Tangled Up Hearts

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Tangled Up Hearts Page 9

by Hughes, Deborah

  Cole found an open spot on the dance floor and turned to her with arms poised to take her into them. “Shall we?”

  Alyssa went into them without protest and this time they moved easily around the dance floor. He was a good dancer, she'd give him that. But then he was pretty good at just about everything. Except for the way he treated her. He wasn't good about that at all.

  Neither of them spoke and when the song ended, Cole dropped her hand and stepped back. “Thank you, Al.” And then he turned and walked away.

  Alyssa stared at his retreating back with rising resentment. No doubt he was off to sooth Serena's ruffled feathers. She was surely not going to take it well that she'd lost his attention even for a little while and especially to another woman.

  Paul touched her arm and tilted his head to get a look at her face. “Alyssa? Is everything all right?”

  She nodded absently. “Mmm, yes. Shall we find a place to sit?” She had only taken a couple steps when Trisha called to her over the speakers.

  “Al? Would you come here please?”

  Alyssa whirled around in surprise. Trisha was standing beside the DJ and grinning as if she had a secret she couldn't wait to share. Oh God, what was she up to now? With trepidation pounding through her emotions, Alyssa moved through the crowd with leaden feet, her eyes sending warning looks Trisha was doing her level best to ignore. When she finally came to a stop in front of her, she held her friend's gaze and sent a silent message that she needed to abort whatever plan she had up her sleeve. “What?”

  Ignoring the silent warning, Trisha turned to the crowd. “My dearest friend went on a vacation a few months back to Hawaii.”

  All the blood drained from Alyssa’s face. No! She wouldn’t. Shaking her head vigorously did nothing to change Trisha's next words.

  “I happen to know that she learned a beautiful Hawaiian dance while she was there. Let’s all clap our encouragement and get her to dance for us.”

  Her traitorous family and friends all called to her with loud cheers. Alyssa, resolute in her determination to put an end to this ridiculous request, folded her arms and shook her head. “No.” She sent Trisha a “Thanks for nothing” look and shook her head again.

  Trisha laughed. “Don’t look so scandalized, Al. That dance you learned is beautiful and you perform it so very well.” The laughter disappeared as she took on a pleading tone. “For me and Jack? Please.”

  “Come on, Alyssa, let’s see the dance.” Paul touched her elbow and squeezed it encouragingly.


  “Al? Dance like those beautiful Hawaiian women? Are you sure about this, Trisha?” It was Cole’s disbelieving voice coming from somewhere behind her that changed her mind.

  “I suppose you even have the music, don’t you?” Alyssa moved to stand beside her friend.

  Trisha laughed happily. "The DJ can play just about anything we request." She gave Alyssa a quick squeeze. “Thanks, Al. You’re a doll for doing this.” Smiling with encouragement, she stepped back and leaned against Jack. He slid his arms around her and grinned over her shoulder, giving Alyssa his approval and support.

  The dance space was cleared as the other guests formed a semi-circle around her. With her heart pounding a mad tempo, Alyssa used Paul's shoulder for support and removed her shoes. The hula had no place for high heels. Only bared feet would do. Luckily her choice of dress was not going to be a problem either for its free-flowing skirt would allow her to perform the dance without restricting her movements.

  With a smile to Paul, she walked to the center of the clearing and bowed her head. The music was a Hawaiian love song and the dance movements were a visual expression of the words. Alyssa was so fascinated by it that she was inspired to take lessons during the rest of her vacation. She’d shown the dance to Trisha upon her return and now wished she’d not done such a stupid thing.

  The music started playing and Alyssa closed her eyes. It didn't take long for the music to reach her soul and before she even realized what she was doing, she was moving to the notes, expressing the words through dance. The hula required her to be loose and at ease, something she had to go inward to achieve. No way was she going to do it well if she didn't overcome her nervousness. As the song continued, however, her confidence grew and her body loosened up, her movements becoming more fluid and syncing with the music.

