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Dragon Whelps: Earth Dragons Series: Book 3

Page 13

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “Oh, does he?” Her eyes were wide as she looked over at their sleeping whelp.

  “Yep. They have your hair and my eyes.”

  She bit down on her lip. “You’re not upset, are you?”

  He blinked. “About what?”

  “That they have my hair. Ginger isn’t for everyone.”

  “Are you kidding, Wisconsin? I love your fiery red hair. I’ve told you that before. You have given me two perfect sons. I couldn’t be happier.”

  Her face turned a deep pink color which highlighted her green eyes.

  The baby squirmed, making a choking, crying sound. His little face began to turn red.

  Her face morphed into one of shock. That and a touch of panic. “What’s wrong?” Georgia asked, eyes wide. “I didn’t read any books about taking care of babies. I’m clueless! I had planned on giving my baby up for adoption. I stayed away from that part of the thinking process. It was too painful.”

  Shale felt everything in him tighten. He clenched his jaw. “That’s not happening. You don’t—”

  “We have a lot to talk about but…” A tear leaked from her eye. “I love my babies…so much. I never wanted to give them up. It wasn’t—”

  “I know, and things have changed. Your position has changed.”

  “You don’t know everything.” She shook her head, her wild tangle of curls tumbling down her back. “Things have changed, and yet, some things haven’t. I’m so afraid to allow myself to hope. I feel so much for both my babies already. We don’t know each other. You don’t know…” The baby fussed some more, his little legs kicking quicker and harder. Georgia picked him up, holding him against her. Her eyes were filled with worry. She patted his back, but he continued to squirm. His little whimpers and cries growing louder. “Am I holding him wrong?”

  “I think he’s hungry.”

  “Hungry?” Georgia’s eyes were so wide it was almost comical.

  “Yes. It happens,” Shale said. “You should…” He looked pointedly at her breasts.

  “Oh…ohhhh!” The baby was nuzzling into her chest and then wailing. “Um…I have no idea how to do this. I need a book or a nurse, or…” She was looking around her, trying to find the call button.

  “You’re his mother. You know what to do, just as he does. It’s instinctual.”

  Georgia was breathing fast. Her heart-rate was elevated as well. In short, she was terrified.

  “I’ll help you,” he added, having to raise his voice above the increasingly louder cries of their baby.

  “Because you’re an expert in breastfeeding.”

  Shale shrugged. He’d seen it done enough times over the last few years. He had witnessed a sister and the mates of two brothers raise babies.

  “I guess you know a lot about breasts since you are somewhat of a player.” She raised her brows. “So maybe you can help me.” She laughed at her own joke, quickly turning serious when the baby choked out another cry.

  “Actually, I have a couple of nephews and nieces running around. My family is close.”

  She swallowed thickly. “O-okay. I’ll try it.” Georgia put her hand behind her gown, trying to untie the back.

  “Here, I’ll do that.” He helped her with it.

  She was a natural. Georgia pulled down the gown over one shoulder and put their whelp to her breast. The little one was both greedy and a complete natural too. Within seconds, he was drinking noisily. “I think he might take after his father.” Shale couldn’t help but grin as he watched his tiny son nurse.

  “What? He’s a breast man?” She smiled, also looking down as well.

  “I was thinking more along the lines of having a healthy appetite but…yeah,” he chuckled, “that too.” Shale was trying hard not to notice her plump breasts. It would be so damned wrong in this situation. “We do need to talk. Maybe now would be a good time.”

  “Okay.” She nodded, looking more worried than when she didn’t know what to do with the baby.

  “I need you to come back with me to my lair. Back to dragon lands. I promise it’s all quite civilized.”

  “Um…wow! That was unexpected.” She shook her head.

  “I’m sorry. I probably should have led up to that part, but I’ve never been all that good with small talk. The babies aren’t human. They don’t belong here.” He looked around them. “I want all three of you to come back with me. I will be able—”

  “I can’t.” Just like that. No thinking about it. No talking it through. He had expected push back but not a definite ‘no’ right off the bat.

