Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1)

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Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1) Page 11

by Eden Rose

  "I wonder if they are going to be on time." I always hate when people are late. Vincent pulled my left hand into his lap and played with the bracelet. "I really love it. Thank you." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

  When our drinks arrived, that is when Richard Millstone came up with a woman. I stood up and so did Anne to introduce ourselves.

  "Hello, I'm Savannah Castile, its a pleasure to meet you." I extended my hand to Millstone and then his lady friend. "I trust you know Vincent Moretti and Ronnie Rossi."

  " I'm Richard Millstone and this is Jessica Munro. Yes, we have met, Moretti, Rossi. Nice to see you again." He is attractive in a model kind of way. Dark and he is cute, tall and dimples. Jessica is very beautiful and could have walked off the runway.

  I hate her already.

  "Its nice to meet you, I'm Anne Thomas." She extended her hand and then shook his. After the formality is completed, Ronnie grabbed Anne's hand and placed her back in her seat. I sat down and Vincent grabbed my left hand again and placed it back where it is. I like that he is always touching me... maybe a little too much.

  "So, Mr. Millstone, we appreciate your calling me to set up this meeting. What are you looking to doing?"

  "Well, Mrs. Castile-" Millstone is talking. How many times do I need to correct these punks?

  "Its Ms. If you can't address me right, please call me Savannah." Vincent squeezed my hand and Anne looked at me like I'm insane. "You were saying."

  "Yes, I'm wanting a penthouse on the upper east side of Manhattan. I prefer the top floor with three bedrooms. All wooden floors. I would like a building that has security on the premises at all times. Do you think we could find something like that?" His woman just sat there and didn't say a word.

  "Yes, we have a building that would be perfect for you. What is ceiling?" Anne asked while flashing him a smile.

  "1.5 million or around that number."

  The waiter came over to take our order. All of the men at the table ordered for both their date and themselves. This is so strange.

  Vincent is first. "I would like the steak, medium rare with a side salad. My girlfriend will have the shrimp scampi." He put so much emphasis on my title.

  Ronnie ordered the same thing as us and Millstone didn't order anything but oysters.

  "So Moretti and Rossi, how has everything been? How did you manage to capture these beautiful women? Oh, how is Mary?" Millstone asked and Ronnie is the one that answered. Vincent grasped my hand so hard that it hurt. Obviously he knew he struck a nerve and took this time to produce two Tiffany blue bags and placed one in front of myself and Anne. "These are for you."

  "Just lucky, I guess. How did you manage to get a date with that one over there?"

  I opened the bag and elbowed Anne to do the same. Inside my bag is a little blue box with a ribbon. After I opened it, I felt like I could scream. There, in my box, is a pair of diamond earrings that had to be at least two carats each! I looked over at Anne's and seen she got a necklace with a great, big dirty diamond.

  My mouth is probably unhinged and I kept fingering the diamonds. This is way to extravagant. All I did is help him strike a deal. This is not the type of gift you give your real estate agent. Anne and I held our boxes in our hands and probably had the same wide eyed stare.

  Ronnie is the one to break our trance. "What do you have there, honey?"

  Anne showed him the box and Vincent grabbed mine out of my hand. Rude much? Jesus, he didn't need to rip it out of my hands and he now looks mad at me. What did I do? I'm only doing my job and now he is going to get huffy and puffy over something I had no control over. Part of me wanted to give them back but they looked so pretty. I knew I wouldn't wear them too much, but I can still look at them.

  Now, Anne on the other hand seems very suspicious. She isn't one to accept gifts and clearly this is a very expensive gift. "This is beautiful. I don't understand why we would get such a great gift," Anne said.

  "Oh, ladies. These are what gorgeous and talented women deserve. Well, you deserve this and more," Stilarno stated and again Jessica didn't say a word. I wonder if she is mute.

  I felt the growl that came out of Vincent and knew it is tine to get to business. "Gentlemen, this is not a personal meeting and I would like to get some details here, if you don't mind." I say and then wait for a beat to see if everyone else agrees with me. "When were you looking to move?"

  "As soon as I can find the right place for myself and my dog."

  "What kind of dog do you have?" Asks Anne.

  "A Siberian husky. He is beautiful. Is name is Dice."

  Vincent's hand tightened his grasp my hand. What is his deal? I looked over at him and seen that he still held the box in his other hand. I'm beginning to think I'm not getting those earrings back.

  "Oh, that's nice. Savannah and I are wanting to get a dog."

  Come on people! Let's focus on these details so we can go.

  Once our food arrived, I ordered another drink and so did Vincent. The owner came out to see us and introduce himself to us. His name is Bill. He give Vincent and Ronnie a hug and air kisses on the cheeks.

  "These women are beautiful! I'm not going to lie I would never expect this mixed company that you are with," Bill said as he looked around.

  We ate and made small talk. Vincent and Ronnie didn't say much, it is mostly Anne and I asking questions about this penthouse. As soon as I'm finished with my dinner someone tapped my shoulder. I spun around and noticed a host behind me with a note.

