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The Boyfriend Arrangement: A Fake Marriage Romance

Page 51

by Lara Swann

  Cora noticed us first as we approached, turning and exclaiming - her focus on the son she’d desperately wanted at her wedding.

  “Seth! You made it! I’m so sorry you didn’t get to see—”

  “I saw, Mom. I was there - you looked beautiful. I just didn’t want to make a scene because I was a few minutes late.”

  I wasn’t entirely sure the latter was exactly the reason, but I couldn’t help the smile as her face flushed with pleasure and she beamed at us.

  My father was a little more observant, his mouth tightening as he saw the way we were standing together.

  This is it.

  I spoke before he could say anything.

  “Father, Cora - it’s been a wonderful day, and we don’t want to change that at all. But Seth and I love each other - we’re together. We have been for a long time now, and we don’t want to give that up because of your marriage. I really hope that doesn’t cause too much difficulty for your—”

  “Really, Annabelle? Did nothing we spoke about get through to you?”

  My father’s voice was quiet but severe and his gaze hardened as he looked at me.

  Seth tensed beside me, but however much he might have wanted it, this wasn’t his fight, and I squeezed his hand.

  “It did, dad. Honestly, it did. But it made me realize how much I wanted it - I want that kind of crazy, all intense, passionate love you shared with Mom. I’d rather have it and risk losing it than reject it outright.”

  He shook his head sharply, his eyes refusing to accept what I was saying.

  “You don’t know what you’re doing Bella - to me, or yourself. On my wedding day. If you leave, I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive you.”

  My gut twisted, but I’d expected it. My father had never really heard a word I’d said - just because I’d started listening to myself, didn’t mean I thought he would.

  I nodded as I spoke quietly.

  “If I don’t, I’ll never forgive myself.”

  There was no point arguing about it. Instead, I stepped forward and them both tightly as I spoke.

  “I love you, dad. I don’t think we say that enough, and I want you to know. And I’m glad you’re my new step-mom, Cora.”

  I could sense Seth’s surprise behind me, but whatever our misgivings about their relationship, it was for them to decide.

  Tonight, they looked happy, and if there was anything that all of this had taught me, it was not to assume what was best for others.

  I stepped back and took his hand again, smiling even as the emotions of the moment overtook me.

  “This is about love. Nothing else. I hope you both understand that, and I hope you have a wonderful honeymoon. We probably won’t be here when you get back, but I’ll always pick up the phone. And I hope, when you get back, you’ll want to call.”

  They didn’t say anything - Cora seeming stunned, and my father…well, who knew what my father thought - and we didn’t wait around to debate it further. I’d said what I’d come to say, and I wasn’t going to wait to be disappointed.

  We left as we’d come, hand in hand and heading to the car park this time as I took a few deep breaths.

  Seth squeezed my hand before putting his arm around me and pulling me close.

  “I love you. And I’m so fucking proud of you, Bella.”

  I leaned my head against his shoulder as we walked, taking strength and comfort in his powerful presence.

  “Do you think—”

  I couldn’t help the question, and Seth squeezed me tighter, kissing my temple.

  “Yes. I can’t imagine anyone being willing to lose you, baby. He’ll call.”

  I smiled lightly, my heart skipping a beat as I put the worry about my father out of my mind.

  It hurt like hell to leave him there like that, but even if he never called…I’d rather make my own family with Seth than live constrained by the one my father thought best for me.

  I paused as we reached the truck and Seth pinned me against the door again, his hard body pressing against me while he took his time showing me just how much tonight meant to him.

  The kiss overwhelmed me and I gave everything to it - everything to him.


  “Where are we going to go?”

  I had a few ideas in mind, but we hadn’t exactly had time to think or talk about it.

  Instead, Seth just grinned at me with that provocative, arrogant smile and kissed me again.




  I dropped my bags at the guest house and changed quickly, more interested in heading down to the private beach.

  This was meant to be one of the best places in Southern California, and I wasn’t waiting for Kaylee to arrive when there was a whole Laguna to explore. Besides, she was late - as always.

  My mouth curved into a smile at that, my heart light as I headed down the rustic steps.

  It had taken us a little while to make up after what I’d termed her betrayal. She, of course, hadn’t seen it that way, and eventually I’d come around to agreeing with her. I would have preferred to talk to my father on my own terms, but as she’d rather bluntly put it - I probably couldn’t be sure that would have happened. Still didn’t stop me calling it that, but at least now we were laughing and joking again together.

  Which was a good thing really, since she’d been a godsend when Seth was deployed.

