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Mason Page 14

by Lisa Helen Gray

  My fucking mother!

  “Really, and if it’s okay with you, can I meet Mason, the father?’’

  “Yes,’’ I grin, wiping my eyes, feeling excited for the first time in a long time.

  “Speaking of, we should get back,’’ Harlow says disappointingly.

  “What? Why? We just got here.’’

  “We’ve been here nearly two hours,’’ Harlow laughs and I’m shocked. The time has gone by quickly. “Malik texted and told me and said to get our asses back, that he needs to speak to us,’’ she shrugs, not meeting my eyes.

  I look at her warily and sigh. I know we need to go. Malik hates it when she ignores him and I don’t want to be on the listening end of them two making up.

  “Why don’t you come with us, Charles?’’ Nan asks, gathering her things.

  “I wouldn’t want to intrude.’’

  “No… No come. Mason will love to meet you,’’ I lie. I don’t know how Mason is going to react to all of this. When we collected my belongings he never stopped glaring towards my dad, cursing under his breath every two minutes.

  “I doubt that,’’ he chuckles, but grabs his coat anyway and follows us out to Nan’s car.

  Walking up to the house the place is quiet and I look over to Harlow, raising my eyebrows questioningly. “I thought you said they were here?’’ I ask.

  “That’s what they said,’’ she replies, not meeting my eyes again and I want to grab her face and demand her to tell me what the hell is up. Instead I ignore her blushing cheeks and unlock the front door. I barely make it a step inside the front room when a loud ring of ‘SURPRISE’ is shouted out from around the room.

  I gasp stepping back, bumping into Harlow. Tears spring to my eyes and I look around at the people filling the front room.

  Old woman Edna is here with Joan. Mark and all of the Carter brothers are here and a few other people from school. Banners and balloons are hung up around the room. Some in pink saying baby shower and some saying congratulations on the new pad. I laugh when I see them; knowing Max had some doing with the ‘new pad’ comment. Why he didn’t just write ‘new house’ is anyone’s guess; the kid really does think he’s a gangster.

  Mason’s face comes into view, and instead of the smile I presumed he’d have on his face, it’s scrunched up in a fierce glare.

  Before he can open his mouth and ruin the moment, I rush over to him and crush myself against him.

  “Thank you. Is this why you’ve been acting so strange?’’ I ask smiling.

  His face softens when he pulls away a little to look down at me.

  “Yeah babe,’’ he grins. “Why is your dad here?’’ His voice has lost its earlier softness and now has a hard, rugged edge to it.

  “Don’t,’’ I plead, grabbing the back of his neck and lowering his head so he’s eye level with me. “It’s a long story. Really long, but my dad… he’s a good guy, I swear to you. Please give him a chance.’’

  His face doesn’t soften at first and I begin to worry that there will always be a rift between the two, but then his face relaxes. It doesn’t soften, but he relaxes and in return I relax against him too.

  “I can’t promise much Denny, but I promise to give him a chance. The second he hurts you, I’m done and I’ll hurt him back,’’ he warns and I melt then and there, wondering how the hell I got so lucky to have him as mine. He would go as far as to hurt my dad just to get revenge on someone who made me sad. That is so freaking sweet, or completely wrong, but hey, I’m a woman and I want my Prince Charming to protect me.

  “Thank you,’’ I smile, reaching up to give him a peck on the kiss.

  Chapter Eleven

  The party is in full swing and after introducing Mason to my dad, the atmosphere in the room relaxes. It seems Mason wasn’t the only Carter brother to step in for my honour. All of them looked warily at my dad, until I walked over and assured them all that everything was good.

  We’re all waiting for Max to come back so we can open the food Joan happily prepared for the gathering. I’m about to ignore my manners and help myself when Max finally walks in. The whole room erupts with cheers and Max takes a bow before walking over to the breakfast bar where I’m currently standing waiting to eat.

  “Brownies?’’ I question irritated.

  “Yep, but you can’t have any either. We had to use raw egg or some shit with another ingredient that pregnant women can’t eat, so no touching,’’ he warns and I roll my eyes at him. Like I’m going to eat them, they look freaking disgusting and have none of the chocolate icing on them that I like.

