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Page 9

by VictoriaSue

  “Oh, I don’t think I can last...much more…please.”

  Joe bent his head, and reached under his shorts to his own cock. Pleasure nearly dissolved him. Who knew touching himself while sucking Adam would be so fucking perfect.

  “Aghh.” Adam arched his back in pleasure, hips writhing. “Sir, please. Gonna—Aghh.”

  Joe pulled at himself sharply. Heat shot up his length, as he knew Adam had completely lost it. Adam went nearly rigid as he shot straight into Joe’s mouth. The bitter taste was perfect, and Joe shot over his own hand in response. Lights flashed behind Joe’s closed lids, and he swallowed over and over until he couldn’t wring any more from Adam, and he heard a faint hiss to say the pressure was quickly getting painful.

  Adam’s cock was still twitching as he gentled his lips and pulled back. Joe opened his eyes and saw with satisfaction that Adam was panting. Eyes closed, head flung back in abandon. Beautiful. He looked so beautiful.

  Joe slid up the bed and tucked Adam into his side. He was too exhausted to clean up, so he wiped his hand on the edge of the sheet.

  Chapter 10

  Joe wasn’t a cuddler, not at all. It was one of those complaints that adorned the very long list of ex-wife number two. But right at that moment with Adam tucked so close into his side, and both of Joe’s arms wrapped around him, he was expecting a gold medal in the cuddling Olympics. In fact, there was nowhere else he’d rather be but here with his boy.

  Time to put phase two into action. Joe reveled in the small protesting noise Adam made at him sliding out of bed. Joe grinned. They were both sticky. He headed into the bathroom and turned the taps to fill the tub. He stirred in some of the bath salts he’d used before. It didn’t take long to fill up, and he set four large towels out to warm. He shrugged his sticky shorts down.

  Joe walked back into the bedroom and smiled slightly. He wanted to chuckle because Adam looked like he was incapable of any movement, like he’d been well-fucked. Joe held out an arm. “Come here, boy.”

  Adam opened his eyes and Joe knew instantly Adam was back to worrying again. He stifled the sigh. He wasn’t stupid and he knew it was going to take more than a spanking and a blow job to get to the level of trust they needed to be at.

  “Now.” Joe nearly barked out the word.

  Adam almost fell, scrambling out of bed. He clutched Joe’s hand like it was a lifeline. Well, that was good, because it was. “No need to get tense.” He rubbed Adam’s shoulders.

  Adam stilled. “It’s just...what are we doing?” He stiffened and pulled away. “I don’t want to get hurt.”

  Joe thought hard. He knew Adam wasn’t talking about physical hurting, and he didn’t want to rush to any offhand reassurances. Adam deserved more than that. He kept hold of Adam’s hand as he climbed in the bath. Joe raised an enquiring eyebrow as he sat; Adam reluctantly lifted his leg and climbed in too. Joe guided his hips so that his ass was flush up against Joe’s groin and he was leaning against Joe’s chest.

  “I’ve never been attracted to men,” Joe began. Adam stiffened and pulled away into a sitting position but Joe pulled him back. “Let me explain.”

  Adam interrupted. “There’s no such thing as ‘gay for me’. People say it, but it’s not true. Not really.”

  Joe started absently soaping Adam’s chest. “I’m not even sure what ‘gay for me’ means.” Am I? Joe hesitated. “No, that’s not true.” He kissed Adam’s head. “I don’t want to be anything but totally honest with you.” Adam relaxed a little, and Joe carried on gliding his soapy hands over Adam. “I’m not a hundred per cent sure I’m comfortable with any labels, and no, before you say, that’s not because I’m ashamed or lying to myself either.” Joe smiled against Adam’s hair. “I think it’s an understatement to say I’m attracted to you.” He felt a small, shy nod. “I have two failed marriages behind me, and a daughter I don’t see.” Joe swallowed the lump that accompanied the feeling of failure. “I just don’t want to rush into anything.” He sighed and pulled Adam nearer. “You’re important to me. I don’t want to hurt you for the world, but I don’t want to promise something I can’t deliver.” Joe brushed a kiss on Adam’s neck. “Can we take it slow?”

  Adam kissed the arm that Joe had draped across Adam’s chest and leaned back more. “I’m okay with that. But—” Adam swallowed. “I can’t cope with you being with anyone else while we do this.”

