Tangled Up Hearts

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Tangled Up Hearts Page 8

by Hughes, Deborah

  “Where do you suppose she is, Daddy? She’s rushing around in the kitchen all in aflutter,” Trisha informed him dryly.

  “Excuse me will you? I must explain it to her one more time that we hired caterers to handle things.” With an exasperated sigh and a flick of his hand, indicating that he was leaving but would be right back, Thomas went in search of his wife.

  More guests began to arrive and Trisha grabbed Jack's hand. "We should be greeting people as they come in."

  Once they were left alone, Paul asked where the bathroom was located and she pointed towards the entry hall. "Out there and to the left. First door on the right."

  When he too was gone and she was left standing alone, Alyssa sat and finished her drink then decided another one was in order. The punch concoction was quite tasty and going a long way towards calming her nerves. She felt as jumpy as a mouse in a snake den with Cole lurking so near. Despite their truce, she didn’t trust him.

  Although the punch was next to the bar where Cole was located, she figured he'd stay busy with Serena and leave her alone. Two steps later that assumption became obsolete when Serena slid off her stool and headed towards the door. Alyssa watched her glide away, her hips swaying provocatively, and rolled her eyes. No doubt the blond vixen was off to preen before a mirror. It was a mean thought but she couldn't help it, she was feeling distinctly catty.

  Cole watched Alyssa's approach and experienced a curious mix of surprise, anticipation and curiosity. It wasn't like her to come anywhere near him so he wondered what she was up to. Perhaps she hoped to fire off a few verbal stabs while her boyfriend was out of earshot. Despite the anticipation of unpleasantness, however, he found himself looking forward to their pending encounter. Why, he wondered with annoyance, did she have to look so beautiful tonight. She smelled good too. Worse, images of their passionate kisses in the attic were beginning to flash through his mind again. Ever since it happened they'd been taking over his thoughts. In fact, those sizzling memories were starting to take up permanent residence in his head. How to combat the desire he felt every time he looked at her? She would have a field day if she knew how much she affected him. He could not, would not, give her the satisfaction of that discovery.

  Her newest boyfriend burst out in laughter and Cole pulled his gaze from Alyssa to look at him with narrowed eyes. He had just joined Trisha and Jack at the entryway to the living room and they were introducing him to Jack's parents. His demeanor was respectful, his responses sincere. The man appeared to be a pretty decent guy. Though he hated admitting as much, there was an air about him that was rather pleasant. Given that, he didn't quite get it why Al had gone on a date with that jerk Jerry Marks. Had he read more into that situation than he should have?

  “May I have some more punch, Cole?” Alyssa handed him her glass.

  It wasn’t until then that he realized he was standing in front of the punch bowl holding the ladle. He'd moved into position without even realizing it. That’s how much his attention was focused on her. He wasn’t even aware of his own actions. He took her glass and filled it. “Better be careful. Paul might be headed for a disappointing evening if you down too much of this stuff.”

  “Don’t be so crude, Cole.” She made to leave but stopped when his hand curled gently around her wrist.

  “So who’s this Paul guy anyway?” He tried to ignore how delicate she felt in his grasp or how soft her skin was against his hand. Her perfume wafted over him and he had to fight the urge to sniff the air around her and bury his nose in her hair. Annoyed with his growing fixation, he let go of her and stepped back.

  “Wouldn’t you just love to know?” She lowered her voice and spoke through clenched teeth. “You stay away from him, Cole.”

  Her warning made him narrow his eyes. He literally felt as if he was armoring up for battle as he glanced over at Paul. Was it that serious? And if so, why did it matter? “So it’s that way is it?” Cole returned his gaze to Alyssa's hard stare and couldn't resist the urge charging through him to annoy her. “I hope he knows what he’s getting himself into.”

  Alyssa released her breath in a huff. “You are despicable.”

  Yes, he was. She always made him act this way. Annoyed with himself, Cole sipped at his drink and wondered how to ease the tension raging between them. When he opened his mouth, however, all he did was make it worse. “Better sheath them claws, Al.” Despite knowing it would annoy her, he couldn't help but be amused. She truly looked like an annoyed kitten. “I'm sure you don't want Trish to notice.”

