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The Devil Inside_An Erotic BBW Billionaire Office Romance

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by C. M. Bowen


  Title Page



  The Devil Inside

  About the Author


  C.M. Bowen

  Copyright © 2018 C.M. Bowen

  All rights reserved.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express

  written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2018

  Lillium Publishing House LLC

  This book is dedicated to the two greatest helps that I've had in my writing career. Firstly, my friend Mrs. Dresden, for your constant support while I struggled to get any words onto paper. You're way too good to me, and I'm eternally grateful for you. Secondly, coffee. Sweet sweet nectar of the gods, without which I wouldn't be able to function.

  Bright light burned Brianna's eyes as she tried to bring her vision into focus. Tears pricked at the corners from the strain. Taking a couple steps back, she bumped into the wall, her hands finding the smooth handrail. Soft, somewhat familiar music caught her attention as she rubbed the bleariness away. She groaned, her vision slowly focusing on her surroundings. She took her glasses off and gave them a quick wipe on the inside of her blazer, then looked around.

  "I really need to stop reading in bed, one more chapter my ass. I'm spacing out so bad I'm forgetting I'm in the damn elevator." Brianna looked at herself in the polished reflection of the stainless steel doors and sighed heavily. Dark curls had escaped the bun she'd thrown her hair in, and she tried to in vain to smooth them back. At least she didn't look like she'd gotten to bed at 4 A.M.

  The elevator slowed to a stop and a small 'ding' signaled that she had reached the target floor. Brianna stopped in her tracks as the doors slid open to reveal a pretty, darkly decorated room. This...was definitely not her office. The tile was black and silver marble, large plush couches and matching chairs lined the walls with very artistically carved tables with glass tops situated between them. Exotic looking plants accented the large receptionist desk and double doors on the other end of the room. It was a very nice waiting area, but noticeably there wasn't a company logo or anything to advise her what business she had inadvertently wandered into.

  "Janine, I have to go. The big man's 4 o'clock is here." Brianna took a few steps back and pressed the 'door close' button, groaning with frustration when nothing happened. She ran through the events of the night before and decided to cut back on her wine when she was reading. Apparently, she'd wandered into the wrong building when she was in a rush to get to work, but it was odd. She didn't feel like she'd had that much wine, she wasn't even hungover. How did she end up here and completely not notice?

  "What the actual fuck…." The words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them, causing the woman behind the desk to look up at her. She smiled and motioned Brianna into the room expectantly. Her brows furrowed in further confusion.

  "Yes, I'll call you back when I'm all settled here. I think this is going to be his last appointment for the day." The woman was beautiful by all accounts, except for the fact that her mouth was filled with large serrated teeth that roughly reminded her of a shark. "Seriously, Janine. I. Have. To. Go. Buh-bye now." The woman hung the phone up and turned her attention to Brianna. "Good afternoon Miss Brianna. I imagine you're very confused at the moment." Brianna just stared at the woman. 4 o'clock appointment? She would have remembered setting up an appointment in a place like this.

  "You might say that. So, uh, you mind telling me where I am because this is definitely not where I thought I was going." She nervously stepped out of the elevator and looked around. The woman behind the counter laughed, the sound was pretty but something about it made her uncomfortable.

  "You'd be surprised how many people here say that exact same thing." The woman stood and came around the desk. There was a grace with the way she moved that didn't seem natural, and for the second time, Brianna was reminded of a shark. Her eyes were so dark they were almost black and the way she regarded her was unsettling at best. But she smiled warmly and beckoned her forward. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Brianna. My name is Divaki, but you can call me Diva for short."

  "Diva?" Brianna moved forward a little further. There was something about the way the woman carried herself and the way she spoke that made Brianna think 'diva' was definitely the appropriate nickname. The thought made the corners of her mouth twitch into a half smile. Diva winked at her and grinned. "So… What exactly is this place, I don't remember ever having set up any appointments. The last thing I remember was driving to work," she paused and concentrated on her memory of the morning. "We've had terrible weather lately, and I was pissed that it was raining because it was going to ruin my hair. My phone rang, but I couldn't find it—"

  "Best not to try that at the moment, you'll just upset yourself, my dear. It will come back and it's better to let that happen naturally than to force it." Diva interjected and took another step toward her, her face a mask of concern. Brianna's brow furrowed as she stepped back, ignoring Diva.

  "I was looking for my phone…then the loudest screeching sound I've ever heard." Her voice was barely above a whisper as her eyes widened. "And then I was in the elevator on my way here." Realization clicked on her face. "I'm dead aren't I?" Diva didn't respond, she just frowned slightly and took another step toward her. Brianna backed up toward the elevator. She turned sharply when her back hit the wall, going from shock to anger as she realized there was only a dark polished wall where the elevator had once been. "Are you fucking kidding me?! Holy shit… I'm dead, and now I'm trapped here!" She whirled back around and marched up to Diva. "And let me guess, you're Hell's Secretary?" she yelled, sarcasm punctuating her question.

