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His Fantasy (HIS Series Book 8)

Page 9

by Sheila Kell

  Before the contractor arrived for their scheduled meeting, they searched for something they could sit on and came up with only one workable barstool. They really should’ve upgraded to metal at some point, but they hadn’t. Surely the vandals would’ve found a way to ruin them.

  The contractor arrived as scheduled, and after a pleasant meeting, they found that luckily, he could start early and would also take care of the current mess. While he could promise to begin early, he couldn’t promise to finish early since he was only shifting another project. They didn’t care. Relief flowed through her at the successful meeting and promise by the contractor. She and Rylee were ready for the transition, and the original date worked quite well for them. Heck, they’d even expected it to take longer, because didn’t it always?

  With the contractor’s promise to get a cleanup crew in the next day, they departed. On the drive back, Rylee asked, “How’s it staying with Brad?”

  It wouldn’t be right to lie to her sister, but she couldn’t tell her that she stayed away as long as she could to avoid him and the damnable attraction between them. “Fine. He’s just still worried we’re in danger, and that drives me nuts. I dread telling him about this. He’ll go even more alpha than he already is. He actually confirmed with Devon that I’d be with you today and you’d be carrying before I could leave his house.” Of course, she wouldn’t admit his desire to see her protected warmed a place in her heart. It touched her like nothing she’d ever experienced.

  Rylee laughed. “It’s that alpha thing in them. Devon has it also, but Brad’s one of the worst. Remember how he was when I’d been kidnapped? From your story, he’d turned into the biggest alpha there was. No, Jesse is the worst, but Kate keeps him in line.”

  “I met her at the wedding, didn’t I?”

  “Honey, you met a lot of people since the entire family and team decided to show up. But, yes, you met her. Which reminds me, they’re having a barbecue tomorrow. Want to come?”

  Why did she suddenly get nervous about seeing all those people again? They’d been nothing but pleasant to her in Vegas. Brad. It was because she worried they knew about her and Brad. Then, something else hit her—a flash of disappointment maybe? Why hadn’t Brad invited her to the cookout? Granted, he was under no obligation to do so. She was only his houseguest who he felt needed a bodyguard. But still. It would’ve been courteous.

  With an internal humph, she realized he must not want her there. That confused her since he’d been adamant someone was with her at all times. As for being with her sister’s new family, she really did want to get to know the group better. She’d just have to pray they didn’t know her secret.

  All her life, she’d been invited to parties to be shown off as a prize guest. She had a feeling at this cookout, she’d be nothing more than Rylee’s sister. And that was all she wanted. To be normal and have fun without men panting after her. She couldn’t guarantee they wouldn’t, but based on how they acted in Vegas, she was safe. Only Trent and Brad hit on her. Now that Trent was married, she didn’t have to worry about him. That only left Brad. She thought too damn much about that man.

  “I’d love to go. Just get me an address and time, and I’ll be there.” She couldn’t think Brad would have a problem with her safety since the entire team would be there. It couldn’t be safer.

  “Just ride with Brad. He’ll be coming. No brother misses one of Jesse’s cookouts. It’s probably a rule or something.” She laughed at what must be an inside joke.

  “Really?” she asked, perplexed.

  “It’s a joke. It’s just when Jesse says to do something, they all do it without question.”

  “That must make the job easier, I’d think.” Who’d want someone questioning or arguing when someone’s life was at stake?

  “It makes it fantastic. They’re almost like their own little cult. Even the team follows Jesse without question.”

  She chuckled. “Even you?” she teased her sister.

  “Well, not to the extent my husband does. That’s for sure.”

  Thank goodness it wasn’t Brad they followed. Surly and angry wasn’t a trait a good leader had. Sure he could be gentle and caring, but she’d only seen that once. Okay, maybe twice, but it was hidden deep down and she didn’t need a project. She had one called La Belle to deal with right now, and that project just got a little more complicated.