  “Go to hell, Cole.” Seething with anger, Alyssa turned and walked away. She wanted to clobber him. Instead she curled her fingers around her glass and imagined it was his neck.

  “Something wrong, Al?” Trisha looked at her with an uneasy expression as she joined their group, which now comprised of Jack's parents and one of Trisha's female cousins.

  After offering a greeting to everyone, Alyssa looked at Trisha and forced out a smile. “Everything is fine.” With all the effort she could muster, she injected some cheer into her voice. “Too bad you’re pregnant, this punch is delicious.”

  Thomas entered the room right at that moment with a young man in tow and clapped his hands for attention. Gesturing towards the newcomer, he called out the introductions. “Everyone … the DJ. DJ, this is everyone.” Grinning at his own wittiness, Thomas winked toward his daughter. “I’m going to get the missus out of the kitchen. Excuse me.”

  Glad for the distraction, Alyssa watched the DJ putter around his equipment, which was set up near the far wall next to a massive fireplace. Moments later, music started playing and she breathed out a sigh of relief. Maybe now that there was entertainment she could just forget about Cole and have some fun. And as more guests began to filter in, she managed to do just that, at least for appearances sake.

  When her parents arrived, Alyssa took Paul over to meet them and although she knew they'd get the wrong idea, she did not explain their relationship. At some point she would clarify things but not tonight. For now she was content to let people surmise what they will, especially Cole who, she was pleased to note, was keeping a close eye on them. Oh he was doing his best to be covert about it, but she knew. She knew because she was doing the same with him. Much as it galled her to admit it, she just couldn't ignore his presence. There was a charisma about him that commanded attention. His tall, athletic frame and dark good looks always took center stage. He was very comfortable in the lime light.

  Apparently he was quite comfortable with Serena keeping a tight leash on him as well for she was definitely marking him as her territory. Cole, she couldn't help but notice, seemed content to let her cling. Like now for instance, she was pressing so close against him her generous bosom was pushed up and nearly spilling out of her dress. Though Alyssa couldn't imagine her saying anything worthwhile, let alone amusing, Cole laughed at whatever she was whispering in his ear. As if that wasn't bad enough, he turned his head to whisper something back and the buxom vixen smiled like a hungry cat that was just told where all the mice were hiding. The interplay was enough to make Alyssa grind her teeth. Women could be so naïve when it came to Cole. Didn’t she have enough smarts to realize that he went through women much like he went through a book of stamps? Use them and send them on their way. That was Cole.

  “Alyssa, why don’t you put Cole out of your mind for a while and come dance with me?” Paul placed his hand lightly against her back as he steered her onto the dance space set up in front of the fireplace. Several couples were already enjoying the music and Alyssa hadn’t even realized until that moment that people were even dancing.

  She threw Paul a rueful glance. “Am I that obvious?”

  He nodded. “Yep.” With a smile to show he meant no censure, Paul pulled her lightly against him and led her into some dancing moves. “For someone who supposedly can’t stand the guy, you spend a great deal of time keeping track of him.”

  “I just like to know where my adversaries are. I don’t li
ke surprise attacks.”

  “But if the two of you have called a truce, there should not be any attacks,” he reasoned.

  Alyssa remained silent. What could she say? Paul was right. She needed to put Cole out of her mind and enjoy the evening. The thought was barely completed when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

  “Hey, you two," Trisha said. "Want to trade partners?”

  Alyssa smiled as she turned to greet her friend. “Why sure. I’ve been waiting for a chance …” Her voice trailed off and the smile slipped. Trisha’s partner was not Jack but Cole.

  Paul dropped his arms from Alyssa and turned to offer Trisha a gallant bow. She giggled and returned his gesture with a curtsey and then without so much as a glance in their direction, the two danced away, leaving Cole and Alyssa staring at one another in stony silence. It took someone jostling her from behind to help her break the contact and look away. This was just great. If Trisha wasn't such a dear friend she’d waltz right on over to her and wring her pretty little neck.

