Book Read Free


Page 21

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “Now,’’ he says, clasping his hands together. “Where were we? Oh yes, your betrayal. You gave your witness statement against my brother after I so kindly gave you a warning, which is more than I gave the other one, he gestures, using his thumb to point behind him. I look around him but see nothing but darkness. He snickers when he sees the direction I’m looking in and it makes me want to vomit all over again. Something feels really wrong in this room. Something other than the fact I’ve been kidnapped.

  “You killed Hannah?’’ I squeak out, the picture of her lifeless body flashing through my mind, making me whimper.

  “Ahh, I see you took notice of the picture,’’ he chuckles, using his knuckles to lift my chin, but I brush him away, turning my head.

  “Don’t touch me,’’ I spit out. I cry out sharply when it earns me a backhanded slap across the cheek. My right cheek burns with fire and stings where the ring he’s wearing has cut into my cheek. The notion makes me feel sick and I have to focus on steadying my breathing before glaring back up at him.

  “I’ve already given my statement. What are you planning on achieving by kidnapping me, other than a prison sentence?’’

  He laughs loudly, leaning down to get in my face, his breath knocking me back with its foul odour and I have to swallow back bile that’s threatening to rise up my throat.

  “Oh, I have something much, much better than your statement. I’ve been watching you and your group of misfits for a long time,’’ he snarls and I scoff at the word misfits. He’s a delinquent, who has killed, kidnapped and God knows what else. “The girl, the girl fucking with my brother’s future, she’s going to help me.’’

  “Your brother’s future? He was going to rape an innocent girl, and not for the first time either. He’s done it before, but do you care?’’

  “No, bitch probably deserved it. From what I heard, the first one he raped would be her one and only experience, she’s that fucking ugly. He was doing her a favour breaking her in. Plus, it won me hundred quid him banging her,’’ he chuckles and bile rises in my throat.

  “You’re sick.’’

  He shrugs, not looking bothered one single bit, which makes me hate him even more.

  “Anyway, back to my plan. Harlow is going to retract her statement, stating that what my brother is saying, is in fact, the truth.’’

  “And what makes you think she will agree to that?’’ I snarl, venom hitching in my voice.

  “Oh, this is where you come in. I’m going to make sure she knows how you’ll end up if she doesn’t. Oh and, I’m not stupid, I’m going to want proof before releasing you,’’ he grins, thinking he’s got it all worked out already.

  “Let me go?’’ I ask, hoping filling my voice. “But my mom…you said-‘’

  He laughs loudly interrupting me and I cut my eyes into tiny slits. “I’m not really letting you go. I’m going to have my fun keeping you alive, to suffer, and if you don’t cooperate with me, then you’ll go the same way she did.’’

  “She?’’ I ask, wondering who the fuck he’s on about now.

  “Yeah, she,’’ he grins then gets up, moving to another lamp to turn it on. What I see will be forever burnt into my brain. I scream so loud that my throat feels red raw. I keep screaming and staring at the scene in front of me, praying it’s not real, but deep down, I know there is no way that the sight in front of me could be faked. My back is pressed hard against the wall and I begin to get hysterical.

  Another slap to my face has me heaving and I lean over as far away from the ratty mattress as I can and vomit all over the damp, burnt floor. The burnt wood startles me, and then hope seeps into my pores for the first time since waking up. I’m at the old Gunner’s house, no wonder there is hardly anything to the stairs. How ironic is it that he brings me here?

  “Please, please cover her back up,’’ I plead, crying out.

  “Pleasure honey, after all, the bitch fucking stinks,’’ he laughs then covers her back up with the dirty sheets.

  His phone rings, playing a new rap song and I want to roll my eyes, but after seeing Hannah’s dead, bloody body, I don’t want to provoke him.

  “Yeah? So the pussy phoned the police,’’ he laughs to whoever is on the other line. “You sure they’re all gone? Good. Send me the girl’s number, let’s get this going. I have shit to do,’’ he tells them before ending the call. Not seconds later a message alert tings.

