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Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1)

Page 22

by Eden Rose

  Joel had the ability to make me fall in love with his words. Except that is exactly what it is. Just words.

  There is a loud noise in the hallway and the door opened before I can even answer him. Millstone, Sammy and Vincent came in. All of them resume their original places.

  "Joel," Millstone starts, "you are to avoid anything that deals with Savannah. If you promise this, you will be given a pass. However, if you don't, let's just say your life will be hard."

  "You are very lucky that I promised Savannah that I would keep her in the front part of my mind. I would be making a spot right now," Vincent said as he rubbed my hand. I could feel my eyes start sting. Don't cry. Don't cry. Its not the time to.

  "Well, you two. That is my wife-"

  "Ex wife," Vincent corrected him. "She will be my wife in a matter of a month. I will not hesitate to shoot you and bury your body if you keep this up."

  Joel's eyes flashed with annoyance of bring interrupted and corrected. He always hated when I did those things to him. "Like I'm saying, I'm married to her. Now, you come in and think you can take her. Its not that simple." His hands were very still but his knuckles were turning white. Joel is losing control and that is usually when something bad happens.

  "Joel, are you fucking serious? He just gave you a pass and now you are going to be a dick?" Sammy said as his voice got higher.

  I pinch my arm and squeal as the pain flows through. Yep, I'm still here. Do they honestly need to talk about me like I'm not even here?

  "Please, everyone just stop," I stutter out as my hands shook. "Joel, you wrecked my car and broke into my apartment to kill me! Please, quit. You asked for the divorce and I gave it to you. Maybe if you wouldn't have been chasing everything in a skirt-"

  "Look, you dumb bitch!" Joel screams at me. The switch has been flipped.

  Vincent stood up and walked over to where he is sitting. "You have got to be insane if you think I will let you talk to her like that! Leave her alone or build that will! Those are your two options!" Vincent walked back up to me and took my hand. He pulled me up and walked me to the door.

  Joel is yelling at him. "Its pretty shitty when you try to steal someone's wife! Now you want to threaten me? If I wanted her to be dead, she would be," he grabbed Vincent's elbow and pushed him away from me. "What? You can make threats but you don't follow up?"

  Vincent let go of me, causing me to fall slightly into the wall, and pushed Joel into the wall with his forearm pressed against his neck. His face got so close to Joel's that Sammy came and blocked me off from going over there by putting his back on my front so I'm locked onto the door.

  "You have fear in your eyes for someone who speaks like he has confidence. You are just a little punk." Vincent slammed his arm further into his neck and I wanted to tell him to stop, but I have seen this look before. Vincent is not my fiance right now, right now he is the enforcer.

  "I could kill you right now, Moretti!" Joel tries to sound big and bad. His voice cracked.

  "You think you can?" Vincent took one hand into his pocket and grabbed at something. From the way it looked, he is grabbing a gun. "Then what are you waiting for? I'm right here! In front of your face!" His accent came out very thick as he got mad. I hate to admit it, but seeing him so mad really turned me on. I'm such a mess!

  "The only reason why I haven't killed you yet is because that dumb whore would hate me! You are the lucky one here! I wouldn't hesitate!" Joel screamed as his face got so red and he looked like he could sweat.

  "You mother fucker! You have got to be the most stupid human in the world! She doesn't love you! She wears my ring and my earrings along with my bracelet. Savannah is mine," Vincent pushed his arm further into Joel's neck.

  All of this arguing that is happening is because of me. But I didn't feel pride or satisfaction. I actually felt sick to my stomach. This is not attractive and I'm actually getting angry. Joel and Vincent were arguing over me like I'm a toy and I'm not enjoying this.

  " I'm not going to let you take her from me!" Joel screamed as he looked past Vincent and at me. "He can't love you like I can."

  Sammy backed me further into the door as my breathing got heavier. He whispered for me to not say anything. Sammy then moved his hands to his back to hold my hands still as they shook.

  "Moretti, its time for you to leave. Let's not make any hasty decisions," Millstone comes up and tries pull Vincent off of his choke lock. However, it didn't work like he wanted it to. Vincent's arm smashed further into the lock. "We will handle this through the ranks."

  "Please, Vincent! Let's go home," I beg as I try to get out from the door block.

  Vincent's arm dropped and he gave Sammy a death glare and that look didn't drop as he stared at Joel. "You have been touched by an angel," he turns and faces me. "Let's go home, baby doll."

  Joel took a deep breath and tried to get to Vincent but Millstone stopped him. "Joel, let's go." Millstone then pulled Joel out of the office by his arm. "You are the most dumbest person in the world. He won't hesitate next time." With that they walked down the hallway.

  Vincent tells Sammy to move and he embraced me. My heels left the floor as he breathed into my hair and nuzzled his face into my neck. " I'm sorry, Savannah. I wanted to kill him. I'm so close to doing it too."

  "I know, baby. Thanks, Sammy, for being my body guard. I'm really happy you were here," I smile at him past Vincent's head. Finally, Vincent set me down. "Let's go shopping tomorrow and find us new furniture."

