The Beautiful Cigar Girl

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The Beautiful Cigar Girl Page 35

by Daniel Stashower


  Allen, Hervey. Israfel: The Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1934.

  Anbinder, Tyler. Five Points: The 19th-Century New York City Neighborhood That Invented Tap Dance, Stole Elections, and Became the World’s Most Notorious Slum. New York: Plume, 2002.

  Anonymous. Madame Restell, An Account of Her Life and Horrible Practices, Together with Prostitution in New York, Its Extent, Causes, and Effects upon Society. New York: Privately published, 1847.

  Anonymous. Tragic Almanack 1843. New York: C. P. Huestis, 1843.

  Asbury, Herbert. All Around the Town. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2003.

  Asbury, Herbert. The Gangs of New York. Garden City: Garden City Publishing Co., 1927.

  Belden, Ezekiel Porter. New York, Past, Present, and Future: Comprising a History of the City of New York. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1849.

  Borowitz, Albert. Blood & Ink: An International Guide to Fact-Based Crime Literature. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press, 2002.

  Botkin, B. A. (Ed.). New York City Folklore. New York: Random House, 1956.

  Burdett, Charles. Lilla Hart: A Tale of New York. New York: Baker & Scribner, 1846.

  —–. Never Too Late. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1845.

  —–. Chances and Changes, or, Life As It Is. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1863.

  Burrows, Edwin G. and Mike Wallace. Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

  Byrnes, Thomas. 1886 Professional Criminals of America. New York: The Lyons Press, 2000.

  Cohen, Patricia Cline. The Murder of Helen Jewett: The Life and Death of a Prostitute in Nineteenth-Century New York. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.

  Crockett, Albert Stevens. When James Gordon Bennett Was Caliph of Bagdad. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1926.

  Crouse, Russel. Murder Won’t Out. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1932.

  Crouthamel, James L. Bennett’s New York Herald and the Rise of the Popular Press. New York: Syracuse University Press, 1989.

  Davis, Andrew Jackson. The Present Age and Inner Life. Rochester: Austin Publishing Co., 1910.

  —–. Tale of a Physician, or, the Seeds and Fruit of Crime. Boston: William White & Co., 1869.

  Dickens, Charles. American Notes. New York: Penguin Classics, 2000.

  Foster, George G. New York By Gas-Light and Other Urban Sketches. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.

  Geary, Rick. The Mystery of Mary Rogers. New York: NBM/Comics Lit., 2001.

  Harrison, James A. Life of Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Haskell House, 1970.

  Homberger, Eric. The Historical Atlas of New York City. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1994.

  Hone, Philip. The Diary of Philip Hone, 1828–1851. (2 vols.) Ed. Alan Nevins. New York: Dodd Mead & Co., 1927.

  Ingraham, J. H. The Beautiful Cigar Girl, or, the Mysteries of Broadway. New York: Robert M. De Witt, 1844.

  Ingram, John H. Edgar Allan Poe: His Life, Letters and Opinions. (2 vols.) London: John Hogg, 1880.

  Irving, Washington. The Works of Washington Irving, Volume 5: Salmagundi, Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus. New York: The Co-operative Publication Society, 1920.

  Jackson, Kenneth T. (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of New York City. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995.

  Jacobs, Robert D. Poe: Journalist & Critic. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1969.

  Judson, Edward Zane Carroll [Ned Buntline]. Mysteries and Miseries of New York: A Story of Real Life. New York: Berford & Co., 1848.

  —–. Three Years After: A Sequel to Mysteries and Miseries of New York. New York: Berford & Co., 1849.

  Keller, Allan. Scandalous Lady: The Life and Times of Madame Restell, New York’s Most Notorious Abortionist. New York: Atheneum, 1981.

  Kennedy, J. Gerald (Ed.). A Historical Guide to Edgar Allan Poe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

  Kluger, Richard. The Paper: The Life and Death of the New York Herald Tribune. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1986.

  Lardner, James and Thomas Reppetto. NYPD: A City and Its Police. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 2000.

  Lauvrière, Emile. The Strange Life and Strange Loves of Edgar Allan Poe. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1935.

  Link, S. A. (Ed.). Edgar Allan Poe: Biography and Selected Letters. Dansville: F. A. Owen Publishing Co., 1910.

