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FIERCE: A High School Enemies to Lovers Romance (Rosewood High Book 4)

Page 33

by Tracy Lorraine

  “I know,” he mutters, brushing his lips against mine.

  As much as I hate to do it, I push my palms against his chest to put a stop to his attempt to put it off.

  “Go, Shane. I’ll be here when you get back.”

  “Ugh, fine.”

  Falling down onto the couch, I watch as he pushes the door open but instead of walking straight through it and disappearing around the house, he still for a beat.

  “What?” I ask when the color drains from his face.

  “Can you hear shouting?”

  Sitting up, I listen.

  “Fuck,” Shane barks before running to the house. I jump from the couch, hot on his heels as he runs through the open kitchen doors and into the hallway.

  The shouting ceases as he comes to an abrupt halt when his eyes land on the people before us.

  “Brett, no,” Maddie cries, pulling at his arm as he storms toward Shane.

  “I told you that you were going to fuck everything up,” he bellows at Shane.

  I want to do something, say something, but I’m frozen on the spot as I stare at the fury rolling off him in waves.

  “How do you expect to be successful now? No one will want you with a kid attached to you. You’re a fucking disgrace, boy. Fucking disgrace.”

  “I don’t give a fuck, Dad. I don’t want the NFL. I don’t want your dream.”

  “No? Am I not good enough for you? Is all the legwork I’ve done to get you a chance at the best college teams in the country not up to your standard?”

  “I don’t want it. I never have, but you refuse to listen to me.”

  “No? So tell me now, what do you want?”

  There’s a beat of utter silence, the calm before the storm because all of us know that this is going to get worse before it gets better.

  “I want Chelsea. I want Chelsea and our baby.”

  Brett lets out a laugh, but it’s nowhere near amused. It’s menacing, and it makes a shiver run down my spine.

  “You’re fucking delusional. You think you’re able to look after a baby? And with her?” Disapproval drips from his features as he turns to look at me. “She’s nothing but a cheap slut.”

  “Brett,” Dad barks, his fists curled in anger. He steps forward, but Mom places her hand on his arm and stops him.

  Shane’s chest swells with anger as he steps up to his dad, his fists clenched, ready to fight.

  “Leave it, please,” I beg, reaching out to touch his arm but he doesn’t acknowledge my touch, he’s too lost to his anger.

  “Take that back.”

  His dad laughs again. “You’re a fucking idiot, boy. You’re throwing everything away. You choose her and you’re giving up everything I can offer you. Everything.”

  “How many times? I don’t fucking want it.”

  Brett’s eyes turn black, cold, as his lips press into a thin line and the vein in his neck pulsates menacingly.

  “You ungrateful little…”

  “Nooo,” I cry as Brett’s arm suddenly flies toward Shane.

  “Brett, no,” Maddie screams racing forward.

  Dad jumps into action, but we’re all too late.

  Brett’s fist connects with Shane’s cheek. The crack is so loud it makes my stomach turn over.

  Shane stumbles back, his shoulder connecting with the wall before he falls back.

  “Shane,” I shout. There’s a commotion behind me as I drop to my knees beside him. “Shane? Shane?”

  “Fucking animal,” Maddie spits before joining me at his other side.

  “Baby, wake up. Shane. Fuck.” Her eyes are wide and full of fear as she stares at him.

  Jumping to her feet, she marches over to Brett who’s now being restrained by my dad as he attempts to push him to the front door. His lip split open and blood trickling down his chin from where my dad must have retaliated on Shane’s behalf.

  “If you’ve fucking hurt him, I’ll kill you.” She pokes him in the chest as spittle flies from her mouth. “I’ll fucking kill you.”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  “Who are you? What happened to the man I married, huh? When did he turn into such a vile asshole?”

  Brett doesn’t say anything, he just stares at his wife as if she’s lost her goddamn mind. Anger and frustration burn in my stomach for her.

