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FIERCE: A High School Enemies to Lovers Romance (Rosewood High Book 4)

Page 17

by Tracy Lorraine

  My fingers tighten on the wheel and my heart pounds in my chest. I’m tempted to lock myself in the car for fear of getting out and having to deal with him again. But after blowing out a breath, I find some balls, turn off the ignition and push the door open.

  The car is still there, idling by the sidewalk, but now I’m able to see it, I realize it’s a truck and not one I recognize.

  I take a step toward it to see who the driver is, but before I get a chance to see inside, it speeds off.


  Telling myself it’s just someone from school trying to freak me out, most likely Shelly. I shake my head and walk to the house. I’m desperate to go to my pool house but all my stuff is in my old bedroom. That’s all going to be changing tomorrow. No matter what my parents think, I’m perfectly fine and I’m going back to my little haven to get away from the world.

  Thankfully, the house is in silence, so after grabbing myself a bottle of water, I head up to my room.

  I walk over to the window to close the curtains but a set of lights outside once again catches my eye. Fear trickles through me, but I push it aside. Plenty of people hate me now, it could easily be any number of them as they watched me flee from Ethan’s.



  The second the words are out of my mouth, I regret them.

  It’s the reason I sit there and watch her dress without saying a word. She should walk out after learning what I’d done.

  I’m no better than her. Playing games to win points.

  I wanted to prove that she wanted me. I guess I achieved that. She told me as much. So why doesn’t it give me any sense of achievement? Because you hurt her, asshole, a little voice says in my head.

  “Fuck,” I bark into the quiet room. The bass of the music pounding through the walls tells me that the party is still going strong outside. Thankfully, everyone knows the rule that if Ethan’s den door is shut then no one enters.

  Pushing myself from the couch, I sway a little as I get to my feet, proving just how much I’ve had to drink already. Sadly, it’s not enough to help me forget that look in her eyes as realization hit her.

  I’m such a fucking asshole. Yeah, she’s pulled some dickhead moves in the past, but she didn’t deserve that.

  She’s wrong. I’m not one of them. They walk around taking whatever they think they deserve, much like my dad. I am not like them.

  I pull my clothes on with the intention of getting out of here. A huge part of me wants to find her and tell her that it was a mistake, tell her how I really feel but I know she wouldn’t accept it, it would be pointless and probably lead to us doing something else we’ll regret.

  “Shane, my man. Where’ve you been, bro?”

  “Busy,” I grunt at Zayn as both him and Justin wrap their arms around my shoulders.

  “Oh, getting busy with Chelsea?” His eyes light up as my entire body tenses. “You know we need evidence, right? Your word alone won’t stand tonight.”

  “Not that it ever would. There’s no way you’d get a shot with Chelsea,” Justin slurs.

  They navigate me toward the kitchen where some of the team are still loitering with drinks in their hand.

  I grab a beer from the counter as we pass before falling down onto the same couch I was on before all this shit kicked off.

  “So…” Justin prompts, causing everyone to turn to look at me. “Shane thinks he’s completed his challenge.”

  “I didn’t say that,” I argue.

  “You didn’t need to, man. So come on, let’s see the evidence. Give these assholes something to aim for.”

  Her panties burn in my pocket and the recording on my cell taunts me. But I don’t move to grab either.

  “I don’t have any.”

  “No proof means it didn’t happen, and if it didn’t happen, then you lose.”

  Getting more and more frustrated with these douchebags, I push from the couch.

  “I don’t give a fuck. Do your worst,” I say, lifting my hands from my sides. “Some things are more important than your fucking bullshit games. How about you stop playing for just a moment and find something more meaningful in your fucking lives.”

  I don’t hang around to hear their response, I storm from the room and toward the front door.

  Sadly, I don’t make it that far before I’m collared.

  “Shane, what happened to Chelsea? I can’t find her.”

  Rae’s concerned eyes stare up into mine. “I have no idea.”

  Her eyes narrow in frustration. “What did you do?”

  I want to fire back at her that Chelsea deserves whatever comes her way, but I think we’d both know it would be a lie.

  “Something I regret,” I admit quietly.

  “Jesus. You two are a fucking nightmare.”

  “And you need to keep your nose out. You have no idea what’s happened between us, you’ve only heard her side of the story, I assume.”

  “I’m pretty sure I understand fairly well. I know she fucked up, but people make mistakes, Shane. Much like tonight.” She lifts a knowing brow. “So how about you put all of that aside and do the right thing.”

  “I have no idea what that is,” I admit.

  “Well you’d better fucking figure it out before it’s too late.”

  She spins on her heels and marches away from me, her cell in her hand, I assume calling Chelsea.

  I double back on myself, grab a bottle of whatever I can find on the kitchen counter before finally leaving the house.

  Ethan’s place is almost on the beach so in only minutes, me and my new friend Jack find ourselves on the sand and watching the waves crash onto the beach.

  The stars twinkle above in the inky black sky and I wonder what it would be like to lay here with Chelsea beside me. All the bullshit banished and to just be us.

  Could there be an us, or are we toxic to even consider?

