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3013: MENDED (3013: The Series Book 6)

Page 17

by Kali Argent

  “Tartarus,” Tariq announced to the room. “Jahara is selling the females into harems on Tartarus. He should be close, almost into Tarin airspace by now.”

  “Alliance Sentinels are in the area and available to intercept the craft if Jahara hasn’t already crossed out of our airspace.” Lucas looked up from his wrist unit to Commander Cain.

  “Go,” Maverick demanded.

  Nodding, Lucas hurried out of the office, barking orders into his wrist unit as he went.

  “Who the hell is this guy?” Sion asked to the room at large. “Where did he come from, and how did he stay hidden?”

  “He’s working with someone,” Cami answered. “Someone’s been helping him hide out on the station, and my guess is it’s the same person who has been altering the docking reports.”

  “She must think I’m stupid. I like my head right where it is. I’m not telling this stupid bitch anything.”

  Tariq growled, but Cami shook her head.

  “Let it go. If you kill him, we won’t find out who he’s working with.”

  “I’ll play nice. For now. If he insults you again, I’m going to make him bleed.”

  Cami rolled her eyes, but let the subject drop. “Who are you working with?” she demanded of Fajorn. “Who’s altering the reports for Jahara?”

  “You can ask me until you’re blue in the face, sweetheart, but I’m not telling you anything.”

  “Let me try.” Stepping forward, Commander Cain motioned for Cami to vacate his seat. He didn’t sit, though. Kicking the chair to the side, he stood in front of Fajorn with a nasty smirk. “I’ll ask you one more time. Who is altering the records on the station?”

  “Angel, step back. I have a feeling this is going to get physical.”

  Scrambling backward, Cami pressed herself against the far wall near the office door. When she looked at him, Tariq shook his head and held a hand up for her to stay put. He would have preferred to have her close to him, but if things did turn ugly, he didn’t want her caught in the crossfire. More importantly, she’d positioned herself near the exit for a hasty retreat, which was exactly where Tariq wanted her.

  “This is going to hurt,” Fajorn thought a split second before Sion punched him square in the jaw.

  “What?” Sion shook his hand out and grinned at the commander. “I’m not Alliance. You are. I was just saving you some paperwork.”

  “I know who it is!” Cami yelled, her voice echoing around the room.

  Unless she was psychic along with being telepathic, she couldn’t know. “What are you doing?”

  “Just trust me.”

  Her expression turned pitying as she shuffled toward the prisoner. Tariq nodded his thanks at Maverick when the commander stopped her from moving to close.

  “You know he’s going to double cross you, right? He’s going to hang you out to dry, and you’re never going to see a single credit.”

  Fajorn’s eyes flickered to a spot beyond Cami’s left shoulder, just as the image of a familiar face flashed inside Tariq’s mind. Before he could even call Cami’s name, General Holden Whitmore grabbed her from behind and placed the business end of a blaster against her temple.

  “Back off!” he yelled. “Everyone stay back!”

  Tariq didn’t move, but his hands clenched into fists at his sides as a vicious growl rolled up from his diaphragm. “I’m going to enjoy killing you.”

  His vision dimmed under the red haze of unadulterated rage. He rarely said anything he didn’t mean, and this time was no different. When he got his hands on the commander—and he would—he’d tear him apart piece by piece.

  “Holden, let her go.” Circling the prisoner to stand in front of the general, Maverick held his hands up in a placating gesture. “Nobody has to get hurt here.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Tariq mumbled. Somebody was going to get hurt. He just prayed it wasn’t Cami.

  “You’re going to be okay, angel. Look at me. Good girl. That’s it. Just keep looking at me.”

  “Tariq, I’m scared.”

  “I know, baby, but I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You trust me, right?”

  “I trust you.”

  Tariq didn’t know how the hell he was going to get her out of this. He’d die trying if that was what it came to, though. As he wracked his brain to come up with a plan that wouldn’t get them both killed, the office door slid open, and Lucas entered with his head bent.

  “I’ve contacted Alliance—”

  “Lucas, get down!” Tariq yelled.

