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Punish Me, Please

Page 11

by Reese Gabriel

  “Master?” She dared to whisper as he kept on working.

  “What is it?”

  She sounded almost shy. “Will you...use me, Master?”

  “Actually, I think we’ll leave you to young Mr. Tremaine today.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  After a while, she began to move against the leather, a bitch slave in heat.

  Stone gave her a warning. Humiliated, she tried to stay still.

  It didn’t last long. Stone tossed a glass paperweight onto the couch. It was round at the top, tapered, phallic in shape. “Fuck yourself with this,” he told her.

  Sheila sat in the middle of the couch, her feet up on the leather, legs wide, in plain view. Gasping happily, she pushed the paperweight into place. “Oh, Master, thank you, Master.”

  She began coming uncontrollably. “M—master, thank you...”

  He had her clean it afterwards with her mouth and dry it with her hair. She then resumed punishment position. He walked up to her presently, all business. He savaged her with the yardstick, after making her kiss it. She thought he was going to crack it he was hitting her so hard. She couldn’t even cry. She just bit down, clamping her teeth, trying hard not to bite her tongue.

  On and on it went until she couldn’t keep track. It could have been a dozen or a hundred. In between blows, she kept twitching, like he was still doing it, raining fire, flesh burning wood.

  The pain of her punishment was immediately followed with a new form of humiliation. “The bathroom needs cleaning,” he told her.

  She tended to it naked, scrubbing the floor on her hands and knees. The whole time she thought about dinner with Johnny at a fancy restaurant. Her Master would have to dress her right, see to it she was prepared.

  Another thought crossed her mind. In as much as Stone was diverting her attention from her real job and reducing her efficiency with his various tortures, who was going to take care of her work for her? He did have a business to run.

  The problem remained unsolved, up to the very moment of her collapse, her exhausted body fainting onto the wet floor.

  “Don’t...punish...” she mumbled, though no one was there to hear her.


  Stone found his slave unconscious on the bathroom floor. The sight aroused him very much. She was on her belly, the scrub brush still in hand, her beaten ass exposed for the world to see. When exactly had she eaten last?

  He decided to have his way with her. Lifting her and bending her over the sink, he slipped in his cock. It was a quickie, a power fuck, his pants still on. She never stirred as he plowed her wet, hot depths. Damn, but she was tight. So fresh and new, so much potential left for degradation.

  He came quickly, filling her with a nice, hefty load. He had intended to use her this morning, by mouth, but he’d had business to take care of with one of the overseas offices. Jones had dealt with her in his stead.

  Stone withdrew. Semen was dripping out of her opening. He carried her to the bed, laying her flat. Some old-fashioned smelling salts brought her around.

  “W—where am I?” she asked, momentarily disoriented.

  “You’re here, dear, with me,” he smiled. “You just got your wish, too. I fucked you, unfortunately you slept through it.”

  Her mouth hung open. Stone just laughed, idly caressing her nipples. “Get some sleep, Sheila, when you wake up, we’ll get you something to eat.”

  “Mmm...yes, Master,” she sighed, arching her back.

  He played with her a while as she slipped off to sleep, idly touching, exploring her curves with his finger tips. Her youth attracted him powerfully, and her beauty. It was said by some philosophers that a woman’s power was far more than most imagined. So long as men craved their bodies and worshipped their image. Strippers, for example, sometimes reported feelings of empowerment at being able to use their bodies to keep men at bay, drooling and paying.

  That was society’s fault, though. It was natural for women to advertise themselves in front of men, but the natural response should be capture...and enslavement. That was the true flowering of beauty.

  Stone stroked himself. He was hard again. He took all his clothes off this time, parting Sheila’s legs as he climbed on top of her. She made small noises, feminine mewls.

  “Mine,” he growled, partially for her benefit and partially for his own.

  He came this time with a roar, like a lion, rearing back his head.

  For one small second, a split second, he knew peace and joy and satiety. The happiness of the predator. Teeth sunk into pray. Sucking its marrow.

  To the last drop.


  Sheila’s heart pounded all the way to the restaurant. Stone had given her a beautiful red dress to wear, and she was so hopeful that Johnny would like it. It was clingy and cut low to reveal her cleavage. She felt like some kind of sex siren wearing it. The biggest thing was the short hem. Sitting in the back of the limo, she could barely keep her legs covered.

  She liked her legs, and she was pretty sure Johnny did, too.

  What a buzz the evening had been already. Master had awoken her around five and given her a nutritional drink. She was ravenous, and the thick shake was just what she needed. She was feeling really good, especially when he told her how pleasing she had been, providing him sexual relief twice during her long sleep.

  It seemed a cheat not to be awake and do more, but Master said her total helplessness had been the biggest aphrodisiac in the world. It must have been for him to change his mind about putting his cock inside her.

  One thing that really amazed her was how he had let her have a full set of underwear, bra and panties both. She felt like a queen with a covered ass and pussy. And such lovely shoes and all the makeup she could want. He had had it all brought in to his little bedroom next to his office.

  She couldn’t thank him enough. She was flying so high.