  “Who do you think did the damage?” Madison finally asked. They’d avoided that topic since they’d seen the devastation.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t think,” she started hesitantly, “that it’s Casden and Rogers. Do you?”

  Rylee bit her lip and thought for a moment. “I don’t know. What I do know is that it’d take a whole lot more than that to get us to sell.”

  “They don’t know that.”

  “True.” Rylee groaned. “Devon is going to go apeshit and want to bubble wrap me and keep me under his thumb, worrying someone will come after me, even if they weren’t responsible for the disaster.”

  Madison chuckled at the image. “I’m lucky I don’t have an alpha husband to want to do that. From what I’ve learned about them, I don’t see Casden and Rogers doing that juvenile style of damage to the club.”

  “Oh, but you have Brad.”

  Madison’s pulse leapt, and she almost lost control of the car. “I don’t—I don’t have Brad.”

  “He’s going to flip over this, especially since he didn’t agree with Devon about protection. I’d say he’ll be glued to your side more than he is now.”

  “I don’t want him glued to my side any more than he already is.” For some reason that idea, while not completely terrifying, began to appeal to her. “I can’t step foot outside the house without him unless I’m going to see you.”

  “Why not have him?” Rylee sounded put out. “He’s a great guy. A little rough around the edges….”

  “Rough?” She almost snorted. “That’s putting it nicely. I don’t need Brad protecting me like he is. I’m grateful to have the place to stay because he is right about being safer than being sorry, and I didn’t like having those men approach me at my hotel. Regardless, I’m not his problem.”

  Rylee snickered. “I’m sure he’d want you to be his problem.” A pause. “Again.”

  A shot of awareness ran up her spine. Rylee had said only two other people knew she’d slept with Brad. But, what if he’d told people? And she would be facing those same people tomorrow. Her stomach twisted. She guessed she’d find out if her protector was trustworthy and honest when she was put on display among a lot of men and only a few women.

  HEARING ABOUT THE club from Devon and not Madison almost sent Brad into a ballistic fit. Why had she hidden the truth about the vandalism? She had to have known he’d find out one way or another. Nothing was kept secret for long in this family.

  Except his night with Madison.

  With the exception of two people—Matt and, shit, probably three because Devon surely ran off his mouth to Rylee—no one knew, and he’d worked hard to keep it that way. If she’d not rushed out of the hotel room, not making sure the coast was clear, only Matt would’ve known because Brad had to speak with his brother about what a fool he’d been. It’d been a fucking joke—an inappropriate one—that I wish I could take back.

  Now, to make matters worse, she’d balked when he told her he was protecting her from now on and that she should just get used to it. No way would he leave her vulnerable with a potential threat hanging over her head. Whether it was Casden or Rogers wasn’t as important as someone had trashed her business. Someone had a grudge against her or Rylee. They’d have to go through him to get to her. Nonnegotiable.

  He didn’t question why he knew it had to be him protecting her or why he felt the threat was severe enough that he stuck to her. And after…?

  Of course, he’d forgotten about Jesse’s cookout, and when he’d thought of it at breakfast and told her they were going, it’d been their first real fight.
He didn’t count when they’d discussed the club as she’d been freaked out enough over what had happened. And, he kicked himself for not being there with her as she surveyed the loss and destruction. It occurred to him that he’d wanted to be the arms she fell into for comfort, and that surprise told him a great deal on how much he had begun to care for her.

  “You don’t just tell me we’re going. I’m tired of you telling me things instead of asking,” she’d nearly screeched at him.

  He hadn’t seen the problem. They were going to Jesse’s, so what was the point of asking so she could say no and then he’d have to haul her out over his shoulder—which appealed to him more than he cared to think.

  “And another thing,” she went on before he could respond, “why are you just telling me now? Am I only invited because you feel duty bound to protect me—even though I’m not in any real danger?”

