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The Billionaire's Scandal (The Blank Check Series Book 3)

Page 14

by Jeannette Winters

  But people wanted to know exactly how he’d been hurt? Hell, he wasn’t exactly sure himself. He could only assume that when he held on to the post and pulled Brooke up, he’d been so worried about saving her, that he never noticed the splintered wood digging into his shoulder. He was lucky. It could’ve been much worst. We might not have made it. Even now, when he closed his eyes, he could see the fear on her face. Hear her plead with him not to let her go. If he struggled with the nightmares, he could only imagine what she was going through. He wanted to believe it was over for her. And if it was, Gareth wasn’t going to be the one to bring it all back.

  It’s bad enough one of us lives with it.

  “You may now kiss your bride,” the judge announced.

  Gareth had somehow missed most of the wedding. The only positive was he knew Dylan wouldn’t be any the wiser. The happy couple walked back down the aisle, but midway Dylan bent down and scooped Sofia up into his arms.

  “Time to rest those feet, Mrs. Lawson,” Dylan said.

  Sofia chuckled. “Whatever you say, Mr. Lawson.”

  The two of them headed to the back of the restaurant where a long table was set up to celebrate the joyous occasion. Charles walked over to Gareth and said, “You seem a bit . . . distracted. Anything you want to talk about?”

  “Nope,” he said dryly.

  “You haven’t been yourself since you got home.”

  “Tabiq was eye-opening. I guess it has changed me,” Gareth replied.

  “And what about this woman I heard about?”

  “It’s nothing.” At least it wasn’t any more.

  “Is that how she feels or just you?” Charles asked.

  Does it matter? “Charles, unless you haven’t noticed, we’re at a wedding. Let’s talk about something else.”

  “If she means something to you, this is the perfect time to discuss it. Or didn’t you listen to anything they said when they exchanged vows?” Charles asked. “Maybe I don’t want to know that answer. But I think you have some soul-searching to do.”

  “I’m not doing that. But then again, I think we all have some to do. That meeting with Alex opened my eyes, Charles. We have been pointing fingers at others for how fucked up they were. We should’ve been looking in our own closets. Now we have some serious decision-making to do.”

  “We all know you well enough to know when you’re planning something but haven’t told anyone about it. Please tell me you’re not going back to Tabiq,” Charles said.

  “And if I was?” Gareth asked. He didn’t need anyone’s approval.

  “You haven’t finished healing from the last trip. One that I wish you would’ve discussed with me first.”

  “So you could’ve told me no?” Gareth snarled.

  Charles said, “Before Rosslyn, that’s exactly what I would’ve done. But like you, I’ve changed. I’m not out to stop you from doing what you want. But I would’ve offered support. You do know we’re still your brothers. You don’t have to go do this on your own.”

  “I already learned everything I need to know about the Hendersons,” Gareth snapped.

  “I’m not talking about our cousins, and I’m not talking about Tabiq either. I’m not sure if it is the accident or if it is that woman Brooke, but whatever it is, we’re here for you.”

  “Charles, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but there are some things I have to do alone.” Figuring out his feelings for Brooke, determining what he wanted for his future, were at the top of that list.

  “Well, I’m here if you ever change your mind. So are the others. With everything we’ve learned lately, it’s more important than ever for us to stand together.”

  “Don’t worry, Charles, my days of running amuck are over. Granted, I’m never going to be as old and boring as you are, but I’m settling down.” Not by choice.

  Charles laughed. “Gareth, one thing I know is you’ll never be boring. There is trouble right around the corner, and it has your name on it.”

  Gareth laughed. “So what you’re saying is I should spice up this party with one of my memorable toasts?”

  Charles shrugged. “You can. But if you think therapy was hard for your shoulder, wait until you see what Maria could do to you. She’s very protective of her kids.”

  “Hey, why don’t you have Rosslyn go play matchmaker with Sal and Charlene. That’s a couple that would be very entertaining to be around.”

  “What makes you think my wife is a matchmaker?”

  Gareth shot Charles a look. “Because they all are. It’s like some secret group, and they are always scoping out who should be with who.”

  “Then I guess Sal and Charlene are out, because Rosslyn said Charlene would be good for Seth.”

  Gareth almost choked. “Seth? She would eat him alive. He’s never dated anyone like her. She’s . . . bold.”

  “That’s one way of putting it.”

  “I’m glad she didn’t say my name,” Gareth said.

  “Nope. She said you’re already in love. Just too dumb to know it.” Gareth shot him a warning look and Charles added, “Rosslyn’s words, not mine.”

  Rosslyn fit very nicely into the family. He could almost picture her saying that to Charles.

  Good for you, Charles. You found someone who can tolerate your arrogant ass. He thought he had as well.

  Good thing I don’t do relationships, or losing her would really suck.

  Gareth was glad Charles had come over to talk. He’d been on the fence about what to do, and now he knew. He needed to go back to Tabiq. There was unfinished business there. But letting Charles know would have to wait until tomorrow. Gareth had already distanced himself enough from Dylan’s wedding. He wasn’t about to blow the rest off.