  Still, she had nerves. Johnny was a tough nut to crack. Sheila watched, curious as the limo pulled past the restaurant. Wasn’t she going to be dropped off in front?

  They stopped a block down, on an unlighted street. Her heart was pounding for a different reason. Her driver was Mr. Jones.

  The back door opened. He climbed inside. For sex.

  He made her take the panties off and get on all fours on the floor between the seats. She prayed she’d be wet enough. His cock started in the normal place, a hard, fast forcing into her vaginal canal. It was all she could do to stay upright.

  Sheila knew he wouldn’t come this way. He never did. Pussy was foreplay to a man like Mr. Jones. A woman could never be beaten down and degraded to his satisfaction using such mild means. He would be limited tonight, though, because of her date.

  Not surprisingly, he picked her ass. With his cock nice and lubricated, he had an easier go of it. It was a hard and brutal pounding, and all Sheila could do was dig her fingernails into the carpet and try not to cry through her makeup. Desperate to make it go faster, she did some squeezing and releasing. He took it as a sign to be even more brutal.

  At the last second, he pulled out, ejaculating into his hand. This was no act of kindness, but a prelude to a disgusting hand feeding.

  Sheila lapped up his come while he whispered in her ear some of the things he was going to do to her when he had her naked again, safely locked away in Master’s penthouse.

  She shivered as he bit her ear, just hard enough to hurt but not so much as to leave a mark. “Get yourself together,” he said harshly, tossing the panties in her face.

  Sheila put them back on, praying the ass fucking wouldn’t show on her face or anywhere else. Mr. Jones got out, meanwhile, and got back behind the wheel.

  He did a u-turn and had her back at the restaurant in no time.

  To her shock, Johnny was standing there waiting when Mr. Jones opened the door again.

  “J—johnny. I didn’t expect you out here.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t,” he said dryly. “Your boyfriend must be quite successful,”
he said looking the car over.

  “He’s in...manufacturing.”

  He took her hand. “I have a table for us.”

  She felt secure in his grip, surprisingly so. She wondered how much of her guard she would let down. Especially since he had already seen the limo. How long would it take him to guess what was really going on?

  Johnny’s table was all the way in the back. It was in a romantic corner, dimly lit. There was a candle, in an amber globe, set on a snow white table cloth. Shadows danced over the painting covered walls, the eyes of long gone lords and ladies following them as they found their places.

  Johnny held her chair out for her, a small courtesy for which she was grateful. Such an outrageous contrast to her experience a short while ago, brutalized in the back of a limo, serving as sexual vessel for an uncaring brute.

  “I’d be happy to order,” he said. “If you like.”

  “Thank you, I would like that.”

  She hardly listened to his conversation with the waiter. She was concentrating on his mouth, bold and masculine, but promising tenderness, too. And his eyes, so intense and expressive. What a handsome man he was, and not in a cruel, dark way like her Master.

  “I know this is an unusual situation,” Johnny said when they were alone. “Frankly, after what you told me yesterday, I hadn’t intended to ask you out anymore, even as a friend. But your boss, our boss, was pretty insistent. He says there’s something you need to tell me.”

  Sheila swallowed. “Did he...say anything more about it?”


  She sighed with relief. She was half expecting to hear that Stone had told him she wanted sex. Not that she hadn’t asked for it from Johnny once already herself.

  “Although I can guess pretty easily,” he added.

  “You can?”

  He shrugged. “You’re in some kind of power relationship. You want out. You expect me to rescue you.”

  Johnny’s words hit her hard. For the first time since slavery had started, she was angry. “You’re wrong. I can handle myself,” she said curtly.

  “Does handling yourself include those marks on your ass?” he asked. “And what about that chauffer?”

  “What about him?” she bristled.

  “Don’t be coy, Sheila. I have eyes. I saw you drive by, I saw the car park, and I saw the look on your face when you came back. Not to mention the vibes I picked up off that man.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  His eyes darkened. “I don’t like liars, Sheila. And I’ve certainly done nothing to you to deserve to be lied to.”

  “We had sex,” she blurted. “Is that what you want to hear?”

  He raised a brow. Damn, he was so good looking. “Had sex?” he repeated. “Is that what you call it?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.”

  “Really? All right, then tell me who’s idea it was.”

  She pursed her lips. “It”

  “So you talked across the seats about it or what?”

  Sheila was getting backed into a corner, and she didn’t like it. “We don’t have to talk. We know each other.”

  “That’s a load of shit, and you know it,” he snorted. “That man raped you.”

  “No.” She had to stop him here. “It wasn’t rape,” she confessed. “I...I let him do what he wanted.”

  “You consented?” He seemed skeptical.

  Sheila relayed the events, her pulse racing. She told him about taking her panties off and getting into position. “He is my Master’s man,” she explained. “I have to obey him.”

  “This so-called Master of yours, he knows what the chauffer does?”

  Sheila was unclear herself on this point. “ general. That is to say, he gives him free reign.”

  “Free reign. Quite the euphemism, isn’t it?”

  “I can’t help it if you don’t understand.” Her lip was quivering. “I don’t expect you to, and I’ll thank you not to ask me anymore of these questions.”

  “You’re the one who wanted to talk, remember?”