  “I don’t expect anything from you in the way of a relationship. Don’t be concerned about that.” He put up a hand. “I understand that playing happy family and trying to be a couple isn’t going to work. You’d have your own space and…”

  Shale swore that for a second, she looked disappointed, and whether it was because she wanted to come back with him, or because she had hoped for more with him, he wasn’t sure. The look was gone almost as soon as it arrived.

  “It’s not that.” She pushed out a breath. “I told you I have responsibilities…here in Dalton Springs, and I meant it. I can’t up and leave. It’s just not a possibility.”

  “What responsibilities?” He was sure he could take care of them. Whatever they were. However big she thought they were. “I know you said you work two jobs, but you don’t need to anymore.”

  “I can’t just quit.”

  “You can. If it will make you feel better, I’ll have my lawyers draw up a contract.” He paused, trying to think of the right wording. “I’ll pay you…child support? Is that the right terminology? I want you to be there for them. You are their mother. I am their father. It is my responsibility. It would not be a handout or anything like that. I hope you don’t think that.”

  “No, I don’t. I want to be there for them, and child support would be amazing. You have no idea how amazing, but…” Her shoulders slumped, and tears leaked out from the corners of her eyes. Georgia sniffed, wiping at her face with one hand while the other cradled their still nursing son. “I can’t possibly up and leave. I have to take care of my mother.”

  “Your mother?” He frowned. “Is she elderly? Does she live with you? She could come with us.”

  Georgia smiled. Her lashes were still wet. Her eyes were extra shiny with unshed tears. “That’s so sweet.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe how sweet you have been.”

  “What? For a ‘player’?”

  “Something like that.” Her smile widened. “I didn’t expect it. That’s all.” Then another tear leaked over. “My mom is sick. I need to keep working to pay her medical expenses. If I’m working, I can’t be a mom to these babies. I’ve explored it from all angles and it’s just not going to be possible to—”

  “I told you I’m going to cover your expenses. All of them.”

  “For the babies, which is great! I would never expect you—”

  “Not just the babies, Georgia. I’ll cover whatever expenses you have.” He tried to keep his voice calm, even though he was beginning to feel desperate.

  “Hold on.” She raised a hand. “You don’t know what you’re saying.” She shook her head. “My mother has Alzheimer’s.” She must have seen the look on his face because she went on to explain. “It’s a neurodegenerative disease that affects…essentially, the brain.” She shrugged. “It causes dementia, mood swings, memory loss, disorientation and behavioral issues. And it slowly develops until basic bodily functions are lost. It is eventually fatal.” She wiped at her eyes again. “My mom is in a home. She was diagnosed three years back and has slowly deteriorated. She’s been in a home for the last…almost a year now. She mostly doesn’t even know who I am anymore. We have the occasional good day.”

  “I’m so sorry.” What else did he say to all that? He wanted to say more but had no words.

  “She needs constant round-the-clock care by professionals. Dealing with someone like my mom is not easy. She struggles to express herself a
nd is prone to violence at times. She needs to be dressed and fed and has to be monitored constantly. She is a danger to herself and others. She can’t leave the home she’s in, and I can’t leave her…I just can’t. I’m all she has.” Her voice was a touch shrill and more tears coursed down her cheeks.

  Fuck! His chest felt tight. No wonder she had been so wound up six months ago. No wonder she was wound up now. No wonder she had felt like giving the babies up for adoption was her only option.

  The baby stopped nursing, Georgia put him over her shoulder and began patting his back softly. Doing exactly the right thing without even thinking about it. Shale helped her fix her gown. His mind running a mile a minute. “The thing is, the babies can’t stay in Dalton Springs. They can’t stay amongst humans.” He sat back down. “There is a good reason why the dragons have chosen to keep our existence a secret. For years, we’ve been hunted by a band of humans. The stories you hear about knights hunting and killing dragons…they’re not just stories. We were hunted to near extinction. Our sons are not safe here. The hunters are far more sophisticated nowadays. They have money, and lots of it. They also have spies everywhere.” He looked into her large, green eyes. “I know this all sounds unbelievable.”