  Helping myself to the food, I pile up my plate before making my way over to Mason who is sitting on the sofa talking to his Granddad. When Mark sees me he stands up to let me sit down.

  “No, it’s fine; you can sit there,’’ I tell him, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

  “Sit down Denny,’’ Mason orders and I shake my head ‘no’ in defiance.

  “Calm down, I’m going to get some of that lovely quiche before it’s all eaten,’’ Mark says, standing up and moving out of the way. I take his seat and turn to Mason.

  “Did you leave anything for the rest of us?’’ Mason questions, amusement in his voice.

  “Yes, but this is for you too. I didn’t think you’d go up until everyone had their share, so I got you some,’’ I wink and he grins big taking the egg mayo sandwich that he knows I can’t, and don’t eat.

  “I knew there was a reason I… wanted you,’’ he grins.

  “Yeah yeah,’’ I smile back, my heart beating like hell thinking about that one little pause in his sentence. My heart and brain were hoping he would say ‘love’ but the words never left his mouth.

  “We’re opening presents after, but first I want to show you your surprise.’’

  “My surprise?’’ I ask confused.

  “Yeah, your surprise. Well…it’s more for both of us, but more for you, kind of.’’

  “Oh God, you didn’t get a box of condoms did you? I think it’s a little late for that,’’ I giggle, but soon turns into a laugh when I see him blush.

  “No. Something much more needed,’’ he grins. “Plus, we won’t be using protection, I plan on getting you knocked up in another couple of years,’’ he winks, and I stop mid chew and stare dumbfounded at his comment.

  “I’m joking, Denny, breathe,’’ he laughs, and I send him what I hope is my scariest glare and carry on eating my cheese sandwich.

  This mama bear is hungry.

  His comment still lingers in the back of my mind half an hour later as he walks me up the stairs, everyone else slowly following behind.

  “Is this where things start to get kinky?’’ Joan whispers loudly and I choke, laughing.

  “Gram’s, please shush and stop talking dirty,’’ Harlow pleads making us all chuckle.

  “I like it one on one myself,’’ my own Nan replies and I groan out in embarrassment.

  “Nan, please take Harlow’s incredible advice and shush it.’’

  “Geeze, lighten up, it was a joke.’’

  I roll my eyes although I know she can’t see me as we make it to one of the spare bedroom doors.

  “What are we doing in here?’’ I ask Mason, looking at him curiously.

  “Don’t get mad, but this is the surprise. If you don’t like anything inside then we can change it. Okay?’’

  I nod my head ‘yes’, too frozen and nervous to speak as I watch him slowly open the door. I step inside, my mouth agape and my eyes opened wide.

  The medium sized room that was once piled with boxes and other materials and paint, is now painted a pale pink and purple with different coloured butterflies. Up on the farthest side of the room, against the wall, is a beautiful princess cot. The white pine wood with white netting above and pink bedding looks like every baby girls dream come true. Above the cot is a pattern of butterflies, which I stare at for a few seconds feeling like something is missing.

s where her name will be when we have a name for her,’’ Mason whispers into my ear. It’s then I notice everyone behind me is dead silent, even the two Nan’s who haven’t shut up for the past half an hour, are silent.

  I walk over to the chest of drawers sliding my fingers over the white wood and smiling at the soft teddy bears Mason has decorated the top with. On the other side of the room is a bookshelf, lined with various fairy tales fit for a princess. The place is absolutely magical.

  Sat by the window is a white rocking chair, a mini table by it’s side, and on the other is a changing table encasing it, making it look like a comfortable place to relax. I twirl around in the middle of the room feeling completely overwhelmed, until I lay my eyes upon Mason.

  He’s standing over by the door with everyone else, looking unsure of himself, and waiting patiently for my reaction. Ignoring everyone else, I walk over to him, feeling tears fill my eyes. I don’t waste any time wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my head into the crook of his shoulder and neck.

  “Thank you so much,’’ I whisper choked up.

  “So you like it?’’ he whispers back, his arms wrapped around me, holding me close. His warmth surrounds me like a blanket and I can’t help but hold onto him tighter.