  In the brief moment of distraction caused by Lucas’s arrival, Commander Whitmore loosened his hold on Cami’s neck and turned his blaster on her brother. Tariq and Sion both lunged forward, but neither of them were close enough to reach her.

  Proving why they called them elites, Maverick jerked Cami out of Whitmore’s grasp and drew his own blaster, firing three shots into the man’s chest in one single, flawless motion.

  * * * *

  In the days following the capture of Fajorn and the death of General Holden Whitmore, the entire station buzzed with tension. Commander Cain rarely left his office, busy fielding inquiries and completing reports. He had been by their quarters to inform them that more Alliance personnel would be arriving within the week, and Cami would need to report for questioning.

  Tariq and Lucas both assured her she had nothing to worry about, but Cami’s stomach knotted every time she thought about it. “Is Maverick going to be okay? I mean, he’s not going to be court-martialed or anything, right?”

  “There will be an investigation, but he followed protocol and acted within the law.” Lucas squeezed her shoulder. “I promise everything is going to be fine, chipmunk. When they question you, just answer honestly. You didn’t do anything wrong, and neither did Commander Cain.”

  She still had nightmares about the shooting, which disrupted her sleep and made her feel like a zombie for most of the day. Tariq had offered her a sleeping mist, but there had been too much going on for her to accept. She didn’t want to sleep through anything important.

  Alliance Sentinels had intercepted Jahara’s ship on the border of Tarin airspace. In all, they’d recused eight women and confiscated a number of illegal drugs and stolen pharmaceuticals, enough to put Jahara away for a very long time. He’d have company, too. For his part in the mess—including but not limited to the murder of Dennison—Fajorn had earned himself a life sentence on the Mars penal colony.

  Unlike in the movies where the hero stopped to make some witty remark before dispatching the villain, everything had happened so fast. One minute, Whitmore had been holding a blaster to her head, threatening her life, and in the next moment, he’d been dead on the floor.

  “I still don’t understand why he did it,” Lucas mused. “A commander’s salary is nothing to scoff at.”

  “It’s not as much as a smuggler’s income.” Cami had seen it all inside Whitmore’s head. “He didn’t think he’d get caught.”

  “This isn’t the first station he’s turned into a smuggling port.” Lucas poured a glass of water and brought it to her. “The Alliance is investigating the docking reports from his previous assignment on Beta Station 9 near the dwarf planet Almek.”

  Curling up in her favorite armchair, Cami sipped her water while she thought over the information. Her brain felt like mush, and complicated thought took more effort than it should have. When her eyes began to sting and her lids started to droop, Lucas took the glass from her lax grip and sat it on the end table.

  “Go get some rest, chipmunk. You look half dead.”

  “No, no, I’m okay.”

  “No, you’re not. Go on. I’ll stay until Tariq gets back.”

  “Where is he anyway?” She hadn’t seen him all day, and as far as she knew, his shift at the docks had ended an hour ago.

  “He just said he had something he needed to take care of and asked if I’d sit with you while he was gone.” Taking her hands, Lucas pulled her to her feet and pushed h
er toward the bedroom. “Now, go. I mean it.”

  Too tired to argue, Cami nodded and shuffled into the bedroom where she flopped face first onto the mattress. She didn’t even have time to kick her shoes off before the exhaustion claimed her.


  “Are you sure you want to do this? Cami’s going to be pissed.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Okay.” Sion shrugged as he followed Tariq through the station to the doors of Bay C. “She’s not going to like it, though.”

  No, Cami probably wouldn’t approve of what he was about to do, but he didn’t care. Every night when he closed his eyes, he saw her. He saw Cami’s face, her eyes wide with fear while Whitmore held the blaster to her temple. Tariq couldn’t change the past, but he could eliminate another threat before it turned into a problem.

  Entering Bay C, he scanned the workers until he spotted a mane of fiery red hair. He’d finally gotten the whole story out of Cami about what had gone down in the hallways that day with the two lieutenants. While she swore nothing had happened, that Lorelei had let her go without causing her any harm, Tariq couldn’t let it stand. The female had sealed her own fate when she’d thrown her lot in with Becks and Parsons.

