The Beautiful Cigar Girl

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by Daniel Stashower

  Broadway Journal, 314, 323–24

  Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine, 127–30

  career options, 299–300

  Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine, 131, 220–21, 263

  lectures, 299, 300, 307, 330, 332

  New York Evening Mirror, 307

  pursuit of, 223–24

  Southern Literary Messenger, 70, 76, 77, 82–83

  wages, 82, 83, 127–28, 131, 217, 220, 223, 307, 314

  English, Thomas Dunn, 296, 327–28, 355

  Eureka: An Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe (Poe), 330

  Evening Signal, 152

  Every, Edward Van, 345

  “Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar, The” (Poe), 326

  “Fall of the House of Usher, The” (Poe), 128–29, 262

  Fanshaw, William, 162, 242–43

  Fay, Theodore, 80, 125, 144, 263

  finances of Poe

  advances on salary, 220

  donation requests, 328–29

  and John Allan, 46–47

  loan requests, 3, 83, 129, 307, 324, 326

  poverty of, 123, 223, 230, 244, 263, 300–301

  wages, 83, 127–28, 131, 217, 220, 223, 307, 314

  Finnegan, James, 164

  Five Points, 14, 66

  Franklin, Benjamin, 70, 112

  gambling, 46–47

  gang theory

  as depicted in “Marie Rogêt,” 8, 237–39, 242–43, 265–72

  press on, 5, 147–48, 199

  and rowboat story, 163–64

  Gautier (physician), 247, 248

  Gift, The, 310

  Godey’s Lady’s Book, 328

  “Gold-Bug, The” (Poe), 299, 300, 351

  Gothic horror literary genre, 128–29

  Gowans, William, 35–36, 37–38, 123–24

  Graham, George

  and American authors, 229

  defense of Poe, 336

  employment of Poe, 221, 263

  on Griswold, 300

  purchase of Burton’s, 131

  on Virginia Poe, 218

  Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine

  fiction of Poe in, 140

  and Poe’s status, 244

  Poe’s work at, 6–7, 131, 217, 220–21

  position offered to Poe, 263

  wages, 217, 220, 223

  Graves, “Bully,” 56

  Greeley, Horace

  on abortion theory, 253–54

  Bennett on, 152

  loan to Poe, 324

  on Loss, 255

  as patron of Anderson’s, 16

  Poe’s relationship with, 355

  and reward, 154, 229

  Griswold, Rufus

  criticism of Poe, 336–37, 349, 350

  loan requests, 324–25

  and Osgood, 314, 336

  Poe’s criticism of, 300

  as Poe’s literary executor, 336

  on Tales, 321

  Griswold, Samuel, 206

  Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 38, 326

  Hamilton, Alexander, 144

  Hardenburg, Friedrich von, 204

  Harper & Brothers, 124

  Haviland, Mary, 177–78, 179

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 350

  Hayes, Edward B., 188–89, 189, 191

  Hayes, Mrs.