  "I told you she was a smart one." A new voice entered the room. It was deep, smooth, and rich. Like some decadent candy that she knew she shouldn't have. It wrapped around her and she shuddered at the sound. She raised her brown eyes slightly and peered at this new addition beneath her lashes. He was…breathtaking. The sight of him caused her to raise her face to full view. He had well-kept black hair that he wore long and wavy, his skin was pale and flawless from what she could see. He was tall and dressed sharply in a black suit with a crisp white shirt and a violet tie that made his athletic build all the more mouth-watering. "And as pretty as I remember. That's a refreshing change of pace from the normal wayward soul that comes across my desk." Brianna blushed, both from the compliment and her current anger.

  "And just who the fuck are you? The clerk? A mail-boy? No, I bet you're the janitor!" Diva choked at the insult and cast a wary glance at the man. "Gonna escort me before Satan himself before tossing me into a fiery pit somewhere? Or am I sentenced to an eternity of board meetings since I'm in an office, because if I am I'll be the biggest fucking problem you people have ever seen." The man took a few steps towards them, and Diva flinched before moving back to her desk so fast Brianna could barely register her movement. He stopped and looked her over. For a moment the air in the room vibrated before his laughter broke the tension.

  "With that attitude, you're going to do quite well here." His laugh threatened to soften Brianna, almost as if it caressed her. The sound caused her blush to work its way down her chest. There was something oddly familiar about the way his voice moved over her.

  "I'm fucking dead! I'm dead and you're handing out small-talk and compliments like…like…" He cut her of

  "Like we deal with this all the time? Because of course, we do. I do apologize for seeming insensitive to your situation. I'm not. I realize it can be jarring for most people, but I imagine you'll come to see that moving beyond the physical realm has its benefits," he said gently. His tone somehow managed to be both amused and sympathetic. She wasn't sure how he managed it, but it pissed her off.

  "I rather liked the benefits of the physical realm, thank you! I mean, everyone dies, yeah, but I wasn't quite ready to get there yet. I have things going on at work. I was supposed to have a meeting with the owner of my businesses, goals falling in line…" Brianna began to list all her goals before her brain spiraled into her personal plans she'd be unable to achieve. Her voice trailed off and she looked at her hands. She was certainly sad, but surprisingly she'd been more shocked than anything.

  "Yes, everyone in your position had plans. It's unfortunate you will not be there to go to that meeting. Though, if I had to wager a guess, I imagine he'll be understanding. If you'd be so inclined I'd rather finish this in my office. It's more comfortable and if you'd like to continue being upset, I can offer you a glass of wine to help calm your nerves. I am also happy to answer your questions and offer an explanation." The man's voice was calm as he spoke to her. When she turned her eyes back to him he was looking at her patiently but cast a glance at his watch.

  "I think we'll be doing this on my time, considering I'm the one who lost her life to be here," Brianna snapped. "It's not as though you have anywhere to be." Even as she, spoke she moved from the wall and stomped across the room. She wanted to be more upset than this, but all she could muster was a sadness that didn't feel quite as profound as she'd imagined it would.

  "Of course. I am happy to accommodate your time to adjust." Brianna strode past him without looking in his direction, and he couldn't help but smirk. She was a bold woman, from the fire in her brown eyes to the confident way she squared her shoulders. But, a woman like her didn't get to where she was by being demure. She had a certain ferociousness that caused him to have to school the growling that formed low in his chest. As he filed in behind her he noted her lush curves and the way her hips swayed beneath the soft black fabric of her skirt. He mentally shook himself and attempted to put his mind back on business before he became completely dazed. Past experiences with Brianna told him that his thoughts most assuredly wouldn't stay on business, and would routinely return to the way her sumptuous body moved.

  The door slid behind them with a heavy thud. He noted the way she jumped slightly but was impressed by how quickly she recovered. She turned on him.

  "You promised wine and an explanation." Her statement was brave, but he could see the potent fear beneath her anger and confusion. The desire to reach out and comfort her was staggering, but he clenched his fist at his side. He didn't want to do anything that might make her more uncomfortable than she already was, and to her they were strangers.

  "Of course. Have a seat, won't you? We can begin business as soon as you are ready to do so." He poured them both a glass of wine as he spoke.

  "So, what happens now? I died suddenly. All my life plans are fucked and, what, I'm having a glass of wine before the torture starts?" She took the wine from him and drank deeply as she paced around his office. He watched her intently. He was a man who was accustomed to having people speak softly in his presence. Most were afraid to speak at all unless spoken to. This woman was different, and he was more intrigued now than he ever had been when her file had come across his desk. Her sleek stilettos elongated her posture and he could see the tattoos on her thighs peeking out from under her skirt, from her sleeves, and behind her ears. The vibrant violet streak in her dark hair made him want to take it out of its tightly wound prison to see it curl around her face. She fascinated him, and he couldn't help it. "Hello? Did you hear me?" she asked. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

  "No, Brianna, you won't be tortured.'d like to be. I had you brought directly to me because you're different than the other wayward souls that pass through here. Hell isn't quite what you may have been told it was while alive. I have a need for a certain kind of talented person to help make sure it continues to run like it should. I happen to know you're particularly qualified to work under me, and I don't want to miss that opportunity."

