly be open. The main element of this activation is to see the energy ground down through your body and then pour deep into the core of the earth. There are many ways you can do this exercise. Gardening can be a great way to envision mint green energy directly beneath your feet as you are standing on the dirt. Cooking is a wonderful way to activate green as you create a nourishing meal. One of my favorite ways to activate mint green is by playing music as I cook, which usually includes me singing into a spatula “microphone.” Just about any physical exercise is a great match for spiritually activating mint green, from yoga to spin class and beyond.

  Try to incorporate multiple senses as you carry this activation out, and continue to ground mint energy through your body. Mint green usually incorporates more than one sense as it awakens and exhilarates the spirit. If you are on a beach walk as you activate green, let the waves naturally speak to you. Listen to the sound of the surf, look at the waves as they swell, feel the soft sand beneath your feet, and smell the salty air of the ocean. Every incoming wave crashing onto the shore symbolizes a burst of positive energy, while every time the water retreats back to the ocean represents anything that is no longer serving.

  This idea of focusing multiple senses on your activation can be used no matter what activity you choose to do. A simple hike or even a stroll through your neighborhood can turn into a conscious mint green meditation, with crunching leaves beneath your feet, the brisk breeze on your face, and the smell of pine needles in the air. The ultimate goal is to utilize as many senses as possible to assist you in this activation. These added elements will help keep you grounded and present in your body while connecting with divine mint green energy. I am a big believer in conscious meditation, and this exercise will demonstrate how any activity can become a rejuvenating ritual.



  When you activate mint green, it will highlight your enthusiasm for life. I once took a series of Pilates classes for the first time, which triggered some strong emotions for me. Pilates is very slow, there is no music, and we had to be very mindful and present with our bodies. Nonetheless, I had picked this new form of exercise as my commitment to mint green energy. There was one particular movement where we lowered ourselves to the ground with one leg crossed over the other, arriving in a sort of cross-legged seat on the floor. After we achieved that position and sat for a few moments with some deep breathing, the teacher instructed us to stand up. The goal was to get off the ground on your own, without using your hands. She explained: “Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation in both longevity and quality of life among people who can get up off the floor by themselves.”

  Basically, if you could get up off the ground without using your hands, it was a good sign of how independent you will be later in life. It was such a simple movement, but it brought up a lot of feelings for me because I could not fully do it. I think I needed to place a couple of my fingertips on the floor for balance, and the flood of emotions affected me. Feeling frustrated after a few weeks of this, I looked across the room and noticed one of the other students was sitting on a mint green yoga mat. Okay, I thought to myself. I acknowledged this as a universal activation from the universe and vowed to continue practicing.

  This exercise class included such a seemingly simple movement, and yet it was a deep reflection of my genetic history. In my family, several of my loved ones cannot get themselves up off the floor due to mobility issues. I know this to be true, as I have witnessed it firsthand at family gatherings. I have seen loved ones struggle with physical mobility in everyday-life kinds of ways. And although this color is used for all kinds of new beginnings, energetic mint green has helped me realize I will always make physical activity a priority in my life.

  I may joke about struggling to muster up energy in the morning. And sure, a glass of chardonnay on a breezy terrace is way more appealing to me than a Pilates class. However, the more and more that I ground mint green energy into my physical routine, the more I understand and appreciate its purpose. Not only do I want to be able to pop up from the ground well into my nineties, but I want to love and honor my body so I am available for many years of new beginnings.


  Mint green energy is useful to help you step out of your comfort zone and see what new experiences you can manifest. Your journey with color can represent a new endeavor in your life, and new beginnings are perfectly encapsulated in this color. Electric mint green shakes things up, which is necessary for positive growth. Dr. Joe Dispenza has written many books showing the neuroscientific correlation between changing our routine and living a happier, more fulfilling life. Many studies have shown that when we stay in any kind of routine for too long, our brains and bodies move into autopilot. This is also true with life experiences. There is an absolute beauty to the comfort and familiarity of routine. But in order to fully align with the law of attraction, we must be open to accessing new and different parts of our consciousness.

  Whenever you spot mint green and have a universal activation, allow it to be a sign for you to try something new that day. This can be an intention that you set, or it can be spontaneous if you just happen to notice the color somewhere. Whenever you see it, think of some kind of new activity you can try. It does not have to be anything major, as long as it is new for you. It can be as simple as ordering something new for lunch, starting a conversation with someone you don’t know, or going to a different supermarket for your grocery shopping. The intention with this exercise is to harness mint green to help you activate and attract new possibilities. Other activities could include going to a new museum or exploring a nearby town you have never been to.

  As you try this new activity or undertaking, check in with yourself regularly to see how it is affecting the energy of your physical body. Feel free to keep notes on this in your journal if you like. You may feel a variety of things, but look for the overall reaction. It may feel unfamiliar, but if you’re having fun and expanding your consciousness, you are on to something good that you should repeat!

  Every time you see vibrant light green, think of it as your dose of cosmic caffeine. Affirm with each sightin
g you are open to change and fully connected to the law of attraction. This electric mint green makes you feel excitement and joy for your life. It also teaches you to be grateful to be alive and in your body.




  Physical activation with mint green can be a helpful tool in manifesting. One aspect of my career I particularly love is that I regularly get to travel to Japan. Each time I go, I host a series of lectures, workshops, and a variety of private readings and coaching sessions. This has been the most amazing experience, and I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to connect with clients there. I have always felt a connection to a past life in Japan, and being there truly feels like being home.

  Physically activating mint green helped open my consciousness to the possibility of wonderful, fulfilling connections in Japan. As an exercise in manifesting and to send out a clear message of intention to the universe, I decided to take Japanese language classes when I was first put in contact with my Japanese colleagues. I kept my notes in a mint green notebook and would touch it to remind myself of my intention to speak Japanese in Japan. Most days it felt like a great idea, but there were others when I felt completely frustrated by it. Did you know the Japanese language has three separate alphabets, one of which is completely composed of symbols? It has been quite a challenge, but I am determined to learn how to converse in Japanese.


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