  Lippard, George. New York: Its Upper Ten and Lower Million. Cincinnati: E. Mendenhall, 1854.

  Mabbott, Thomas Ollive (Ed.). Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Poems. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000.

  —–. Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales & Sketches. (2 vols.) Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000.

  McCullough, Esther Morgan (Ed.). As I Pass, O Manhattan: An Anthology of Life in New York. North Bennington: Coley Taylor, 1956.

  Meyers, Jeffrey. Edgar Allan Poe: His Life & Legacy. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1992.

  O’Connor, Richard. The Scandalous Mr. Bennett. New York: Doubleday & Company, 1962.

  Ostrom, John Ward (Ed.). The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1948.

  Paul, Raymond. Who Murdered Mary Rogers? New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1971.

  Pearce, Charles E. Unsolved Murder Mysteries. London: Stanley Paul & Co., 1924.

  Pearson, Edmund. Instigation of the Devil. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1930.

  Phillips, Mary E. Edgar Allan Poe: The Man. (2 vols.) Chicago: John C. Winston Co., 1926.

  Porges, Irwin. Edgar Allan Poe. Philadelphia: Chilton Books, 1963.

  Pray, Isaac. Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and His Times. New York: Stringer & Townsend, 1855.

  Quinn, Arthur Hobson. Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.

  Rosenheim, Shawn and Stephen Rachman (Eds.). The American Face of Edgar Allan Poe. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.

  Sante, Luc. Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York. New York: Vintage Books, 1992.

  Silverman, Kenneth. Edgar A. Poe: Mournful and Never-ending Remembrance. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991.

  Smith, Matthew Hale. Sunshine and Shadow in New York. Hartford: J. B. Burr & Co., 1869.

  Sova, Dawn B. Edgar Allan Poe A to Z. New York: Checkmark Books, 2001.

  Srebnick, Amy Gilman. The Mysterious Death of Mary Rogers: Sex and Culture in Nineteenth-Century New York. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.

  Stanard, Mary Newton. The Dreamer: A Romantic Rendering of the Life Story of Edgar Allan Poe. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1925.

  Symons, Julian. The Tell-Tale Heart: The Life and Work of Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Harper & Row, 1978.

  Thomas, Dwight and David K. Jackson. The Poe Log: A Documentary Life of Edgar Allan Poe, 1809–1849. New York: G. K. Hall, 1987.

  Van Every, Edward. Sins of New York as “Exposed” by the Police Gazette. New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1930.

  Wallace, Charles. A Confession of the Awful and Bloody Transactions in the Life of Charles Wallace. New Orleans: E. E. Barclay & Co., 1851.

  Wallace, Irving. The Fabulous Originals. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1956.

  Walling, George W. Recollections of a New York Chief of Police. New Jersey: Patterson Smith Reprint Series, 1972.

  Walsh, John Evangelist. Midnight Dreary: The Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1998.

  —–. Poe the Detective: The Curious Circumstances Behind The Mystery of Marie Roget. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1968.

  Wimsatt, William K., Jr. Poe and the Mystery of Mary Rogers. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1941.

  Winwar, Frances. The Haunted Palace: A Life of Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Harper & Row, 1959.

  Woodberry, George E. The Life of Edgar Allan Poe: Personal and Literary with his Chief Correspondence with Men of Letters. (2 vols.) New Y
ork: Biblio & Tannen, 1965.

  Worthen, Samuel Copp. “A Strange Aftermath of the Mystery of Marie Roget.” Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society 60 (1942): 116–123.

  —–. “Poe and the Beautiful Cigar Girl.” American Literature 20 (1948): 305–312.

  Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers Consulted

  American Literature, The Broadway Journal, Brother Jonathan, Collier’s, The Commercial Advertiser, Detective Magazine, Era Magazine, Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, The Ladies’ Companion, Littell’s Living Age, The Morning Courier, The National Police Gazette, The New Yorker, The New York Enquirer, The New York Evening Post, The New York Herald, The New York Journal of Commerce, The New York Sun, The New York Times, The New York Tribune, The Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, The Sunday Morning Atlas, The Tattler


  Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

  abortion theory

  and Anderson, 364

  evidence supporting, 250–62

  examination of, 357–66

  and “Marie Rogêt” mystery, 261–64, 289, 296–97, 316, 354–55

  press on, 260

  and social issue of abortion, 297–98, 342–44

  accomplices, immunity for, 182, 212, 235

  Advocate of Moral Reform, 109, 261–62

  “Al Aaraaf” (Poe), 325

  Al Aaraaff, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems (Poe), 54

  alcoholism of Poe

  effects of, 263–64, 323–24

  and employment, 78, 130–31, 299, 326

  and finances, 46–47, 298

  frequency of drinking, 327

  Gowans on, 36

  hospitalization, 334–35

  imprisonment, 332

  and journal, 298, 299

  and relationships, 327, 333

  and success, 82–83, 263–64

  tolerance for, 222

  and Virginia’s health, 330

  and visit to Jennings, 292, 293

  Allan, Frances, 41, 52, 55, 76

  Allan, John, 41–48, 51–54, 55–57, 58, 75–76

  Allan, Louisa Patterson, 55, 76

  Anderson, John

  business of, 15–16 (see also Anderson’s Tobacco Emporium)

  as depicted in “Marie Rogêt,” 279

  and disappearance of Rogers (1838), 25–26

  in late life, 362

  and Poe, 362–63

  and reward, 154–55

  and Rogers’s move to New York, 23

  as suspect, 183–84, 360–61, 362–63, 366

  Anderson’s Tobacco Emporium

  and disappearance of Rogers (1838), 25–26, 274

  employment of Rogers, 3–4, 27, 34

  patrons, 6, 16, 17–19, 38, 108, 170, 180, 279

  Rogers’s effect on business, 17–19

  success of, 15–16, 360

  “Annabel Lee” (Poe), 331, 339

  Archer (coroner), 146, 205, 260

  Astor House Hotel, 13–14

  Attree, William, 153–54, 199

  “Automaton Chess Player,” 69–73, 224–25, 293–94

  autopsy results, 92–98, 146, 260. See also murder investigation

  Aymar, Peter, 28

  Babbage, Charles, 70

  Baltimore, Maryland, 79

  Baltimore Sunday Visiter, 226

  banking panic of 1837, 37, 123

  Barnaby Rudge (Dickens), 219–20, 226

  Barnum, P. T., 14–15, 89

  Baudelaire, Charles, 9–10, 222, 349–50

  Beach, Moses, 152, 154, 155

  Beauchamp, Jeroboam O., 79

  Beauchampe (Simms), 224

  Beauchamp-Sharp murder case, 79–80, 224

  Beautiful Cigar Girl: or the Mysteries of Broadway, The (Ingraham), 308–9, 315, 347

  Benjamin, Park, 152, 154, 229

  Bennett, James Gordon

  and abortion theory, 252–53

  on Anderson, 361

  attacks on, 155

  background, 111–14

  call for reforms, 341–42

  competition, 255

  on disappearance of Rogers (1841), 280–81

  editorial role, 111–21 (see also New York Herald)

  on identity of dead body, 162–63

  on initial investigation, 143–46

  and Jewett murder, 115–21

  and journalistic propriety, 5

  on judges, 148–49, 342

  and Merritt, 144–46

  on murder thicket investigation, 199–200, 266–67

  on penny papers, 182

  on progress of investigation, 259

  public opinion on, 151–52

  reprinted in Saturday Evening Post, 225

  and reward, 151–56

  on role of press, 86

  theories on murderers, 232, 237–38

  Bennett, James Gordon, Jr., 346

  Bertram, John, 96

  Bisco, John, 324

  boardinghouse on Nassau Street, 28–29, 169–70

  Bookout, Edward, 166, 168, 170

  Boston, Massachusetts, 48–49, 325

  Boston Notion, 228

  Boulard, James, 90

  Briggs, Charles, 323–24

  Broadway Journal, 314, 323–24, 326, 345, 355

  Brother Jonathan, 26, 212–14, 239

  Bryant, William Cullen, 16, 118

  Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 336

  Buntline, Ned, 347 (see also Judson, Edward Zane Carroll)