  Joe frowned. “Adam, do you really think I would?”

  Adam ducked his head a little, and Joe placed a gentle finger under his jaw to lift it. “To spell it out, we are exclusive until one or both of us decide it isn’t working.”

  Adam smiled and lifted his face a little more, angling for a kiss. Joe bent his head. Even as he knew the words needed saying, he didn’t like the discomfort he felt at thinking this wasn’t very long term. But that was what Joe was bad at. He’d gone into both his marriages wanting forever. It had never occurred to him to think of anything else, and look how well those had turned out. That’s why he’d never done anything other than casual at the club, since his divorce. He’d left the D/s scene for both his marriages as neither wife was interested. He’d come to associate D/s with casual. Maybe this time it could be different?

  Joe carried on soaping Adam’s chest. He absently rubbed his palm over one of Adam’s nipples and felt Adam shiver. The nipple beaded, became hard. Joe smiled and drew his other hand over Adam’s other nipple, stroking and tweaking them.

  “Oh, Sir.” Adam sunk further against Joe. Joe let his hands idly smooth up and down, caressing every inch. There wasn’t any of Adam’s skin he missed, and there wasn’t any he particularly concentrated on either. He wanted to touch all of him.

  Adam was hardening again quickly. He twisted around to kiss Joe. His hip pressed on Joe’s cock, and Joe gasped at the rush of pleasure that wrapped him up. Joe growled low in his throat. He couldn’t say whether it was from the feeling of Adam’s lips or hearing the “Sir.” His cock was rubbing very nicely into Adam’s butt cheek, and desire flooded back into him as well. He placed two of his hands on Adam’s hips and lifted him up and back slightly.

  Joe groaned. His cock rubbed deliciously in Adam’s crease. Joe was happy for it just to be there. He wasn’t sure if he could handle going any further, and he didn’t have condoms in the bathroom. Joe let that thought go as Adam twisted his upper body around.

  Joe kissed Adam hard. His tongue traced his bottom lip, and Adam shuddered at Joe’s invasion. Joe broke away and cupped Adam’s face. “Don’t ever think you aren’t important to me.” Adam smiled and stood up, pulling Joe with him.

  Adam moved faster than Joe. He pulled a towel off the rack and cinched it around his waist. He grabbed the other one before Joe got to it and draped it around Joe’s shoulders. Joe shivered.

  “You cold?” He paused and grabbed another towel, left the warm one around Joe’s shoulders.

  Joe gulped. “No.” Adam sank to his knees. Joe nearly fell to his. But Adam didn’t go where Joe thought he might go. Instead, he carefully stroked and dried Joe’s cock and balls like they were made of gold. They were so heavy when Adam had finished Joe was prepared to think they were made of lead. The friction of the towel in Adam’s hands was beautiful. Adam stood and led Joe by his hand back to bed.

  Adam pushed at Joe a little arrogantly to lie on the bed. While Joe’s Dom side might be questioning the little eyebrow tilt and the small hip nudge from Adam, his dick was totally on board with the subtle orders.


  Joe shivered. Desire had just grown limbs and was walking up and down his spine. He shuffled until he lay on his back. Green eyes blazed at him, lit as much as when they twinkled but the fire in Adam’s look wasn’t soft and pretty. It was hard. Hard and strong.

  Joe ran his arms up and down the tight muscles on Adam’s back. He reveled in their smoothness, the strength bunched up underneath the silky skin. He tightened again, and felt the tingling building in his groi
n. Adam’s strength was just...fuck, it was such a turn-on. How could he ever have thought soft and pliable was sexy? It wasn’t. He felt like a shadow over his life had lifted. Joe raised his head to meet Adam’s as it lowered. He unleashed a satisfied moan, thrilled that Adam’s tongue chased his hard as an acknowledgement. Joe twisted his arm to where their cocks were rubbing together and closed his fingers around them both. He loved Adam’s shape. Slim, but so hard it was curved.

  “Oh... Joe, need—”

  Joe cut off Adam’s frantic muttering with his lips. He didn’t need to tell his boy to come. His boy didn’t need to ask for permission. There was no question and there was no time for any answer. Joe’s fingers sent their own demand, and the high-pitched noises from Adam and accompanying heat in Joe’s hand told him all he needed to know. He broke off, panting, as his own cum mixed with Adam’s. He let go with shaking fingers and went to wipe his hand on the sheet.