  The cookout was today. How much notice did she need? It wasn’t like he was hiding it; he’d truly forgotten. Of course, he’d opened up his big mouth and made it worse. “How much notice do you need? Was I supposed to give you a shopping day first? Spa day to prepare? It’s just a fucking barbecue. And, you’re invited because you’re Rylee’s family.” Plus he was told to bring her by Jesse, and he didn’t argue with his brother unless it was necessary. No one won against the eldest Hamilton brother.

  He could almost see her blood boiling with tempered anger. Knowing that same look from Rylee, he shut his mouth. “That’s not the point,” she said. “I knew about this yesterday. Why did you wait? Do you not want me there? Is that it? But now you’re stuck with me so you’re dragging me along?”

  “If you knew yesterday, why the fuck didn’t you say anything? I just fucking forgot. You”—he pointed a finger at her—“you hid that knowledge.”

  In his mind, the argument was over. Yet, while he knew he’d scored the point, he had a sneaky feeling he’d still lost the disagreement. Especially when she stomped off and slammed the bedroom door.

  Conversation in his truck on the drive to Jesse’s home had been nonexistent. While he enjoyed just being in her space, he didn’t like the discomfort between them. So he’d probably been a bit of a bastard accusing her as he had. Okay, more than probably, but that was who he was. At a moment like this, it felt unfortunate that he acted so ornery.

  “Look, Maddie,” he started, and then cleared his throat. The words stuck in his larynx. This was harder than he thought it would be. It was just two little words, but he rarely said them. He knew he needed to do so now. “I’m sorry. I was an ass, and you didn’t deserve that.” A huge pocket of air whooshed from his lungs in relief that he could get it out without crashing the truck.

  When she didn’t speak, he tensed. He’d fucking apologized for Christ’s sake, and she was still giving him the silent treatment. Oh fuck no. Inside, something—probably the conscience he regularly ignored—told him to wait it out. That she’d need time.

  Instead of accepting his apology, she asked a question. “Why are you like you are? A great guy most of the time yet there is a bitterness that resides in you and comes out on occasion.”

  The question took him back. He was bitter because his career had been snatched out from under him. He wouldn’t leave HIS and go back, but it was the principle of it all. Angry? He wasn’t angry all of the time, and it was more at himself than anything else even though he took it out on the world. But to explain it to her? No, he may desire her and want to be with her, but he wasn’t opening his heart to her. He doubted he’d ever open it with a woman. He had too much pain inside to be angry with himself, which he knew wouldn’t make great relationship material.

  Putting on his best smile, he glanced at her before looking back at the road. He then tried for jovial when he said, “What me? I’m never angry and bitter. You must have mistaken me with my twin.”

  She huffed out a breath that, by the sound of it, was chock full of frustration. “You’re impossible.”

  He wanted to laugh, but he expected that would piss her off more, so instead, he agreed. Somewhat. “Possibly.”

  No other words were spoken until they arrived at Jesse’s. His gaze landed on the abundance of cars, trucks, and SUVs just as Madison asked, “Are you sure it’s okay that I’m here.”

  He looked at her, noting the anxiety in her voice. His gut dipped when he realized she was nervous. He was so used to a confident, self-assured Madison, that it took him a moment to respond. “Of course. Rylee invited you, and so did I.” He reached for the door handle and offered her a reassuring smile. “Being Rylee’s sister makes you family, and this is a family barbecue.” Her eyes searched his. He only hoped she could read his sincerity. “So, let’s go. We can go around the back and say hello.”

  To his relief, after another brief hesitation, she exited his truck, but also made sure to keep a respectable distance from Brad preventing him from placing his hand on her back as they walked into the crush of people. He felt the need to touch her… connect with her… but he didn’t want to push her. Not only was the Hamilton family there—wives, husbands, and kids included—but the team was in attendance with only one of them being unmarried.

  When Madison spotted Rylee, she split off from him without a word. He shook his head. With a small smile, he watched her walk away, happy that she appeared more relaxed.

  At the large grill, the Hamilton brothers huddled around as if it took all of them to cook for the group. Surprised at seeing his twin, he strode toward them, only stopping to pick up a beer from one of the coolers and twisting off the top.

