Book Read Free

Pinned Down

Page 15

by C. Michelle

  “So now what?” I ask.

  “Now…we wait for Marisol to wake up and for the doctor to allow us to see Lorenzo.” Josh responds.

  “Hey! Wipe the drool off your chin.” I nudge Cheesecake to wake her.

  “Ugh. I’m exhausted. It’s been over a week since Lorenzo has been in the hospital. I haven’t had a moment’s rest. I hate that he’s finally being released today and we won’t be there.”

  “I’m tired too. We can take a quick nap once we arrive at the hotel. The fashion show isn’t until later this afternoon. I know…tell me about it. Poor thing is being released from the hospital without his mom. I’m glad Marisol agreed to the ninety day residential drug rehab and dual diagnosis program in Napa Valley. She knew she couldn’t beat her demons on her own, I’m just glad she kept an open mind when Josh suggested it even though he didn’t really give her the opportunity to refuse. It’s hard to go against his authority. He has that take-charge and do-as-I-say personality. I’ve never really seen him in action, but now that I have, I can understand why you’re so dick whooped.”

  Cheesecake rolls her eyes at me. “Josh has become attached to Lorenzo, he wants what’s best for him. When Marisol admitted to struggling with her meth addiction and depression, Josh knew he couldn’t risk Marisol relapsing now that she’s been clean on her own for a few weeks.”

  “Do you think he’ll be able to handle Lorenzo living with him while Marisol’s away? That’s a huge responsibility for someone, especially for a person who isn’t around kids much.” I wonder.

  “I’ll be around, my mom will help, and so will you.”

  “Me?” What the fuck? Since when did I turn into Mr. Rogers?

  “Don’t give me that look. I know damn well you’ve become attached to Lorenzo and you love him just as much as we do if not more. The nurses told me that when Josh and I were working that you would bring him special treats, do puzzles, read, and color with him, you big ol’ softie!”

  “Those bitches! I told them not to say anything!” I laugh. “What was I supposed to do? Leave him alone?”

  “Of course not, silly. I’m just glad you did.”

  Once we’re situated at the hotel and rested for what seemed like a few short minutes, Cheesecake and I are ready to commence the festivities for the annual VIVA Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend Convention. When it originally began sixteen years ago, it entailed vintage purists, but over the years it has morphed by adding the rockabilly and pinup cultures. The four days dedicated to everything and anything remotely vintage consist of live bands, DRINKING, dancing, Tiki pool parties, embracing the old Vegas culture, DRINKING, burlesque shows, record hops, and more DRINKING. I fuckin’ love VIVA!

  “Damn, girl! You look fly as fuck!” I whistle as I see Cheesecake in a skin tight leopard dress with red accessories and her long hair swept to the side.

  Cheesecake spins around. “You like? It’s my newest Monica dress. Oh, I like your pompadour hairstyle. It’s not high, but it looks great on you with your shades.”

  “I love it and thanks. Now, let’s go and make up for lost time. We already missed the first two days of VIVA and we won’t be here tomorrow so after the fashion show you’re in, we have a lot of drinking to do, old friends to catch up with, and new people to meet. Time is ticking! It’s a miracle Josh didn’t make a big stink about you coming, if he knew how much of a hot commodity you are at this event he would’ve thought twice. Luckily, he’s too concerned with Lorenzo to play the jealous role. And to think…he made me come with you to ensure your safety. Doesn’t he know this event is my biggest playground?”

  “Whore.” Cheesecake shakes her head at me with mock disappointment.

  “You only wish you could be a whore right along with me. Your bad for being tied down. At least you had the decency not to bring sand to the beach.”

  She pouts. “I wanted him to come! Mom said she would watch over Lorenzo for today while I fulfilled my obligation with the clothing company, but Josh insisted on staying with him.”

  “Come on, let’s make the best of the day.” I lure her out of our room and into the transformed rockabilly world.

  As we’re walking towards the fashion show, we recognize several people we’ve met at past VIVA conventions. Cheesecake runs into fans who stop her to take pictures recognizing her from calendars, magazines, and several pinup style catalogs. Even some of the big wigs stop to admire her beauty. Cheesecake is definitely in her element, the women here look beautiful and rock their vintage looks, but Cheesecake…she’s in a class all of her own. She’s beyond amazing.

