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Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1)

Page 24

by Eden Rose

  "Yes, we still have time to shop though!" We scurried off to a jewelry store and immediately went to the men's section. This store is the same as the one we went to in order to pick out my ring.

  "Hello, my name is Annabeth. What brings you in today?" A tall and blonde woman walked up to us with her hand extended. She looked very young. As I racked my memory to think of who she is, I darted my eyes around the room. Yes! She is the one that sold us the ring.

  "Hi, I'm Anne Rossi and this is Savannah Cavanough," Anne introduced us as I gazed at the woman. She is incredibly beautiful. " I'm looking for a wedding band, and she is looking for something special, for her fiance."

  The woman had a look of recognition on her face as she looked from myself to Anne. Damn it, I wish I had worn makeup. Annabeth is so pretty. She started to stare at me.

  Finally she spoke and looked right at me. "Oh, yes. You are engaged to Vincent Moretti."

  How strange. I tried to stop fidgeting and look confident. Savannah, you are engaged to an enforcer! "How do you know all of that?" I ask as I raise my eyebrow at her.

  "I know a lot about a lot of things. I'm Vinny's wife. Also, your earrings? Vincent bought them from me here." She walked towards me and smiled. "Those do look beautiful on you," she then fingered my bracelet. "This also looks beautiful on you. Come, let's find something." We were led the collection for men.

  "I want to give Ronnie a tungsten ring. Something masculine and lovely," Anne said as Annabeth pulled out all of the rings in the case. "I love this one!" She squeals as she reached for a ring. "This is the one!"

  Annabeth took it from her and walked away from us as her phone rang. "Annabeth Corelli." There is a few beats and she is nodding her head while smiling. "Yes, she is here. Would you like to speak to her?" Another beat and she held the phone out to me.

  "Hello?" I say into the phone.

  "Baby doll!"

  "Vincent? How many people do you have watching me?" I look around to see if there were any suspicious cars outside of the store.

  "Ha ha."

  "Do you have a low jack in my phone?" I say sarcastically.

  "You would think so. Have fun with Annabeth. She has my credit card on file. Get whatever you want."


  "I love you." With that he hung up on me. I handed the dead lined phone back to Annabeth.

  "That man is a head trip," I reply as I walk back. "I want to find something for Vincent with an S on it."

  Annabeth smiled and pulled out a Movado watch with diamonds. "I can engrave an S in here. I know this is something that he would love!"

  "Annie! You have to see this!" I took the watch from Annabeth's hand and old it out to Anne. "This is exquisite!"

  Anne smiled and held her purchase in her hand. "You have to get that for him!"

  I looked from Anne to Annabeth. "Well, I'm sold. How much is it?" I knew it would be close to a thousand dollars. I just needed to make sure I had enough money.

  "You two are so cute!" She walked over to the counter and handed us two boxes.

  "Vans, your phone is ringing," Anne went to my purse on the floor and brought my phone to me.

  "Savannah Cas- Cavanough," damn that is going to be a hard transition.

  "Hello, my name is Nurse Sue. Is your husband," there is wrestling of papers, "Joel Castile?"

  *Chapter 37*

  "He is, we were divorced about two weeks ago. What is this regarding?"

  " I'm sorry to bother you, but Joel is demanding that you are here. He was in a very bad fight. Joel has a broken arm and leg. Also, he is suffering a horrible concussion. Would be able to come down to fill out some paperwork?"

  "Yes, I'm on my way," I hung up and Anne looked at me. "Joel was in a very bad fight. I need to go to the hospital." I pulled out my wallet with my card in my hand, I gave it to Annabeth. "Please?" She took it and rang up a one hundred dollar ticket. "I know that the watch costs more than that."

  "Go on. I will engrave it and bring it to you at the hospital." Annabeth looked very nervous as she turned.

  "What do you know?" I asked her as my voice raised. "You seem to know something. What is it?" I closed the space between us and placed my arm on her shoulder to stop her from backing up away from us.

  "Sammy is talking about this cafone being an idiot. When I asked him who it is he mentioned that this guy is connected to you."

  "That can't be all you know," I demanded as I withdrew my hand.

  "Joel threatened Vinny and he said he has some business to attend to. He left with Ronnie and Vincent. I think it best that you two don't go there. Let the guys take care of this." She looked very nervous as she finished the engraving and handed me a box that held the watch. "I have been around for a long time. I grew up with all of these guys. You really don't want to get involved."

  "Thank you for your input and the watch. We should meet up again." I wrote my number down and handed it to her. "Come on, let's go."

  Anne and I walked past two Bentleys as we made our way to the hospital. It is rather obvious who is in those Bentleys.

  "What do you think happened?" Anne asked as we walked through the hospital to Joel's room. "I wonder how bad he is going to look."

  I didn't know what to say while we approached the room. Millstone came running up to me and grabbed my arms to push me against the wall.