  It had been almost a year since he’d gone, and I ached for him every day, but the knowledge he was out there - fighting for me, to come home to me, kept me going with a bright fire burning inside.

  That was probably half the reason she’d suggested this trip - she still knew how to take care of me, even if I was independent and living my own life now.

  The wind off the sea wrapped around me and I grinned at tinge of salt in the air, inhaling deeply and letting it relax me as I wandered down and finally broke the crest of the rise that blocked my view of endless white sands and crashing waves.

  Then I stopped, frozen as I stared at the figure standing there in the small bay the water made.

  That wasn’t Kaylee.

  He turned to look at me and I screamed, running down the rise at full pelt, everything within me exploding at the sight.

  God. Fuck. Ohh, damn.

  His face flickered with laughter as I barreled into him, his body absorbing the impact easily as his arms wrapped around me and squeezed tighter than I thought possible.

  “Seth. Oh god. Damn. Fuck. You didn’t tell me…”

  Then he was kissing me and all the thoughts left my mind, the two of us all over each other as we couldn’t touch and feel and taste enough. Every part of my body tried to meld with and touch his, my heart racing as our tongues twisted and devoured each other.

  Oh god oh god oh god.

  “Seth. Seth….Seth…fuck.”

  He laughed roughly under me, his hands touching and exploring every aching, waiting part of my body.

  Please god, oh fuck…

  I jumped up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he held me easily, his thick body supporting me while I tried to look and take in every part of him at the same time as touching and covering him with kisses. He was trying to do the same and it was impossible, the desire raging through both of us all-consuming as we tried to make up for all the lost time.

  “You’re back? Are you back? Tell me you’re back.”

  He laughed again, catching my hair and holding my head back to look into my eyes with his own beautiful gray gaze.

  “I’m back, baby. I’m back.”

  “You fucking asshole - you didn’t tell me!”

  The words were a laughter, a light breath as I kissed him again, moaning and complaining and feeling every part of him around me. His eyes were almost innocent when he looked up at me.

  “I thought you liked surprises. Big gestures. That kind of thing.”


  I muttered it again, but couldn’t stop touching him. That
was obviously mutual, and his hands slid to his belt, undoing it with the same deft ease he showed in everything.


  “It’s a private beach, baby.”

  I was longing for him, wasn’t sure I could even think until we did this, my pussy soaking and waiting for him as it had been for so long, but still…

  “For all the guests.”

  “There are no other guests.”


  His mouth nibbled and licked at my neck and I moaned.

  I had no idea how he knew that, but I didn’t care anymore. His hand rearranged my skirt around him and pushed aside the thong I was wearing, my entire body seizing as his rough finger stroked past my entrance.

  “Oh god, Seth…”

  “I need you, baby. I’ve thought of nothing else, all the time I was gone. I fucking need this.”

  “Me too. Fuck, Seth, I want you.”

  He pushed into me a moment later, lowering me easily onto his hard length and then everything was finally complete and right in the world.

  The best dildos and vibrators in the world couldn’t compare to this. To his hot, pulsing cock inside me, surging and thrusting with the strength only a Navy SEAL could offer.

  I was already so wet and desperate for him, and every touch and kiss set my body on fire as I moaned and cried out with abandon, letting him drive us further and further towards that edge.

  “You’re mine, Bella. You’re…fucking…mine.”

  Faster than I would have believed possible, we were both there, and I clenched hard around him as he pushed past that sweet, fierce climax, all the need of the last ten months exploding within us. His cock pulsed hard and I felt the hot seed spread through me as I gasped and tried to catch my breath, his strong arms still holding me with no obvious effort, and my legs unwilling to abandon their death-grip around his waist.

  The way the heat and need was coiling within me, I wasn’t even sure what I felt was precisely relief…it felt like I wanted it again. And again. And again.

  It felt like I’d never get enough of him, not if he was here attached to me every moment of every day.

  And since he wasn’t…we had so much to catch up on.

  But he lowered my legs down and took me back into his arms, holding me close as we murmured how much we’d missed each other. I accepted the brief reprieve, but hoped it was going to be just that - brief.

  “So how was it, baby? Were you okay?”

  It was an impossible question.

  How had missing him for the last ten months been?

  Terrible. Impossible. Completely infuriating. I’d missed him every moment of every day, with an ache that had never subsided.

  But at the same time, I’d survived. It had been fine. I’d laughed and lived and had fun. And every moment with him now was taking the difficulty and the pain away, until it already felt like a distant memory. Like he’d always been here. Always would be here.