  “I love it Mason. This is perfect. You’re perfect. Our girl is going to love this,’’ I tell him honestly, not realising what I said until it left my mouth.

  “You think I’m perfect?’’ he asks with a smirk when he pulls away from me a little.

  “I never meant that,’’ I tell him, punching him lightly in the arm where he rubs looking wounded.

  “Yeah, I’d believe you, but your eyes tell me different,’’ he smirks, his voice low and husky.

  I’m about to protest, to open my mouth, but my Nan walks in gushing over the room, everyone else following suit until Mason yells at them to get off the carpet if they’re wearing shoes. His serious expression has me giggling into the back of my hand, which only earns me a glare from him. His expression soon softens and he moves his head forward to mine, gently kissing me on the lips before pulling back slightly, his lips still only a breath away.

  “I’ll do anything to keep that smile on your face. Even if it means I have to redecorate our daughter’s bedroom again and again,’’ he tells me and the seriousness makes me giggle again, until he cuts it off with another kiss. The kiss lasts longer this time and just as we both become more frantic, hotter, both clinging to each other, Mason pulls away. A moan of disappointment leaves my mouth. We stand there, both breathing heavily. It’s then I notice we’re alone in the bedroom. I’d been so consumed with Mason that I didn’t hear anyone clear out of the room.

  I look up to Mason with wide eyes to find him looking down at me with the most intense expression that has me tightening my legs together.

  “I’m going to kill Max,’’ he grunts.

  “Um why?’’ wondering why he’s bringing Max up.

  “Everyone left because he told them to. Apparently getting a boner watching your brother make out isn’t a good thing,’’ he growls.

  “What did he say?’’ I laugh, not even bothered anymore about what he says. I’m so freaking used to him. I’m also glad I didn’t hear him say anything because I would never have lived it down.

  “He said, and I quote ‘Come on ladies and gents, before the rest of you get a boner like me. How uncomfortable would that be in a room full of family?’ before he got them all out.’’

  Bursting into a fit of laughter, I have to shove my face into his chest to try to muffle the sound. A few seconds later Mason is following, his chest shaking with laughter which only makes me laugh harder.

  Back downstairs chaos awaits us. We’ve not been gone long and all hell has broken loose.

  “I saw you eyeing my man up,’’ Joan yells, shoving my Nan with her index finger.

  “Oh please, I was not eyeing him up. Why would I with a room full of hot, young testosterone,’’ my Nan snaps back and I groan, leaning back into Mason’s hard, warm chest staring at what can only be called ‘a cluster-fuck’.

  “Like you stand a chance you hu-‘’

  “That’s enough now ladies, let’s enjoy the party and not fight over worthless men,’’ Charlie, our friend from school speaks up from the sofa.

  When had she arrived? Charlie used to be Kayla’s only other friend, the girl Davis raped, and when Charlie returned the last term of school after being away, her, Harlow and I began to hang out. How it happened is anyone’s guess.

  “Charlie sweetie, she keeps eyeing my man. If it’s not my man then it’s one of his boys,’’ Joan tells her, her eyes wide flickering between Mark and Nan. “Did you just wink at her?’’ she snaps at Mark, stomping over to him.

  “What? No! Of course not,’’ Mark defends heatedly.

  “You were,’’ Nan grins sending him a wink.

  He groans sitting in the chair before giving a helpless look to anyone in the room who was brave enough to make eye contact with him.

  “You’re such a coward, what, you can’t handle me in the bedroom anymore, so you need someone tamer?’’ Joan shouts, and everyone shuts up looking horrified at what they’re hearing.

  “Honey, this isn’t the time or the place to talk about this, so can we all calm down?’’ Mark tries again.

  “So you’re not looking at her?’’

  “I only have eyes for you…’’ he says sweetly.

  “Ewe, I don’t want eyes, I don’t need eyes. Why would you only have eyes for me? Have you forgotten that I love just getting a good ole fashioned box of chocolates and a bunch of flowers?’’

  “Romance is dead,’’ Nan remarks.

  “You’d think they’d use their initiative. In our day we never had Doodle, we only had our brains, but even with that they still don’t get it,’’ Joan remarks.