  "You bitch! You did this!" He screams in my face. I turned my cheek so he isn't yelling at me directly. "You will get what you deserve! How could you do that to him? Did you order the hit?" He took a breath but tightened his grip on my arms as he shoved me into the wall. "You will get popped, you dumb bitch! You just wait!" My breathing got staggered as his grip tightened.

  "Hey! Quit!" Anne yelled as my face burned red hot. "We weren't even around him! I have been with her all day!" She tried to pull his arms off of me but it only tightened.

  I closed my eyes expecting him to hit me because his arms flinched. However, the hit never happened.

  "Vans, you can open your eyes," Anne says as Millstone let go of me.

  "Listen, you mother fucker! You are so lucky that it is me that walked through those doors and not Moretti!" I opened my eyes and seen Ronnie with his arm across Millstone's neck. "If Moretti had came, you would be lying next to that fuck bag!" He powered at Millstone.

  I rubbed my arms to loosen the burning from where the bruise is taking place. I really wanted Vincent here. However, Ronnie did have a point. He would have surely killed him.

  "Come on, let's go see him," Anne grabbed my hand. I'm still too shaken up to speak.

  Joel is in his own room. He really looked awful. The evil ex wife side is happy that he got what he deserved. However, the humane part of my mind felt a little bad. Joel's arm and leg were suspended into the air and he is hooked up to IV's and a heart monitor. Secretly, I felt a pang of sadness and felt sorry for him.

  Damn it! He deserved this!

  Anne came to me and rubbed my shoulders while I'm gazing at the situation. "Do you think they had something to do with this?"

  We were both questioning it. She said it first. I shook my head and walked to the side of the bed.

  "Savannah, you came," Joel said with a moan. "I knew you would come."

  I found my voice. I tried hard to not start screaming. "What happened?"

  "It isn't who you think did this to me. I promise." His hands shook as he reached for my hand and tried to take it in his. I bypassed it though. " I was jumped by some muscles. They found out that I'm still trying to get you back. While I'm leaving your office, they followed me out to behind your building and kicked my ass. I thought they were going to kill me."

  I didn't say anything as I looked at him. Anne came up and sat next to me on the bed. I could hear my phone ringing. I knew Ronnie probably told Vincent that I'm here.

  "Do you want me to get your phone?" She asked as she signaled to my sprawled out purse laying on the floor.

  "No. We both know who it is." I knew that Vincent wouldn't b
e thrilled about my being here with my ex husband. Hell, if the tables were turned, I would be feeling a little psycho.

  "Savannah, please. I'm really sorry. I will do whatever it takes," Joel says as he goes in and out of sleeping.

  "Joel! You know better!" Millstone yells as Ronnie leads him into the room. "She and you got divorced. Leave her alone!"

  "Ladies, we should be going. I'm going to take you two to dinner," Ronnie held out his hand to Anne and she took it. I stood up and Ronnie pulled me into his arm. "Vincent will be out late," he squeezed me in his arm and walked us out of the room. "He will be home later."

  "Where is he?" I ask quietly since I'm still a little disturbed by what happened.


  "Bull shit." I say under my breath as we walked to a restaurant from the hospital.

  *Chapter 38*

  Vincent didn't come home that night. I felt so lonely in the bed that I couldn't sleep. I wanted to blow his phone up and ask him if he were going to come home. I paced the whole room for hours and hours. My phone laid dormant and didn't ring. This is killing me.

  Around three in the morning, I decided that since this is my house now that I would go explore those four other bedrooms that lined the hall. After slipping on a pair of sweatpants and flip flops, I grabbed one of Vincent's tee shirts and breathed in his scent. It would be a complete lie if I said I didn't miss him.

  I padded through the hall and past the room that held their meetings. I went to the room directly next to Vincent and my bedroom. What a complete shocker, it is also blue. There is a queen sized bed in the middle and a dresser that held pictures. Those pictures were so tempting that I picked them up. They were of Vincent and another woman. Granted she looked Italian, but I'm jealous of her. I put that one back and picked up another. It is of the same woman and Vincent on a boat.

  Maybe an old girlfriend or something... why would he keep a room as homage to her?

  I opened the dresser drawers and there were a ton of female clothes in these drawers. Now I'm getting pretty damn curious. I walked to the closet and opened the doors. There must have been a hundred different shoes. Besides the shoes there were designer clothes. Who lives in this room? Or, better yet, lived. I have never seen anyone enter this room.

  I stalked out of the room and on to the next one. This one is also that fucking blue. There are other colors besides blue, Vincent!

  In this room there is a big desk. This desk is so huge that it reminded me of a captain style desk. Sitting at the desk, is a computer and more pictures. These pictures were of that woman and Vincent again. Vincent and this woman were all over the place. Oceans, cruises, restaurants. To me, they seemed very couple like. A pang of jealously struck through me.

  I sat in the office chair and spun around in it. After my eyes came back to normal, I realized that there is a picture of a blonde hanging on the wall with Vincent. Curiosity radiated my body and I got off the chair to go see the picture. Who is this blonde? A complete different take from the Italian woman who has been starring in all of these pictures. As I approached the picture, I noticed that the dress is black and looked like mine that I wore to my work event.

