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Knight_A Steel Paragons MC Novel

Page 23

by Eve R. Hart

  “So what now, baby?” Knight asked as he pulled back and peered down at me.

  “Well…” I started as I looked up at him with my best up to no good eyes. “I was thinking we could sneak off to your room and…”

  His head tipped back as he laughed.

  “As much as I want to take you right now, your dad’s here and so is mine, for that matter. And this is your party, which means, we will be easily missed.”

  “It’s not like they don’t know we have sex,” I said in a joking, harsh whisper.

  “Yes, but knowing and have it actually thrown in your face are two different things. I would like to keep your dad a happy man when it comes to thoughts of me. Don’t make me ruin that.”

  “You’re no fun.” My lip poked out in a mock pout.

  “I’ll make it up to you.” He kissed me lazily and I forgot what we were even talking about. “I promise.”

  “Princess,” Ky said handing me a fresh beer. “You did it.” He flashed me a big smile, which I matched with my own, as he pulled me in for a huge bear hug.

  “Yeah, I guess this means I’m like an adult now, huh?” We laughed.

  This was it. The moment I had wanted for so long, and it wasn’t just about graduating. It was about being happy and settled. Surrounded by people that filled me to the brim with warmth, love, and a sense of security. A family so big I couldn’t even begin to count them all.

  My family.

  I wouldn’t say I got over the fear and panic of what happened to me as easily as I’d let on. And while it would always be there in the back of my mind, I had moved on from it. I no longer looked over my shoulder. And it took a long time for me to trust new people that tried to come into my life, but I eventually did. I made friends outside of the club. I vowed not to let Tara ruin me. And more importantly, change how I saw people. I didn’t want to shut down and close myself off. I knew if I’d done that, in the end, she would have won because it would have killed my soul.

  My dad had once said I had a light and warmth that needed to be shared. I held onto that every single day and in those times I felt myself locking up when people approached me, it helped me remember who I was and who I wanted to be.

  I never knew what happened to her after I walked out of that building. I had faith that Knight would make sure she was taken care of the way I’d asked. I had a good idea that he kept an eye on her. But I tried my hardest to push her out of my life and move on. I’d given her more than enough that day when I asked Knight not to put a bullet in her. It was probably more than most people would have done. And I decided that was as much of me as she would ever get again.

  Life was great. I focused on what I had and what was ahead of me instead of fearing what could happen to me. And while it wasn’t something that happened overnight, I was in a good place.

  It helped that I had my rock there every time I felt like I was going to break down. And he always seemed to know when that was coming. I never had to ask Knight to be there, because he was always just there.

  I was lucky that we’d somehow managed to find each other again. I truly believed that we were meant to be. I wasn’t much of a fairy tale kind of girl, but I thought Knight and I were one for the books. I had only ever witnessed a love so fierce and warm a few times in my life. And I was going to hold onto that forever.

  Gwen age 24

  Knight age 28


  I could honestly say that I had never been so nervous in my entire life as I was right now. I wasn’t even being dramatic, it was simply the truth. I may have even been sweating a little. I had no idea why because it wasn’t like this was going to go any differently than I had dreamed it would in my head. I knew it, but for some reason, my brain was freaking out about every little thing.

  Not long after Gwen graduated, she began shadowing a few counselors at the hospital. It didn’t take long before her beautiful personality and honest compassion showed through and she had an official job. It was perfect for her, really. And while she sometimes came home carrying the weight that came with that job, she found hope in knowing that she was there to make it a little easier for the families she helped.

  I loved that woman something fierce. In all these years it hadn’t changed. In fact, it had gotten stronger with each passing day. I’d known for a long time that I wanted to spend forever with her, and I had gladly spent years trying to prove to her just that. I had to make sure she’d let go of the past and that she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I was in this with her one hundred percent. She was the most amazing and beautiful person, and to me, she was everything. Now that we were both in a good place in our lives, things couldn’t be more perfect. She had a steady job and I had my place in the club. And when we were together, the bond we had was strong enough to take on the world.

