Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1)

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Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1) Page 12

by Eden Rose

  Anne signaled to Adamo to sit on the couch. We both walked off to our bedrooms. I'm not all that confident as to what we were going to do, but I changed my clothes into some skimpy sweats, and pulled the hair-tie out. After sitting on my bed for a few moments, I decided that I'm going to call my divorce attorney in the morning. Yes, that is what I will do.

  I'm leaving a note in my phone to remind to call him the first thing in the morning and began to think about everything I will talk to him about. Most definitely I will bring the recordings of those messages Joel has left me and then request a name change. Apparently my married last name makes people think that Joel and I are still (never were) the in love couple. I wonder if my attorney will be available on a Saturday.

  Someone knocked on my door. I went to it and it is Adamo and Anne. "What's going on, guys?" I ask and give them an innocent smile.

  "You should check the voice-mail again," replied Anne.

  "Fuck, if its from Joel, I don't care!" Seriously, I'm so tired of him calling me. He completely gutted me for years and I slowly started to gain myself back. I would be lying if I said that Vincent didn't have anything to do with this, but I'm also not wanting to admit it.

  Hearts are broken daily and those women bounce back, so that means that I can too, right? My heart isn't all the way together and my psyche is bruised but I'm hoping that Vincent won't smash my heart too.

  "It is from him but his message is rather enthralling," replied Adamo. What is he still doing here? Shouldn't he be gone doing something for the family? Lackey. Wow, where is this mean person coming from?

  I followed them to the living room, and Anne pressed play. "Savannah, I know what you are thinking. You are probably wondering why I lied to you all of these years. I'm really sorry for everything. Please, take me back." I heard a voice in the background. The voice is saying something along the lines of "I hope this works."

  I'm walking back to my room at the end of the message. " I'm done. Adamo, you can leave. Anne, come on let's do some laundry. I want to wash my sheets and some clothes. Do you have anything you want to throw in?" I yelled over my shoulder.

  "Vans, he can't leave. Vincent is his boss and he ordered him to stay with us. I know that you are upset, but its not his fault or anyone else besides Joel. Come on, let's get your sheets washed." He sat on the couch and I went into my room and stripped my sheets. I also picked some clothes that I wanted to be washed.

  Anne met me in the hallway and we walked to our laundry room with a hand full of clothes that she wanted to wash. I liked this building because these apartments have laundry rooms in the units and most of the other buildings we looked at didn't. Our laundry room is painted a baby yellow color, and not big bird yellow, for serenity. After throwing our stuff in the extra large washer, I walked back with her into her bedroom.

  Her room is the same size as mine however it is backward. Her bathroom would be where my closet is, and her closet is where my bed is. She liked this room the best, so I took the other one. I sat on her bed and pulled her grandma sized quilt up to cover myself before flopping down laying diagonal across her bed.

  "What are you thinking about?" I ask as she goes into her bathroom and pulls out a brush.

  She walked back into the bedroom and started ripping the brush very fast in her hair. The sounds echoed through the room as she moved through sections. " I'm thinking about how your face looked when your car is set on fire. I can't believe they did that. I'm not going to lie, it is actually pretty hot." She is blushing so hard that I just had to laugh.

  I felt my own hair and then I held my hand out for her brush to get rid of the rats nest in my hair. "Maybe we shouldn't leave that guy in our living room unattended." I don't know the guy and I don't trust him. Mmm, this is the perfect opportunity to fish for information. "Did you really say you loved Ronnie?" I ran the brush through my hair in quick movements.

  Anne grabbed my hand as we walked out of her bedroom, I suppose that is her way of silently agreeing with me. Oh, wow. "I honestly think he is the one. He is amazing. Treats me so well that I just want to be with him all of the time! Vans, I know I sound insane but he is just so great. When he said he loved me while were having sex, I wanted to cry. Its like... the most incredible feeling in the world! I hope you can feel this way for someone!"

  See what I mean? I thought to myself "I hope so too." I didn't want to say anything to her as we walked out because I'm in such a strange mood that I didn't want to upset her.

  And it goes on repeat. She is such a romantic that she tells a man that she loves him after a week. I wouldn't be surprised if Anne were to be talking about wedding colors tomorrow.

  Adamo is sitting at the kitchen table looking at his phone. I'm not sure what he is doing, I didn't care. Anne and I sat on the couch next to each other and turned on the television.

  "I wonder if there is anything good on TV tonight. I want to watch something funny!" I said while Anne flipped through the channels. "I wonder where Vincent is. Do you think he would tell us where they are?" Anne shook her head and I'm getting angry. "Anne, I want some ice cream. Text Ronnie and see where he is." Eating my feelings seems more plausible.

  She brought out her phone and there is already a message that said he will be here soon and that they are okay. "What do you think they are doing? I'm so confused!" She looked from me to Adamo. "Adamo," she whined. "Why can't you talk to us?" Her eyes were wide and I could see the moist way her eyes were getting.

