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Tangled Up Hearts

Page 2

by Hughes, Deborah

  His eyes moved to her hair and she wondered if he was thinking how much he hated the long flowing locks. She could only hope. If she was more inclined to evil, she’d choke him with it. That image tantalized her until his gaze once again took hold of hers. The look he gave her made her breath stall in her throat. What was going on behind those eyes of his? Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

  Giving his head a shake, as if he couldn’t stomach whatever thoughts churned about in there, he turned away and sank into a chair, his manner suggesting he hadn't a care in the world. Once settled, he glanced at his watch and again gave Alyssa a cursory once over, his entire manner suggesting he had better things to do than suffer through a round of bickering with his sister’s best friend. “You called me a bastard. I stand firm in defense of my parents’ honor. Both, I assure you, were happily wed to each other when my blessed entry was made.”

  Alyssa tossed out a disgusted breath. “Cursed event you mean.” She was so angry she was shaking with it. The very sight of him made her want to fly across the room and rip his handsome face to shreds. How a wonderful family spawned a man like Cole was beyond her understanding. There had to have been some sort of divine mistake. The Delaneys deserved better.

  Trisha stood and held up her hands. “Enough.” She looked at Alyssa and pointed at the sofa. “Sit.” Her command brooked no argument and Alyssa sat. Next, she turned to her brother. “Cole, I love you, but this has to stop.” She shook a condescending finger at him. “I’m not sure what it is you’ve done but Al says you’ve been meddling in her private life and you should know better.” When he opened his mouth to speak, she waved a hand for him to zip it. "No, you are going to listen to me.” Stepping back, she looked first at Cole and then at Alyssa, determination hardening her soft features. “I did not ask you both to come here so I could listen to your bickering. I asked you to come here so I could deliver an ultimatum.”

  Alyssa’s eyes widened at the unexpected announcement and the apprehension that followed made every muscle in her body tighten. Her friend’s voice had a note to it that put her on edge. Whatever this was about, it wasn’t going to be good. Trisha was never this forceful. She was typically sympathetic and flustered when dealing with the strong feelings that flowed between herself and her worm of a brother. But it wasn’t just this new forceful tone in her voice that had Alyssa feeling uneasy. Trisha’s pale face was actually beginning to bother her more.

  Drawing in a steadying breath, Trisha made her announcement. “Jack and I have decided to get married.”

  With a squeal of delight, Alyssa jumped up and rushed to hug her. “Trish, that’s wonderful.”

  Not one for patience, Cole practically pushed her out of the way as he moved in to draw his sister to him. Alyssa threw him a furious glance as she stepped aside and watched him bend his head to tenderly kiss Trisha's cheek. A small sting of pain pierced through her chest and entered her heart. He was always so warm and gentle and sweet to Trisha. Why couldn’t he find it in himself to be civil to her?

  “Congratulations, sis.”

  Alyssa looked at the two of them and wondered, not for the first time, how it was possible that they were even related. Not that she seriously questioned his parentage, but honestly, the two of them couldn’t be any more different in looks and temperament. It was utterly amazing the two were brother and sister. Trisha stood at a mere five feet, two inches compared to Cole's six feet, two inch height. She sported dirty blond hair with lots of curls while Cole’s hair was thick, only slightly wavy, and the color a rich, dark mahogany. Trisha’s eyes were a light brown, soft and gentle, while Cole’s eyes were light blue, very clear and very intense. Trisha was small and petite, Cole was strong and athletic. Trisha was warm and caring, Cole was self-assured and domineering. They both, however, shared a wonderful sense of humor. A trait that disappeared completely from Cole’s personality when Alyssa was anywhere near him.

  But it hadn't always been that way. No.

  Trisha pulled away from her brother and moved a short distance away from them. She looked so troubled that Cole and Alyssa shared a concerned glance.

  “Before you get any further with your congratulatory speeches, there is something else you both should know.” She pressed a hand against her stomach and said softly, “I’m pregnant.”

  Silence ensued. Then both Alyssa and Cole spoke at once, each of them moving towards her.