  After spending a whole day partying, we surprisingly catch the last flight home…drunk off our asses, but nonetheless, we made it on the plane. Yay, us!

  “Dude! I can’t believe how many people were disappointed you didn’t do the burlesque show you were planning on doing.” I comment with a strong buzz.

  “Ugh. I know! Josh would’ve been pissed as fuck if he found out I was stripping and dancing for others. My babe has been so upset, I didn’t want to make him stress unnecessarily. Aww…my babe, I can’t wait to sit on his face.”

  “Whore.” I tease.

  “Don’t be jealous that I’m gonna get some tonight and you’re not! Actually, I thought for a minute that you and that Jelly chick were going to fuck right at the car show! What a coincidence that the bitch was there! She doesn’t look like she’s into anything vintage.” Cheesecake points out.

  “She’s a fuckin’ dick tease. The more she taunts me with her looks, the more I want the little cunt and she knows it. Not much happened, just a lot of back and forth banter. Eventually, I got tired of her games and went about my business to mess with old acquaintances.”

  “I’m just thankful she’s into you. She better not mess with my man the way she does with you. If you ask me, flirting is a form of cheating so if Josh entertains her touchy-feely ways, shit’s gonna hit the fan. That’s all I’m saying.”

  Exhaustion has taken its toll and I’m ready for some shut eye. “I’m going to sleep. I don’t want to hear you talking about my future fuck.”

  “Good. Go to sleep, I’ll sing to you.” Cheesecake offers.

  “Don’t you fuckin’ dare! There are innocent people on this plane who don’t deserve to hear the ear-splitting sound of your voice!”

  Cheesecake looks at me with a repelled expression. “Asshole!” Then bursts into laughter.

  The following Saturday, I head over to Josh’s house to help out with Lorenzo after first making a pit stop at Target. When I arrive, Cheesecake’s preparing lunch while Lorenzo and Josh are building a train track on top of a large, but short table. There are over a hundred pieces gathered on the floor that complete the train set.

  “What’s up, guys? Aww…cool train, little man! Can I help you put it together?” I ask Lorenzo.

  He smiles and nods his head excitedly then rushes me to give me a hug. My heart instantly melts. He cringes slightly forgetting to be more careful since his body continues to ache due to his accident.

  “Can I help you finish setting up your cool new train set? I think Josh needs me to show him how it’s done.” I point out with Lorenzo nodding in agreement.

  Josh gives a roaring laugh. “We just emptied the box, but the more hands on deck, the faster we’ll be done.”

  “Cheesecake! I hope you’re making enough lunch for everyone! I’m starving!”

  “I am! Mom’s on her way…she said she has a surprise.”

  Half an hour later, Mama V shows up. She drops her things on the couch and hurries to give Lorenzo a big hug and kiss. He takes a deep breath as if he’s imprinting her scent into his memory. Aww…he loves her.

  “Lunch is ready!” Cheesecake yells from the kitchen.

  “Great! I’m starving!” We all say in unison…except for Lorenzo who only allows his eyes to pop out with eagerness.

  For lunch, Cheesecake made beef enchiladas with red rice and Mexican-style corn on the cob. The corn is slathered with some ty
pe of butter/mayonnaise/sour cream spread and is topped with salt, chili powder, lime, and cheese. After the first bite, I’m in fat heaven and so is Lorenzo. It’s the first thing he eats and manages to get all over his face and chest since he’s not wearing a shirt, just sweats.

  “Lorenzo, why is it every time I see you, you’re never wearing a shirt indoors?” I ask curiously.

  He shrugs his shoulder and gives me that beaming smile I love so much.

  “He loves to show off his muscles. Right, little man?” Josh states as he devours his enchiladas.

  Lorenzo raises his eyebrows twice in agreement. “Muscles? You like showing off your muscles?”

  He puts his corn down on the plate and raises his arms to show off his “muscles.”

  “All right then, Muscles! You’ve made your point!”

  Everyone yells in accord. “Muscles!”