  "Oh my word!" I say as I noticed that it is a picture of Vincent and I at my work party. We were dancing, however the picture showed Vincent dipping me and we are both smiling. I now feel stupid for being jealous.

  He obviously loves me.

  There is another picture on the wall next to that one. I screamed when I noticed what the picture is of. It is of Vincent proposing to me on the beach. I could have cried.

  I left that room and went to the next one. This room is ginormous! There is a big couch that circled the outlining of the wall. On the other wall is a huge flat screened television. I went and sat on the couch and looked around. On the walls were different stereo equipment and speakers.

  As I laid back on the couch, I suddenly got tired. I closed my eyes for a few minutes. The room had an interesting feel to it.


  "Savannah?" Someone whispered and I jumped out of my spot. I must have fallen asleep. I rubbed my eyes and noticed that it is light outside and that Vincent is standing in the doorway.

  "Hi," I replied as I stretched.

  He walked towards me with an am used smile on his face. "What are you doing in here?" He asked as he sat down next to me and I laid on his chest and made myself a new bed.

  "I missed you," I breathed as my eyes closed. "Where were you?"

  " I'm sorry. I had a lot to work on," he rubbed my shoulder and smoothed my hair.

  "Did you speak to Ronnie?"

  "No, why would I speak to Rossi?"

  "It doesn't matter."

  He brought his face close to my ear and whispered in it. "What happened with him?" He is trying to not be angry. I could tell.

  "Joel is in the hospital and when I went there Millstone approached me."

  He jerked as I said Millstone. "Okay..."

  "He kind of threatened me," I tried to make light of this because I didn't want to piss Vincent off. I didn't want him to leave again.

  "What did he say?" His accent got thicker and I knew he is getting mad. I didn't answer and his heart beated faster. "Savannah, what did he say?"

  "If I tell you, will you tell me something?" I tried to make it seem like a game. I felt him nod so I knew it is working. "Millstone... told me that..." I couldn't say it. His hand moved faster and I could feel his patience falter. "He told me that... I'm going to get popped." His body tensed and I didn't want him to leave again so I made myself dead weight. "That's only because he thought I had something to do with Joel's accident. Do you know anything about it?"

  The pause he made answered my question. "Thank you for telling me. Now what did you want to know?" He kissed my forehead and brushed my hair away from my face.

  I took a deep breath and tried to figure out how to word my questions. There is no way I wanted to seem as if I were nosy but this is my house now. "So, I went looking through these rooms. Who is the Italian woman in all of those pictures?"

  Now it is his turn to sound nervous. "My sister."

  "What?" I sat up and stared at him. Who keeps siblings a secret from the woman that they are going to marry? What else is he hiding? Suddenly, I'm extremely worried about what else he is keeping from me. How well do I even know him? I know that I love him, and I want that to be enough. I hope it is enough to make up for what he can't tell me which seems to be a lot.

  "My sister is named Lea Sophia. She lived here with me for a long time. However, when she and her boyfriend broke up, she moved with my mother. Her daughter is absolutely beautiful, her name is Isadora." Vincent sounded proud while he spoke and I could tell that he missed those two.

  "Why didn't you tell me you had siblings?"

  "Because she was dating Millstone. He cheated on her with my ex wife." There is something about the tone of his voice that said he is done talking about it.

  "Wow," I laid back on him and listened to his breathing. "I like your room. This is very nice." I took a deep breath and then sat up and switched my legs over so they were on top of him. "Please tell me why you left me today."

  "I went to speak to Joel. However, he was gone by the time we got there. We drove around and tried to find him. After Annabeth called me to tell me that you were at the hospital, we had a discussion about how to handle things."

  I decided to let it drop. It is obvious that he isn't going to be more forthcoming. "I got something for you." I jumped off of him and ran to our bedroom. After grabbing the box, I walked back to the room and caught Vincent taking his shoes off. I handed him the box and sat down next to him on the couch.

  "You didn't have to get me anything, baby doll. You are my greatest present." He opened the box and gasped as he pulled the watch out. "This is beautiful. Thank you so much!" He kissed my cheek as he switched it over to the back. "Thank you."

  "It is my pleasure. I love you," I purred.

  "I love you too. Let's
go to bed and snuggle." We walked off the couch and went to room to our bedroom. "I have been dreaming about you all day."

  "Then maybe you should have come home sooner," I reply as I take off the excess clothes but left on my tank top and underwear.

  He laughed and took off his clothes. " I'm going to go take a shower. I will be back in a few," he walked naked and away from me to the bathroom. Bastard. He looked so sexy.

  I waited until I heard the shower start to finish getting undressed. After waiting for the shower to start and the curtain to open, I crept into the bathroom, and quietly moved the curtain to sneak in behind Vincent. As I put my arms around his waist, he jumped and then spun on me.


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