  Wondering what her audience was thinking, she finally opened her eyes and immediately locked gazes with Cole. He was centered in the crowd and standing as still as a stone sculpture. His eyes burned with such intensity that she felt the heat of it sweep through her body. A muscle twitched in his rigid jaw and it was a telling tick, revealing to her that he was not unaffected by her dance. Excitement raced through her, snaring the breath in her throat. Worry set in that she'd lose her concentration so Alyssa switched her attention to Serena.

  She stood next to Cole with a stony expression freezing her face. Her eyes, however, gave it away that she was seething with annoyance. Smiling slightly, Alyssa returned her gaze to Cole’s, maintaining the contact as her hips swayed side to side in perfect hula fashion. Mastering the movements had not been easy but Alyssa had become quite good at it. Her teacher told her she was a natural. It was only now that she believed it.

  Cole's eyes dropped to watch the sway of her hips and Alyssa’s heart pounded into an erratic rhythm. Drawing in a quick breath, she pulled her gaze away from him and skimmed her eyes over the crowd. Her mother was smiling with pride and her father had a silly grin on his face. Trisha and Jack were nodding with encouragement and Paul smiling with approval.

  As the music began to fade, she returned her gaze to Cole and locked eyes with him. Something bloomed inside her chest, a blossom of joy, and she smiled. It was probably the first genuine smile she’d given him in seven years. He responded with a slight lift of his mouth, his lips twitching with the effort to control the smile trying to break through. Probably out of respect for Serena. He had to know as she did that a smile from him would not go over well with her. But he did give her a slight nod of approval, his eyes startlingly bright and burning with heat.

  All the air whooshed from Alyssa’s lungs. For goodness sake, what was going on here?

  The audience erupted into enthusiastic applause and it broke the spell that had come over her, the feeling that she and Cole were the only two people in the room.

  “That was wonderful, Al! Thank you.” Trisha rushed to her and gave her a hug, squeezing her tightly.

  “My God, where did you learn to dance like that?” Jack dropped a kiss on Alyssa's flushed cheek and winked.

  “Oh, honey, that was beautiful.” Her mother squeezed her arm and gave it a gentle, quick rub.

  “It’s dancing like that that ought to be outlawed,” her father said gruffly.

  Alyssa laughed. “Oh, Daddy.” She hugged him tightly and kissed his rigid chin.

  “That was very lovely, Alyssa,” Paul said from behind her, handing her shoes over when she turned to look at him.

  Again she used him for support as she slipped her shoes back on. “Thanks, Paul. I’ve always found dancing to be a great outlet for me and when I saw that dance, well, I just had to learn it.”

  Paul nodded in understanding. “Dancing is a great creative expression of what lies within a person.”

  “So what kind of expression would you say that particular kind of dancing displays?” It was Cole who was asking. He stood behind Paul, his gaze completely focused on Alyssa.

  Paul shrugged. “Though some would say it reveals the sensuality of life, I would say that it expresses the beauty of her soul.”

  Cole’s dark brow lifted skeptically. “Indeed?”

  Alyssa shifted with unease and restless energy. She wasn’t sure what had gone on between her and Cole while she was dancing but she sure wasn’t comfortable with him now. She wanted to escape. She needed air, space. “Excuse me, I’ll be back in a minute.” Paul stepped aside to let her pass and she hurried off towards the bar. Ano
ther drink was in order and quick. Hopefully it would help to calm her jittery nerves. Why oh why did Cole have to make her feel so darned skittish?

  What she needed was some time alone to clear her head. So with a new glass of punch in hand, she headed for the terrace doors. The back gardens were the only place people had not yet ventured. Probably because the smokers in the crowd were sent to the gazebo out front.

  As soon as she was out in the cool night air, she lifted her hot face to enjoy the light breeze. God that felt good.

  “That was an interesting dance back there.”

  Startled and yet not surprised, Alyssa swung around. Annoyance shot through her though it was aimed more at herself than Cole, for her pulse had quickened the instant she heard his voice. And now, as he advanced closer, her breath hitched, making it difficult to breathe properly. These responses were most annoying and very unwelcome. “What do you want, Cole?”