  “Well, I guess we are stuck with each other.” Cole held out a hand and waited for her to take it, his eyes challenging her to do so.

  Alyssa spared it a cursory glance before looking at him with narrow-eyed distrust. Did he really expect her to dance with him?

  Cole gave his hand an impatient shake. “Well?”

  There was no way around it. Not without upsetting Trisha. Stiff with reluctance, Alyssa moved into his arms, taking care to minimize their contact. With one hand resting lightly on his shoulder, she let the other go limp in his surprisingly firm grip. Although it felt as if air had become trapped in her lungs, she managed to huff out an annoyed sigh and took on a look of pure boredom. Never mind the rapid beating of her heart. It was just nerves and agitation. Cole’s arms were not where she wanted to be. Darn Trisha anyway. What was she trying to prove? That a truce between them was impossible? And why oh why did she have to think about those moments in the attic now, of all times? Heat prickled across her skin and it was all she could do not to fan herself. The air became stifling and she had to struggle quietly to breathe.

  “I can almost hear those gears grinding with displeasure in that head of yours.” Cole dipped his head to speak near her ear, his warm breath sending tiny shivers along her neck.

  The sensation made Alyssa close her eyes for a few brief seconds. “They aren’t grinding, they are seething.” She pulled back to look at him, needing some space and wishing someone would open a damn window so some cool air could filter through the room. “As long as I don’t slap that fake look of friendliness off your face, I’m not violating our agreement. Consider yourself lucky.” Man, she could really be waspish when she wanted to be.

  The small smile that had been playing about his lips disappeared. “If I were indeed lucky, Trisha wouldn’t have maneuvered me into your arms.”

  Alyssa went still and resisted his subtle urging to keep dancing. “I can rectify that, Cole.” She tried to pull her hand from his light grasp but his grip tightened.

  “Keep dancing you little fool. Trisha is watching us.”

  Alyssa refused to budge. “Tough. Tell her I was tired of dancing and had to go rest my feet.”

  “You have to be the stubbornest person I’ve ever met. Why can’t you act like a civil human being for a change?” Cole yanked on her hand pulling her against him. “Now start dancing or so help me, Al, you’ll wish you had.”

  Thank God for anger because the sudden press of his body against hers would have affected her a lot differently otherwise. Fury surged through her, at herself for feeling things she didn't want to feel and at him for creating them. With narrowed eyes, she flashed him a warning to tread with care and strained to put some space between them. “Threats, Cole? Should I quake in fear?”

  “That’s it.” He stopped dancing and started walking, his firm hold on her hand making it impossible to do anything but go with him.

  "Damn it, Cole, let go of my hand.” Not wanting anyone to realize that he was actually pulling her along, she hastened her steps in order to walk beside him. The odious man didn't seem to care what anyone thought of their brisk exit from the dance floor. As soon as she was free of him, Alyssa decided, she was going to seek out Paul and stick to him like Serena was doing with Cole. But he didn't let her go once they'd cleared the dancing couples and when she realized they were heading for the entry hall, she tried again to pry her hand away.

  Cole finally gave her a moment of notice and leaned down to growl softly in her ear. “We need to talk.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you," she whispered back. "I don’t want to dance with you. I want you to leave me the hell alone." Determined to ignore his stormy gaze, she scanned the room in the hopes of finding some help and that's when she realized people were casting curious looks their way. Worried that Trisha would find out what was happening, Alyssa forced herself to smile up at Cole’s determined countenance. A day will come when he was going to regret his mishandling of her. She was about to tell him so when she caught Trisha’s concerned gaze. Alyssa forced out a smile and hoped the seething anger boiling inside her didn’t show. Damn it all to hell. The only way to carry on a truce with this man was to stay as far away from him as humanely possible.

  They entered the entry hall and crossed to a short corridor that led to a set of double doors. He was taking her to the library. It was closed off from tonight's festivities because Jenna didn't want drinks getting spilled on her precious book collection.