  and description of Rogers, 169

  and disappearance of Rogers (1838), 24–25

  and disappearance of Rogers (1841), 62–63, 68

  and Payne, 108

  Hays, Jacob, 65–66, 66

  Hilliker (constable), 166–67, 167–72, 173, 178–79

  hoaxes, 124–25, 305–6

  Hoboken, New Jersey, 66, 88–93, 102, 110, 251

  Hoffman, Charles Fenno, 80

  Holmes, Sherlock, 351

  Hone, Philip, 113, 147–48

  Hopkins, Eliza Arnold, 7–8, 39–40, 49, 58

  Hugo, Victor, 140

  Hyde, George, 183

  immigrants, 147

  “Imp of the Perverse, The” (Poe), 323, 325

  Ingraham, J. H., 308–9, 315, 347

  Ingram, John Henry, 350, 353, 356

  “Irene” (Poe), 304

  Irving, Washington, 16, 38, 104

  James, Henry, 9–10

  Jefferson, Thomas, 44

  Jennings, Mary Starr, 292, 293

  Jewett, Helen, 115, 116–21, 143–44, 146, 352

  Jones, Timothy, 55

  journalism. See press

  Journal of Commerce, 106, 160–61

  “Journal of Julius Rodman, The” (Poe), 128

  judges and judicial reform, 148–51, 154, 155–56, 183

  Judson, Edward Zane Carroll, 347

  Kafka, Franz, 350

  Kellenbarack brothers

  and death of Loss, 248–49

  as depicted in “Marie Rogêt,” 268

  interrogation of, 259

  Merritt’s accusation of, 249, 254, 255

  and murder thicket evidence, 193–94

  and Payne, 201, 208

  release of, 262

  and woman’s screams, 196–97

  Kennedy, John Pendleton, 76, 80

  Kent, James, 16

  Kiekuck, William

  interrogation of, 157–58, 159–60

  and “Marie Rogêt” mystery, 277, 281

  as suspect, 164, 169

  visits with Rogers, 279

  Ladies Morning Star, 118

  laudanum, 202, 209–10, 332

  law enforcement. See police

  Lea & Blanchard publishing house, 129, 223–24

  Leatherheads, 104

  Les Miserables (Hugo), 140

  L’Etoile, 239, 241

  “Lines on the Death of Mary Rogers” (anonymous), 340

  “Lionizing” (Poe), 315

  “Literati of New York City, The” (Poe), 328

  Locke, Richard Adams, 26, 152, 305

  Lohman, Ann Trow. See Restell

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 314–15, 324

  Long Room bookstore, 35

  Loss, Frederica

  and abortion theory, 261, 359

  business of, 216

  death of, 247–50, 259, 293, 297

  as depicted in “Marie Rogêt,” 235, 268, 289, 295, 316, 317, 320

  Merritt’s accusation of, 249, 253

  and murder thicket evidence, 193–97, 198–99

  and Payne’s suicide, 208–9

  press on, 212–13, 214

  Lowell, James Russell, 299, 310, 322, 324

  Luther, H. G., 90, 99–100, 186, 256

  Lutkins, Stephen, 259, 260

  Lynch, Henry, 148–50, 154, 156

  Mabbott, Thomas Ollive, 363

  Maelzel, Johann, 70, 133, 224–25

  Mallin, Henry, 90, 96–97, 99

  “Man of the Crowd, The” (Poe), 133, 366

  Manual of Conchology, The (Wyatt), 125–26

  “Masque of the Red Death, The” (Poe), 219, 315

  Mather, Ezra, 21, 23

  Mather, Frederick, 343

  McCadden (undertaker), 190

  McCloskey, Felix, 361, 363–64

  “Memoir of the Author” (Griswold), 336–37

  Merritt, Gilbert

  and Bennett, 144–46

  criticism of, 211

  and Crommelin, 189, 360

  and discovery of new evidence, 195–96

  and initial investigation, 92, 93, 96, 98

  and Kellenbarack brothers, 254, 255, 259, 262

  and Loss, 247–50, 255, 261, 262

  and Payne’s suicide, 205, 208–9, 211

  and Restell trial, 252

  and reward, 103

  mildew, 267, 278

  mobs, 86, 174

  Moran, John, 334–35

  Morning Courier, 249

  Morning Express, 328–29

  Morning News, 344

  Morris, Robert, 101–2, 199, 205, 259

  Morse, Joseph, 166–72, 173–78, 243

  Morse, Martha, 166–67, 169, 1

  “MS. Found in a Bottle” (Poe), 74–75

  Murderer’s Alley, 14

  murder investigation

  and abortion theory, 250–62, 357–66

  autopsy results, 92–98, 146

  cause of death, 95–96, 97, 146, 147–48

  disappearance of Rogers (see Rogers, Mary Cecilia)

  dress and bonnet of deceased (see clothing on body)

  drowning theory, 146, 240–41

  and gang theory, 5, 147–48, 163–64, 199

  identification of body, 90–93, 98, 102, 105–6, 184–85, 239–40

  immunity offer for accomplices, 182, 212

  jurisdiction in, 102–3, 143, 151

  length of, 229–30, 248, 258, 308

  and “Marie Rogêt” mystery, 232–44, 318 (see also “Mystery of Marie Rogêt, The”)

  rape evidence, 95, 97

  rewards offered, 103, 151–56, 182, 184, 201, 364

  scene of the crime, 195, 266–72, 278, 316–17 (see also murder thicket)

  and Seward, 155–56

  state of body, 184–85, 187, 240–41, 357, 365–66

  strangulation evidence, 94, 95, 260–61, 358–59, 365

  suspects, 157–72, 182–84, 358 (see also specific individuals)

  theories on murderers, 214–15

  tips from public, 160–63

  witnesses, 159, 171, 172, 173, 174, 179–80, 200–201

  “Murders in the Rue Morgue, The” (Poe)