  “Now, let’s get one thing straight, yeah. You’ll do as you’re told. I’m going to ring your little bitch of a friend, and you’re going to tell her to drop the charges. I don’t care what you have to do, just fucking do it. If you try anything… and I mean anything to alert them to where we are, I will fucking slice your throat open,’’ he growls, holding up a shiny, silver butcher knife that I saw him holding earlier. I nod my head, wiping tears from my now dirty smudged cheeks.

  He dials a number and I can hear it ring, just as he turns it around I get a glimpse of the screen and notice it’s on video call, not a normal call. Fuck!

  “Hello? Oh My God! Denny? Denny? Oh my God. Guys,’’ she screams and I hear footfalls stomping towards her, but whoever pushes her out of the way I don’t see because my eyes are filled with thick tears.

  “Shut the fuck up,’’ Carl roars, quickly putting the knife to my throat. I squeal completely startled, and fix my eyes on the screen and notice Harlow and Mason on the screen. Both expressions look pained, sad, and angry.

  “Are you okay, babe?’’ Mason asks, his voice sounding hoarse.

  I nod my head yes, too scared to speak, but then Carl pushes the knife sharper into my neck and I cry out.

  “Harlow, Harlow, I need you to… I need,’’ I cry out, not able to say the words. It’s not right.

  “Fucking speak to her now you bitch, or have you forgotten that I’ll slice your throat? Maybe I’ll cut that baby out of you first,’’ he sneers and I cry out, completely scared out of my mind. My whole body is quaking with fear, my body shaking uncontrollably now.

  “Harlow… I need you to go to the police and tell them what happened here was a lie. Say that you didn’t know how much trouble he would get in, please. I’m begging you,’’ I cry out and hope like hell I get out of here alive.

  “Times up, bitch. You have until tomorrow morning at nine to have the charges dropped otherwise she dies,’’ he snaps into the phone before ending the call.

  “Why are you doing this?’’ I cry.

  “Because you bitches deserve it.’’

  “Oh, so if your brother ass raped you, would that be okay too? Would that mean you deserved it? Can you hear how fucking stupid you sound? You’re asking a victim to drop the charges of attempted rape all because he’s your brother.’’

  “Shut your fucking mouth,’’ he growls, his fingers squeezing my cheeks together, the pain hurting me and no doubt already forming a bruise.

  “Why? Is it because I’m hitting a nerve?’’

  “The only nerve that is going to be hit in a minute is the one up your cunt if you don’t shut the fuck up,’’ he yells and I cower back against the wall, a small whimper escaping my lips.

  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

  I don’t know what time it is when I next wake up, all I know is my bladder is killing me. I’ve been dying for the toilet ever since I woke up the first time, but looking around I can’t see him having a clean toilet in the place.

  Bending forward to rub the pain away, it only makes the pressure on my bladder worse. It also wakes my princess up, and she pushes down hard onto my bladder and I’m ashamed to admit I leaked a little.

  “Carl?’’ I croak, my voice sore. “Carl?’’ I shout louder.

  “What?’’ he snaps walking down the steps.

  “I need the toilet,’’ I tell him, hoping he takes pity on me and not expect me to piss myself.

  “So fucking go, or do you need me to hold your hand, darling?’’

  “Can you release me? Take me to an actual
toilet?’’ I ask, holding up my tied hand.

  He laughs throwing his head back and I slump forward. I should have known he wouldn’t let me go to the toilet, or even a clean fucking bush.

  “There’s an old paint bucket right there darling.’’

  “I can’t piss in that, I’d never reach,’’ I tell him, standing up. My legs leave the mattress and they’re wobbly, I steady myself on the wall, but then squeal when I feel something crawl across my hand.

  “Not my problem,’’ he shrugs watching me with an amused expression.

  Noticing a plank of wood, I use it to try getting the bucket a little closer. After five minutes of manoeuvring I finally get the bucket close enough to hover above.

  “You can leave,’’ I tell Carl dryly.

  “Nah, this is the most you’ve done, and I’m gone in an hour,’’ he smirks and my stomach sinks. I’ve still not figured a way out of here, and now I’ve got an hour until he ends my life. Would he kill me before or after?