  "What is this?" I ask the host.

  "Are you Mrs. Castile?" He asks me.

  What the hell is going on here? I'm almost a divorced woman! "I suppose." He hands me over the note and I put it in my lap.

  *Chapter 15*

  I opened it when Vincent turned his head. The note said: I would check your car if I were you.That is all it said. I excused myself from the table and went out to the foyer. I heard Ronnie behind me. He walked so loud.

  "Savannah! Please slow down! What did the note say?" I told him and then he started to run along with me.

  "What is wrong with my car?" I said as I ran out to the covered garage that held my beautiful Lincoln MKZ. I loved that car.

  Ronnie took my hand as we approached it. What I seen is awful.

  Glass is on the ground. My tires were slashed. There is spray paint on the white paint. There isn't a note. Ordinarily, I would think that Joel would have something to do with this. Now, my ideas have changes just because of who my boyfriend is. Did anyone of them have something to do with it?

  Ronnie pulled out his phone from his pocket. I assumed it is to get a hold of Vincent. I circled my car. My beautiful car. In all its glory is smashed to shit. I'm seething by the time Ronnie came up to where I'm standing in the front.

  "Now I promised that I would start to trust you, too. Please answer me honestly, is this because of whom I'm dating or because of my husband? Now, you promised to answer me."

  He nodded, however before he is able to give me an answer, Vincent came running into the garage with Anne in tow. She looked from me to the car. Anne's eyes are bugged out like mine.

  So many things were running through my head. Accident, coincidental or on purpose. "We have to call the police so I can call my insurance company. The police might be able to tell me who did this." While I'm saying these things, I said them more like a check list.

  Vincent's head snapped up from talking very quietly to Ronnie. "Do not call them! I will handle this. Get away from the car, I don't want you to get hurt. There is too much glass. Don't be stupid." The demands came flooding out of his mouth too fast and I did not like his tone.

  Why is he upset? This is my car! I walked to the front of the car and noticed a wire. The wire is red and black that is twisted together to make one wire. I yanked the wire and a piece of plastic came out with it. While holding it in my hand, I walked to where Vincent is standing and waited for him to turn around. I held the wire out in front of my body to show him what I had.
He picked it up and turned to show Ronnie.

  "Ladies, Adamo will be picking you up. I know what will be needed to fix all of this. Savannah, please take all of your prized possessions out of the car. Adamo will be here soon." I went to my car and pulled out a few things and did not ask the questions that wanted to pop out of my mouth. Ronnie and Vincent were discussing how someone is going to come get my car and we were going to meet them. "Baby doll," he said while approaching me from behin

  hen we get in the car, I will fill you in." I backed into him with my back and pulled his hands around my waist. "It will be okay," he then kissed my cheek.

  I believed him. A week of knowing him and I felt as if I have been waiting a lifetime to meet him.


  Adamo pulled in with the Bentley and I climbed in to the back. Anne followed me and Ronnie sat in the front so that Vincent could sit by me in the back. While we were in the car, another car came up and two men in suits got out and knocked on the glass of the Bentley. Adamo drove off as one person got into my car and then the other took the original car. It is obvious that they were following us.

  "We are going to toss your car," that is how Vincent told me what is going to happen to it.

  "What are you talking about?" Clearly, I misunderstood. When did he get to make decisions for my property? Toss my car? Like... destroy it? I'm pretty sure it has been well taken care of in that aspect.

  "Joel is with the Dice now and that is why Millstone got a hold of you two. That wire that you found is a tracking device that the Dice use to clock people. It seems as if we were not the only ones who were keeping tabs on you." By the way he is talking, I wonder if he realizes that he is speaking to me. His words are concise but normally he speaks to me kindly. Well, for this past week that is.

  I gave Vincent a look of disgust and a "fuck you" look. "So... basically this is a set up. Is that why you came? Did you have a feeling?"

  Ronnie nodded and spoke loudly so I could hear him. "Those people are not trustworthy. They normally have their victims in the car."

  "What am I going to do about a car? That is a settlement car! I can't afford another one that nice," I scream. The car kept turning all of these different ways. Anne held my hand and hummed a little like she is trying to calm me. Vincent held my arm and kissed my cheek.

  "Is that all you are worried about? You are funny! Baby doll, getting you another car is the easiest!" Well, as happy as I'm that he finds me humorous, I want to punch him in his throat!

  And then stick my tongue down it.

  I'm twisted. Seriously, I'm about to watch my car get tossed and I'm thinking about making out with the man.

  I couldn't say anything more because the car stopped in a field. About fifty feet away, my car stopped and then the other car pulled up next to us.

  "Anne, Savannah you stay in the car! Don't come out at all!" Damn, Ronnie is bossy.