  “We’re done. Expect to hear from my lawyer. I can’t spend another day pretending I love you.” She turns away, her back to him, unable to even look at his face. “Get him the hell out of here before I call the police.”

  After putting up a bit of a fight, Dad eventually gets Brett out of the front door and slams it behind him.

  Fucking hell.

  Remembering that Shane’s laid out next to me, I rip my eyes from Maddie and down to him. The most incredible sight greets me. His beautiful green eyes.

  “Shane, oh my god,” I wail, dropping down to him and wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

  “I’m fine. I’m okay,” he says into my hair as his arms come around me as if I’m the one who needs it right now.

  Who am I kidding? I fucking do. That was terrifying.

  After a few seconds, I release him, and he pushes himself so he’s sitting against the wall.

  “Well, that went well,” he jokes, looking up at the concerned, traumatized faces staring down at him.

  Maddie bursts into tears before Mom ushers her toward the kitchen. Dad walks toward us and holds his hand out to Shane to pull him up, who in turn does the same to me seeing as I’m still on the floor.

  “I’ll go get you some ice,” I say, looking at Shane’s swelling face.

  “I need a drink,” Dad announces, shaking his hand out and marching in the same direction Mom and Maddie just left.

  We follow to find Mom pouring Maddie a glass of whiskey before Dad takes it from her and tips the bottle to his lips.

  “Can I?” Shane asks once Dad’s lowered the bottle, and he reluctantly passes it over, clearly deciding that it’s okay to break his no alcohol for minors rule after what just went down.

  Shane swallows a shot before passing the bottle back.

  Ten minutes later, we all find ourselves sitting around the dining table. Shane with an ice pack pressed to his face and the adults all nursing their drinks. No one seems to have noticed that it’s only just past midday. Although, to be fair, if I weren’t pregnant, I think I’d want a drink right now.

  “I’ll make up the guest room for you tonight,” Mom offers to Maddie. You’re more than welcome to stay as long as you like.

  “T-thank you. I should go to the house to get some stuff before he burns it all.”

  “I don’t think he’d—” Maddie’s look cuts Mom’s words off.

  “What about…” Maddie flicks a look to Shane and me and I swallow nervously.

  Mom chuckles, the sound of it feels so good after the stress and tension of the past hour. “I think he’s already moved in, don’t you?”

  They all turn to us.

  “You’ve both proved to us that you’re adults now who can make your own decisions. So what do you two want to do?”

  “Honey was right,” Shane says before I get a chance. “I’m pretty sure I’ve already moved in.” A wide smile spreads across my face. “Of course, that’s if it’s okay with you both.” He looks to Mom and Dad, who both smile at him.

  “You’re going to be parents in a few months. I’m not sure we’re in any position to stop you.”

  “I’m going to get a job, part-time obviously, so we’ve got our own money. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about college yet, but I will be going—”

  “We both will. We’re going to make this work. All we ask is for your support. If we can stay in the pool house for now, that would be great, but we’ll get our own place as soon as we can. We want to do this the right way, for us, and for this little one.”

  Both Mom and Maddie’s eyes fill with tears once again.

  “We’ll be here for all of you, no matter
what,” Mom says.

  “You’re both going to be incredible parents,” Maddie adds.

  “Only time will tell,” I say with a laugh.



  “We’re going to be late,” Shane says, dropping down on the edge of the bed, looking hot in his button-down and dress pants. His hair is styled and just waiting for his hands to run through it to mess it up, or I might in a minute because I’ve got a thing about his messy, just-fucked hair. That just shows the one-eighty my life has taken because his long shaggy locks used to be one of the things I used to mock him for. It might be shorter now than it used to be, but it’s no less of a mess. Now I just spend my time running my fingers through it and using it to hold him against me instead of telling him to cut it off.

  “I’m nearly ready,” I say, but I’m too focused on his reflection in my mirror to finish off my makeup. “Are you sure they want me to go?”