  Adam clamped his wrist, and Joe’s eyes shot open. Oh...Fuck. Adam brought Joe’s hand to his lips. He lapped and cleaned Joe’s hand with his tongue, but his eyes never left Joe’s face. In all his years in the clubs, all his partners, even the last few encounters with Adam, the sight of Adam cleaning their juices from his hand was the single most erotic moment of his life.

  Joe drew Adam in close to him. He pulled him gently onto his side so Joe was plastered up against Adam’s back. They had to talk, but he just wanted to breathe for five minutes.


  Joe smiled at the contented sound. “Mmm?”

  “Do I have to scene with Master Craig today?”

  Joe all but growled. Then he realized Adam wouldn’t know. “No, Callum withdrew their membership.”

  Adam seemed to curl up a little more. “It wasn’t just his fault. I kind of agreed. He said it would just be like having a couple of shots.”

  Joe thought about that. “Yeah, but you don’t drink, do you?” In all the times he’d seen Adam, he’d seen him drink light beer maybe once or twice.

  Adam relaxed a little into Joe’s chest. “No, I don’t. I’ve had a couple of beers, but no, not really.”

  Joe liked Adam relaxed. This was maybe a good place to start. “Is that because you don’t like it or another reason?”

  Joe counted the seconds before Adam replied. When he got to five, he thought it was going to be ignored, but Adam surprised him. “My mom drank. A lot.”

  Joe suddenly wanted to be honest, needed to be. “Callum told me some very brief details last night. He was worried for you. Lee...well, you know they talk…he didn’t want to break your trust, but Callum needed to be sure I didn’t hurt you.”

  He felt Adam’s small nod against his chest, and resisted the urge to jump in and say anything else. “She’s locked up. I don’t ever have any contact. I don’t want any. She murdered my brother.” The whisper on the last sentence nearly broke Joe’s heart. He didn’t think it was possible to draw Adam in any closer, but he tried. He nuzzled the gap between Adam’s head and neck. “They said she was sick—is sick—but I don’t care.”

  “You didn’t have grandparents, other family? What about—”

  “My dad?” Adam interrupted and shrugged. “She never talked about him. I have no name. I got my birth certificate, but it was blank. As far as I was told in foster, there was no other family. Just me.”

  Joe started to ask about Adam’s brother and stopped, understanding dawning. “Your safeword. Zachary. That was your brother’s name, wasn’t it?”

  Adam stilled, then turned his head a little to glance at Joe. He nodded. “You’re the only one that knows that. Lee didn’t even guess, and he knows my safeword.” Joe was relieved that Adam seemed pleased. “I was born first. She used to joke about it. A for Adam because I was first and Zee because he was last.”

  Adam grew quiet and Joe waited patiently. He felt there was still something else Adam wanted to say. He idly brushed his hand up and down Adam’s chest, giving him time.

  “It was my fault,” Adam whispered, so quiet if Joe hadn’t have been concentrating he wouldn’t have heard it.

  “Adam, you were nine. Your mom was mentally ill. How on earth could that ever be your fault?” Joe let the incredulity weave into his words.

  “Zee was never as strong as me. He had asthma. I’d been invited to a party—well, we both had. But he was coughing, so Mom said we both had to stay. I wasn’t allowed to go without Zachary. I was mean. I cried.” Joe’s heart bled. He could hear the pain dripping with every word from Adam. “She let me go. Zee begged me not to go without him.” Adam ducked his head as he took a shaking breath. Joe wrapped his arms around him tighter and brought his hand up to cup his face. He could feel the wetness on Adam’s cheek. “I left him, so I wasn’t given the tablets. If it had been me, I might have survived. Zee wasn’t strong enough.”

  “No, Adam.” Joe gazed at Adam’s pain-filled eyes. “It would just have been you as well.”

  Joe heard the gulp and felt the shudder. “She said he was asleep when I came back from the party. I ran upstairs to give him my party sack. I-I’d brought him cake...” Adam’s voice cut off. He made a little keening sound at the back of his throat and rocked into Joe. Joe twisted Adam around and enveloped his body. Adam’s wet face pushed into Joe’s neck, and his hands scrabbled to find a home.