  “What do you say we head over there so I can give my toast before Charlene does hers.”

  “Are you worrying about hers topping yours?”

  “No. But once she starts talking, it never ends. I figured I’d get mine in before they leave for their honeymoon.” Gareth laughed. It was a good note to end the conversation with. One that does not have the focus on me.

  Brooke was home and packed, but she knew she couldn’t follow her parents to Panama. Like always, she’d visit, but that was it. To her father it was going home, but for her, Panama was only a vague memory.

  So she did something she’d never done before, taken on a job without thoroughly researching every aspect. It had the similar feel to New Hope, just different people and a different location.

  It didn’t take her long to realize the driving force behind the place. Money. There wasn’t any respect for the staff, and respect for the guests only took place face to face. Behind their backs, they slammed them all. It was a gossip fest, and she was sickened by it all.

  After working there for one week, Brooke was forced to quit. She couldn’t work with people like that. So she moved on to another place. It was better, but not by much. She couldn’t stay there either. At the rate she was leaving jobs, she’d be lucky if anyone would hire her. Her spotless résumé was going to look like it had the chickenpox.

  Brooke always had a place. If she wanted, she could check into a hotel and stay there until she figured things out. But she knew the issue. Nothing felt right because of how she’d left things in Tabiq. She needed to go back and face her demons. Or at least finish her contract.

  Picking up the phone, she dialed Janet’s number. Of course Janet wasn’t the one who’d be able to make the final decision, but Janet could give her an idea of what to expect when she decided to call Alex.

  “Brooke, I was hoping I’d hear from you. How have you been?” Janet asked.

  “Good. But I still feel awful about not completing my assignment. What do you think Alex would say if I offered to come back?” That sounded a bit arrogant as though she was important. So she corrected herself. “I mean asked if he’d take me back. I’m sure he’s already filled that spot, but maybe something else opened.”

  “You’re right, the po
sition was filled a few days after you left. There aren’t any openings as far as I know, but then again, I’m not the big boss. I would say give him a call. The worst that happens is he says no.”

  That was exactly what she was afraid of. It’d be so much easier calling Ziva, but she had to follow the rules. Alex was a part owner with his brothers. Although she knew if Ziva asked, he never would refuse her.

  “I can give him a call next.”

  “You might want to wait a few days. There is a big family reunion or something happening here right now. All the Hendersons are here with their families.”

  That was definitely not something she wanted to interrupt. When she was there a month ago, she didn’t recall hearing anything about that. For all the Hendersons to be there, it had to be a big event. She normally wasn’t such a curious person, but she asked anyway.

  “Do you know why they are all there?”

  “Nicolas, Brice’s oldest is turning ten tomorrow. They are all here to celebrate. I would’ve thought it was easier for Ziva and Alex to travel back to the States, but what do I know? The Hendersons all do things differently than most.”

  If she hadn’t left, she’d be there right now, probably serving the entire family. Brooke had met many of them when they traveled to Tabiq, but they normally didn’t bring their children. She had no idea why she was becoming fond of them, but she was.

  “I bet Charisa is loving it. She finally will have kids to play dollies with.” That didn’t mean Charisa would let Brooke off the hook next time.

  “So where are you now?” Janet asked.

  “I’m . . . going home for a few days. Then if things work out, Tabiq will be my next stop.”

  “If it doesn’t, I have a friend who works on a cruise line. I could always call and get you a job there.”

  That was really nice of Janet, but it wasn’t a financial issue. She wanted to continue her dream of traveling the world.

  Then why am I going back to someplace I’ve already seen?

  That had nothing to do with finishing a job. She felt lost, and she hoped by going back, maybe she wouldn’t feel that way any longer.

  “Thanks, but that isn’t what I’m looking for, Janet. If Alex doesn’t need me, I have a few other places in mind.”

  “Okay. Hey have you heard from Gareth? I was wondering how he is doing.”

  Brooke wasn’t going to admit it, but she was following him in the media. There had been a photo of all six Lawson men standing together at Dylan’s wedding. From what she could tell, he looked like he was happy and back to his old life.

  “I haven’t spoken to him, but I hear he’s doing well.”

  “You mean you haven’t called him?” Janet asked.

  “No. He had a lot going on, remember?”

  “Had. But that was over a month ago. The last I heard, they were able to clear up the infection. Thank God. I was really concerned the last time I saw him. It . . . didn’t look good.”

  No. It didn’t. “He’s a fighter.”

  “But that doesn’t answer why you didn’t call him. It seemed like you two were really getting along. I would’ve bet that you ended up as a couple.”

  “And you would’ve lost that bet. Our lifestyles don’t mesh with the word couple. And long distance relationships aren’t for me before you even suggest that.” Brooke knew Janet was a hopeless romantic now since Vinny had swept her off her feet. But that fairy tale didn’t happen to everyone.

  “Okay, so you’re not going to live happily ever after. But you can still call the man. After all you saved his life.”