  “Can you turn around please?’’

  “Nah,’’ he smirks and I want to cry out. Arrogant jerk!

  I’d rather not go through an hour of pain or piss myself. I remove my cardigan using my teeth to keep it in front of me to cover my lady bits the best I can. Slowly, I slide my trousers and knickers down, but not far enough that if he tries something I can’t pull them back up.

  He’s watching me with amusement, but I take no notice. I still keep a close eye on him, watching in case he does make a move. If he’s raped Hannah, what the hell is he going to do to me?

  My cheeks redden as I take what seems to be the longest piss in the world and although I’m hovering over a bucket, I still manage to get it dripping down my leg. I shake off remains the best I can, but I don’t care. I feel dirty, used, violated, and disgusted in myself, so the quicker I’m dressed the better.

  The cold starts to bother me, so I put on my cardigan, once again closing it tightly around me. Carl laughs and I look at him with so much disgust.

  “I’m off to meet your fucking friend. I best scope out the place first just in case she decides to get the pigs involved. I’m glad I waited until now to tell them where to meet me with the proof. I want a signed statement stating the charges against my brother are false. Let’s hope the bitch cares enough to get you back.’’

  “I hope they arrest your ass. Then you can rot in jail with your brother,’’ I snarl, and he storms over pinning me up against the wall. His fingers feel like they’re squeezing in the same spot as he did before, it hurts that much. I cry out with pain and clench my eyes shut.

  “Yeah? Maybe I’ll let you fucking rot down here with that dead bitch. See who fucking suffers the most then, bitch. I’m going to kill you fucking slowly. I’ll make you scream so loud you’ll pass out. You’re going to regret fucking answering back to me,’’ he growls, spit flying in my face when he talks.

  “Drop dead,’’ I cry, hating the fact I’m showing enough to let him know I’m scared and he’s hurting me. My face is going numb, and my hands are itching to wipe the spit off my face.

  He shoves me harder into the wall and luckily I sort of prepared for it and made sure only my head and the top of my shoulders made impact, not wanting to cause harm to my unborn baby girl. When he’s gone I’ll try finding a way out, until then, I need him to think I’m stuck here.

  Which, I most likely will be if I don’t get out of these chains.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The night has gone so fucking slow; I don’t know how I’ve not managed to beat the ever loving shit out of someone.

  They arrested Vivian, Denny’s mom, not long ago and have had her in for questioning. She was found with Denny’s purse and phone, but so far the bitch isn’t talking. The only thing we know for a fact is she had Denny’s purse and phone, two suitcases full of clothes and a plane ticket out of the country.

  I’ve begged and pleaded to have five minutes alone with the woman, but the police won’t let me. I’ve never wanted to hurt a woman in all my life until now. It should scare the shit out of me; that this anger, this hate is boiling up inside of me to the point I’d actually follow through with strangling the life out of that woman. She’s supposed to be her fucking mother. I know I can’t be surprised, look at my own parents. But for Denny, she doesn’t deserve parents like that, especially not a mother who has put her life in danger.

  A phone rings in the background and I lift my head up, listening to see if it’s the police with more news.

  “Hello,’’ I hear Harlow answer, before her breath hitches. Even in another room I can hear the fear in her voice. “Oh My God! Denny? Denny? Oh my God. Guys,’’ she screams and I fly off the stool and into the front room, the rest of the boys behind me. I push Harlow out of the way, not really meaning to. I settle us both until we’re both staring in complete horror at the screen.

  “Shut the fuck up,’’ a male voice roars, and I watch as Harlow clicks record to tape the video chat. A knife shoots out, pressing against Denny’s throat and I go to grab it, before realising that I can’t.

  “No,’’ I whisper, feeling my eyes harden. I’m going to fucking obliterate whoever this fucker is. My heart aches not being able to hold her. She’s covered in dirt, her face looks red and her cheeks are bright red, tears coursing down them like a stream. I’d do anything right about now to save her, to trade positions.

  “Are you okay, babe?’’ I ask, wishing my voice didn’t sound so dry, so clogged up.