  He stopped a couple feet away. “You were stiff as a board when you danced with me.”

  Alyssa gave a small, sharp laugh. “Well, what else would you expect, Cole? We haven’t exactly been buddies over the years.”

  “Do I make you nervous, Al?” His voice dropped an octave as his eyes scanned over her, looking perhaps for visible proof of his accusation.

  “Of course not.” She spoke more sharply than she intended and let out an impatient breath. Was she ever going to experience a time when Cole’s presence didn’t get a rise out of her? Couldn’t she just not feel anything?

  His wandering eyes caught hold of hers and held. “Prove it.”

  “What?” She scowled at him in an effort to hide the growing excitement thrumming through her. What was he up to now?

  “Dance with me again.” He held out his hand to her.

  She looked at it with both anticipation and aversion racing through her. “Here?" It was too intimate a suggestion, beyond preposterous, and yet her heart rate was increasing by the second.

  “Yes. Here.” His eyes mocked her as one dark brow lifted in challenge. “Scared?”

  “What is there to be scared of, Cole?" Her voice did not reflect the bravado she wanted to convey. In fact, it sounded far too husky. Maybe she was getting a cold?

  “Then let’s dance.” The music was loud enough even from here and a slow tune was now playing. She looked at his outstretched hand and drew in a breath. Fine. He wanted to dance, then dance they would. She set her drink down on the wide marble balustrade circling the patio and moved into his arms.

  Not wanting him to have the upper hand, Alyssa decided to issue her own challenge. “Just how good are you, Cole?”

  His brow lifted in question and then his mouth twitched in the beginnings of a smile. Without taking their eyes from each other, they began to move with the music.

  Alyssa allowed her body to relax against his lithe, muscular frame and moved her hips in a deliberate, seductive sway. Cole’s lids lowered into a lazy sensual squint. She was playing with fire here and she didn’t care. The excitement racing through her wouldn’t allow her to care. Not yet anyway.

  Cole's lips twitched with a smile then parted with invitation. He stared at her with heated intensity and tightened his hold, moving his body in perfect unison with hers. He bent to nuzzle her temple and pulled her closer against him.

  Alyssa slid her hands up his chest and wound them around his neck. No longer wishing to deny herself the pleasure of his embrace, she closed her eyes and buried her head beneath his chin. She would berate herself later she was sure, but for now she was not going to listen to her screaming brain. Though it was frantically insisting she get out of Cole’s arms and head back to the party posthaste, she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

  The tantalizing smell of his cologne mixed deliciously with his own special scent and she drew in a deep appreciative whiff. It wasn’t fair that Cole not only looked good but felt good, smelled good and, she had to admit grudgingly, danced good. No, he was better than good. Excellent, in fact. Not that it mattered. He was still a snake. But even that thought didn’t diminish the awareness of his thighs brushing against hers. His head dipped lower and his breath teased the sensitive skin on her nape, sending small shivers along her spine. Her breath caught in her throat and she couldn't quench the small sound of desire as it flooded through her, melting her bones to mush.

  Cole’s arms tightened as a tremor went through him and his breathing grew rough.

  Desire sprung between them so fast Alyssa didn't have any defense against it. He could hardly hide it and she wasn't up for denying her own response. His excitement increased her own and she pressed against him, sighing in pleasure. Why did it have to feel so good in his arms? Her body felt soft and fluid, hot. Being held by him was not enough. She wanted … needed … more.

  Cole’s hand slid lightly across the skin of her bare back, sending shivers of delight racing everywhere. Alyssa caught her breath, moved restlessly against him and bit her lip in an effort to contain a moan. Needing to look at him, her head dropped back and she stared at him through half-closed eyes. She felt drugged, languid and yet excited and filled with adrenalin at the same time. They stared at each other for a long intense moment and she wondered how it was possible that this was happening. They hated each other.