  “Trish, wow, that’s so awesome.”

  “Sis, are you okay?”

  Trisha backed away from their advancing figures and held up her hands to halt their progress. “Stop, both of you, and sit down.”

  Without thinking, they both sat on the sofa, their attention riveted on Trisha’s face.

  “I’m having some trouble.”

  “Trish, no!” Alyssa made to rise but froze when Trisha waved a warning hand at her.

  “Please, Al, sit there and listen to me.”

  Alyssa reluctantly sank back down though growing worry was making it hard for her to stay there. She loved Trisha and her unexpected announcement made all her protective instincts rear into high alert. Also, she knew this was going to affect her in ways she was afraid to consider or give voice to. With her gaze locked onto Trisha's pale face, her apprehension grew stronger. Somehow this situation was going to have an impact on her and Cole and the war they waged.

  “The doctor says the first three months are the most crucial and the likelihood of a miscarriage usually occurs in this trimester.” A flash of fear went through her eyes and then she drew in a deep breath, her nostrils flaring slightly as she narrowed her gaze at the two people sitting attentively on the sofa. “The doctor says there is to be no stress. None.” She gave each of them a glare of warning then sank into a chair. “Jack and I are thrilled about the baby. We plan on getting married two weeks from today. Jack was lucky enough to score a reservation at the Country Club for our reception. I want you to be my maid-of-honor, Al, and you, Cole, Jack hopes to have for his best man.”

  Alyssa’s eyes watered. “I’d love to, Trish, you know that.”

  “I’d be honored, sis,” Cole said gently. “But, are you okay?”

  Trisha’s face took on a soft glow as she gave her belly a loving pat and looked down to contemplate the life growing there. “I should be fine as long as the next few weeks go smoothly.” After a few seconds of silence, she looked up at them, her gaze issuing a silent warning. “I can't have any added stress while we plan the wedding.”

  Alyssa crossed to Trisha and knelt before her. “I’ll do anything I can to help you. Anything.” Trisha met her eyes and the look she gave her made Alyssa’s stomach clench. Although she was pretty sure she didn't want to hear the answer, she forced out her question. “What?” It was time, she was sure, for the proverbial axe to fall.

  “This war between you and Cole needs to cease. I can’t handle the constant bickering.” Trisha's lips trembled, then firmed with resolve. “I want this to be a happy time for me and Jack and we will not let the two of you spoil it.”

  Alyssa sank back on her heels and though she hated the very idea of being nice to that man in any context, she nodded her head in ready agreement. Now that she understood what was going on with Trisha, she felt nothing but remorse. Here her dear friend was trying to save her baby and all she could do was yell at her about her beast of a brother.

  Cole must have been feeling the same kind of guilt because he too crossed to his sister and knelt before her, edging Alyssa off to the side just a little as he did so. His voice was as solemn as his expression. “I will not do anything to add any stress in your life, Trish. I’m sorry I’ve not been more considerate of your feelings.”

  Before she could help herself, Alyssa cast him a derisive glance. Why couldn’t he, just once, be considerate of her feelings? For whatever bewildering reason, it just never bothered him to tramp all over them.

  Trisha caught the look and gave a weary sigh. “I mean this when I say that if the two of you can’t cal
l a truce for at least the next few weeks or until the doctor says everything is going to be okay, then Jack and I will elope and there won't be a wedding. And if that happens, I swear I'll never forgive either of you for it!”

  Giving a small gasp of dismay, Alyssa shook her head, the very idea of her friend eloping not sitting well with her at all. She hated that Trisha thought she needed to deliver ultimatums and yet given her actions this morning, it was no wonder she was now doing so. Still, Trisha had to know she'd do nothing to jeopardize her health or her pregnancy. “You can’t possibly think I'd do anything to cause you any stress, Trish. Of course you are not going to have to elope." She slid Cole a quick glance. "Not because of me anyway.”

  Cole ignored the comment and grasped his sister's hand. “An elopement is definitely out of the question. Not only would you hate that but mom and dad would be upset too. Besides, you need to be with your family during a time like this and you must know you have our full support.”