  “It’s Google honey,’’ Nan smiles. “I disagree. Google is like a woman honey, we have all the answers.’’

  “You saying I’m thick?’’ Joan asks warily and I mentally slap myself for not warning anyone about my Nan beforehand.

  “I feel like dancing, who wants to dance?’’ Charlie yells fist pumping the air, interrupting what I’m sure would be another Nan fight.

  “Ohhhh, I love a good dance,’’ Nan replies at the same time as Joan replies. “Let’s shake what our mama’s gave us.’’

  When she starts twirling her ass into a seductive hip curl, which I thought would be impossible given her age, but no, Joan has it covered perfectly.

  “Anyone else wish her mother taught her the whole ‘shake what ya momma gave ya’ bullshit expires at the age of thirty?’’ Myles whispers and Max grunts in agreement.

  “Oh, oh, I know, Charlie you can teach us how to twirl,’’ Nan claps excitedly.

  “Who gave them the loopy juice?’’ I whisper to Mason, ignoring Myles’s comment, otherwise I’d laugh and draw attention to myself.

  “Fuck knows,’’ he chuckles. “But I’m going to need to bleach my eyes out after this.’’

  “You and me both. You and me both,’’ I tell him, frowning at Charlie when she starts twirling.

  “That’s not twirling,’’ Nan scolds. “That girl doesn’t do it like that. You know the one… she humps a wrecking ball.’’

  “Oh, you mean twerking?’’ Charlie asks grinning.

  “That’s what I said,’’ Nan waves her off making me giggle.

  “I’m never going to un-see this. I’m never going to be able to look at either of them in the eye again. What happened to Grandma’s staying at home, watching black and white movies whilst knitting and making us tea and biscuits?’’ Max whines covering his face. “No, now we have to suffer with… with… I don’t even know what to call this,’’ he cries.

  “I hear you, brother.’’ Mason winces when Joan bends over, following Charlie’s instructions and starts shaking her ass.

  “Hey Denny, can I talk to you for a moment?’’ my dad asks looking pale, ma
king sure to avoid looking in Nan’s direction, which makes me smile. When he looks up, he notices Mason, his eyes looking weary and uncertain before locking with mine and softening, his eyes avoiding Mason’s behind me. I give him a gentle smile and nod my head to follow me into the kitchen so we can have some privacy. Mason follows and because I’m going to tell him whatever my dad wants to say, I don’t bother telling him to give us some privacy.

  I actually feel bad that I invited dad to the party, not that I knew there was going to be one, and left him alone all evening to defend for himself in a house full of escaped crazies.

  Honestly, read tomorrow’s headlines… Warning: Crazies on the loose. A mental hospital gets investigated when patients escape from the facility. These patients are unpredictable, but can be tamed with food and sex

  “What’s up?’’ I ask my dad once we step inside the kitchen.

  “I need to get going. The estate agent called when you were… um… upstairs.’’

  “Estate agent? You’re selling the house? Why? Where are you going to go? Why would you make up with me then leave me? I don’t understand,’’ I tell him, feeling tears fall from my cheeks and Mason’s hard chest at my back supporting me, his hands holding me at the waist.

  “Calm down, baby. I think you should go,’’ Mason demands in a hard voice; one that sends shivers down my spine. It’s deadly, quiet and holds so much warning.

  “You’ve got it wrong baby girl, I promise. I’m selling the house, but not moving away,’’ he tells me, pleading with me, his eyes holding so much pain and fear, my chest hurts. I jumped to conclusions. This could have been bad. Mason could have kicked him out and not let him have a chance to finish what he wanted to tell me. I’m such a hormonal idiot.

  “You’re not?’’ I whisper.

  “I’m not. I hate that house. Who needs an eight bedroom house when there was only ever three used really. We never needed that much space. So I’m going to buy one closer to town and a lot smaller. Maybe a two or a three bedroom house. Maybe we can make up the spare bedroom just for the baby,’’ he tells me, his eyes hopeful.

  The music in the front room grows louder and I give a look to Mason that isn’t happy. The adults are getting out of control and I need to put a stop to it before something gets broken. What has gotten into them God only knows. I’d think they were drunk, but we don’t have any beer in the house.


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