  importance of, 7, 351

  and “Marie Rogêt” mystery, 3

  on sailors’ knots, 158

  storyline of, 134–41

  structure of, 224–25

  in Tales, 315

  murder thicket

  and abortion theory, 254, 261

  as depicted in “Marie Rogêt,” 237, 266–72, 277, 280, 293–94, 295, 316–17

  discovery of, 193–200, 230, 247, 248

  and Payne’s suicide, 201–2

  press on, 212–15

  Mysteries and Miseries of New York (Buntline), 347

  mystery literary genre, 140–41, 226

  “Mystery of Marie Rogêt, The” (Poe)

  and abortion theory, 261–64, 289, 296–97, 316, 354–55

  and Anderson, 362–63

  on boat, 283–84, 287, 321

  on confession, 353–54, 355

  development of, 225–26

  editorial note, 286, 296, 318–19, 353–54

  elopement theory, 274–75, 279

  on escape of murderer, 283–84

  and gang theory, 8, 237–39, 242–43, 265–72

  Griswold on, 337

  and identification of murderer, 272–85, 285–89, 296

  illustration, 303

  importance of, 352

  investigator, 226–27 (see also Dupin, C. Auguste)

  and murder thicket evidence, 217, 266–72

  Poe’s criticism of, 229

  proposal for, 3–4, 226–27

  publication of, 231, 243–45, 263, 289, 292

  purchase of, 8, 230

  ratiocination in, 7, 9, 71, 225–26, 235–44, 284–87, 287, 293, 353

  reprinting of, 350–51

  reviews of, 296

  revision of, 291–92, 315–22

  six “extracts” of, 242, 265, 287, 291

  storyline of, 231–44

  in Tales, 315–16, 321, 337, 345

  Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The (Poe), 124–25, 127

  naval officer

  Ingram on, 356

  in “Marie Rogêt” mystery, 276–78, 280, 281, 289, 294, 316, 317–18

  Poe on, 354

  Newark Daily Advertiser, 260

  New Jersey, 102

  New York, 83, 87–88, 102, 301, 305, 306

  New York Atlas, 107, 108, 146

  New York Enquirer, 112, 115, 148

  New York Evening Mirror, 307, 311, 355

  New York Gazette, 28–29

  New York Herald

  on abortion theory, 253

  on body of Rogers, 89, 95

  on Canter, 26

  on cause of death, 146–48

  on clothing evidence, 215, 267

  competition, 255

  as depicted in “Marie Rogêt,” 271

  on disappearance of Rogers (1838), 276–77, 281

  on disappearance of Rogers (1841), 65, 280–81

  editor, 111–21 (see also Bennett, James Gordon)

  on gangs, 5

  on Jewett murder, 115–18

  and journalistic propriety, 5

  on judges, 148–51, 170, 183

  on Morse, 180

  on murder thicket, 214, 288

  on new evidence, 195, 199–200, 203

  on Nick Moore’s Tavern, 199, 203

  parallels with Rogers, 143

  on police, 104–5

  on progress of investigation, 102, 110, 143–47, 149–50, 259

  on public response to murder, 109–10

  and Restell’s advertisements, 250

  on Restell’s client list, 346

  and Seward, 156

  on survival of Rogers, 187

  on suspects, 159, 162–63, 174, 179

  on witnesses, 179

  New York Journal of Commerce, 24–25

  New York Mirror, 80

  New York Planet, 181, 184

  New York Polynathos, 297

  New York Review, 37

  New York Standard, 287–88

  New York Sun

  on disappearance of Rogers (1838), 24

  journalistic hoaxes, 26, 305–6

  on Merritt, 211

  missing persons ad, 63–64, 65

  on Morse, 180

  on progress of investigation, 103

  on P. T. Barnum, 15

  and sensationalism, 120

  New York Sunday Mercury, 110–11

  New York Tribune

  on abortion theory, 253–54

  editor (see Greeley, Horace)

  on Elysian Fields, 89

  on gangs, 5

  on Poe’s death, 335–36

  on suspects, 107, 254–55

  Nick Moore’s Tavern

  and abortion theory, 259, 261

  business of, 201, 216

  and evidence, 193–96, 199, 203 (see also murder thicket)

  and Merritt’s affidavit, 249

  and Payne, 201, 207–8

  Poe at, 292–93

  proprietor (see Loss, Frederica)