  “After he saved mine. I’m sure he wants to forget that piece of his life. It’s probably bad enough that he has visual scars to remind him, he doesn’t need to hear from me to bring it all up again.” What else would they have to talk about? The accident was the one thing that would always define their time together. She wished it wasn’t so, but hoping for something didn’t make it happen.

  “I guess you’re right. I hadn’t thought about it like that. How are you doing dealing with it, by the way?”

  “I’m okay.” When I’m busy enough not to think about it. Which is hardly ever.

  “That’s good to hear. Everything happened so fast that it felt like we never really got to say goodbye.”

  Brooke felt the same way. And not just with Janet and the others at New Hope. But Gareth had been in a coma. Did he know what she had said to him? Did he even know she’d been there? Does he know why I wasn’t there when he woke up? Since he never called her, she assumed not. And also figured he . . . didn’t want to.

  “Well, if Alex says yes, the next time I leave Tabiq it won’t be in such a rush.”

  “Speaking of rush, I have to go. I pulled together a staff meeting, and we’re talking about changing some of the activities here. Can you believe it, they are getting rid of karaoke?”

  “Really. Why?”

  Janet chuckled. “If you ask Vinny, it is because they heard me sing. But actually the interest has declined.”

  “For the entire resort?” That wouldn’t be good.

  “Yes. I’m not sure why. It was like someone slammed us and we haven’t figured out who. But I’m sure the Hendersons will figure it out, and we’ll be back on track.”

  That didn’t make any sense to her. A month ago the place was jamming. Why would it change that quickly? They had a wonderful reputation. “I hope they do quickly. I’d hate to think of New Hope closing.”

  Janet added in a serious tone. “I think it would crush the Hendersons. I’m not sure why, but this place seems to mean more to them than their businesses in the States. They are a wonderful, but odd, family. I don’t think I’ll ever figure them out.”

  “The life of the rich, Janet. You can’t ever guess what drives their happiness. Sometimes it’s something you’d never even think of.” Like the ability to live a normal life traveling as a waitress.

  “I guess you’re right. Okay, keep me posted, and good luck when you talk to Alex. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.”

  Me too. I just don’t know what it is I’m wishing for.

  Brooke doubted Alex would say yes based on what Janet mentioned. There would be no benefit in taking her back. But she’d call him in a few days. What did she have to lose? Not a job. I don’t have one right now.


  “What the fuck?” Gareth couldn’t believe what he was seeing on the television. That was his face and not a great picture of him either. It was from when he was in the hospital.


  “Gareth, normally I’d remind you to watch your language around Penelope, but actually, those would be my words as well. What is that all about?” Rosslyn asked as she poured him another cup of coffee.

  “I’m not sure,” he growled. “It’s not based on any facts.”

  “Not from what you told us,” Charles said. “But then again, you did leave out the fact you were with the daughter of Tony Cortes.”

  “Because I didn’t fu—I didn’t know. Hell, Charles, I’m not sure that’s any more real than the rest of the bull they just stated. Why would she be working as a waitress in Tabiq?”

  “Like I said, the daughter of Tony Cortes. He’s been known to plant people in order to take down a business. He’s your average guy in person, but he’s ruthless in business. If Brooke is his daughter, she had to be sent there to fu—mess with the Hendersons.”

  His mind was racing. There was no way sweet Brooke was there to take down anyone. But it was simple enough to know who she was. Gareth pulled out his cell phone and s
earched Tony Cortes, photos. Sure enough there was one with his wife and daughter. I can’t believe it.

  Everything she said about traveling, wanting to see the world, experience new cultures, was a lie. Brooke really was a spy for her father? That was almost inconceivable. He’d have defended her honor to anyone, even his brothers, because she seemed so genuine. How the hell was he so blind? And not just him, but the Hendersons too. They hired her. Fuck. I brought her into Alex’s home. He was pissed. Not just at Brooke, but at himself as well.

  “Charles, we have to let them know,” Gareth said.

  “No, we don’t. We agreed the best thing we can do as a family, is not to work or be close with anything Henderson,” Charles stated.

  “That was before we learned everything.” Before he spent time with Alex and Ziva. “I can’t sit back and let them get blindsided.”

  “I’m sure someone out there will have seen this stupid gossip show that my wife likes to watch in the morning. They’ll figure it out. And if the rumors are correct, the Cortes family is in hiding. Which by the way, if they did just fu—mess with the Hendersons, was a wise thing to do.”

  Gareth wanted to protect his cousins, but he also needed to see Brooke. He wanted to look her in the face and ask her what the fuck was the truth. Had she only been using him to get closer to the Hendersons? Was that why, after the accident, she was gone? Since she never reached out to him afterward, it was the only thing that made sense.

  The Hendersons can deal with Tony. I’m going to handle Brooke myself.

  “Charles, whether you like it or not, I’m going to Tabiq. We can either join forces and become a stronger family despite the past, or we can hold on to it and let it drive all our future endeavors. Personally, I think both families have a lot to offer each other, professionally and personally. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to pack. And by the way, I’m taking the Lawson jet this time.”

  Because when I’m done in Tabiq, I’m going to find Brooke.


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