  Tariq walked slowly but purposefully, approaching Lorelei with caution in case she saw him and tried to run. “We need to talk,” he said, standing directly behind her.

  Lorelei whirled around and bared her fangs as her eyes darted left to right, looking for an escape. A stack of cargo crates blocked her exit on the left, and Sion stood to the right, a solemn look on his face as he shook his head at her.

  “I didn’t touch her,” Lorelei blurted. “I don’t know what she told you, but she’s lying. I didn’t hurt her.”

  “So, you didn’t spy on her? You didn’t try to stall her in the corridor so that those fucking elites could try to claim her?”

  “Don’t forget being a raging asshole in general,” Sion added. “You messed with the wrong girl.”

  “It should have been me.” Lorelei’s golden eyes burned with self-righteous anger. “I would have been the perfect companion for you.”

  Tariq shook his head. “I don’t play well with others, or didn’t you get the memo?”

  “I haven’t done anything wrong,” Lorelei insisted.

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong.” The scar on Scio’s cheek stretched when he smiled, and his inky black shirt clung to him when he crossed his arms over his chest. “You attacked a Helios’ companion, and you conspired to have her kidnapped.”


  Sion arched an eyebrow at her. “What else would you call it? Two elites tried to claim her for their own, and you helped them. It seems pretty cut and dry to me.”

  Apparently, they didn’t even need Tariq for this conversation. Knowing Sion would go to any lengths to protect Cami went a long way in healing their relationship. Hell, Tariq hadn’t even asked his friend to accompany him to the docks. Sion had insisted.

  Realizing she had no escape and no defense, Lorelei stiffened as she glared at them. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “We’re not going to do anything.” On Helix, she’d be sentenced to death for her crimes, but Tariq wasn’t without mercy. Maybe he had more of his mother in him than he wanted to admit. “There is a shuttle leaving the station in twenty minutes. You will be on that shuttle.”

  “But where will I go?”

  “Not my problem.” She’d found her way to Station 4, and she’d find a new home somewhere else. “For your sake, I hope I don’t see you again.”

  With that, Tariq turned and strode out of the bay with Sion following closely behind him.

  “Are you hungry? I’m hungry.”

  Tariq snorted. “You’re always hungry.”

  “Do you want me to bring you something or not?”

  “I’m good, but I’m sure Cami hasn’t eaten yet.” She’d barely slept in the past three days, and he practically had to force her to eat. The only person she’d talk to besides him was Lucas, but even with them, she had been more withdrawn. “Just ask for the Cami Special. Naira will know what you mean.”

  “You got it. I’ll see you in an hour.”

  Tariq hadn’t seen his girl all day, and his pulse sped when he thought about crawling into bed and wrapping himself around her naked body. “Better make it two.”

  They parted ways at the lifts, and Tariq rode to the lower level alone. While short, the trip provided plenty of time to work himself into a high state of arousal as his thoughts swirled around Cami’s luscious curves and soft skin. Stepping off the lift, he jogged down the hallway to his quarters, eager to see Cami and hold her in his arms.

  “It’s about time,” Lucas said by way of greeting when Tariq entered his quarters. “She asked about you.”

  “Where is she?”


  Disappointment and relief warred inside him. As much as he wanted to strip her naked and caress every inch of her, he knew she needed to rest. “Thank you for staying with her.”

  “She’s my sister. I’d do anything for her.”

  He spoke with such sincerity, Tariq had to believe him. “When do you leave?”

  “Two days. I was lucky to get as much leave as I did.” Rising from the sofa, he stretched his arms over his head and yawned. “I’m going to head back to the cruiser and crash. Tell Cami I’ll see her in the morning.”

  “I’ll let her know.” Waiting for the elite to leave the quarters, Tariq marched over to the bedroom door and paused with his hand on knob.

  Don’t wake her. Don’t wake her. Don’t do it.

  “You better wake me.”