  The adorable little boy formerly known as Lorenzo and is now known as Muscles giggles as he continues to eat his corn.

  “Hey, Muscles…I forgot to tell you, I bought you more coloring books, puzzles, and games. I hope you like them. Just remind me to give them to you later.” His gives me an enormous smile as a sign of gratitude. I gladly accept it.

  “The lady at Target enthusiastically helped me pick everything out for you while she was eye fucking me, so I decided to take her out tonight.” I state nonchalantly.

  “Kade! Watch your fuckin’ mouth! Don’t curse around Muscles!” Josh scolds me.

  “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, Muscles. I don’t even notice when I fuckin’ cuss. It just comes out fuckin’ naturally.” I realize my foul vocabulary too late.

  “Fuckin’ Kade, you asshole! Stop! Shut the fuck up already!” Josh yells then scrunches his face when he notices he also has diarrhea of the mouth.

  “Fuckin’ shit! My damn mouth has a fuckin’ mind of its own! It’s like…I can’t fuckin’ stop! I can’t handle the pressure of fuckin’ behaving! Shit!” I burst into laughter.

  “Your damn cursing is fuckin’ contagious, I can’t bite my tongue either! Shit!” Josh covers his mouth.

  Cheesecake is laughing like a damn monkey in the background when Mama V yells, “I’ve had enough of both of you! I don’t care that you’re both grown men, I will shove a bar of soap so deep in your mouths you’ll be burping bubbles for the rest of your lives! Capisce? My little Muscles doesn’t need to witness such vulgarity! Have some respect!”

  Muscles just smiles sweetly and shakes his head finding the whole situation amusing. Silly kid.

  “Mom, how about you tell us what your surprise is while these two learn how to speak properly in the presence of a child?” Cheesecake asks with smugness.

  Brown noser.

  “Oh, yeah that…well…” Mama V appears slightly nervous. “I bought a car.” I think I hear her mumble.

  “Huh? You bought a car?” Cheesecake and I ask.

  “Yes. It’s no big deal. I just bought the first car I test drove, that’s all.” Mama V states nonchalantly.

  “Did you drive it here?” Cheesecake gets up and rushes to the front window to check out Mama V’s new car.” I join her.

  “Aww…man. Why didn’t you drive it here?” I asked bummed out.

  “I did.” Mama V states. “It’s parked right out front.”

  Nina’s confused. “Umm…I don’t think so, mom. All I see is this huge white SUV.”

  “Yeah, that’s my car.” Mama says matter-of-factly.

  Cheesecake and I look at each other then immediately go into hysterics. It gets so bad, Cheesecake has a relentless time breathing from laughing so hard and falls on the ground. When she finally catches her breath, she snorts out loud making my eyes swell up with tears.

  “What’s so funny?” Josh asks.

  After taking a few deep breaths I’m finally able to speak again. “Since I’ve known Mama V, she has never, and I mean EVER driven a car. Now, all of a sudden she’s driving this honker truck! We took MUNI and BART everywhere. She always said she had no need for a car when everything was nearby.” I turn to Mama V. “So what changed? I always assumed that if you bought a car it would be one of those clown looking smart cars.”

  Mama V gives a long sigh. “Now that Muscles is here, I want to have the freedom to take him places. I got the Denali so that we can all fit in one car and not have to take separate vehicles. And it’s the XL edition so that he has plenty of room for his things.”

  Uh-oh. Mom thinks we’re keeping him. She’s deeply attached. Truth be told…we all are. What’s going to happen when we have to give Muscles back to his mom?

  On Monday morning, I’m surprised to see Cheesecake over at our house since she’s been spending almost every day with Josh playing house.

  “Morning, you!” She says a little too cheerful.

  “Morning. Hey, do you have a minute? I’d like to speak with you regarding mom.” My grave tone allows her to instantly pick up on my mood.

  Cheesecake’s facial expression changes to a serious one then grabs my hand and leads me to the living room to have a seat. She faces me providing her undivided attention. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”

  I sigh. “This is difficult to say and you have to promise not to repeat what I’m about to tell you, okay?”

  “Kade! You’re making me nervous! What’s going on? Spit it out!”