  She was about to say that wasn’t so, but that would be contradicting her Master. “I wanted to talk about other things.”

  “Like what? The weather?”

  “Stop it,” she demanded. “You don’t know how cruel you’re being.”

  “I thought you liked being treated that way.”

  “I want to leave,” she decided.

  “But you can’t, can you? Your Master sent you. Jeremy Stone...he sent you.”

  Her eyes gave her away.

  “It’s true, isn’t it? Stone is the one who has you under his thumb.”

  “You can’t prove that.”

  “I could ask him.”

  “No, you mustn’t.”

  “Why? Would he punish you?”

  “I—I don’t know. It’s just not a good idea, that’s all.”

  “How long?” He wanted to know.

  “Since it started? Just this week.”

  Johnny ran his hand over his mouth. “Why did you lie to me?”

  “He made me.”

  “And before? You wouldn’t go out with me. What was that all about?”

  Sheila looked down at her fingers, interlaced on the table. There was no point in concealing anything at this juncture. “It wasn’t that I didn’t find you attractive or interesting. I just needed...something more.”

  “A master.”


  “So you gave yourself to the boss,” he brought the story full circle. “Talk about making a deal with the devil.”

  Johnny explained to her now about his strange meeting with Stone in the hall outside his office yesterday, about how he had insulted Sheila and then proceeded to offer his help. “He said he would try to find out about this ‘Master’ of yours and get back to me. He ended up telling me you wanted to meet with me, that you had important information.”

  “He is playing with us both, Johnny. People to him.”

  “I’m not anyone’s toy, Sheila. And neither are you.”

  She shook her head. “It’s too late for me. I’m his...for life.”

  “That’s not true, Sheila, and you know it. He’s spun your head around, but you’re as free as you ever were.”

  “But that’s just it, Johnny. I’ve never been free. He...Master...made me see that. I was born a slut, a slave. I won’t be happy without a man to dominate me.”

  “Domination and abuse are two different things,” he countered. “Don’t you understand that?”

  Sheila stared blankly.

  “My god,” he muttered. “You really don’t know, do you?”

  “A Master has to be strong; he has to punish and do what he wants to a girl.”

  “A Master also has obligations, to care for a slave, to protect her...even to love her.”

  Something occurred to Sheila. “How would you know all this?”

  He smiled, kind of slow and ironic. “Because I’ve had a little experience myself, Sheila.”

  “As a Master?” She couldn’t believe it was possible.

  “Yes. Though never 24/7. I’ve been to clubs, had some experiences with women I met online. It’s called the lifestyle. BDSM. There are rules, standards, and a code of honor. What Stone is doing is outside the pale.”

  Her head was swimming. She wanted to stay and hear more, but she was scared. If her Master should find out he was telling her all this, if he thought Johnny was a threat, he might do something bad to him. Fire him or worse.

  “Johnny, maybe we ought to leave things as they are. I don’t want to make trouble for you. I don’t want you involved.”

  “It’s too late,” he said firmly. “I’m already involved. I have feelings for you.”

  “Well I don’t have any for you,” she said flatly.

  “That’s a lie.”

  “It’s true. Master sent me here to get fucked by you and that’s all I want.”

  “I won�
��t make love to you until you’re mine for real, Sheila. Until you’re my wife.”

  Sheila laughed, more out of shock than anything else. “You’re a foolish dreamer.”

  “Marry me, Sheila.”

  “No. Absolutely not.”

  “Do I have to take you over my knee?”

  Sheila bit her lower lip. Oh, god, if only he would. “Try it and you’ll be sorry.”

  “Imagine us together,” he said, his boldness growing by the minute. “Can’t you feel how good we’d be? It’s fate. You by my side. In my bed. At my feet.”

  “Johnny...” she exhaled, “I can’t...”

  She just wanted him to take over, make it happen. She couldn’t do this on her own. She couldn’t get from point A to point B. She couldn’t even see her way clear to her next breath.

  “I don’t see that there’s much of a choice. How much longer are you going to keep this up?”

  “Keep what up?” she stalled.

  “Letting Stone run you ragged. You don’t even have to tell me, it’s written all over your face. I see the change. You aren’t the same person you were when you came to work here. His influence has been growing over you, slowly, and now he has you. You don’t even see it. I bet he picked you from the beginning, hired you for this, even.”

  “It doesn’t seem that way to me. I made my choices. I agreed to the job. I sat there at my desk with my dumb fantasies.”

  Johnny’s face was increasingly urgent. “You have to believe me. You don’t have the perspective. And you’re not a man. I don’t mean that to demean you, but I looked in his eyes yesterday, male to male, and I saw his true self, he let it come out. He’s a sadist. So is that chauffer. Sheila, you’re in danger, I feel it. I wish I had seen it sooner. But it all makes sense now. The string of young and beautiful secretaries he’s had. They come and go, and no one knows where. And everybody’s afraid to ask because Stone is who he is.”

  Sheila had given thought to her predecessors, too. Though she didn’t want to admit it. All she could come back to was not making this whole thing infinitely worse by ruining Johnny’s life, too. “Johnny, please forget me. I’m nobody. You can find so many better women.”


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