  Brianna shuddered at his words. The way his voice dropped low, she could swear she heard the huskiness of need laced into the already sinful sound. She licked her lips unconsciously and took another healthy drink of her wine. She was watching him as he regarded her, almost as if he was stalking his prey. He had an air about him that commanded respect. A secret part of her wanted to bow to it but she knew better than to let powerful men, least of all attractive powerful men, know they had that effect. Something was so familiar about him it was driving her insane. Again, the wheels in her mind clicked with realization.

  "You're him, aren't you? The 'big man' as Diva put it. The Devil." She set her empty wine glass down and finally chose to perch on one of the arms of the large cushioned chairs across from his desk. He only nodded as he watched her. "Well, you aren't what I imagined you'd be if I can be honest. A hot guy in a well-tailored suit isn't what I pictured at all," she said. He laughed again and she got the feeling he didn't do that often, which really was a shame. The sound was delectable.

  "Well I'll take the compliment, but I'm sorry for any disappointment on that end. Should I have cloven hooves and large horns?" he said and chuckled. Brianna rolled her eyes, sighing.

  "I'm not an idiot, I didn't imagine you'd look like Baphomet. Just… different I guess. Honestly, I didn't give it much thought because I didn't believe in an absolute evil and absolute good." She said thoughtfully. "I know the stories about Satan and how all that went down. He, uh you, didn't strike me as evil. Even as the favorite angel," she said, using finger quotes to emphasize her point, "I didn't buy into the fact that he was evil because he challenged God's word. It seemed to me he was upset and angry. Challenging the status quo doesn't make someone evil, it makes them an individual capable of independent thought and the ability to challenge established authorities."

  He sat up a little straighter, a look of genuine surprise written across his face. Brianna was an intelligent, intuitive woman and had always had a spark in her that stirred something he wasn't accustomed to feeling. A desire he was never able to act out because she was a human woman. As a manager of some of his larger establishments in the human realm, she had shown him several times she was very good at her job. She was the sole reason he made absolutely sure he could venture into the mortal realm once a year, if for nothing else than a dance. This detail was yet another pleasant surprise. So many people already had their minds made up about him, he didn't bother to argue anymore. He stood and came around the desk to stand before her. She moved away from the chair as he approached.

  "That's a cut above what most people think. They're told I'm evil, therefore I must be. I'm not accustomed to hearing sympathy for the devil."

  "Really? It's a great song. I used to play it on occasion at the club I managed." She took a step back, trying to find space enough to breathe air that wasn't filled with his smell. He smirked and took a step forward, his long legs steadily closing the distance.

  "Smart-ass. I know you did, I know what drinks sold the most and that you added a second 'ladies night' to the events every week to draw more customers." Brianna narrowed her eyes as she took another step back, and again he followed her. "I thought it was amusing that it was on the event playlist when I was there last year."

  "When were you there? There's no way I would have missed you in my club." Her voice was low and husky, and it stirred a soft rumbling from his chest.

  "Whose club? Think about it Brianna, I promise we never missed each other. Use that fascinating mind of yours." He smirked when she licked her lips, her eyes falling on his mouth for a moment before looking him over again. He could see the wheels in her head turning.

  "You…" Brian
na's back hit the wall with him standing in front of her. His frame blocked the rest of the room, the heat from his closeness made it hard for her to think. His presence was overwhelming to her senses. It wasn't a feeling that she was completely unfamiliar with, however, since her former boss often had the same effect on her. She took in his features and the way his proximity played with her mind, a gasp escaped her as recognition dawned in her mind. No fucking way. There's no way the actual devil is my boss. "Lucien..." Memories of him flooded her mind, she'd met him only on brief occasions once she'd begun to work for him. Each time more memorable than the last. The annual Hallows Eve Masquerade he held was the one time every year she knew she'd see him, and it was the party at Luxious everyone who was anyone made sure they attended. She'd always felt so drawn to him, but then so did every hot-blooded female in a fifty-mile radius. He was devastatingly handsome, intelligent, charming…and the subject of more than one of her fantasies while she was alive.

  Last year when she'd seen him, he'd chosen to don a mask with the rest of his guests. She remembered the way he moved against her as they danced, how he spun her around in a waltz that was as seductive as it was elegant. She was not a graceful creature, but the way he looked at her that night made her feel like there was no other woman he'd rather have in his arms.

  He grinned and leaned down to look her directly in the eye as the memories washed over her. She nibbled on her bottom lip, immediately more at ease and more anxious at the same time. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her skin heated to the point where she just knew she was red all over.

  "It is good to see you again Brianna, as much as it pains me that it's under these circumstances. However, I had been very pleased with your work and performance in the human realm. I want you to continue to work under me. And this time, I'll be able to work much closer to you than before, if you accept the position I'm offering to put you in." Brianna's breath caught in her throat. His voice slid over her body like hands, and a liquid heat settled low enough she could feel her thighs grow slick, and her skin ache.


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