  We drove back to Vincent's home in a BMW this time. I sat in the back and stretched out as Vincent drove and Sammy sat in front.

  "He is so dumb. Couldn't even tell it is a set up! He is going to get himself killed or a made member!" Sammy says as he turns on the air conditioning in the car.

  I and to break the ice... its too serious and its choking me. "Can you put the top down?" I ask as I wedge myself in between their seats. "Please?"

  Sammy says something under his breath.

  "Of course, baby doll!" He pushes the convertible button and the breeze felt amazing. "Sammy, I would have killed him. I hope he knows how lucky he is that he got this pass. We would be making a spot right now," Vincent looks at me through the rear view mirror and smiles at me.

  "I never know what you guys are talking about!" I say as I put my hair into a messy bun. "All I know is that it is hot as hell."

  Vincent looked in his mirror again and winked at me. "Do you think he is going to stay away? Or are we going to have more problems?" He asks Sammy.

  While we were driving towards his house, a car behind us gets very close to the bumper and flashes their lights.

  "Savannah!" A voice calls from the car behind.

  The screeching of the tires echoed through my ears and my eyes are assaulted by bright lights. Its starting to get cold and I'm getting scared.

  Vincent pulls the car over and hands me a blanket. "Lay down on the back seat and cover yourself up."

  "I don't want to. Can we please go home?" I pout.

  "Do it anyways!" I oblige and Vincent gets out of the car along with Sammy.

  They walk towards the car behind them and start talking to someone. I could hear some yelling, but I couldn't actually decipher what they were talking about. Someone knocked on the hood of the car and that made me jump. I reach into my purse and pull out my phone.

  Anne: How did it go?

  Anne: Please message me back. I'm worried.

  Anne: Ronnie is talking about going down there too. I'm scared.

  Anne: Are you kidding me, Vans?

  Me: Meet me in the foyer when I get home.

  Anne: When are you going to be home?

  I had a pang in my chest. Suddenly I felt very home sick. "I hope soon, kitten."

  The blanket that is covering me got pulled down and I curled up into the fetal position. "Shh, baby. Its okay." The hand came and rubbed my arm. "Its over now. Let's go home."

  After sitting up, I realized that Vincent and Sammy were ba
ck in the car. However, Sammy closed the convertible.

  "Hey!" I yell as the top closed.

  "Baby doll, we will take this car in the morning to go shopping and we will put the top down."

  I smile to myself and lean back against he seat as the car started and drove off.

  They drove back in silence and I played on my phone. By the time we got home, the sun is completely gone and I wanted it back.

  *Chapter 34*

  "Sammy, call Sal and have him get all the top notches here right now," Vincent helped me climb over the driver seat. " I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to make you scared," he pulled me in for a hug and I hold on as tight as I could to his waist. "I do have more business to attend to. So how about you go on my tablet and start looking for furniture," he drops his hold on me but I didn't let go right away.

  I head the front door open and Ronnie came shuffling towards us.

  "Savannah, Anne is inside. How about you go," Ronnie said as I dropped my hold off of Vincent. As I walk away, I heard them talking.

  "Wait!" I heard as I walked to the door and felt my waist being grabbed. "I love you, baby. Tomorrow we will do whatever you want." Vincent let my waist go and walked away.

  Whew! He can make me feel like I'm on a carnival ride.

  "Anne! Where are you?" I yelled through the house as I walled up stairs to my room. "Let's go swimming!" I yelled as I went into the room and stripped out of my clothing. Hot tub sounds amazing.

  Anne comes running up the stairs and barges into the room as I slipped on my swim suit. "You had me so worried, you bitch!" She says as she sits on the bed dramatically.

  I catch her up on everything while she changed into her suit.

  "Are you serious?" She asked as we walked out of the room and down the stairs.

  "Yes, he called me his wife more times since we got divorced than he did when we were married. I want to hot tub." We are standing right in between the hot tub and the pool and they both looked really fun. Hot tub won.

  "I would have given anything to see Joel's face when Vincent body slammed him," she said as we stepped into the tub.

  "This feels amazing!"

  "What happened when Vincent told him you were going to get married?" She slipped into the other side of the tub while I adjust the jets.

  "His face looked like he was scared! It was really hard to see Vincent choke slam him. I really wanted Joel to die, but it is so wrong of me to think that way. Anyway," I say as I try to change the subject. "How is everything going with you?"

  She smiles and takes a deep breath. "Its wonderful. I love being married and living here. Don't you love it here?"

  "I like it much better now that my stuff is here." While we were gone last weekend, my clothes and personal belongings were brought here but all of my furniture is left because I didn't care for it. "Vincent is taking me shopping tomorrow to find new furniture. I want to get a new bed and new sheets. I'm wanting it to be like a fresh start for the both of us. Do you know what I mean?" The jets hit my lower back perfectly.

  "I definitely know! Especially if someone else slept in the bed."