  I don’t drag my ass from the beach until the sun is beginning to rise. I don’t want to go home, I know it’ll only end up in an inevitable argument with my dad.

  With a sigh, I walk that way. What I really want to do is go to Chelsea. But even in my drunken state, I know that’s a really fucking bad idea.

  The house is in darkness, and I breathe a sigh of relief. It wouldn’t be unusual for Dad to be up working through the night. Hell knows he’s caught the three of us sneaking in before now.

  I make it to the stairs before I realize someone else is awake. Light comes from the basement and footsteps head my way.

  “What fucking time do you call this?” Dad barks. He’s wearing only a pair of shorts with a towel hanging around his neck.

  “Too fucking early for you to be working out. Be fucking normal for once in your life and sleep.”

  His eyes widen in shock. “You’ve been drinking.” It’s a statement, not a question, so I don’t bother answering it. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Skipping school, getting drunk, staying out all night. This isn’t you, Shane, and this kind of behavior isn’t going to help get you into—”

  “Don’t fucking say it,” I bark, knowing exactly what’s about to fall from his lips.

  “No coach is going to want a fuckup, Shane.”

  “So, what about Luca and Leon? Did you give them this kind of shit every time they threw a party and got so drunk everyone trashed the house?” I already know the answer, he had the place cleaned up and ignored it ever happened. “What about when they used to sneak in late every weekend? Did you accuse them of fucking everything up? No, of course you fucking didn’t because they can do no fucking wrong. Your fucking golden boys who hang on your every word. It’s fucking pathetic.”

  “That’s enough,” he barks. “I will not accept this kind of behavior from you.”

  “What, suddenly acting like this is unacceptable? Unbelievable. You’re a fucking joke, you know that?”

  “Shane, that’s enough,” Mom’s soft voice calls from down the stairs.

  Dad and I stand in our s
ilent stare off for a few more seconds before I dismiss him with a lift of my chin and head up the stairs.

  “What’s happened?” Mom asks as I pass her at the top of the stairs. It’s obvious that we’ve woken her.

  “Nothing. Go back to bed.”

  “Shane, what—”

  “I said it’s nothing.”

  This time she lets me go and the second I’m in my room I fall face-first on the bed and pass out.

  By the time I wake the next morning, the sun has long risen and it’s so late that I’ve got a ton of missed calls from Zayn telling me that I missed our morning workout. It’s probably for the best, he would have spent the entire time grilling me over what happened last night. He’s the only one out of the guys who’ll believe me without the evidence they apparently require.

  I might have set up that recording last night, but I don’t know why I bothered, I was never going to allow anyone to hear it. This thing between me and Chelsea is just that, between us. It’s our fucked-up, messy, toxic little secret.

  My head throbs as I drag my body to the bathroom to freshen up in the hope I’ll feel a little more human once again.

  I’m more than happy to spend the day hidden in my room, stepping out means I’ll probably have to see someone and deal with the regrets and memories from the night before.

  I think about the argument with Dad, that’s one thing I don’t regret. It’s about time someone stood up to him, I just never really thought it would be me. I recall my time with Chelsea and the ache that’s been in my chest since she walked out only gets more persistent.

  I shake my head. After our first time together, I told myself that I’d be able to just forget her, and I did to a point. I sat back and watched her be her usual self at school afterward when all I wanted was for her to look my way and give me even a hint that she remembered our time together, that it meant anything to her like it did me.

  Then the truth came out, and I wanted to look at her once again for a very different reason. I wanted to tell her what I really thought of her. I wanted to accuse her of setting me up, of using me as a scapegoat and not giving two fucks.

  But she disappeared, and everything changed once again. Yes, I still wanted to rip her a new one, but concern soon overtook. It was stupid, I knew that. I shouldn’t have been concerned after everything but somehow she’d wiggled her way under my skin and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get her out.

  My need for coffee and food eventually cause me to leave the safety of my bedroom. Thankfully, when I get down to the kitchen, it’s only Mom who’s sitting with a cup of coffee and her tablet.

  “Afternoon,” she says with a smile. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better than I should,” I mutter, thinking of the vodka and whiskey mix from last night.

  “Your dad’s out of town for a few days.”

  “Great,” I grunt, pulling a bag of chips from the cupboard and throwing a couple into my mouth.

  “I know he gives you a hard time, but it’s only because he cares.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s why.” I roll my eyes at her.

  “Baby,” she starts with a sigh, but I hold my hand up to stop her.

  “Can we not? I’m too hungover to talk about him.”

  “Sure.” She falls silent as she watches me crash around in the kitchen, making a sandwich and my much-needed coffee.

  After a few minutes, I fall down beside her.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks.

  “Other than what we’re not talking about, I assume?”

  “Yeah. What’s eating you? I have no problem with you going out and partying with your friends but over the past few weeks, you haven’t been yourself. I know he’s giving you a hard time, but it’s more than that, isn’t it?”

  I stare down at my sandwich as I consider how to answer her question. I’m suddenly feeling much less hungry.