  and Restell’s abortion clinics, 253

  Noah, Mordecai

  and Bennett, 148–50, 154, 156, 342

  Poe’s relationship with, 355

  and Restell trial, 252

  Norman Leslie (Fay), 80, 125, 144, 263

  Old Brewery tenement, 14

  Osgood, Frances Sargent, 313–14, 330, 336

  Padley, Archibald

  and Crommelin, 30, 31, 61

  and disappearance of Rogers (1841), 66, 67

  identification of body, 91–92

  and Phoebe Rogers, 99

  as suspect, 182–83, 191

  as witness, 96

  Parker, Milne, 183

  Paulding, James K., 16

  Payne, Daniel

  and abortion theory, 257

  alibi, 108, 208, 359–60

  brother of, 207

  conscience of, 258–59

  and Crommelin, 188, 191

  at the Dead House, 101

  defense of, 108

  as depicted in “Marie Rogêt,” 233, 235, 275–76

  described, 30

  and disappearance of Rogers (1841), 60–61, 62–64, 108

  engagement to Rogers, 107, 258, 358–59

  funeral, 216

  identification of body, 105, 106

  Phoebe’s disapproval of, 31–32, 60–61, 107, 244, 258

  and press, 106–7

  response to discovery of body, 99, 100, 186, 187–88, 208, 256

  suicide of, 201–2, 205–11, 226, 230, 248, 259, 359

  as suspec
t, 107–8, 208, 358, 359–60, 360

  Penn Magazine, The, 130, 131, 132, 221. See also Stylus, The

  penny presses, 113, 120, 182

  Peterson, Charles, 221, 225

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 126

  plagiarism, 126, 314, 323–24

  pocket-handkerchief, 215, 238–39

  Poe, David, 39–40, 58, 73

  Poe, Edgar Allan

  admirers of, 350, 353

  and Anderson, 362–63

  biography of, 350

  career of, 36–37, 125–26 (see also employment of Poe; publications of Poe)

  and chess machine, 69–73

  childhood and youth of, 39–45, 57–58

  critics and enemies of, 36, 322, 335–37, 349–50

  death of, 335 (see also alcoholism of Poe)

  described, 36, 45–46, 55

  drinking of (see alcoholism of Poe)

  education of, 42, 44–47, 54–55

  family of, 39–44, 58 (see also specific family members, including Clemm, Maria)

  health of, 230, 323, 324, 328–29, 331–32

  imprisonment, 332

  marriage of Poe, 79, 81–82 (see also Poe, Virginia Clemm)

  mental health of, 327 (see also alcoholism of Poe)

  military enlistment, 49–52

  and money (see finances of Poe)

  and murder investigation, 6–7 (see also “Mystery of Marie Rogêt, The”)

  on plagiarism, 314, 323–24

  pseudonyms, 124–25

  revival of, 350–52

  and Rogers, 38, 58, 225, 358

  self-destructive nature of, 58, 82–83, 323–24, 336

  suicide threats, 78, 332, 339

  transatlantic balloon hoax, 305–6

  at West Point Military Academy, 52, 53, 54–55, 56–58

  writing (see poetry of Poe; publications of Poe)

  Poe, Elizabeth, 73

  Poe, Henry, 39

  Poe, Neilson, 77, 78, 333

  Poe, Rosalie, 40–41

  Poe, Virginia Clemm

  death of, 329

  Gowans on, 36

  health of, 8, 218, 220, 222, 230, 244, 306, 326, 328–29

  and Maria Clemm, 73–74

  marriage to Poe, 79, 81–82

  and Neilson Poe, 77

  in New York, 306

  poetry of Poe

  collections, 50, 53–54, 57–58, 73, 311–13

  contests, 74–75

  development of, 57–58

  “Raven, The,” 311–13, 315, 323

  and women of Poe’s life, 331

  in youth, 42, 43, 45–46, 47

  Poets and Poetry of America, The (Griswold), 300


  criticism of, 150–51

  as depicted in “Marie Rogêt,” 235–36

  and disappearance of Rogers (1841), 65–66 (see also murder investigation)

  Poe on, 308

  and press, 108–9

  public opinion of, 108

  and repercussions of Rogers’s murder, 4–5, 342, 347

  state of, 104–5, 341–42

  Police Gazette, 251, 253, 297, 343–46, 355

  “Politan” (Poe), 133, 291

  politics in New York, 148–49

  Post, 164

  press. See also specific newspapers and editors


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