  “I do believe you. It was tough before, but not now,” she shook her head, “not after they were born. It’s surreal, but I do believe you.”

  “Good! Thank you. Thing is, the hunters know what to look for. Chest markings are a dead giveaway. Our boys will be safe on dragon lands, amongst their own. I want you to come with us.”

  “So, you’re asking me to choose all over again.” She shook her head. “To choose between my mom and my children.” Her shoulders shook and she put a hand over her face which had crumpled. Then she sniffed. “I’m sorry. I thought it was a no-brainer but now that they are here…” She cradled their son in her arms, looking down at him with such love and affection. Such sorrow.

  Shale cleared his throat. “I would never expect you to choose. We do need to leave within the next hour though. I have already secured a helicopter. Are you well enough to travel? I would imagine that you would be. Your healing capabilities will be higher than normal after carrying dragon whelps inside you.”

  “Are they? Higher than normal that is?” He could see that her mind was racing. She pushed out a breath. “Oh, god! You’re right! My healing capabilities are better.” She thought back to the papercut, and if she was honest with herself there had been other incidences. “I can travel…yes but…”

  He could see her shutting down. “Please, Georgia, come with us. I’m worried about you too. You might become a target if they suspect you birthed dragon whelps. They’d use you to get to me. These people are ruthless. Once we are safe, I’ll figure something out. I’m sure we can find a solution that will work for your mother.”

  “For how long? I visit my mom every day. She needs me. I can’t just abandon her. I can’t abandon them either.” She looked back down at the babies.

  “It wouldn’t be for long. I promise you that.” He sounded desperate but he didn’t care.

  Their second-born gave a yell. His little feet kicked. His eyes were still closed but he was clearly waking up. “I think someone else needs to be fed as well,” Shale said. “They need you Georgia, please. I swear we’ll find a solution that works for us all. We’ll share my apartment, but you’ll have your own room. If it takes more than a couple of days to sort things out, I’ll take you to see your mom. It’s safer this way.”

  She handed him their sleeping baby. Shale put the little one down, picking up the other, now squirming, yelling bundle. He untied her gown. “You should put him on your other breast. I heard one of my brother’s mates talking and that’s how it supposedly works. You should switch sides. It’s easier if you feed them both at once. I’ll buy us a couple of parenting guides.”

  “You seem to know what you’re doing,” she remarked, putting their baby to her breast. He quickly nuzzled in and began drinking.

  “So do you.” He soothed the fuzzy, red hair on his tiny head, using two fingers. “What do you say, Iowa? Are you willing to try it?”

  “You promise to take me to see my mom if it takes too long?” She was frowning heavily. “I’m so worried she’s lucid and realizes I haven’t been there. She’ll worry. It’s what mothers do, and she’s still…my mom.” He could see that she was working hard to hold it together. “I’m their mom, though. They need me too.” Her lip quivered.

  “I promise I’ll take you to see her. Hopefully, I’ll have a solution quickly.” He needed to run a couple of ideas past his brother. Blaze might need to approve some things as well.

  “Also,” she chewed on her bottom lip, “I supplement my mother’s care. Half of what I earn goes towards her treatment.” She looked up for a moment. “I could keep working from wherever it is that we’re going,” she said, more to herself. “I can still design covers. Please tell me you have internet connection back at your lair. I would be happy to contribute—”

  “I will take care of all your expenses and all of your needs. That includes your mother’s care. You do not have to worry. You do not have to work.”

  “I can’t just give everything up.”

  “I’ll draw up that contract. You will not have to worry financially.”

  “That’s not fair. My mom is my—”

  “I want the mother of my children safe. I want all of your focus on our whelps. No stress or worries. I have money, Georgia. You no longer have to work.” How to convey this?

  He saw the column of her throat work. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”

  “We’ll figure it out. Once the three of you are safe, we’ll talk about it.” She was used to fending for herself. Not having anyone in her corner. That was about to change.