  She nods her head yes, fresh tears running down her face and the knife presses harder into her neck, a red line marking how much pressure he’s using and she cries out. Her cry has me stepping forward, and I cry out with frustration, running my hands through my hair.

  “Fuck baby, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay,’’ but she doesn’t hear me over her own cries.

  “Harlow, Harlow, I need you to… I need,’’ she cries out, her breath hitching like she’s struggling with what to say and that hurts more. Knowing he’s forcing her to say something she clearly doesn’t want to say.

  “Fucking speak to her now you bitch, or have you forgotten that I’ll slice your throat? Maybe I’ll cut that baby out of you first,’’ he sneers, and I make a growling sound, my fists clenching into tight fists. She looks so scared, so petrified, it’s killing me. My whole body is shaking with adrenaline and I wish the fucker was standing right in front of me.

  “Harlow… I need you to go to the police and tell them that what happened here was a lie. Say that you didn’t know how much trouble he would get in, please. I’m begging you,’’ she sobs, her eyes darting above the camera, to the camera then to somewhere in the room. For some reason it’s like she’s trying to tell us something.

  “Times up, bitch. You have until tomorrow morning at nine to have the charges dropped, otherwise she dies,’’ the voice snaps from behind the camera, not once does the pussy show his face.

  “What the fuck?’’ Maverick says, speaking first. The room has gone deadly silent and I move back, my eyes not blinking, my body locked up tight. My fist lifts with its own accord and all I can focus on right now is pain. Inflicting it, receiving it and needing it. I punch the kitchen door, the wood splintering and breaking around my knuckles, neither the pain nor blood are registering. No one tries to stop me, not even when I raise my bloody hand back up and punch it again.

  When I still don’t feel any better, I grab the nearest thing to me which happens to be a cup and throw it across the room, the sound of the smash not deterring me from grabbing another and doing the same.

  I feel glass crunch under my feet. I don’t know how much I’ve smashed or what I’ve broken, I just know it’s a hell of a lot, and no one tried to stop me. They obviously knew I needed this, needed to feel something other than pure rage and fear.

  I can’t lose her, I whisper in my head, the same mantra I’ve repeated to myself all night as my knees fall to the floor in a heap, the glass crunching un
der my weight.

  “Call the police, get them here, tell them that Denny has made contact and who has her,’’ I hear my big brother tell someone. His words are background noise to me. That is until I repeat in my head what he said, then I stand up, getting in his face.

  “Who the fuck has her?’’ I yell, standing toe to toe with my brother.

  “Calm down bro, we’ll get her. I recognized the voice as Carl, Carl Davis. This just makes sense. The only thing that doesn’t make any sense is why her mother has her stuff.’’

  “Probably sold her out, the sick fucking bitch,’’ Max growls, looking as pissed as I am.

  “Let’s go then. We know where the fucker lives,’’ I tell them, feeling hope flare in my veins.

  “No, don’t,’’ Harlow shouts rushing back into the room. “He just sent me a text message saying no police. If we do…,’’ she chokes out, not able to tell us the rest. Malik gently takes the phone off her, reads the message, then his hard eyes look back up at mine. It’s then I know that it’s something seriously sick.

  I grab the phone from his hand before Mav has a chance to stop me. He’s standing close behind me, reading the message himself from over my shoulder.

  Unknown number: No police. If I even get a whiff of a pig, you’ll be receiving your child in a box… oh and make sure the bitch brings a signed statement. I’ll text you in a few hours where to meet. If the bitch doesn’t bring me what I want then you’ll never find the bitch or the baby again. As soon as I have what I want, I’ll tell you where I have her.

  “I’m going to fucking kill him and his fucked up brother,’’ I growl. “This is why I pushed her away. I can’t fucking protect her; I’m fucking useless like dad always said I was. Only ever good enough for one thing,’’ I snarl, pacing along the kitchen. Everyone stares at me, but I don’t care; I just fucking need her back. “You all told me to give it a chance, that it will be worth it, but look at her now. She’s hurt, scared out of her fucking mind and the sick bastard is threatening to kill our baby,’’ I shout out, throwing another punch to the kitchen cabinet.


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