  “I thought about you the whole time, every day…I missed you more than life itself. But…it was okay, baby.”

  He smiled at me and nodded, kissing me again.

  “I wanted nothing more than to come home to you. The whole time. They always said…the other guys - they always said what drives you is the thought of home. I never really understood that until I met you. My home. I’m back, baby. And I’m going to show you everything I thought about while I was gone.”

  The lust and depth of his tone made me shudder as I pressed against him, kissing and nibbling at his neck, inhaling that beautiful masculine scent as I finally relaxed against him.

  “Becky and the others helped a lot. And Ryan came home, Seth. Five months ago—”

  “I know, baby. I was so relieved. Are they okay?”

  I laughed, thinking of Becky’s reaction, but nodded.

  “They are - she threatened to chain him to her bed for the rest of time, but they’re happy. The kids escaped the worst of it, too.”

  He chuckled, eyes dancing.

  “I imagine he didn’t object too much to that idea.”

  I slapped his chest lightly, then squeezed him again.

  “You’re back. You’re real.”

  “I didn’t just prove that to you?”

  His raised eyebrow had me looking archly at him.

  “I don’t know, Seth - maybe you’ll have to try again.”

  He grinned and swept me up in another kiss that left me breathless, before looking seriously at me again.

  “It was really okay?”

  Scowling, I poked him and nipped at his lips briefly.

  “It was fine, baby. Actually gave me a chance to focus on work for once. And I got an offer - they want me back after the internship ends!”

  He squeezed me tight again, crushing me to him in a way I never wanted to end. I felt on top of the earth.

  I had everything I’d ever wanted - the beginnings of a successful career, and a home with the fiercest Navy SEAL I knew.

  The one who set my heart alight and my body on fire just from being around me. Who drove me crazy with lust and need and unrepentant teasing.

  The one with a sweeter side than he let on.

  It was perfect.

  “I even made up with my father, you know.”

  He stepped back again, tilting his head as he tried to take in my expression, but there was nothing there to worry about. Things were good.

  “He apologized, actually. Took him a damn long time to do it, but he did. Claimed he wasn’t sure he could be happy about what we were doing, but that he remembered a time when he would have done the same. Time is a useful thing, I guess. And after I stopped listening so carefully to him, it turns out he finally started hearing me.”

  He’d stayed away for a while - both of them had as Cora followed his lead and brandished her own upset at the way we’d walked out on her big day. But interestingly, the moment Seth had been deployed, she’d been the one to call - long before my father was ready.

  I think she cared more than Seth knew, and though her marriage to my father didn’t sound entirely stable, I couldn’t help hoping that regardless of what happened between them, maybe at least her relationship with her son could be rebuilt.

  Those familiar thoughts disappeared a moment later as I noticed the happiness and pride sweeping across Seth’s face, making me happier than I could have ever imagined.

  “Well, it looks like you have everything sorted without me then. Maybe I should go away more—”

  “Don’t you fucking dare!”

  I kissed him before he could finish the sentence, pulling him to me with a hard insistence.

  When we finally broke the kiss, he chuckled again, his eyes alight with laughter and…something more.

  A smile spread across his face, the same cocky one I’d always hated adoring, but with a lightness behind it that made my heart skip.

  “Glad you feel that way, baby.”

  And then before I could work out what was happening, he was down on one knee, his large hand flicking open a ring case.

  “Because I want to make you mine forever. I love you, Bella. My Belle. I always have, and I’m never going to let you go. Marry me.”

  The last was more demand than question, but that only made my heart beat faster as I took in the sparkling diamond-and-emerald ring.

  Everything inside me exploded with happiness and desire and want.

  I opened my mouth to reply but the only thing that came out was a small scream as I launched myself at him, wrapping around that thick, ripped body as I kissed him all over, again.

  “Yes…god, yes…oh damn, yes…”

  He was laughing as he kissed me back, his arms around me once again until I finally calmed down - physically, at least - enough for him to slide the ring onto my finger. He closed his hands around it as he looked at me.

  “My Bella. Always.”

  I nodded and tucked myself back into his body, letting his arms hold me as we kissed for what felt like forever.


  About the Author

  Lara Swann writes hot, sexy romance with a touch of humor and a lot of passion. She has a thing for wounded alpha heroes and the fiery women who steal their hearts.

  Her relationships are funny, sexy and spicy, and she gets as many thrills in pitting her characters against each other as she does when they eventually come together in an explosion of heat.

  When she isn’t living in one of her many fantasy worlds, she attempts to focus on her respectable day job in a large, too-expensive city and dreams of a lake house in the country.




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