  She nodded once. “Okay.” She didn’t look too convinced though. “Can we go back to my place to pack?”

  “No, I’m sorry but we need to head out. I have called ahead and have already made arrangements. There will be clothing and items for the babies. We can go past your house in a couple of days when we visit with your mother.”

  She nodded.

  Shale pushed out a sigh of relief. For a second there he was sure she was going to argue with him some more.

  “I need to call the Joyces and let them know.” Georgia’s face dropped. “I’m so happy this is working out for us, but I feel terrible for them. Just awful. They’re such a nice couple.”

  “You hadn’t made any promises yet?” Trust Georgia to put everyone before her own needs.

  She shook her head. “Not yet, but I know they had their hopes up.”

  “I’m sure they’ll find a baby to adopt.”

  “I really hope so.”

  “It will all work out.” He touched the side of her arm. “You’ll see.” He wasn’t talking about the Joyces. He was talking about them. Shale only hoped that he was right. They didn’t know each other very well at all. Was there still something between them? A spark that could become more? Or had their relationship run its course? Only time would tell.

  Chapter 17

  Georgia needed to pick her jaw up off the floor, but she couldn’t. It just wasn’t possible. “Oh, my god! Oh, my—” She bit down to keep from saying every known swear word under the sun. “That’s a dragon. An honest to god— Oh!” she half-yelled. “There’s another one.” She laughed. The beasts were huge and yet graceful. Their great wings flapping. Their scales glinted in the sunlight.

  Shale chuckled, it sounded crackly through the earphones. “There are a lot more of us.”

  “Wow! Dragon shifters are bigger than I expected…I mean, in your dragon form. Very pretty.”

  “Pretty?” Shale choked out a laugh. “Don’t let any of the males hear you calling them pretty and don’t you dare call me pretty in my dragon form.”

  “You wish!” she muttered smiling. “Oh, god!” She covered her mouth with her hand. Her jaw had dropped all over again, and she couldn’t se
em to pick it up this time.

  “It’s something, isn’t it?” She could hear the affection in Shale’s voice, which, again, crackled through her earphones.

  “That’s your lair?” Her words were laced with wonder.

  “Yep,” Shale said.

  “When you said lair, I imagined it would be a hole in the ground or something. Okay,” she quickly added, “maybe not quite a hole in the ground, but I did not expect this. Even the views are breathtaking.” The lair was cut into the side of a cliff. It was all glass and stone and was breathtaking, with views over the coastline and the ocean.

  “You should see the Water dragons’ lair,” Storm piped up. He was flying the helicopter they were currently in.

  Shale chuckled. “Bullshit. A lair is a lair.”

  Storm chuckled as well. He was a Water dragon prince. Just like Shale was an Earth dragon prince. There were also Fire dragons and…Air dragons. Her mind was boggled.

  “Hold on,” Storm said. “I’m taking her down.” Each of them held one of the babies. Shale had decided it would be better if they took a helicopter into dragon lands instead of shifting and flying in.

  The chopper slowly descended onto a large balcony area that jutted off the lair. It took a minute or two for the chopper to power down. Thankfully, the babies were still sleeping soundly. They had put cotton wool in their ears. She’d had to feed their older son once while flying but so far, their youngest was still fast asleep. They would really have to think of names for the boys, and soon.

  Storm jumped out and moved around to where she was sitting. Georgia used one hand to unclip the belt. She carefully handed the baby to Storm before climbing out of the helicopter. He helped her take the final step down. Shale was already waiting, both babies now in his arms. He wore jeans and a t-shirt.

  She turned, taking an immediate step back when a guy who looked very much like Shale walked up to them. He wore cotton yoga-style pants and was shirtless. His chest was covered in a golden marking. She looked from Shale to the guy. They were almost carbon copies. This was Shale’s twin brother, for sure. “Oh, my fuck!” the Shale-look-alike bellowed. “It’s true. It’s fucking true!”


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