  "Its rank, Anne. I can't tell you anything without the higher ups saying it is all right. I did contact another enforcer, and he is with Vincent but Ronnie isn't there. I wish I could tell you more, but I can't." Just then his phone rang. He picked it up on the first ring. "Morelli." Then he silent for a few beats and then said: "Okay, we will leave now," he hung up his phone and faced us. "Girls, grab your purses! We are leaving." Adamo jumped off the chair and stood by the door.

  "Where are we going? I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where we are going," Anne screamed as I went to grab our purses.

  "We are going to Moretti's house. Don't grab anything, come on let's go!" He ushered us out the door and into the elevator. Once we got to the Bentley, he practically picked us up off of our feet and threw us into the car.

  When he got into the front seat my anger hit the roof. "Why are we going to his house? He doesn't want us over there!" He ignored me the whole time and Anne and I didn't say a word to each other.

  *Chapter 17*

  Luckily for Anne, Ronnie is waiting at the door to come greet him. She ran up to him and kissed him.

  Now I'm angry. "Why are we here?" Ronnie ignored me and I started to get even more angry which I never thought is possible since I'm irate. "Fuck, Ronnie! What the hell are we doing here?"

  When Ronnie turned to look at me, he seemed as if I'm an annoyance. "Vincent will fill you in. Come on, let's go inside." They leave me alone to walk through the house by myself. So much for being together.

  I searched the foyer. No one. I went into the kitchen and looked around. No one. I walked into the great room. No one. As I approached the foyer to pull out my phone to call Anne and ask if she wanted to get a cab, I heard laughter. I began towards the stairs and then up them. My sex tightened as I passed those two stairs. I heard that laughter through the door next to Vincent's bedroom. I debated on whether or not I should knock or go right in. I knocked.

  One of the other guys answered and I suddenly felt very naked in my pajamas. He is wearing the typical suit. Is there a dress code? The man turns around and hits someone's shoulder. Vincent turned and looked at me. I smiled as much as I could.

  Vincent looked so fucking hot. Its not fair. I'm trying to be mad at him and he looks gorgeous.

  "Um, do you mind telling me why your rude associate pushed me out of my home in pajamas to come over here and feel incredibly exposed?" The guys started to laugh. Well, I'm thrilled that my state of undress is humoring.

  "Baby doll, would you rather hear what
's happening in front of these guys or in private?" I shrugged and he pulled me onto his lap. "You are here so you have an alibi. Your car is broken into and smashed while we were at the restaurant and then they stole it and set it on fire. You came straight back to my house after going to yours to get something. When you came here, I proposed to you. You said yes."

  "Excuse me?" I must have heard him wrong. There is no way in hell that a rational person would say something like that.

  These people are obviously certifiably insane. I need the men in the white coats to come take them all back to their padded cells.

  Hell, I probably should go, too.

  Vincent ran his hand up my back as comfort, I assume. "The Feds will want to talk to you about your car and you need an alibi."

  I looked around the room trying to figure out the right sentence to say. " I'm not even divorced yet!" Um, am I on a television show? "We are not in love! My first marriage is filled with hate and no love. I don't want to do that again! Is there anything else?" A Plan B maybe?

  Vincent pointed at an older man in the corner and he waved at me. "That man is a divorce judge. You are officially divorced and have been for two hours." My face must have exposed the horror that I feel because Vincent started to croon while he spoke. " I'm not saying that we are actually going to get married, but you will wear an engagement ring." I felt as if the world stopped spinning. An engagement ring? To my surprise, everyone seemed so normal like we were discussing the weather. "As far as anyone knows you are engaged to me for real. We can push off our nuptials for three months. After that three months, if you are not interested, you can leave and take your engagement ring with you."

  Is this a business proposal? Hell, there is more romance in closing a house then what just happened. Three months. Engaged. Engagement ring. Like a gum ball machine ring? Who in their right mind would buy and actual engagement ring for a woman they are not going to marry?

  I tried to get off of his lap but he held me down, and I felt a twinge of an erection hitting my ass. Damn it! Why does he have to be so hot? "Are you serious about this? You really want people to believe that we are engaged?" I tried to keep my voice as easy as possible but I'm getting annoyed. More than annoyed. I feel as if I'm bring played with.

  His face had a big smile on it and even though I'm not pleased with what is happening, I still wanted him. "What are we doing right now, Savannah? We are together and I like you a lot. I want to give you everything you want," Vincent spoke as if what he is saying is perfectly logical. "If you don't want to do this, just let me know and I will find other ways to protect you. There is a contract up for Millstone because he is the leader of what happened to your car. You can be targeted by the Dice Family at any time."

  This is just too much to take in. What the hell? Proposal? Alibi? I didn't do anything that would warrant an alibi, at least I didn't think I did. "Where is Anne?" I asked and looked at the group of four guys. "I want to speak to her." I went to scoot off his lap again but he kept me down.

  The judge is the one that answered. "They just got married."

  This is where I peeled out of his arms and jumped up. "Are you fucking insane?" I scream as I try to get out of the room. Finally the door opened, and I ran down the hall and down the stairs to find my purse. I'm calling a cab. This is psychotic!