  “It’s a girl,” I mutter quietly. I don’t really want to have this conversation with her but I know it’s better to just come out with it or she’ll be like a dog with a bone until I confess.

  “Thought as much. Anyone I know.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not telling you who so don’t bother asking.”

  She chuckles. “Okay then. So what’s the issue?”

  “It’s just… it’s fucked-up. I shouldn’t like her. We shouldn’t work. It’s a disaster waiting to happen…”

  “But you can’t walk away,” Mom finishes for me.

  I can’t help but laugh. “Oh, I’ve walked away plenty. Doesn’t stop me going straight back though.” I think of all the times she’s sent me away, and I told myself that that was it. No more. But every time, I’ve gone right back for more. I’m like a fucking addict needing my next hit.

  “Love’s a funny thing.”

  “Calm down there, no one mentioned the L-word,” I joke.

  “No, but the heart wants what it wants regardless of what our heads think.”

  “Helpful, thanks.”

  “Is she worth it?”

  I open my mouth to respond, but I soon realize that I have no answer. Most people would say absolutely not. Chelsea Fierce is a force to be reckoned with and whoever she touches ends up burned. I know, I’ve experienced it. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting to jump back into the fire.

  I think of the soft broken side of her that I’ve had glimpses of over the years. That Chelsea is worth it. The one who allows her walls to drop and shows who she really is beneath the mask and armor she wears on a daily basis.

  “Yeah, I think she is,” I answer.

  “Then you’ve got to fight for what you want.”

  “What if it’ll only end in disaster?”

  “Sometimes it’s a risk we’ve got to take. You want her, then there’s always a chance it won’t work and you’ll end up getting hurt. It’s part of the territory, unfortunately. You’ve just got to trust yourself, and if you think she’s worth it then you owe it to yourself to try.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “No problem,” she says, getting up and rinsing her mug out. “Just promise me one thing.”


  “Be safe.”

  I nod, really not wanting to get into that kind of conversation with her. Plus, I can hardly tell her I have been. The last two times I’ve been with Chelsea, we haven’t used protection. I trusted her when she said she was covered. I shake my head at myself.

  I might still be none the wiser about what to do with her, but I do know one thing. We need to draw a line under whatever this thing is. Whether that’s to put a stop to it or just to quit the bullshit games we’re playing, I’m not sure. But I need to be the bigger man here. I need to go and apologize for last night and we need to sit down and talk, something that we haven’t done… ever.

  Butterflies flutter in my belly as I head out the front door. I’m more nervous walking over there to have a conversation than I have been for anything else we’ve done. It’s fucking crazy.

  I park beside her and her mom’s car and kill the engine. My hand trembles as I reach out for the button, and I chastise myself for being such a pussy.

  It’s just Chelsea. A girl I’ve spent countless hours with over the years. Okay, so she spent most of them avoiding me until recently when all we’ve tried to do is hurt each other, but she’s still the same girl.

  She’s not though. She’s different and you know it.

  Fuck. I scrub my hand down my face and climb from the car. There’s no backing out now. There’s a chance she’s already seen that I’m here, so I need to man the fuck up and do what I came to do.

  Walking around the house, the sound of soft relaxing music filters through the air, and when I get around to the back, I find both Chelsea and Honey bent in half on yoga mats beside the pool.

  Chelsea’s wearing a pink pair of pants and a small matching top, but I hardly notice with the way her ass is stuck up in the air as it is.

  Now this wasn’t what I was expecting.

/>   Her mom softly says something and both of them move simultaneously into their next position.

  I have no idea how long I stand there watching her, it’s kind of hypnotic, but all too soon, a dark pair of eyes lock on mine. There’s no shock on her face, making me wonder if she knew I was here all along.

  Honey notices that Chelsea is distracted and follows her gaze.

  “Oh, Shane. What a nice surprise. Fancy joining us?” she asks with a hopeful look on her face.


  “I think we’re done here anyway, right, Mom?” Chelsea says, helping me out.

  Honey checks her watch. “Yes, you’re right. I need to get moving. I’ve got a meeting in an hour. I probably won’t be back until late and your dad is away on business overnight. Help yourself to whatever, order yourselves food if you want some,” she offers, looking between the two of us like she’s trying to figure this out. The two of us may have spent plenty of time together in the past but I’m not sure this has ever happened before.

  “Thanks, Mom,” Chelsea says. “Have a great day.”

  After looking between us for another second, Honey smiles and heads for the house.

  “What are you doing here?” Chelsea barks, her demeanor changing the second her mom is out of earshot.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Talk?” she asks, her eyes widening. “We don’t talk, Shane. Plus, I’ve got nothing to say to you.”

  “That’s a shame, because I’ve got plenty to say to you.”

  Her lips purse and she grinds her teeth in frustration as she stares at me.

  “And it seems like you’ve got nothing better planned since you’re about to be home alone, so shall we?” I gesture toward the sun loungers that sit around the pool.

  She huffs when I walk over and drop down into one. I stretch my legs out and place my hands behind my head, making a show out of getting comfortable.

  It might be late in the year but the sun warms my skin as I sit here.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” she mutters, spinning on her heels and walking away from me.


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