  Trisha gave them a small, sad smile. “I love the two of you so much. It really distresses me when you go at each other the way you do. I feel caught in the middle and I hate taking sides.” Since Cole had hold of one of her hands, she used her other to grab at Alyssa’s and squeezed it gently. “Please, Al, for me and the baby, call a truce with my brother. I’ll release you from the cease fire as soon as I know my baby is going to be fine." She glanced from one to the other then added with a glimmer of hope in her eyes, "Maybe by then you’ll both forget about these silly disagreements and get along once and for all.”

  Alyssa was not going to argue with her no matter how much she wanted to. After all, the silly disagreements as she called them were mostly due to Cole's actions rather than hers. More often than not, she took her cue from him. “Maybe we will.” But she didn't believe that. Not at all.

  Trisha remained skeptical as she glanced between the two of them. When she spoke, her eyes smoldered with warning. “No revenges are to take place for the next month or so ... if ever."

  Cole nodded in agreement to her request and tugged his hand from hers so he could raise it in a manner of one taking a solemn vow. “Peace will reign or I’ll put us all out of misery and dispose of her.” He grinned when he said it but Alyssa took offense just the same.

  “You see it's going to be a problem for him. He doesn’t even understand the meaning of the word let alone how to act on it.” She shot him a look full of the scorn she couldn’t keep hidden. “A true truce means no pot shots either.”

  “Oh for heaven sake.” Cole stood and threw her an impatient look as he raked a hand through his thick, dark hair. “It was just a joke. I swear you have to be the prickliest person I have ever met.” He cocked a brow at Trisha. “Are you sure this friend of yours didn’t spring from a cactus bush?”

  Alyssa’s eyes narrowed to slits as she too rose to a stand. If only she could summon a laser beam right now, she’d burn him to a crisp and mash his ashes into the ground. “Are you sure you didn’t spring up from the bowels of the earth?”

  Trisha gave a small hiss and pressed her hands to her stomach. Both Cole and Alyssa immediately abandoned their stand-off to look at her.

  “Trish, what is it?”

  “Sis, are you all right?”

  She heaved a defeated sigh. “You two can’t last five minutes without being at each other’s throats.” Shaking her head with resignation, her bottom lip trembling enough for them to notice, she spoke with a mutter of barely veiled disgust. “This is just not going to work.”

  “But it will, Trish,” Alyssa insisted. She turned in earnest to look at Cole. “Won’t it?”

  “Yes it will.” He reached down and gently cupped Trisha’s face. “I’d go through hell for you, sis, you've got to know that.”

  His words sent a spear of hurt into Alyssa's heart. Did he really think it was going to be hell having to be nice to her? Was it really that much of an ordeal for him? Why? What was so God-awful about her that he couldn't stand the thought of leaving her in peace? He was so good with his sister. Very loving and concerned. But with her he was completely impossible. This constant waging of war was getting tiring and she didn't even understand why they engaged in it in the first place. Cole just couldn’t seem to let it go. Whatever "it" was. If only she understood why he hated her so much then maybe she could figure out a way to appease him enough to get him to leave her the hell alone.

  Trisha smiled sweetly at her brother. “That’s great, Cole. Now I want you both to kiss on it and seal the deal.”

  Alyssa’s jaw dropped in disbelief.

  Cole went as rigid as stone. Then his eyes narrowed, ruining the effect. “I don’t think it’s necessary for us to do that.”

  Trisha’s features hardened into stubborn determination. “But I do. If the two of you can come down off your high horses enough to kiss each other into a pact of peace then maybe I can truly believe that this will work.” Her eyes filled with tears. "I really want a nice wedding but I am very serious about eloping if I can’t trust either of you to behave.”

  “An elopement is definitely not going to be necessary.” Alyssa turned to Cole and swallowed her pride. Although it sat like a loathsome lump in her throat, she'd choke on it before she did anything to disappoint her friend. “I can set my feelings aside if you can.”