  “Of course. Amalie and Jake invited both of us. They know we come as a package deal now.”

  “Oh god, we’re one of them now, aren’t we?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know how annoyingly sweet Amalie, Jake, Camila, and Mason are? That’s us now too.”

  “I should hope so,” he says with a shit-eating grin on his face. “I was always jealous of them.”

  “Ah, I forgot that you wanted Amalie first.”

  “I thought I did, I was just trying to distract myself from wanting what I couldn’t have.”

  “Who was that?” I ask innocently, batting my eyelashes at him.

  “Oh, just this insanely hot cheerleader. She wasn’t interested though.”

  I make quick work of applying my lipstick, the kind that doesn’t immediately rub off at the first touch of a kiss, good thing really seeing as I intend on doing just that the second I get to him.

  Pushing from the stool, I stalk over to him. He watches me, fire burning in his eyes as I get closer.

  “That dress,” he says, biting down on his bottom lip. I’m wearing a skintight, burgundy body con dress that shows off every one of my curves, including my very small baby bump. Anyone who didn’t know I was pregnant wouldn’t see it, but I can and I’m so ready to embrace it.

  I stop in front of him and reach for his shirt. I wrap my fingers in the soft cotton and pull him from the bed until he’s standing before me.

  “I’m glad you like it, one of your gifts is hiding beneath it. If you’re lucky, you can unwrap it later.”

  He groans as if he’s in physical pain.

  “Maybe we should cancel on the party.”

  “Nope, you said we were invited.” Reaching up on my tiptoes, I brush my lips against his as I slide my hand down my body to find his already hard cock. “Down boy, you’ve got a few hours yet.”

  “You’re killing me. Get your shoes on and let’s go before I really do change my mind.”

  Regretfully, I take a step back from him and turn to get my shoes.

  “Come on then, let’s go,” I announce once I’m ready.

  I glance around the room, which is now filled with his possessions as well as my own. I loved this place before, but since he officially moved in and made the space ours, I love it that much more.

  The day after the showdown with Brett, my dad escorted both Shane and Maddie to their house. It turned out not to be necessary as he wasn’t there, we’ve since discovered that he’s in New York, but there was plenty of evidence that he had been there because the place was smashed to pieces. They didn’t stay long enough to do anything about it though. They just grabbed what they wanted and left without looking back.

  Maddie hasn’t decided what she’s going to do next, whether she’ll eventually move back in, or not. She’s said that she’ll get through the holidays and then try to make some decisions for her future.

  Thankfully, our house is big enough so now not only is Shane in here with me, his mom is in a guest room and we’ve got Luca and Leon too so that we can all celebrate the holidays as one big family. It might not be perfect for some of them, but to me, it’s everything and for the first time in possibly forever, I’m actually excited.

  I’ve got Shane’s gifts all wrapped and ready for tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see if he likes them. Plus, there’s the little sexy set I’ve got on under this dress as an extra treat of course.

  The drive to Amalie and Jake’s new house takes a little over thirty minutes. Seeing as they’re both planning on going to Maddison once Amalie graduates next year, they wanted to be on the right side of town.

  I shake my head at how crazy this all is. They’ve bought a house, we’re having a baby. Shit, someone will get engaged next. It’s insane seeing as we’re all eighteen or thereabout, but like I’ve said many times before, it just feels right. I guess what they say is true, when you know, you know.

  “This place is cute, although not your average house for two eighteen-year-olds to own,” I say as we pull up on the street the GPS brought us to.

  It’s a stylish gray and white modern duplex with huge windows and a cute front yard.

  My mind runs away with me as I picture Shane and me in a place like this with a toddler running around. Butterflies erupt at the thought.

  “It’s impressive, that’s for sure.”

  “I bet Jake doesn’t know what to do with himself after that shitty trailer.”

  Shane turns to me, his brows drawn together. “Jake lived in a trailer? I thought he lived with his aunt and uncle.”