  Burr, Aaron, 144

  Burton, William, 127–28, 129–30, 131

  Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine, 127–30

  Callender (police clerk), 190

  Canter, 26–27, 160–61

  Casket, 131

  chess-playing automaton, 69–73, 133–34, 224–25, 293–94

  Chivers, Thomas Holley, 80, 221

  Clark, Lewis Gaylord, 125

  Clarke, Thomas C., 263, 298, 299

  Clements (physician), 206

  Clemm, Maria

  boardinghouse business, 37

  and Griswold, 337

  and Neilson Poe, 77, 78

  in New York, 306–7

  Poe’s hallucinations about, 332

  Poe’s relationship with, 73–74, 82

  Poe’s residence with, 73, 76, 331

  Clemm, William, 73

  clothing on body

  and abortion theory, 260

  and cloth hitch, 96, 158, 198, 272, 277, 278

  discovery of new evidence, 193–94, 199–200

  and identification of body, 169, 187, 190

  inconsistent reports on, 215

  knot in bonnet, 96, 158, 277, 278

  in “Marie Rogêt” mystery, 234–35, 266–72

  and theories on murderers, 215, 254, 365

  Columbia Spy, 308

  Commercial Advertiser, 109

  Committee of Safety, 151–56, 184, 229–30, 341–42, 364

  Conchologist’s First Book, The (Poe), 126, 363

  Confession of the Awful and Bloody Transactions of Charles Wallace, 347–48

  Cook, Richard H.

  on abortion theory, 260

  on cloth hitch, 96, 158, 198, 277, 278

  criticism of, 146, 186, 260

  and Crommelin, 258

  on knot in bonnet, 96, 157–58, 277, 278

  and murder thicket evidence, 195

  Payne’s autopsy, 209–11

  Poe’s incorporation of testimony, 234

  Rogers’s autopsy, 92–98

  on state of body, 187

  Cooke, Ann, 79

  Cooper, James Fenimore, 16, 38

  copyright infringement, 126

  coroner’s autopsy results, 92–98, 146, 260. See also murder investigation

  Courier and Enquirer

  on confession, 259–60

  and Crommelin, 189

  Merritt’s letter to, 255–56

  on progress of investigation, 261, 262

  on suspects, 158, 159, 165, 174

e literary genre, 7, 140–41, 351–52

  crime reporting, 115–16, 120–21

  Crommelin, Alfred

  and abortion theory, 257–58

  criticism of, 188–91

  as depicted in “Marie Rogêt,” 233, 240

  described, 29–30

  and disappearance of Rogers (1841), 65–66, 67

  identification of body, 91–92, 93, 98, 184–85

  and Payne, 188, 191, 207

  and Phoebe Rogers, 188

  as public face of Rogers’s murder, 207

  and Rogers’s plea for help, 61, 190, 257–58, 359

  rumors, 182

  as suitor, 30–31

  as suspect, 359–60

  testimony on Payne, 107

  theories on murder, 110

  as witness, 96

  Daily Express, 109

  Daily Graphic, 87

  Davis, Andrew Jackson, 348–49, 365–66

  Day, Benjamin

  Bennett on, 152

  as depicted in “Marie Rogêt,” 241

  on Loss, 216

  on murder thicket investigation, 213–14, 266–67

  rivals, 186–87

  and sensationalism, 120

  on survival of Rogers, 184, 190, 239

  theories on case, 232

  Dead House, 101, 169

  deductive thinking, 133–34 (see also ratiocination)

  Dickens, Charles, 88, 219–20, 226

  “Diddling Considered As One of the Exact Sciences” (Poe), 321–22 Dixon, George, 297

  Downing, Mrs., 60, 63, 107, 108

  Doyle, Arthur Conan, 351–52

  drowning theory, 146, 240–41

  Dupin, C. Auguste (fictional character)

  on gang theory, 237–39, 265–72

  on identity of murderer, 272–85

  in “Marie Rogêt” mystery, 227–28 (see also “Mystery of Marie Rogêt, The”)

  in “Murders in the Rue Morgue, The,” 7, 135–41

  on murder thicket, 266–72

  in “Purloined Letter, The,” 309–10

  ratiocination employed by, 9, 71, 235–44, 286, 287, 293

  on sailors’ knots, 158

  six “extracts” of, 242, 265, 287, 291

  Duyckinck, Evert, 315, 324, 326, 330

  “Eleonora” (Poe), 81–82, 219

  elopement theory, 274–75, 279

  Elysian Fields, 88–93, 109, 143

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 350

  employment of Poe

  and alcoholism of Poe, 78, 130–31, 326


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