  "I didn't think of it like that. Thanks!" I splash water at her. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

  "Ronnie and I are meeting my parents for dinner," she says as she burrows into the water to surround herself with the bubbles.

  "No fair! I miss your parents."

  "You should come to dinner after you shop. Also, my parents don't know what Ronnie does for a living. They do know that we got married. However, they don't know that we didn't get married in their church. You know how they are with their church."

  "How could I forget." I used to schedule myself to work those days so I didn't have to go.

  "Have you decided on a theme yet?" She asked as she splashed water on her arms.

  I tilt my head to the sky and close my eyes. The gravity of everything has come down on me all of a sudden and I'm so tired. Bleh. "I think we decided on low key. I love bright colors but I don't think it will fit the beach theme. What do you think?"

  "I think you should do whatever you want. Vans, you have a second chance to have the wedding that you wanted with Joel but were never able to have it. Also, I'm pretty positive that Vincent will let you have whatever you want."

  I sunk into the water but didn't put my head into it. " I'm kind of embarrassed as to the reason why I don't want a big shebang of a wedding." Anne knew I didn't like to talk about my parents. Their deaths were such a surprise that I have never come to terms with it. There are many times in my life where I wished I could pick up the phone and talk to my mother or father. They were such a beautiful couple. Loving and affectionate. I have their wedding album in my safe and every once in a while I take it out and touch the pictures. Sometimes I pretend that it brings them back to me. Its childish, I know, but it makes me feel better.

  Anne floated closer to me and reached for my hand that is floating on top of the water. "I know that reason why. I'm really sorry that your parents aren't here. That really sucks. However, you can't punish yourself for something that you can't control."

  With a deep breath, I closed my eyes. "It just sucks. All of my graduations, my first and now my second wedding they missed. What happens if I do have kids? They won't be there to see them."

  Anne dropped my hand and went back to her original spot. "Just be happy and make it the best day of your life. Your parents would love for you to be happy. Not your fake happy you were on your wedding, but really happy."

  I didn't get a chance to respond since I heard the slider open. "Hello ladies! Is this a private party?" Ronnie calls out as he walks to the hot tub and climbs in. "You two are looking pretty cozy."

  As he settles in between us, he puts his arms around our shoulders. "Comfortable?" I ask as he positions Anne and I to better suit him.

  "Yes, yes ma'am." He kissed both of us on the cheek. "So what were you two talking about? Sex?" He giggled.

  "You know it," Anne reached her head out to kiss him on the cheek.

  "Hey, hey! You are lucky that I'm a trusting person!" Vincent yells from the door as he walks up to us in his swim trunks. Yum. "I just might need to start packing even out here!" He sits next to me on the other side and pushes Ronnie's arm off of me. "Fondle your own!" Vincent tries to look serious, but he started to laugh as I moved in closer to him.

  "Hey, lover. I'm wondering when you were going to come out and see me," I tell him as I float off the bench and move onto his lap. "Especially because I'm out here getting all hot and bothered."

  "Savannah!" Anne calls as she blushes.

  "So what were you guys talking about?" I ask as I lean into him so my back resting on his chest. I felt his member twitch on my tail bone and I move to make him know that I felt it.

  "Just what happened today. Nothing as exciting as it is right here," he hugs me into him and I let my head fall against his gape of the neck. " I'm excited to go shopping with you, baby doll. I'm not joking, anything you want you can have. You being here is amazing."

  "I want a new bed." Well, there goes any conversation about that.

  "The whole bed, frame and all?"

  "The frame could stay but I want a new mattress. It will be like us starting over together."

  "We got a new bed delivered today," Ronnie says as he lifts Anne to sit on him. "We already broke it in, didn't we?" He giggled and Anne's cheeks flashed red.

  Vincent pulls me tighter to him and starts kissing my neck. I can not prevent the wiggle of my hips as I start to writhe against him. His dick gets thicker and it pokes me on my ass cheeks which causes me to wiggle more.

  Suddenly, Vincent stands up and he is carrying me like a drowning victim who has been rescued. I can't even begin to think about how my analogy is true.

  "Say good night, Savannah," he says as he climbs over the tub.

  "Good night, Savannah!" I scream.

  *Chapter 35*

  The air in the house is very cold and causes my skin to goose bu
mp. Vincent takes the stairs two at a time until we are in our (yes, ours! I know, I'm so excited, too) bedroom. He deposits me at the end of the bed and goes towards the bathroom. I hear the tub going and I suddenly feel shy.

  The look in his eyes make me feel like prey. He is in total predator stance. I close my eyes for a few seconds to get a hold of myself and when I open them he is standing in front of me. "Come," that is the only word he says to me.

  I start to follow him into the bathroom and think to myself that I would and will follow this man to the ends of the earth. Believe me, I feel like a psycho for putting so much trust into one person, but I honestly need him like a body needs hydration. Vincent Moretti has become my world and there is no going back. Its truly disarming and comforting at the same time on how much I need him.


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