  “Yeah until they banished him to the back of their property in a damn old trailer that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.”

  “How didn’t I know this?”

  “It’s a closely guarded secret. He used to want you all to think he had it all, but the reality was that being captain was about all he had. Until Amalie, of course.”

  “Wow, I never would have guessed.”

  “Exactly as he intended.”

  Movement inside catches my eye and I watch for a second as Mason and Jake talk and laugh with each other.

  Happiness tugs at my stomach that they’ve found their forever with their girls.

  “Are you planning on getting out?” Shane asks, opening my door for me. I hadn’t even realized he’d left the car.

  “Yeah, sorry.”

  I can’t help the nerves that assault me as we stand at their front door. The majority of the people inside have every right to hate me, yet here I am invited to their housewarming cum Christmas Eve party like I’m one of them.

  “Alright,” Jake says eloquently when he pulls the door open. He looks as gorgeous as ever, but unlike all the years in the past, it does nothing for me.

  “Nice place,” I say, stepping inside when he moves aside and Shane gestures for me to do so.

  “It’s going to take some getting used to, that’s for sure.”

  “Hey,” Amalie says, rushing down the hall to greet us, looking totally harassed.

  “Hi. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, just trying to get the food ready. Excuse me.” She races back off in the same direction she came.

  “Ignore her, she just wanted everything to be perfect. I keep telling her to chill out but she won’t have it.”

  I stifle a laugh. I bet him telling her that is really not helping.

  “I’ll go and see if she wants some help.”

  “Rather you than me.”

  Leaving Shane with Jake, I go in the direction Amalie disappeared, assuming it’s to the kitchen.

  When I get there, I find her flitting around counters full of food and drink.

  “Can I help with anything?” She startles and turns to me with wide eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “Sorry, it’s me. I’m just… gah. I know I’m putting too much pressure on myself. It’s just…” She looks away from me. “I’m sorry, you don’t care about all this.”

  “Of course I do. What’s wrong?”

  “It’s just my first Ch
ristmas without them,” she says, tears filling her eyes before she averts them.

  Of course, I should have thought of that before now. The first Christmas without your parents must be so tough.

  Reaching out, I take her hand in mine. “It’s okay to be sad. No one expects you to be okay during this time.”

  “I know, I just need to keep busy so I don’t spend the entire time thinking about what I would be doing with them if they were still h-here.” Her chin trembles, her voice cracking at the end of her words.

  I have no idea if she wants one from me, but without putting much thought into it, I pull her into my arms for a hug.

  It’s only brief, but when she pulls back, she’s got a small smile on her lips.

  “Thank you. I needed that.”

  “Put me to work, what can I do to help?”

  “Can you make me a drink, a strong one?”

  “Sure. Any preference?”

  “Surprise me.”

  Walking over to the counter with the bottles, I find everything from beers to spirits and mixers. Pulling my phone from my purse, I look up cocktail recipes and mix one up for her.

  “What is it?” she asks when I pass it over.

  “A Screaming Orgasm. I thought it might help right now.”

  She stares at me for a beat before she burst out laughing.

  “Shit, I needed that,” she says, taking a sip as we’re joined by two others.

  “We’ve been sent for more beer,” Mason says, pulling the refrigerator open like it’s his house.

  “Ugh, why couldn’t he do it himself?” Amalie grumbles before putting her glass down and stalking from the room. I wince, feeling a little sorry for Jake. Amalie’s in a bad place right now, and he’s about to be the one to feel the force of it. I’m sure he’s more than capable though.

  “Oh, looks like he’s in the doghouse.”

  “Leave her alone,” Camila says, stepping up to Mason.

  “What? I’m just saying.”

  “Could I have a word with you two?” I ask, stepping forward.

  Both of their heads spin my way and they stare at me as if they didn’t know I was in the room.

  “Of course,” Mason says softly while his girl places her hands on her hips and raises her brows.


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