  “Here.” Joe caught both wrists and pressed them to his heart. “You’re here. It wasn’t your fault. You were a child. She was the monster, not you.” He angled down to kiss Adam’s hair. “You hear me Adam? It wasn’t your fault.”

  Joe held him as he cried. Harsh sobs tore from Adam. Dear God, what had he gone through? After a few minutes, Adam’s cries had slowed to harsh hiccupping breaths.

  “I’m sorry. I haven’t cried in years, and now it’s been twice in one day.” Adam pinked slightly.

  Joe dropped another kiss on his head. “Hey.” He cupped Adam’s blotchy face and drew it up. “I thought we’d established you’re important to me?” Adam wobbled a small watery smile. Joe kissed him again. “You ever need to talk...” He glanced down. “Whatever else we are doing, I’m always here for you.” Joe thumbed the moisture from Adam’s face. He wanted to ask how Adam had ended up on the streets, but decided that was a conversation for another day. When Adam felt safer.

  “You hungry?” Adam shook his head, but finished with a shrug. Joe smiled. “There’s an avocado salad in there with your name on it.” He nodded to the kitchen and was thrilled when he saw the shy smile back. “Come on.”

  Joe shuffled out of bed, keeping Adam with him. Adam disappeared into the bathroom, and Joe could hear the water running as Adam washed his face. He called his mom and apologized for missing lunch. He knew she would be disappointed as they were flying away on vacation the next morning. Adam appeared by the time Joe had put just about the whole contents of the fridge on the table.

  He smiled at Adam’s astonished look. “I didn’t know what you wanted.”

  Adam helped himself to some salad. Joe cut huge chunks off the bread that smelled wonderful. “What else have you to do today?”

  Joe looked at his watch. Just then, his cell phone rang. It was Callum.

  “Joe? How’s Adam?” Joe grinned, he could hear Lee jabbering away in the background, clearly wanting to speak to Adam.

  Joe pushed the house phone towards Adam. “Call Lee.”

  Adam smiled and swiped it up.

  Joe heard Callum chuckle as he heard an excited Lee answer Adam’s call. He moved into the lounge. “Everything okay, Callum?”

  He heard the sigh over the line. “The cops called me. There’s another kid gone missing.”

  Joe’s heart hammered. “Where?”

  “Ecstasy,” Callum named a seedier club in Orlando. “The kid’s been missing for over two weeks. Apparently no one realized.”

  Joe’s eyebrows shot up. “Two weeks?”

  “Yeah, Ecstasy didn’t even know. They never questioned when he d
idn’t turn up.” Joe wasn’t surprised. They had a reputation for being careless about IDs deliberately. At least that sort of thing couldn’t happen at Pure. Callum knew every member and treated the subs like they were his own family.

  “A Detective Sergeant Callaghan called me. The FBI have gone back to Miami for some reason, and he’s been assigned the case.” Callum paused when Joe inhaled in shock. “You know him?”

  Joe blew a long breath out. “He’s old school. He used to be good at his job, but the guy’s a complete prick. Thinks homosexuality is a disease. Last I heard he’s got a teenage son he was trying to cure with Jesus. To be honest, he was one of the reasons I wasn’t sad about leaving.”

  Joe could practically hear Callum stiffen.

  “I know how to handle him,” Joe tried to reassure Callum, “but for God’s sake keep Lee and Adam out of sight until he’s gone. He’ll run his mouth off, and I’ll have to play along.” Joe heard Adam’s laugh from the kitchen.

  “Okay, we’ll hear what he has to say.” Callum agreed reluctantly. “But I’m only doing it because the feds have disappeared, and I need to know if I should shut the club.”

  Joe rang off at the same time as Adam bounced back into the kitchen. He came straight up to Joe for a kiss. It was on the tip of Joe’s tongue to tell him about Callaghan, but then he decided not to. Lee would keep him out of the way while Joe pretended to be an asshole.

  Chapter 11

  Joe was content. He’d been trying to put a name to his feelings as he drove to the club. Adam’s hand rested lightly on Joe’s thigh where Joe had positioned it when he got in the car. He wasn’t too sure what was happening between them, but he wanted Adam close, touching. They pulled in the lot at Pure a little after two. Callum and Lee were already inside, and Kevin was patiently showing Lee the measures for the optics. Adam grinned and bounded over to them.

  Callum gestured for Joe to follow him to the office, and they walked up the stairs.

  “Lee going to work the bar?”


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