  Alyssa’s hands moved as if no longer subject to her control and tangled in the soft hair at his nape. Her body pressed closer, retreated, pressed again. Cole made an unintelligible sound deep in his chest. The vibration of it sent another thrill through her, making her desire for him impossible to contain. Their movements became slower, more seductive. The air thickened between them. Cole moved his hand down to her hip and pulled her intimately against him. Alyssa’s strength drained, her bones no longer capable of maintaining her structure. She melted against him, knowing if he let go of her she would sink into a shapeless heap at his feet.

  More than anything she wanted another mind-boggling kiss. Her lips parted and her eyes dropped to his mouth. He was ready for a kiss, poised to accept it, his breathing getting deeper as he waited. Alyssa dragged her gaze from his tantalizing mouth to look into his captivating eyes. The moonlight reflected on their surface as he stared back at her with focused concentration. When she still hadn't made a move to close the space between them, he dropped his eyes to her mouth and she wet her lips with the tip of her tongue.

  Cole went still. “Alyssa.” He spoke her name barely above a whisper and he couldn’t have said anything more appropriate at that moment. It was her undoing, making her downfall complete. It had been a long time since he’d called her that.

  “Cole.” She could no more restrain herself from uttering his name than she could control the shudders that shook her. There was longing and need in her voice and she didn’t care. Besides, it was impossible to hide and she really needed his mouth to be on hers. Now. His head dipped. Alyssa’s breath hitched as anticipation thrummed through her. Hoping to move things along and end the wait, Alyssa closed her eyes and lifted her chin, her lips parting in preparation.

  “Oh dear, I’m so sorry.” Paul’s voice was like a splash of cold water, drenching their heated world back to reality.

  The spell broken, they sprung apart and Alyssa turned to see Paul beating a hasty retreat. Appalled that they'd been caught in such a situation, Alyssa called out to him. "Paul, wait!" Praying he'd comply with her impassioned request, she threw Cole a look that was sure to convey her confusion then rushed to join her friend. He looked so uncomfortable that she slipped an arm through his and pulled him along with her into the house, closing the door behind them and drawing him away from the hearing range of the other guests. "Paul..."

  “I’m so sorry, Alyssa. I was worried about you. I didn’t know Cole was with you.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” She bit her lip, wondering what she should say. How to explain? Lowering her voice to a hushed whisper, she attempted to try. “Paul, what you saw … I don’t know what that was about. We were dancing and … well …” She shrugged h
elplessly and stared at him with entreaty.

  “I told you the strength of feeling that flowed between you and Cole has to be something more powerful than hate. Have I not told you that given an opportunity, you may find an understanding of where those feelings were coming from?” Paul patted her arm and gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t look so distressed.”

  “But I can’t stand him, Paul.” How could it have happened? She did not want to be attracted to Cole. He would use it against her and make her powerless around him. “I don’t trust him.” Feeling close to tears, she wanted nothing more than to leave the party and go home. How was she supposed to face him again? What was he going to think of her now?

  “Come on.” Paul entwined his arm with hers and pulled her along with him, giving her hand a reassuring pat. “Let’s go mingle with your friends and forget about it for now.”

  Forget about it? Not in this century. But to give him credit, Paul kept her busy. He did not allow any time for her to think. “Just concentrate on Trisha and Jack,” he reminded her every now and then.

  It was good advice and she did her best to keep her attention on the newly engaged couple. It turned out to be something she could easily do for Cole had disappeared. Although she wondered where he had gone off to, she was grateful for his absence. Then she noticed that Serena was nowhere about either and that bothered her far more than she wanted it to.

  Dinner was set out buffet style and the twenty some guests, mostly all family though a couple of close friends were also included, were expected to utilize the seating areas scattered about the room. Paul and Alyssa sat on a window seat overlooking the back yard and enjoyed their meal in relative seclusion. There was still no sign of Cole or Serena and that went a long way towards ruining her appetite, making her pick at her food until Paul finally took it away.

  Toasts were given throughout the meal and Alyssa's head began to grow fuzzy and dizzy from all the alcohol she was consuming. Taking note of her condition, Paul went in search of coffee and kept her well supplied with the sobering beverage for their last hour there.


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