  We sat in the back seat and seen the men put on gloves. Adamo stood by the Bentley and watched, presumably to make sure we stayed in the car. Another man in a suit went to the other car and pulled out gas cans and matches. This whole scene is like a movie. The most incredibly horrifying movie I have ever seen. Anne and I didn't say anything as Vincent poured the gas all over the car. Ronnie came behind him and lit a match. The other two were soaking the other part of the car with gas.

  The match dropped on the ground about a foot away from the car. Fire instantly broke out and the whole area is in flames. The other three all lit matches and dropped them in the grass and then ran to their cars. I heard a bang on the door and it is one of the others to say it is time to leave. Adamo got into the front seat and took off.

  I'm too horrified to speak. Where is Vincent going? Did that seriously just happen?


  With the girls gone, Rossi and I were able to take care of business. The car is almost finished burning and now it is time to have a discussion with Millstone.

  I have to have a clear mind because if I go into a meeting with Savannah's shocked face in my mind, I would probably kill someone.

  Fuck that. I will kill someone.

  Now, they are fucking with me. A couple of years ago, the Dice had a drug ring that ran all of New York and I got involved which pushed them out. The Dice were stupid when it came to people actually selling their product instead they were using it themselves and not selling it. When I stepped in, Millstone got pissed because I ran my business with a tight grip. I don't fuck around when it comes to money.

  "Rossi, Johnny and Sal, let's go. I bet he is still at the restaurant." I walked from the car and went into the awaiting one. The guys always wanted to sit up front, but I didn't care about that. My fight isn't with these guys. It is with that cafone.

  "Should we give the heads up, haus?" Johnny asked me as everyone climbed into the car and we were driving back to the restaurant.

  I thought for a minute. A heads up would be the civilized way to go. I consider myself to be a stand up guy, but now they are endangering my woman. This goes against all rules and now it is time for me to throw my weight around. "No."

  We drove in silence and by the time we got to the restaurant, I'm raging. Once the car stopped, I hopped out and grabbed my gun. I will be ready.

  I knew where he would be. He would be in his lounge and this shit is getting old. We walked in and Millstone smiled. Bastard.

  "Who knew that all I had to do is trash your comare's car and then I get to speak to you? If I would have known earlier, I would have trashed it a long time ago. Like... when Castile lost it to her." He is baiting me and I won't take the bait.

  "Yeah, who knew..." We sat around the corner of the table and I waited for a sign that it is time to begin. Fuck it. This is my show. "Well, you got me here. What can I do for you?" Again, it would be so easy to cock my gun and kill everyone in this room, but like I said before, I'm in it for the big picture.

  Millstone thought to himself for a few beats and then addressed his attention to the other man that is standing by him. "I want you to keep your gambling ring out of my way. That is my pet project and now you are out there trying to give me a pissing match."

  Whoa. "Wait! You mean to tell me that you destroyed a thirty thousand car over a gambling ring?" A spark of dark laughter came drifting out of my mouth. "But, you put a tracker in her car. That is rather bold of you. What are you expecting to get from her?"

  Rossi spoke next and I could tell he is annoyed as well. "My woman could have been in there. What the hell do you expect those girls to give you?" He slammed his fist onto the table and growled.

  "I got what I wanted. I will leave your sluts alone if you back out of the gambling ring. It is as simple as that."

  Sal sat up and pointed his gun at Millstone. "No, its as simple as this. I could take you out right now and nobody would give a fuck about you." Both men stood up and were face to face. "The only thing that is stopping me from not killing you is the fact that you are worth more alive than dead."

  Rossi jumped out of his seat and pushed our boss out of the way. "Millstone, you are really getting on my nerves." I watched as it unfolded. Rossi threw the table across the room and then wrapped his hands around the man's throat.

  Millstone laughed and then managed to get a punch in. "Yeah. Do it!" This man is constantly threatening people but we know the truth. We can't kill him. "Do it and everything is going to the Feds!" Rossi punched him in the gut and the rat bastard hissed. "Oh, by the way... you want to start getting the girls something pretty. They sure seemed excited to receive those gifts."

  He's baiting us and I know it. I flew out of my chair and grabbed my knife from my back pocket. With a quick movement, I sunk it in to Millstone's side. "Knock it off!" I growled and shoved the knife a little deeper.

  "Wow! Mark is right! You two got yourselves pussy whipped!"

  Ten minutes later, we all walked out to the car and Sal looked at me. "These girls, are they worth this much trouble? You know what is going to happen next." />
  I did know. Fuck.

  *Chapter 16*

  Adamo drove us home and helped us out of the car. We didn't say anything as he followed us up to our apartment and came in with us. I assumed that Vincent told him to come with us and stay. I noticed my home voice-mail is beeping. What a complete shocker! I went to it and hit the button to see what that ass hole had to say.

  "Savannah!" Joel sung my name into the message and then that is it for the first message. Huh. The second message clicked on. "Maybe now you will stop being such a whore with your little friend." The third message clicked on, what more does he have to say? Honestly. "Mrs. Castile, I know what happened to your car. I told you to stop being a whore. Sorry that it had to get this far. I love you, bye." I deleted every one of those messages.


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