  Cole’s light blue eyes met hers and Alyssa’s stomach dipped in response, the sensation making her breath stall in her throat. They very rarely met each other’s eyes and when they did it was for just fleeting moments at best. This prolonged contact was disconcerting, throwing her equilibrium out of whack.

  It was a relief when he finally spoke for it put an end to the awkward silence. “I think a month or so of peace would be good for all of us.”

  A twinge of disgust flitted through her but she let it go. No matter how much it galled her that his latest, spiteful stint was to receive no repercussions, it couldn't be helped. Trisha needed them to stop fighting and like it or not she would comply with the request. Reluctant but determined, she held out her hand. “A temporary truce, Cole, and when Trisha is better, all bets are off.” She could only hope that he did not mistake the promise of retribution in her eyes.

  He stared at her for several long, interminable seconds then dropped his gaze to her hand. After a very brief but noticeable hesitation, he took it within his own, his firm grip putting Alyssa into another internal tailspin. In fact, she'd venture to say that the world had just tilted on its axis. At the very least it had undergone a momentous change.

  They never touched. Twelve years of history together and none of it included any touching. At least not during the last seven anyway. Before that, back in the beginning of their relationship, such wasn't the case. No, back then things were actually pretty good between them. He was nice to her and she had even developed something of a crush on him. And then overnight it ended. Suddenly she was someone who did nothing but irritate him. Bewildered and hurt, she retaliated in kind. And it had been that way ever since.

  “No," Trisha cut in. "This will not do.”

  Alyssa pulled her hand from Cole’s and turned to her friend. Somehow she managed to speak despite the craziness going on inside her. “What?”

  “I said I want you to kiss on it.”

  Alyssa’s heart pounded so hard she was sure Cole could hear it. Good Lord! Kiss Cole? She couldn’t even imagine it let alone actually do it. The idea was beyond preposterous. Their handshake had caused enough of a stir, what in the world would a kiss do? Oh God! She couldn't do it. Biting her lip in distress, Alyssa turned back to Cole. His face was pulled together in a deep, displeased frown and that caused her stomach to tighten even more. The fact he was just as reluctant to kiss her as she was to kiss him made the situation even worse. How could Trisha make such an unreasonable demand?

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake," Trisha snapped, her patience with them gone. “Put your lips together and get it over with.”

  Cole stepped closer and Alyssa’s heart skipped
a beat or two, went sluggish for a few seconds then once again resumed its hard pounding. A wash of heat flooded her skin and when she lifted her eyes to meet his, the heat intensified. His expression was at first wary and then resigned as he dropped his gaze to her mouth.

  Alyssa wet her dry lips with her tongue then lifted her chin in defiance. Well a kiss from Cole was quite meaningless after all. She might as well do what Trisha asked and be done with it. Her bravado, however, was short-lived for as his head dipped to hers, her breath once again snagged in her throat and her eyes closed as anticipation thrummed like wildfire through her body.

  And then his lips touched hers.

  Cole’s mouth was cool, firm, and tantalizingly soft. Alyssa’s crazy heart gave a funny little lurch and she found herself wanting to respond, wanting to increase the pressure and move closer, but then the kiss was over.

  Her eyes opened slowly, her gaze landing on his whiskered chin. Why couldn't he shave more often? This reckless look was more appealing on him than she liked. She preferred clean-shaven men and yet there was something so rakishly sexy about a man with a day's growth of beard.

  Sure he was looking at her about as closely as she was studying him, Alyssa glanced away. Even so, she felt his eyes on her as surely as she still felt the gentle pressure of his mouth.

  Although it was only a few seconds, it seemed like forever before he stepped back and turned to Trisha. “Satisfied?”

  Trisha snorted. “Most certainly not. You both can do better than that, surely? Your hand-shake held more promise.” She gestured with her hands in an impatient show of disgust. “You both acted as if you were kissing a leech.”

  Alyssa thought the description fit Cole perfectly but refrained from saying so. What she did instead, though, was round on Trisha in exasperation. She felt a little betrayed by her at the moment and couldn't contain her emotions. “Just what do you want? A passionate display of hypocrisy?”


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