  Cami’s soft voice floated to him through their link, bringing a wicked grin to his lips.

  “You need to rest,” he said when he walked into the bedroom. The sight of her sprawled out on the mattress, her dark hair fanned across the light blue sheets nearly dropped him to his knees. “Really,” he choked, “you need sleep.”

  “I will.” She pulled the blanket back, revealing her nude body to his gaze. “Later.”

  Divesting his clothing in record time, he knelt on the foot of the bed and crawled to her, kissing his way up her thighs and over her hips as he went. The scent of her arousal made his mouth water, and a deep groan rumbled through his chest as he skimmed his nose up the inside of her thigh.

  “The things you do to me, angel.” Tariq’s heavy erection throbbed painfully against his leg, trapped between his body and the bed. “I want to devour you.”

  “Is that so?” Cami spread her legs a bit wider, opening herself to his gaze. “Well, don’t let me stop you.”

  Gods, he’d missed this. He’d missed her playful banter and her beautiful smile. After everything she’d been through, Tariq had wanted to give her the time she needed, but waiting, not being able to touch her, had be torture.

  Lowering his head, he laved a slow path between the folds of her wet pussy, moaning when her sweet nectar bathed his taste buds. Her soft moans sent shivers down his spine as he flicked his tongue across her clitoris and inserted his middle finger into her clenched opening.

  He knew just the right buttons to press to drive his girl wild, and he utilized every trick until she dripped with desire. She was close, hovering on the brink, but Tariq wanted to be inside her when she came.

  Extracting his finger, he moved up her shaking body, kissing a wet trail from her navel to her collarbones. He loved the way she whispered his name, how her fingers sifted through his hair and dug into his scalp. Her scent invaded his nose, making him light headed while pleasant tingles spread out to his extremities.

  Blanketing her with his body, Tariq held most of his wait while he cupped her flushed cheek. “Look at me, angel.”

  With heavy lidded eyes, Cami stared at him, her perky breasts heaving against his chest as she panted. Her arms came up to encircle his neck, pulling him even closer so that she could claim his mouth in a kiss that spoke of desi
re and need. Allowing her this one measure of control, Tariq parted his lips, groaning when her tongue swept across his own in a sensual glide.

  “Please,” she whispered before capturing his bottom lip between her teeth and tugging. “I need you, Tariq.”

  He needed her, too, more than she’d ever know. He needed her with a hunger that sex alone couldn’t slake. Positioning the head of his cock at her entrance, Tariq pushed inside her, growling when her silky heat contracted around him. Each time he made love to her only got better, and one day, she would surely kill him with her pleasure.

  At least he’d go with a smile on his face and love in his heart.

  Staring into her eyes, Tariq rocked his hips in long, slow glides, pushing deeper with each thrust. Gods, he loved her so much. He didn’t have poetic words to offer her, just the promise that he’d never hurt her, never break her heart. When her grey eyes darkened with passion, and she reached up to caress his cheeks, he knew she understood.

  Her cries grew in volume, and her breaths came quicker, shallower, signaling she hovered near the edge. Increasing his pace, Tariq relinquishing all control and drove into her with a reckless abandon.

  His skin heated as a firestorm erupted in his veins, and a tingling ache started in his stomach, heralding his impending climax. When he fell over the edge, he tumbled into the arms of an angel, and he shuddered when Cami’s own orgasm massaged his spent length from base to tip.

  Curling together in a tangle of limbs, neither of them moved for a long time. Holding Cami to his chest, Tariq stroked her dewy skin as he breathed in her scent, letting it sooth and calm his racing pulse.

  “Come on, angel. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  “Shower,” Cami croaked. “I need a shower.”

  Rolling away from her, Tariq stood beside the bed and lifted her into his arms. “Do you want my help?”

  He’d expected a quick refusal, but Cami nodded. “Don’t leave.”


  Carrying her into the bathroom, Tariq held her with one arm while he adjusted the temperature of the water and the spray of the nozzle. Then he lowered her to the floor of the shower stall, keeping a hand on her waist to steady her.


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