  As soon as they entered the room and the door was closed behind them, Cole switched on a lamp and pulled her around to face him. His blue eyes, as light as a morning sky, were hard and cold and zeroed in on her. “We have an agreement, Al. What the hell are you trying to pull?”

  Alyssa tried to pry her hand free from his grip, her nails digging into his hand and though he winced he refused to let her go. “You want me to draw blood, Cole? Let go!”

  Not the least bit put off by the threat, Cole grabbed her prying hand and twisted both behind her back, bringing her up close to his hard, unyielding frame. “Enough. I do not want to fight with you.”

  Alyssa blinked back tears of frustration. “Oh, you’re making that painfully clear.”

  “Calm down and I’ll let you go.” He watched her patiently, his body taut and ready for her next move.

  Realizing the futility of struggling, Alyssa went slack and let her head fall forward to rest against his chest. They stood that way for a quiet moment and that's when she felt his heart beating hard and steady against her forehead. She tipped her head back to look at him and though he appeared calm, the racket in his chest told her a different story. “Okay, you can let me go now.”

  Cole’s eyes took on a glint that made her own heart start pounding and when he spoke, he lowered his voice to a suggestive, silky drawl. “Perhaps we need to renew our truce.” Dropping his gaze to her mouth, his lips parted in anticipation.

  Alyssa eyed him warily, her traitorous body going soft against him and it took conscious effort not to press closer. “Look, if you stop meddling in my space, I promise to keep out of yours.”

  Cole nodded slowly, his eyes remaining firmly on her mouth. “Not good enough.” He tightened his arms ever so slightly. “Perhaps we should just kiss and make up.”

  He was teasing her of course. Her racing pulse and palpitating heart were going wild because she wanted out of this situation, not because she was excited for more of it. “Don’t be ridiculous, Cole.” But her voice came out in a breathless whisper and she wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. It was a nervous gesture and nothing more but it drew Cole’s gaze. When his eyes lifted to once again tangle with hers, they were a lot darker than they were only a few seconds ago. She figured it was time to start talking. "Trisha isn’t watching. We don’t need to be putting on a show.”

  “What show? This is for real.” His head lowered.

  Alyssa drew as far back as she could manage without popping her neck out of joint. “Stop
it, Cole.” Though she was hoping to speak in harsh authority, it came out in a husky rasp. Why was he playing with her like this? Warning clangs were going off inside her head and she told herself that her pulse was racing only because she was desperate to escape him. It certainly wasn't anticipation thrumming through her agitated body. No not that.

  “You broke the agreement first. Now you must deal with the consequences.” His eyes began to dance with devilment as they roamed over her face, dropping to her cleavage and then back up to her eyes. It was quite clear he was enjoying her discomfiture as much as he was the view.

  Furious that she wanted to wrap herself around him and plunder his mouth, she focused on her anger. “I hate you.”

  Cole sighed and let her go. “Yes, I’m sure you do.” He stepped away and gave her a long considering look. “Can we at least try to be civil?”

  “Are you capable of such a thing with me?”

  “I’m capable of many things.” He ran a hand up into his thick hair, messing it up so badly that it fell haphazardly across his forehead and spiked up in places. “Trisha is probably starting to worry.” He cast a glance towards the door. “Let’s go dance and show her how capable we are to carry this thing out.”

  The fight went out of her. Besides, she was immensely relieved that Cole hadn’t followed through with his threat to kiss her again. More than anything, she didn’t want him to know just how badly she'd wanted him to do it. “Okay.”

  As she followed him back to the crowded living room, Alyssa suggested quietly that he should perhaps fix his hair. Cole shot her an accusing look, as if she was the one who messed it up, and did his best to smooth it back into order. If only she could as easily manipulate her thoughts. She'd erase these last few moments right out of her head. She knew how her brain worked. It was going to rewrite that little scenario until all manner of things had gone on between them.

  The moment they were among the other guests, Alyssa scanned the room and made eye contact with Trisha. She sent her worried friend a reassuring smile and was glad when her frown smoothed into a return smile.


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