  When he arrived, he gave his twin a hug—close in for a second and pat on the back. He enjoyed that his brother had chosen to surprise him with this trip. “Hey, bro. How’s Kentucky? Where’s Caitlyn?”

  “She’s at home, but we actually have great news. She’s expanding and has chosen Baltimore for her next project so we can be close to the family.”

  Pleasure at the news swamped him. He’d missed his twin more than he realized. “That’s awesome.”

  “We’ll live outside of Baltimore where she can get the land and permits she needs, but it’ll be closer than Jesse.”

  Thank goodness his twin would be closer. No offense to Jesse, but his elder brother lived between Baltimore and Silver Spring where they grew up. It was a small haul to get here, but Brad also might be a bit lazy since he lived in town and almost everything was within walking distance—restaurants, bars and shops.

  “Hey,” Jesse said. “You guys love this place, so don’t even knock it.”

  “Oh,” Brad started with a grin, “we love it. It’s the drive we could do without.” Giving Jesse shit about how far out he lived was commonplace with the group, and he never passed up the opportunity. Any of them would drive to the ends of the earth for each other.

  “Tough shit. I’m not moving closer. This place is perfect for mine and HIS’s needs.”

  “So, what’s going on with Madison?” AJ asked. Hadn’t he asked him that before? Nosy little shit.

  Without a thought, Brad blurted, “She’s in trouble and doesn’t realize it.” His stomach churned at the thought of the danger she might be in. No matter what, he’d do everything in his power to protect her.

  Frowns marred his brothers’ faces, except Matt. Good old Matt.

  “That’s why I’m here,” his twin stated.

  Confused, he could only ask, “What?”

  “Jesse told me what was happening and that you had taken it upon yourself to protect Madison and thought you might need help. So, here I am. Rylee will be gone, so we’ll only have Madison to protect.”

  Relief rushed through him. Even though Jesse hadn’t agreed she needed protection, he’d called Matt to back up Brad. Had his plan been to get Matt to talk some sense into him? No fucking chance of that. Maybe Matt could help him figure out how to remove the threat.

  “Jesse?” Brad questioned. There was no need to say anything more than that. He knew what Brad was asking.

After turning over a rack of ribs, his eldest brother turned to him. “Look, I still think you might be overreacting, but if you’re going to do this, you can’t do it alone. You have to sleep at some point, and that’s when you’re most vulnerable. I just mentioned it to Matt. He packed up—with a pregnant wife at home—to have your back.”

  The love of his brothers almost misted his eyes. But, he was a fucking dude, and they didn’t cry over sappy shit like that. He admittedly cleared his throat before he could respond. “Thanks, man. I hadn’t thought past her being in danger.”

  “We’ll work it out later. Right now, she’s safe in this group.”

  The men looked toward the gaggle of women at the picnic tables, some holding young ones in their arms or on their laps. The group quieted and stared at the men with curiosity. While smiles broke out between women, presumably looking at their husbands, Madison’s brow furrowed as if trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

  Even though she’d dressed in jeans and a pink T-shirt with a big flower on it, she stood out among the women. Her beauty and poise were miles above the others. Following his brothers’ suit, he just grinned at her, and she gave a small smile back that lit a warm glow in his chest. That meant she’d been looking at him instead of the group. Him. He’d call that progress from earlier and vowed to continue to move them forward.

  With the clearing of throats, as if they’d been caught doing something wrong, the men turned back to the grill. Their focus on ribs, burgers, and hot dogs that would get wolfed down with this crew.

  Ken—who’d been tossing a football with the team—approached the group and asked about when the food would be ready.

  “Ken,” Devon said, “we’re just wondering how long Brad will last as a bachelor watching over Madison.”

  Rubbing his cleanly shaven chin, Ken looked over at Madison, then gave Brad a once-over before responding, “Oh, he’s toast. I expect another wedding in the near future.”


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