  “I’m so ready for this vacation,” Gwen said as she walked through the door to our apartment. Her keys dangled from her hand as she sorted through the mail on her way into the kitchen. “So, are you going to tell me where we’re going now?”

  I had put a lot of time and planning into this. She’d taken a week off from work and I told her we’d go somewhere together. Both of us could have used a bit of a break from everything. Not that things were bad. And in truth, spending a week alone with my girl doing whatever the hell she wanted was music to my ears. Even if that meant we didn’t even leave the hotel room all week. I mean, especially if it meant that.

  I hadn’t told her where we were going or even given her the littlest of hints, which was hard as fuck because Gwen could be persuasive when she wanted to be. I’d even gone as far as to pack her suitcase for her so she wouldn’t have any idea about what type of climate we were destined for. That suitcase was currently tucked away in my room at the compound, because I had this shit planned to a T.

  At first, I had wanted us to go to Vegas. But then I knew her dad would for sure kill me and I had half an idea she would too. So instead, I got the club on board and all of my brothers jumped in to help me plan a wedding in secret. Her dad and most of his club had ridden in this afternoon and were currently waiting at the clubhouse. Even Stacy, Mikey, and their little boy had come down.

  “You’re still not going to tell me, are you?” she asked as she popped her head out of the kitchen and poked her lip out at me in a pout.

  “No,” I said with a quick shake of my head.

  She eyed me. I stood there in the living room, in the same spot I’d stood all those years ago when she’d yelled at me. Her eyes looked me up and down as she took hesitant steps my way.

  “Stop,” I said once she was a few feet from the door, the same spot she’d been in that night.

  Why was I choosing the memory of that night to do this? Well, I realized that night was my breaking point. Some would have said it was the kiss in the kitchen. But to me, that night had been it. That was the night my eyes opened to the woman in front of me and I knew I’d kill any mother fucker who’d look her way. That night I saw the fire in the woman I could have only hoped to call mine one day. That very fucking night was the first time I knew she completely owned every inch of my heart and soul.

  “What…” Her words trailed off as she realized where we were.

  “You once yelled at me how you weren’t a little girl anymore,” I began and suddenly everything I’d rehearsed in my head started to sound stupid. “You told me how you’d made it all those years without me watching over you. And you told me you weren’t my world anymore.”

  I took a step closer to her.

  “You were right about not being a little girl. And about how strong you are. But you were wrong about one thing, baby,” I said, a nervous smile playing on my lips.

  “Oh, yeah? What’s that?” she asked, the slightest bit of attitude in her tone, but only meant in a joking way.

  “You are still my world. You always have been.” I took two more steps until I was right in front of her. Her head cocked to the side a little as she looked up at me. “You
will always be my world, Gwen. Just because we were apart, doesn’t mean you weren’t here the entire time.” I flattened my hand against my chest over my heart.

  “Knight…” She sucked in a deep breath as I pulled out a ring box and dropped to my knee.

  To have said that we weren’t traditional people would have been an understatement. The way we grew up left us a little rough around the edges and at times, rebellious against the norm. But this felt right. I wanted everything to be perfect when it came to Gwen, and I believed she deserved this. She wasn’t my equal, she was my better. And I’d get down on my knees for her for the rest of my life.

  “You and me, Gwen, against the world, forever?” I asked because come on, it couldn’t have been asked more perfectly than that.

  “Oh, my God,” she whispered as tears welled in her eyes. “Yes! Yes! A million times, yes.”

  She pulled me up and I wrapped her in my arms as I planted the most earth-shaking kiss on her sweet lips.

  “Forever and ever,” she said once we broke away.

  “Good,” I said with a wink as I slid the ring onto her delicate finger.