  “I spoke with mom yesterday, the real reason she bought the Denali is because she’s pregnant.”

  Cheesecake gasps. She’s stunned. “Not only is she pregnant, but she’s expecting twins.” Now, Cheesecake’s jaw has dropped from the shock. “And to make matters crazier, Dillon broke up with her once she told him the news.”

  It’s a miracle Cheesecake’s eyes are still in their sockets. “You have to promise not to say anything to mom until she tells you. I was sworn to secrecy, but I just couldn’t keep something this big from you.” I confess.

  Cheesecake is literally speechless for the first time in her life. She gets up and heads to her room. I’m surprised by her calm reaction. I prepare for my daily jog. As I’m about to leave my house, I hear, “Kade, you fuckin’ asshole! I’m going to beat your ass!”

  I take that as my cue to spurt out of the house. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs, I take off running. Cheesecake steps outside, but doesn’t chase after me. “Your ass is mine, Daly! You’re a bitch for that one!”

  “April Fool’s, sis! I love you! Have an awesome day at work and don’t fall for anyone else’s pranks!” I yell as I walk backwards laughing my ass off.

  Almost two weeks have passed since Muscles has been living with Josh. Everyone takes turns watching over him and spoiling him like crazy. Celeste was finally released from the hospital and has also been spending time with the new addition to our family. It’s hard to resist his adorable smile and what are now becoming chubby cheeks. He’s gained weight since I first met him, his physique back then was boney and unhealthy, but now he’s quickly filling up, showing great improvement. In the mornings, I usually spend time with him and later Mama V takes over, but today the sadness in Muscles’ eyes makes me have a heart to heart conversation with him. I call Mama V and tell her I’ll be staying with Muscles for the rest of the day.

  “What’s wrong, little man? Why do you look so sad? Are you not happy being here?”

  Muscles maintains his eyes focused on the ground with a heartbreaking expression. He’s usually in positive spirits throughout the day. Until it’s time for bed and loneliness overtakes his thoughts, that’s when his mother’s absence affects him the most. Today, nothing seems to take his mother off his mind. “Do you miss your mommy?” I ask as gentle as possible.

  Although we shower him with affection, nothing compares to a mother’s kiss, a mother’s embrace, and a mother’s love. He looks at me with his sweet, chocolate eyes and sadly nods his head. I pull him close to me understanding too well the need for a mother’s presence and hug him tightly. At that moment, he breaks down and begins to sob. My heart instantly
breaks for him. He’s too young to comprehend the demons that hold some adults hostage. Marisol needs to overcome her addiction to be a better mother and put her son as her priority once again. He’s too small to understand that sometimes people need to commit sacrifices to be able to move forward in life without chains keeping them linked to the past. I don’t know what to say to ease his pain, but I get an idea. I excuse myself from Muscles for a quick moment and call Josh. “Hey, can you do me a favor?”

  Leave it to Josh to always come through. I decide not to inform Muscles of my plans for the day just in case something unexpected prevents things from going according to plan. “Hey, Muscles! I have to run an errand. Would you like to come with me? I’ll bring your favorite snacks and you can bring some of your toys with you. How does that sound?”

  He nods his head sorrowfully, instantly making me pray his sadness goes away by the end of the day.

  We finally arrive to our destination, a modern structure surrounded by a serene ambiance enveloped in orchards of grapes. When we enter, the place inside has a minimalistic décor, but cozy feel from its neutral colors. I ask Muscles to have a seat while I approach the receptionist at the front desk.

  Minutes later, we’re directed to have a seat in a small lounge area that contains a couch against one of the walls. It’s surrounded with positive quotes throughout the room. Muscles and I make ourselves comfortable while the receptionist brings us juice and water.

  Muscles still isn’t sure why we’re here, but he patiently waits at the table playing with his toy cars. Moments later, he sees her, his mother, the reason for his tears, the reason for his past sadness, and the reason for his instant happiness, Marisol.

  I guess the staff must have kept Muscles a surprise to her also since she was so ecstatic to embrace her son once again after what must have felt like an eternity. Marisol’s cries transpire from joy and gratitude of being with her little man once again. I allow them some privacy and wait for their visit to end in the waiting room.


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