  I yelled for Anne and Vincent came running down the stairs and yanked my phone out of my hand. "Baby doll, please listen to what I'm saying. We can continue what we are doing right now, but with a different title. I will let you pick out your own ring. Anything you want from the jewelry store you can have."

  I swung my hand up to try and punch him in the face. As I made my fist before the contact, he grabbed my hand and held it while I'm still in a fist hold. "Let me go! I just got divorced, now you want to propose?" All the anger from my divorce came flooding through me. Vincent came to my face and kissed me. This kiss stopped all thought processing and made my knees week. He deepened the kiss and I let him in to make it even deeper. His hands wrapped around my back and I wrapped my hands around his shoulders to increase what is happening. I plunged into his body to hold him tighter and to kiss him more. With deep licks into my mouth and my tongue into his, I became desperate. Desperate for something... more.

  "Baby, please just say you will. Give me three months and if you don't want me, I will let you go. But after those three months and you want to stay, we will be married." He said the words that every broken hearted woman wanted to hear. Does he mean it? Is he just proposing for an alibi or is there more to this?

  "Okay." I whispered and then took his mouth again. "Just don't let me down." I gripped him harder so he could kiss me harder. I'm becoming out of breath and light headed. He turned me on to the point where I'm hurting. He broke our kiss and looked me in the eyes.

  "Thank you, Savannah. Tomorrow we will go and pick out your ring. Anne is down the hall. I will come get you in a few minutes, I just have to finish some of the details. Stay with me this weekend. Don't go home. Please?" He kissed my cheek and then went back up the stairs.

  In a week's time, I have had sex with the only other man besides my husband, I have got divorced and now I'm engaged. My best friend ever is now married and I'm in a worm hole of some sheer craziness. "Vincent! Wait!" I yelled as I ran for the stairs. He met me half way down the stairs and on the stair where we had sex last week. "Are you serious about all of this?"

  "Like a heart attack," he kissed my cheek and walked up the stairs.

  *Chapter 18*

  Anne found me as I sat on THE stair. I seen her walk up the stairs. "Did you really just get married?"

  "Yes! I have never felt anything like this before. I'm so in love that it is crazy!" She said through smile cheeks. "Did he propose? Ronnie said he is going to do it today."

  "If you want to call it a proposal. I felt more romance from closing housing deals than this." I looked at her and couldn't help but feel happy for her. "Are you moving out?" I did manage to tamper down my selfish side because I didn't want her to move out.

  "No, we will live in both houses until you know what you are going to do about this. Did you say yes?"

  "Yes, he said that he wanted me to give him three months to decided if this is something I want. Joel didn't even get me a ring and now this guy is offering to get me whatever ring I want. Are you going to stay here with me?" Well, at least I'm assuming he would want to live here instead of my apartment. I do like his house... so, bonus.

  "I think so. The basement is where Ronnie lives, and I'm pretty sure they need to keep tabs on us. What are they doing?" Anne gave me a mischievousness smile and I started to get on her thought level.

  I felt the need to create some havoc and I know that my best friend will be up for this. "I have no idea. I want to bust into their meeting. Do you want to?"

  "Of course! This is so lame to just sit here and not do anything." She gave me her devious look and I knew I had her!

  "Let's go check the fridge and see if there is anything to drink. Maybe we can give them a peace offering." We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. The fridge is stocked with beer. I grabbed a bunch and so did Anne. "Come on, let's go up there!"

  We walked up the stairs with all of these beer bottles and to the secret room. Anne knocked and we stood back.

  Sal is the one who answered the door and I put on an innocent smile. "We were wondering if you were thirsty. Shouldn't you be at a bachelor party with boobs in your face?"

  Sal laughed and then led us in. "Vincent, I'm bored." I said as I sat on his lap and handed him a beer. "Let's do something fun! Is there a swimming pool by here?" I'm trying hard to not let anyone see how nervous I'm to be in a room full of killers.

  "Yes, we have one in the backyard. How about I meet you down there in two minutes?" I leaned into him and placed my lips up to his ear.

  He said we. I loved that he said that. Maybe he does have feelings for me... I have feelings for him but I just don't know if he actually feel
s how I do.

  "How about you meet down there now?" And then I kissed his lips and scooted off of his lap and walked out of the room.

  Anne followed me and laughed as I walked through the house to find the backyard door. I'm dying to see this pool.

  We finally found the door, and we heard people walking out congratulating Vincent and Ronnie. I opened the door and stripped off my shoes on my way to the pool. Anne followed suit and I debated on going skinny dipping. The pool is a great size and had a lazy walk in stairs to get in. Since it is in ground, there were ladders through out the pool to get out. My guess is that the pool is about thirteen feet deep.

  "Well aren't you the most impatient yet beautiful woman in the world?" Vincent asked as he approached where I'm sitting on the side of the pool. "If I didn't know any better I would think some one is lonely."

  I looked up at his stormy eyes and blinked a few times innocently. There is no way I would let him know he played into my game. "I have had a big day and I want some fun. Are you going to have fun with me?"


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