  To say it was one diamond that couldn’t be missed, was no joke. Not only did my Gwen deserve the best, but I wanted every fucker around to know she was mine. A little selfish and egotistical, yeah maybe. But the look on her face as she held her hand up and inspected the ring let me know that it was perfect.

  “Because we are getting married tonight,” I added making her mouth drop open and her eyes widen to the size of saucers.

  “What?!” she screeched.

  I headed for the door.

  “Get your ass on the back of my bike, baby, everyone is waiting.” I pulled open the door and held my hand out for her.

  It wasn’t even a second before she rushed to me and slipped her hand in mine.

  The night was perfect. Her dad pulled me in for a proud, happy hug. She told me ‘I do’ as she wore her property cut, and I vowed to love and cherish her forever in a room full of our family.

  We drank. We danced. We made love in my room at the compound. And at six in the morning, we rolled out of bed and headed to the airport.

  “You want to know where we’re going now?” I asked as we settled into the uncomfortable chairs and waited for our flight to be called.

  “No,” she said smiling up at me as she wrapped her arms around mine. “I don’t care as long as I’m with you.”

  And she proved that for six days straight. We didn’t leave the hotel room. We made love on every surface there was and took breaks only to eat and sleep.

  “Harder, Knight!” she screamed.

  I wasn’t sure how I even had anything left in me. We were supposed to check out and leave twenty minutes ago, but it seemed that we needed one last go before the long flight home.

  Gwen was currently bent over the couch, skirt pushed up around her waist. My pants were pooled around my ankles.

  “Fuck, Gwen,” I grunted as I gripped her hips and pumped into her faster and harder.

  “Fuck your wife like you own that pussy,” she commanded while looking over her shoulder at me.

  Well, I’d be damned.

  She had a filthy mouth on her, though she didn’t let me hear it often. Just another thing about her that drove me crazy—in a good way.

  So I did just as she said.

  I fucked that pussy like I owned it.

  Because I fucking did.

  “I love you,” she screamed as she came on my cock.

  “I love you, too, baby,” I grunted out as I emptied my sore as fuck balls inside of her.

  The End


  I couldn’t have done this without support and encouragement from everyone. All your messages and excitement has really kept me going. It pushed me to get this book done when things got crazy. So, a huge thanks to you!

  Janie, like for real girl, what would I do without you? You replied to every “Does this sound weird?” or “What the fuck am I even trying to say here?” and every time you laughed at me then helped me out. Seriously, some of this book would sound like toddler talk if it wasn’t for you.

  Jordan, Chloé, and Angie you are the best beta bitches a girl could ask for! You help me catch all the shit I miss(sorry!) and see things that I don’t. OMG, Chloé thank you for all the edits, I do make stupid mistakes and you catch them! HAHA!

  Big thanks to my hubby for listening to me ramble about the imaginary men that fill my head. And doing so with a smile. You know I’ll never love them as much as you! You are the best. You stop what you’re doing when I tell you I need help. You take the time to read over something if I say I need a man’s opinion. You help keep these men in line, haha!

  About the Author

  Eve R. Hart does her best writing while downing coffee and munching on chips and salsa. Her days are filled with lightsaber fights, saving the Lego city, and tea parties with her kids. By night, she switches out her cape for heels and writes steamy love scenes.

  She lives on the coast of North Carolina with her husband and three children. When she needs a break from everything she loves nothing more than to sit down and play video games with her husband. She also enjoys cooking, baking, and singing Disney songs while driving.

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  Play List

  “I Shyne” by Carnage

  “Love Me Like You Do” by Ellie Goulding

  “Back Around” by Iration

  “Bad Girls” by M.I.A.

  “(Rock) Superstar” by Cypress Hill

  “Bad Girl” by Girls Love Shoes

  “Good For You” by Selena Gomez

  “Favorite Song” by Colbie Caillat

  “I Know There’s Gonna be (Good Times)” by Young Thug

  Other Works

  SPMC Moon Hill Chapter








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